I Honor

Chapter 263


Shan Xiumei nodded lightly: “Yedu Martial Arts has given the common people’s children a promotion, which is considered a great merit.”

Her expression was admiration, implying pity and sympathy for the lower class people, really like an elegant fairy who fell into the world.

Wang Ce looked at her side face, admiring the beautiful lines, and was momentarily fascinated.

Not long after, Kong Yu, the head arrester of Qingshou in Yedu, Huang Yuanhua, the foreign affairs elder of the Huang family, Lian Shuiyao, the foreign deacon of the Huanhuajian Sect, Qi Zhengyan and others came to watch the martial arts competition together and select talents for the family and sect.

In other martial arts halls, there are also people from aristocratic sects, but the big forces are here, and the most important competitions are naturally arranged here.

“This is Cao Chengye from the Chiyang Martial Arts School. He has opened his eyes at the age of nineteen. My family cherishes his talents and decided to give him the opportunity to practice advanced exercises.” Wang Ce pointed to a silent and indifferent young man below him, for Shan Xiumei introduced.

He specially asked the old servant to find the information of this martial arts competition yesterday, and read it all in order to explain it to the beautiful woman. He was most impressed by Cao Chengye who was appointed to his family. If not, why would Cao Chengye, an ordinary enlightened young man, Let the prince recognize and remember.

Shan Xiumei nodded slightly, looked at Cao Chengye, and then looked at his opponent, a simple young man who was a little embarrassed by today’s lively scene: “This is”

Wang Ce’s expression froze for a moment, and the lips of the old servant next to him moved, and the sound transmission was secret.

He coughed, and introduced leisurely: “He Mu of Qingfeng Martial Arts Gym, he has accumulated a small amount of energy, won five games in a row yesterday, and has outstanding swordsmanship.”

“Small success in accumulating energy wins five games in a row.” Shan Xiumei was a little surprised. The rarest people in the martial arts competition are talents who have just opened their eyes and low-level players who have accumulated a small amount of energy. The most common are those who have accumulated a lot of energy. If a young man with a small energy reserve wants to win five games in a row, even if he does not meet an outstanding disciple like Cao Chengye, he will at least meet two or three opponents who have a high energy reserve. He actually won all of them.

Wang Ce looked at Cao Chengye and He Mu with his hands behind his back, paused for a moment and said, “According to what the judges and spectators have said. He Mu uses swords like chess, with clear organization and complete layout, and often unexpected and full of traps. Well, it’s not like a young man like him should have the comprehension of swordsmanship.”

“That is to say, there are masters behind him to guide him.” Shan Xiumei asked curiously.

Wang Ce said with a smile: “It should be, and even the layout of his swordsmanship is completely done by others, but it does not rule out that he is full of genius.”

Shan Xiumei showed a girlish look: “Brother Wang. Since he has expert advice, can he defeat Cao Chengye?”

“Impossible.” Wang Ce said categorically, “There is a huge gap between opening one’s mind and accumulating energy for a small success. Cao Chengye can break the trick with strength, and break the trick with speed, unless the master personally seals the martial arts, and with his own rich experience andBrilliant swordsmanship makes up for this gap. ”

Shan Xiumei looked at Wang Ce with implicit reverence, as if what he said was the most reasonable words, which made Wang Ce full of ambition. Physical and mental carefree.

“In the first battle, keep avoiding and defending, let Bai Liang step by step to enlarge the sideways flaws. In the end, he is defenseless”

“Exquisite swordsmanship, cautious, good at drawing people into the set, complete layout”

Cao Chengye on the ring was thinking about the materials compiled by his seniors. Have an intuitive and accurate impression of the opponent in front of you.

He is in a stable state of mind and has a clear mind, and he already has a strategy for dealing with He Mu:

“Ruoguang talks about swordsmanship. Judging from his current level, maybe I am not as good as him, but my realm is much higher than his. Whether it is strength, speed, or reaction, I am far stronger than him, and my eyes have been opened. Good at catching fast things, even if you fall into the trap of swordsmanship, you can avoid it”

“Break skill with strength and skill with speed, but you have to save some strength. Once you encounter a sword trap, you can change your moves in time to deal with it”

He Mu, who was opposite him, was calm and had no obsession with winning or losing. In other words, he never thought of winning against the master who had just opened his eyes. Standing here, he just wanted to verify Mr. Su’s “story”.

The words of Mr. Su yesterday flowed in his mind one by one, making him eager to try:

“The opponent is stronger than you, stronger than you, and faster than you. Once you really fight, with your current understanding of swordsmanship, no matter what stories you tell or what traps you plant, it is impossible to deal with him.”

“Your only chance lies at the beginning of the story told earlier. You are cautious, good at layout, and good at attracting people. It is accumulated from five battles. It is true and credible, as long as the other party is not reckless, not careless, not just A master who is attacking but not defending, then he will definitely consider whether it is a layout or a trap when facing your swordsmanship, and will always leave some strength to deal with it, this is your chance.”

“This is a competition in the arena, not a real battle. As a strong man in the awakening period, he will definitely respect his status and let you make the first move.”

“Of course, if the opponent is really reckless, or conceited in strength, you can concentrate on enjoying the swordsmanship, it is impossible to win.”

Is this okay? Is this really okay? He Mu asked himself, the “strange trick” Mr. Su gave at the end was too unacceptable, not because it was weird, but because it was very ordinary, without any mystery

With the words still in his ears, He Mu raised his long sword and prepared to strike.

Cao Chengye respected his identity, and with a long sword across his chest, he signaled He Mu to make the first move.

He Mu took a deep breath, his true energy swelled, he stretched his waist and legs, and used the move “Gu Fan Yuan Ying”.

For this move, he exhausted all his strength, exhausted his true energy, and left no room for it. Only the last eight words Mr. Su said in his mind:

“There is no retreat, there is no return to the past”

The sun shines into the Martial Arts Hall, and the sword light shines brilliantly, like a boat in the blue sky and wide sea, bathed in the sun, gradually drifting away, straight to the middle road, with a fierce momentum,

This sword is the fastest and strongest sword that He Mu has used in his life. If he gets along with each other, he feels that even if he has enough energy, he will not be able to block such a sword. Of course, it is still possible to dodge it.

In Cao Chengye’s eyes, although this sword is extremely fast, it can still be caught by his sight, and the trajectory is clear enough for him to deal with it.

“He is cautious”

“He is good at swordsmanship layout”

“Every change of his style hides a trap”

Thoughts arose in his mind, Cao Chengye subconsciously saved some strength, swung his long sword out, and blocked He Muzhi’s sword.


The two swords collided, and the sword that was swung away turned out to be the sword of Cao Chengye

“this power”

“Is he running out of energy?”

“He just ran out of energy”

“How could he be so reckless and disregard subsequent changes?”

Cao Chengye’s hand went numb, and the long sword was swung away a little. Although He Mu’s sword was also bounced a little bit, the momentum of going straight to the middle remained unchanged. Still aimed at Cao Chengye’s body

The sharp edge of the sword hit his body, and it was too late for Cao Chengye to change his defense at this time, and the remaining strength could only be used for dodging.

He gritted his teeth and lay down, the lazy donkey rolled around, dodging He Mu’s sword, then Li Yu stood up straight, and was about to attack with his sword in shame and anger, but at this moment, He Mu raised his sword. Smiling authentically:

“I surrender.”

He was in an exceptionally happy mood, and being able to force a master of eye apertures into such a mess was something he could never have dreamed of. If he had accumulated a lot of energy, his inner strength would be stronger, his strength stronger, and his speed faster. , Cao Chengye may not be able to escape

But he also knew that Cao Chengye was in such a mess today with a single strike. The right time, the right place, and the harmony of people are indispensable. The right time is the group arena. If he can make the first move, Cao Chengye has no heart to fight for his life. The right place is the self-image established in the previous five competitions, which paves the way for the beginning of the story, making Cao Chengye worry about the follow-up trap and falling into the game when he takes the sword. The person who is harmonious is Cao Chengye who is more cautious.

The “geographical advantage” is the most important here, and it cannot be created by the current self, it all depends on Mr. Su’s guidance and planning. If we fight again in the future, even if the time and people are still there, I will be able to gather energy, but the geographical advantage has disappeared, and I will only be easily defeated by Cao Chengye.

Wang Ce on the second floor saw Cao Chengye face He Muzhi’s sword in a daze, and beat him in embarrassment.Roll away, and said a little angrily: “How can he be distracted when he is thinking about a martial arts competition?”

It’s almost like Cao Chengye has fallen into an illusion

Shan Xiumei looked at He Mu calmly, her beautiful eyes seemed thoughtful, and Qi Zhengyan, who was not far away, nodded slightly, secretly admiring this development.

The old servant’s lips moved, Wang Ce’s face quickly calmed down, and he said to Shan Xiuxiu confidently: “The reason why Cao Chengye is so embarrassed is because he thinks too much. He Mu’s previous five competitions gave the impression that he is cautious, wise, good Cao Chengye was distracted to guard against the hidden traps in swordsmanship, but he didn’t expect that He Mu would rush forward with his sword alone, do it with all his strength, leaving no retreat, he couldn’t concentrate for a while, and was almost taken advantage of by He Mu.”

“Using yesterday’s performance in the five competitions as a trap, the master behind He Mu really has far-reaching plans, which is shocking. If I didn’t know that Wang Siyuan is still in Jiangdong, I would suspect that it was his handwriting. Of course, if it was him, Cao Chengye would definitely defeat.”

Shan Xiumei looked at Wang Ce adoringly: “Brother Wang, I only understood the reason when you said that. The master behind He Mu is really not to be underestimated.”

“Well, I’m going to send someone to investigate and see if we can win over. Every family will not think there are too many experts.” Wang Ce’s words came from the heart, and came from the teachings of his son-in-law.

Kong Yu, the chief catcher of Qingshou not far away, pondered for a while, and ordered the governor next to him to say, “Send someone to secretly investigate He Mu to see who is pointing him. Even if you don’t provoke him, you have to keep him in our line of sight.” In order to avoid any disaster.”

In the martial arts hall, among the onlookers, Meng Qi patted on the toga and left with his hands behind his back, quite satisfied with the effect.

He had quietly observed Shan Xiumei just now, and found that she was not too surprised by He Mu’s swordsmanship. She obviously had a lot of knowledge and was better than Wang Ce. This is a doubtful point.

After leaving the martial arts hall, a carriage covered with white felt stopped in front of Meng Qi. The driver was restrained and looked ahead expressionlessly.

The car door opened, and there was an exquisite and beautiful girl in white clothes Shengxue, with an ethereal temperament, a copper stove beside her was burning warm incense, and a white cloak was placed by her hand.

“Sir, I knew you would come to see Shan Xiumei, get in the car.” Gu Xiaosang said with a smile.

Meng Qi was on guard inside, but remained calm on the outside: “How can we be sure that she is a person of the Tao? How can we be sure that the strange stone from beyond the sky is in her hands? How can we be sure that she is looking for me?”

He didn’t want to be used by Gu Xiaosang.

“Sanggong is suspicious, well, just follow me to a place and you’ll find out.” Gu Xiaosang pointed to the seat opposite her. to be continued


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