I Honor

Chapter 259

Telling a Story

abababab He Mu glanced at Meng Qi, and said sullenly, “Mr. Su, don’t you think I’m not sad enough? Besides, you don’t understand.”

While he was speaking, abababab stretched out his right hand from behind and picked up the wooden sword on the ground, his brows were slightly frowned, he was extremely puzzled and brooding over why he always lost to the fifth senior brother today, and he was so depressed that he couldn’t get rid of it.

abababab “For the first time, I used a move of a thousand sails, and the fifth brother dealt with Gu Fan Yuanying. When I changed my move into a blue sea and a blue sky, he picked up the bright moon on the sea, Hit the back of my hand, he didn’t change his moves so cleverly before.” He Mu danced his sword to himself, describing today’s martial arts competition.

abababab he didn’t attach importance to Meng Qi’s opinion, but just expressed his inner grievances, reviewed the battle, found out the problems, and strived to win tomorrow, so as not to disappoint the owner and master.

abababab Meng Qi rolled up “Heavenly Questions” into a tube, tapped his palms lightly, and when He Mu finished practicing, he laughed and said, “I heard that the martial arts competition is approaching. It’s normal for your fifth senior brother to ask a master for advice, can’t you?” Always look at him with old eyes.”

abababab “That’s right” He Mu suddenly said, “Fifth Senior Brother’s father is a businessman and quite rich, so he must have hired a master to guide him.”

abababab said, his head was lowered, his expression was depressed, his parents worked hard every day, and they could only support him to practice martial arts in the martial arts gym, and he had no money left, so he asked the experts for advice on what to get. no chance at all

abababab So, he is very grateful to the curator He, he doesn’t want him to be disappointed, and he also wants to get ahead early and support himself, so that his parents are not always so tired.

abababab this time the martial arts competition is an opportunity, but I can’t see any hope

abababab Meng Qi said with a teasing smile: “You can ask me for advice, I’m a master, really a master”

abababab He Mu looked up at Meng Qi listlessly, and saw that he had a broad robe with big sleeves and was well-mannered, with a feeling of poetry and bookishness in his stomach, and said with a wry smile, “Mr. Su, don’t make fun of me.”

abababab I see on weekdays that Mr. Su seldom goes out, he is one of the rare scholars who can keep his impetuousness, he does things smoothly, although he is idle, but he is extremely hardworking, if there is a problem with writing, it is always okay to ask him She has a bright smile, is easy-going and fun, and loves food. She often walks through the streets and alleys, and her life always reminds me of the poem “picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and seeing Nanshan leisurely”.

abababab But what I encounter is not questions, but martial arts, Mr. Su is not too old, even if there are six Confucian arts, he is at most just getting started.

abababab “You can try a thousand sails on the sea and then meet the bright moon on the sea.” Meng Qi said with a smile.

abababab He Mu was even more helpless: “Mr. Su, how can I answer this?”

Abababab is really a nerd with no martial arts background, “A Thousand Sails of the Sea” is a move that swings forward and shakes up and down to evolve the shadow of the sail, but “Moon on the Sea” hits it from a height, how can this be followed?

abababab “Is there anything that can’t be picked up? When you swing horizontally, the last sail that evolves can be higher and bigger, covering the sky and covering the sun, so the moon breaks through the shadow of the sail and shines into the sea.” Meng Qi described the two moves in a simplified way. connection between.

abababab “Higher, bigger, covering the sky, covering the sun, the moon, breaking the sails and shadows” He Mushu didn’t read much, so it was a bit difficult to understand, but Meng Qi’s description was very vivid, he finally grasped the key point, swung the wooden sword, thousands of sails raced , the shadow of the sail is getting bigger and bigger, gradually covering the blue sky, and then the moon rises in the middle of the sky, bright and clean, cool and shining.

abababab “This, this is really acceptable, but how can Cang Hai Qianfan change it like this Master He will hit the palm of your hand” Master He asked his younger brother to follow the norms in every move and style without any mistakes, so He Mu couldn’t accept it for a while.

abababab Meng Qi smiled and said, “Why can’t we tell the story from the perspective of the story? It’s completely reasonable.”

abababab “So, the story” He Mu looked at Meng Qi dumbfounded, what does the sword technique have to do with the story?

abababab Meng Qi looked around and saw that there was no one else, so he smiled narrowly and said: “In my opinion, swordsmanship and stories are essentially the same. If the fan shadow is getting bigger and bigger, it can naturally be connected to the blue sky and the bright moon, and there is no need to stick to the original story structure.”

abababab “This, how can this be the same?” He Mu had never heard of this theory, so he couldn’t accept it.

abababab Meng Qi put his hands behind his back, and said with a half-smile: “Competing with people with swordsmanship is often telling a story to the other party. There is a beginning, a process, changes, traps, turning points, and an end.”

abababab “There are two types of people who use swordsmanship to tell stories. One is to prevent the other party from guessing the follow-up plot, because from the perspective of the story, it will lose its appeal. From the perspective of swordsmanship, it means failure. The other is to deliberately tell a near-true story to make the opponent completely believe it, and then reverse it at the key point, shocking everyone, and ending. think.”

abababab “Well, there is actually another kind of person who doesn’t set traps, and everyone can guess the follow-up plot, but the opponent can only follow his swordsmanship, it is difficult to jump out, it is difficult to escape, this is the transformation of swordsmanship. ”

Seeing He Mu’s bewildered and surprised expression, abababab Meng Qi snorted, “So, I think storytelling skills can be used in swordsmanship competitions.”

abababab “Mr. Su, don’t be too whimsical.” He Mu regained his senses for a long time, and said weakly.

abababab monQi smiled and said: “Why don’t you try it? Tell your fifth senior brother a story of a bright moon on the sea after a thousand sails, a story that is different from the normal development, and a story that makes people unable to guess the subsequent changes.”

After abababab, he left He Mu, and Shi Shiran walked back to his courtyard.

abababab He Mu stood there in a daze, and after a long time, he swung his wooden sword, but it was a story of thousands of sails competing, the shadows of sails covering the sky, and the bright moon shining brightly.

ababababAlthough he thinks Mr. Su’s theory of swordplay is unreasonable, but he has practiced swordsmanship for several years, and he still has a little ability to judge the changes of moves.

abababab the next day.

After the abababab practice, He Mu came out, cupped his hands to a young man in a black outfit, and said, “Fifth Senior Brother, please continue to teach me today.”

The brothers and sisters next to abababab laughed secretly, He Dai is really persistent, he lost so many times yesterday, yet he still dared to challenge today.

abababab He Ye, the owner of the pavilion, nodded lightly, his toughness is commendable, but he must be reminded to be self-aware, so as not to be hit badly in the future.

abababab The fifth senior brother pursed his lips, and brought up Mu Jiandao: “He Mu, if you lose again, don’t pester me. I still have to ask my seniors for advice.”

abababab He Mu nodded slightly, and after saluting, he swung his long sword horizontally, and the sea was full of sails.

abababab fifth senior brother did not hesitate to move Gu Fan Yuan Ying, piercing with the long sword from top to bottom, avoiding Qian Fan.

abababab “Lonely Fan” changes gradually, almost disappearing between the sea and the sky, falling into He Mu’s belly.

abababab He Mu’s Qianfan undulated and became bigger, quickly covering the sky and the sun.

Abababab waited to swing to a high place, slashed down with the long sword, the moon pierced the shadow of the sail, just in time to slash on his shoulder before the fifth senior brother hit him in the abdomen.

abababab Pa Fifth Senior Brother felt a pain in his shoulder, the wooden sword escaped and fell in front of He Mu.

abababab “You, how can you make the sea a thousand sails like this?” The fifth senior brother pointed to He Mu and said with an expression of indignation and unacceptable.

abababab Qu Tianhe opened her big eyes, why did Fifth Brother who was about to cry when he won yesterday, lost with just one move?

The martial arts brothers around abababab have different expressions, some are surprised or puzzled, some are lucky or frown, the fifth senior brother lost so fast, how can a thousand sails do this?

abababab won, won, really won He Mu didn’t respond to Fifth Senior Brother’s accusation, his mind was full of such thoughts, and indeed Fifth Senior Brother heard a different story, which made him unable to guess development, it is also difficult to deal with what Mr. Su said seems to make sense

abababab “He Mu, you thought of it yourself” the curator He asked with no apparent joy.

abababab He Mu was about to answer honestly, but when he spoke, he subconsciously changed: “Master, the owner of the museum, I thought of it by accident.”

abababab “It is a good thing to be able to use swordsmanship flexibly, but you are still at the basic stage, it is more important to master swordsmanship solidly.” He Mu exhorted impartially, walked to the side with his hands behind his back, and murmured inaudibly to himself, “Thousands of sails in the sea can meet the bright moon on the sea like this”

abababab fifth senior brother thought about the process, and said unconvinced: “He Mu, let’s compete again”

abababab He Mu’s heart skipped a beat, feeling uneasy, he only had this story, and if he compared it, everyone knew the development and ending of the story.

abababab Wait a minute and everyone will know, then I can change the development and ending of the story, they all think that I will pick up “Bright Moon on the Sea” after “A Thousand Sails in the Sea”, then I can do the opposite, and tell another unexpected story story

abababab Well, how should I answer? He Mu imagined that he was Mr. Su, and he was not bound by the original rules of the moves, so he quickly made up his mind, and replied with implicit expectation: “Okay, fifth brother, please enlighten me.”

abababab This time, the fifth senior brother made the move first, and after two strokes, He Mu found a chance and used “A Thousand Sails Over the Sea”.

abababab fifth senior brother sneered, instead of “gufanyuanying”, he directly came out of “blue sea and blue sky”, and the shadow of the sword covered the moon.

The abababab long sword floats up and down to create the shadow of the sail. When it is high, it can cover the sky and cover the sun, and can meet the bright moon on the sea, but when it is low, the shadow of the sail is almost gone.

abababab So, when Fan Ying was almost gone, He Mu changed his move, and flicked from bottom to top, “The tide rises on the lonely peak”

abababab bang.

abababab fifth senior brother clutched his chest and abdomen, let go of the wooden sword again, breathlessly said: “You, you, how could you do this?”

abababab He Muqi was happy, and suppressed a smile: “Fifth Senior Brother, accept.”

abababab can tell stories

After abababab, the fifth senior brother didn’t bother anymore, fearing that if he lost again, he would lose face, while He Mu concentrated on the martial arts competition, his mind was full of storytelling, he won a few times, and he also lost a few times.

abababab “He Mu, I plan to let you participate in the martial arts competition after the next year.” The owner of the hall has been watching silently, seeing that He Mu seems to have a lot of ideas overnight, so he plans to let him occupy the sixth place in the Qingfeng martial arts hall. one of the places, thenGo and compete with real masters of the same age, sharpen your mind and sharpen your swordsmanship.

abababab As for the grades, he didn’t put his hopes on He Mu, the top-ranked younger brother took on this important task, and the rest mainly used it to hone their skills.

abababab He Mu was surprised, happy and uneasy: “Master, the owner of the library, can I, can I do it?”

abababab “Try it to know.” The curator He smiled.

Once abababab participates in the martial arts competition, it is easy to be favored by the sect or family, and no matter how bad it is, you can find a job as a housekeeper .

abababab “Mr. Su, Mr. Su’s swordsmanship story is not unreasonable, is he really a master?” He Mu still didn’t believe it, thinking it was just a coincidence, well, Mr. Su practiced less martial arts and was constrained by various swordsmanship rules That’s why I can jump out of the original “house” and let my thoughts become more flexible, “Maybe I can chat with him more, storytelling and swordsmanship really have something in common. His swordsmanship is not good, but storytelling is quite good.”

abababab knocked on the courtyard door, He Mu heard the lazy voice of “come in”, opened the door and saw Mr. Su wearing a big cloak, sitting under the plum blossom tree, warming the wine with a red stove fire, while holding a book , recite softly:

abababab “At the beginning of ancient times, who preached the word”

abababab “up and down are not shaped, how can we test it”


With characters like abababab, He Mu couldn’t help but hold his breath, and then saw Mr. Su pointing to the seat next to him, so he walked over very lightly and sat down quietly.

abababab “Yin and Yang combine, what is the origin and what is the transformation”

abababab After reading this sentence, Meng Qi looked sideways at He Mu, “Do you know what it means?” r1152



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