I Honor

Chapter 246

Fifty-ninth Turning Hands into Clouds and Hands into Rain

“Well, it’s not necessary,” Tang Qiye questioned a little stammeringly.

From Meng Qi’s fierce and heart-stopping knife, he had a feeling of being suppressed. After uncovering his mask, summoning his clansmen, and agitating the crowd, he didn’t know what to do when facing Meng Qi. Unconsciously, he lowered his head, as if he was the real head of the family, the majestic person who controlled the situation.

Without waiting for Second Master Tang to speak, Meng Qi said indifferently and sternly: “If there is no punishment, if you don’t implicate your relatives once you leave, isn’t it encouraging everyone to disobey the Patriarch’s order and betray the interests of the family? Your answer is yes, then I will go out immediately and go to Yedu to kill some Wang’s children.”

Among the clansmen, the head of the family all shouted loudly:

“Yes, what the second young master said”

“The second young master is right. How can you accept the family’s blessing and enjoy the family’s resources, but act recklessly and put the family in danger?”

“If Tang Shu is not punished, and his relatives are punished, I think this family will be broken up.”

There are many positions of real power in the family. After Second Master Tang takes over the power of the family, even if he will win over the influence of the eldest family, he still has his own confidantes who need to be placed. Therefore, it is inevitable that a large number of clan members who are attached to the eldest family will lose their interests or feel that they will be left out in the future. It was the time when they were full of complaints or apprehensions but could not form a joint force because they had no backbone. As soon as they saw the eldest son and second young master come back, and the eldest house’s own people came back, of course they became bold and aggressive, eager to grab back what they lost immediately.

Without harming their own interests, they almost completely agreed with Meng Qi’s words.

On such an occasion, once more than ten people clamor and agree, the atmosphere will be aroused, and there are more than ten people in the long room and other rooms who are willing to support the eldest son.

There was a burst of sound, Tang Shu’s relatives turned pale, and looked at Second Master Tang and Seventh Master Tang with pleading eyes.

Under the excitement of the crowd, Second Master Tang understood that if he didn’t tell a reason, he would forcibly use his power to suppress him. Or tearing up the face and forcibly suppressing it with his hands, as long as Tang Jing raised his arms, he could immediately turn himself into a “substitute head” who was alone and alone. There are only a few confidantes who can command and move, and the elders, guest officials, and elders who are recruited will definitely look at the limelight first

After all, they are all members of their own family. When fighting for power and profit, they can’t wait for the other party to die, but if they really kill each other on a large scale, who would hesitate?

What’s more important is that Tang Jing’s swordsmanship is astonishing and unfathomable. The previous knife seems to be pressing on his heart, making him scruples and wandering

“How do you want to punish?” Second Master Tang decided to listen to Meng Qi’s opinion first. If it’s not serious, just let him go.

Meng Qi looked around at the crowd, signaled for everyone to be quiet, and said in a deep voice: “Tang Shu’s relatives, those who are not directly related will deduct half a year’s monthly payment, medicinal materials, and elixir. Those directly related will be abolished in martial arts and sent to Zhuangzi to do chores.”

Huh, the sound of gasping for breath keeps coming one after another, this punishment is too heavy

“It’s too heavy,” Second Master Tang said with a bit of a toothache.

Meng Qi’s expression was grim: “It’s important to be serious. This time Uncle Wu and Tang Shu’s reckless actions put our Tang family at a critical point of life and death. Not being serious is not enough to warn future generations.”

“Second Young Master is right”

“Should be severely punished”

Tang Shu is an elder, and he is not a kind person. Normally, there would always be some grievances accumulated, but at this time, all of them broke out, and with the support of the Changfang forces, the momentum was quite astonishing.

The Power of the Crowd Meng Qi laughed secretly, glanced at them, and then at Second Master Tang, Tang Side.

Second Master Tang pondered and said: “Uncle Shu has not returned home yet. Maybe he has some difficulties, maybe the purpose is to benefit the Tang family. Isn’t it inappropriate not to listen to his excuses and punish him hastily?”

After continuous enthusiasm. After the domineering strike before, he unknowingly had discussions with Meng Qi, and it even felt like he was making up his mind.

“If he doesn’t come back for the rest of his life, we won’t punish him all the time. In the future, when the Huanhua Sword Sect and Zhoujun Wang Clan use our family as their battlefield, shall we make them wait for Tang Shu to return?” Meng Qi said coldly, there is no Call me Grandpa Shu.

Without waiting for anything else to say, Meng Qi raised his head slightly, and made a decision with the attitude of the head of the family: “Second Uncle, I am not an unreasonable person, so I can make a compromise.”Next, release the punishment message, and it will be executed tomorrow. If Tang Shu has any difficulties, he will return before dawn, and explain it in front of the ancestors and clansmen in the ancestral hall.”

After he became taller, he actually had a sense of majesty and toughness. With his stern face and domineering aura, Tang Mingyue’s beautiful eyes gleamed. He couldn’t believe that his brother who used to be a puddle of mud now makes people feel heartbroken. He is not the head of the family. Better than the head of the house

In terms of emotion and reason, public and private, Meng Qi’s decision can’t be faulted. Second Master Tang mused, “If it’s a secret, it’s easy to leak the news in front of everyone, why don’t you just explain it to us?”

“So, no matter what Tang Shu said, you think it’s good for the Tang family anyway, we won’t know anyway,” Meng Qi asked forcefully.

Tang Mingyue winked at the close elders and asked them to speak up.

“Yes, who knows if you are in the same group? We only believe in the second young master. The second young master is the son of the eldest son and the future head of the family. We believe what he says.” Anyone who is not stupid can understand Tang Mingyue’s meaning.

“If you want to explain, explain it to the second young master. He said that Tang Shu can be forgiven, and we will accept it.”

“Okay.” Second Master Tang snorted, “Tang Shuruo will explain in front of me, my seventh brother and nephew Jing when you come back.”

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Meng Qi secretly laughed, and said solemnly:

“I will wait for Tang Shu at Guanlan Hall.”

Guanlan Hall, the place where the ancestors of the Tang family used to learn swords after setting up their family business in the past, is the second most important place of the Tang family after the ancestral hall of the ancestors.

Meng Qi knew where the most important buildings of the Tang family were from the information of the Huanhua Sword Sect.

The matter was settled, and it wasn’t until this moment that Tang Erye and Tang Qiye secretly realized that something was wrong, how did they make Tang Xiaoer look like the head of the family just now, and the two of them were just obsequious, almost begging

This is the magical effect of momentum and crowds. Meng Qi thought with contempt for them, a little complacently.

“One more thing.” Just as Tang Erye and Tang Qiye were reflecting on their attitude just now, Meng Qi spoke again.

“Second Uncle, you have only been in charge of the head of the family for more than half a month, why have all the key positions become your confidantes, all the elders and stewards before, what is wrong with being suppressed by you like this?” Meng Qi’s words were like his sword skills, swift and fierce overbearing.

With a bang, the noise in the ancestral hall of the Tang family seemed to erupt, and the clansmen attached to the long house were ecstatic and excited. The second young master is going to protect himself and others so soon

Worthy of being the eldest son

Tang Erye’s confidantes and vassals protested, feeling uneasy; Tang Qiye’s confidantes, and other people in the house, looked at them as if they were watching a show.

Second Master Tang was shocked and angry: “Tang Xiaoer, what do you mean?”

Meng Qi walked towards him step by step, giving him the feeling that his body had grown bigger and Mount Tai was overwhelmed, and his momentum was overwhelming.

“If there is a mistake, tell it in front of the ancestors and the clansmen, let us be convinced”

“If you can’t tell, it’s second uncle, you are bullying others, disregarding public and private interests, acting recklessly, and have no tolerance for others”

“You are only acting as the head of the family. If you are not the head of the family, you dare to do so. If you are really the head of the family, how will you let me wait?”

Following his questioning, the head of the house became more and more emotional. The ancestral ancestral hall was full of words denouncing Second Master Tang, which made Meng Qi seem to represent the whole family.

These questionings made Second Master Tang’s face turn pale, and his right hand trembled in anger, pointing at Meng Qi tremblingly: “Tang Xiaoer, you, you want to seize power, don’t forget. You haven’t done the blood test yet.”

“Second Uncle, I have a man who keeps his word and is also patient.” Meng Qi looked at the beam with his hands behind his back, “I just feel that you are not capable of acting as the head of the family. I hope that Seventh Uncle host.”


A cry of exclamation sounded in the ancestral hall. Not only Tang Erye couldn’t figure it out, even Tang Qiye couldn’t figure it out, how could it be his own head

What does Tang Xiaoer want to do?

His way of doing things is like his knife skills, unfathomable

Meng Qi turned to look at Tang Qiye, with a faint smile on his face: “Uncle Seven, I think you will be more fair than Uncle Second.”

The influence of the elder room immediately understood, and began to go along with Meng Qi. With the lessons learned by Tang Erye, Tang Qiye must take care of himself and others when he adjusts his rights. , Thirteenth Master, etc., it’s not that he is the only one, and Tang Qiye’s confidantes and other people in the house also sensed the opportunity, clamoring and expressing their approval of Meng Qi’s proposal, only Tang Erye’s confidantes were ashamed.

Seeing that the power was in Tang Qiye’s hands and Meng Qi had not snatched it, the other elders thought it was acceptable and nodded slightly.

The situation is stronger than others, Second Master Tang looked at Qi Master Tang with a pale face: “Seventh Brother, I will leave this matter to you.”

Tang Qiye forcibly suppressed the surprise: “My younger brother, I’d rather be respectful than obedient.”

Looking at Second Master Tang’s expression of secret resentment and the joy in the corners of Qiye Tang’s brows, Meng Qi confirmed a guess that they didn’t fight before, but someone made up for Qiye Tang’s loss with other benefits. Can you refuse when someone comes to your door?

Don’t say whether you are willing or not, if you refuse, your heart will be chilled

At the same time, Meng Qi became more and more certain that they were sure that their “eldest son” would not be able to inherit the position of Patriarch.After that, Tang Qiye completed the adjustment of rights in the ancestral ancestral hall, and everyone was happy except for Tang Erye.

But in this way, Meng Qi, relying on his strength in two consecutive matters, relying on his arrogance to replace the acting head of the family with a single word, and relying on the support shown by the power of the long house and other forces, in the hearts of the Tang family, there is no name of the head of the family, but there is a head of the family. fact

Meng Qi mentioned Xie Jie, left the ancestral hall, and walked towards Guanlan Hall, Tang Mingyue followed.

“Jiumei, prepare a set of white robes for me, and please bear with me, Grandpa.” Meng Qi said suddenly.

“Ah, why do you need a white robe?” Tang Mingyue was a little puzzled.

Because he is handsome, because he is unrestrained and unrestrained Meng Qi said with a serious face: “In order to create momentum, clear mind and pure mind.”

“Why build momentum?” Tang Mingyue wondered.

Meng Qi raised his head and looked at the fiery red in the evening: “Tang Shu will come to Guanlan Hall tonight, I have to prepare in advance to suppress him in terms of momentum.”

“Oh.” Tang Mingyue suddenly realized.

Meng Qi stroked the handle of the knife with his right hand, and added in a calm voice:

“And kill him.”


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