I Honor

Chapter 265


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After careful consideration and weighing, Meng Qi said in a deep voice, “I’m challenging Wang’s enlightened son, what are you doing? Shan Xiumei has no evil deeds or deeds, she just responds to her body, even if she is killed, others will only think that it’s her. I have entered the way of demons and harmed a beautiful woman, it is impossible to believe that I am the way to eliminate demons and defend the way.”

He was really afraid of being tricked by Gu Xiaosang. After all, everyone is an enemy and not a friend, but this matter should be resolved as soon as possible. It’s not difficult to be accepted, it’s enough to block the outside scene of that medicine dregs, but in this way, you don’t need to do any divination to know that you have the inheritance of Thor, and you are closely watched by one of the evil spirits. , I can only “stay at home” in the future.

Of course, if the “Thunder Saber Mad Monk” killed Shan Xiumei, it would have a similar effect, and he would become a leftist.

Gu Xiaosang chuckled lowly: “Master, you are as suspicious as an old man. Since you are the body, there will be something special after all. Once Shan Xiumei dies, she will only turn into a streamer and go to the real body. The location with a bit of vision is worthless.” You can sense the special aura of Xuannv’s lineage, and when the time comes, you will only be responsible for challenging and creating opportunities. Naturally, I, the demon girl, will do the work, and I will not let Dao doubt it. After all, everyone knows that I killed the seven heavenly girls. Know.”

“As for normal times, of course I am your well-behaved maid, Xiao Zi.” She bowed her bow in a salute, “Master, do you have anything else to tell Xiao Zi?”

Her ethereal and elusive temperament has been completely restrained, except for her exquisite appearance, which is picturesque and like an ordinary daughter. At first glance, Meng Qi almost dare not recognize that this is Gu Xiaosang.

Meng Qi frowned slightly: “You are not afraid of being recognized.”

“The temperament has changed, and the truth is hidden inside. If you apply a little makeup, I believe no one will recognize it.” Gu Xiaosang pursed her lips and smiled. “Few people who have actually dealt with the little maid are still alive.”

It’s really acting like what it is, Meng Qi, the strong point of a mental patient, slandered.

Gu Xiaosang stepped out of this room, knowing what Suo Suo was doing. After a while, she walked back lightly. She covered her face with makeup and powder to cover up her beautiful face. She looked like a young lady with delicate features. She saluted generously: “Master You are satisfied with Xiao Zi’s appearance.”

Women’s make-up is really the best. Yi Rong Meng Qi’s mouth is half-opened, dumbfounded. If Gu Xiaosang changes out of plain clothes, white dress and plush cloak, she will be a beautiful girl in real life.

“Okay, don’t reveal your identity when you do it.” Meng Qi warned, this will implicate the master

As long as Shan Xiumei is killed, Yingshen will be transformed into her real body. All the masters present will slay dao evildoers with their hands, even if they join in, it will not arouse suspicion, as long asWhen it is to eliminate demons and defend the way.

Gu Xiaosang pouted like a lively maid: “Master, you don’t believe in Xiao Zi, with my strength, killing her will not reveal her identity.”

Girl, keep acting like this. You’re afraid you’ll have to split your personality again. Meng Qi thought to himself that his “acting skills” are outstanding, but compared to Gu Xiaosang’s “true acting”, there is still a huge gap.

“Master, prepare yourself today, build up your momentum, and Xiao Zi will come to pick you up tomorrow, and you will have a sword test against Yedu Yingjie.” Gu Xiaosang’s beautiful eyes flowed, her smile was full of laughter, and her dark fragrance wafted away.

On the way back in the carriage, Meng Qi remained silent, thinking about the matter.

He would never believe that Gu Xiaosang must have another purpose just to help him, and if he didn’t make other preparations, he would definitely be tricked by her.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the alley, put down Meng Qi, and drove into the sea of ​​traffic ahead.

When Meng Qi returned home, he sat on the stone bench under the plum tree, replaying every word Gu Xiaosang said on this matter in his mind.

Suddenly, he narrowed his eyes and repeated in his mouth:

“This is the fundamental specialness of Xuannv’s lineage, which is hardly known to the outside world. If I hadn’t obtained some ancient classics by chance and had done one with her, I’m afraid it would be difficult to understand the truth.”

“There are almost no people known to the outside world, and I got some ancient books by chance”

“I got some ancient classics by chance, and I did another game with her”

“This shows that the ancient classics come first, and the successor of Xuannv comes after.”

“Furthermore, the secret of Xuannv’s heir is not even known to one of the 14 great aristocratic families of Zhou County Wang Clan. It sounds like Luo Jiao doesn’t know either. Gu Xiaosang can only rely on the ancient classics he got to know.”

“What kind of classic is this, and where did she get it?”

Meng Qi savored this seemingly ordinary sentence carefully, and added his previous doubts:

“She has obtained the ancient classics about Xuannv’s successor before, and knows her secrets about her body, so there is no negligence.”

“She was in three mountains and four rivers, but she didn’t take away the strange stone from beyond the sky and cut off the clues. Instead, she chased and killed Xuannv’s successor afterwards, saying that she would eliminate future troubles for me.”

“She said that she sent someone to snatch the strange stone from the sky to give it to me.”

Meng Qi suddenly seemed to have a flash of lightning in his mind, and stood up at once:

“Demon girl, your real goal is probably the successor of Xuannv.”

“The purpose of snatching the strange stone from beyond the sky is indeed to give it to me. On the one hand, it may be that the ruins of Jiuchongtian need the successor of Thunder God, and on the other hand, I may use my thunder marks to trigger the inheritance, so that the overlord’s sword will move, and the descendant of Xuannv will be led down the mountain.”

“That’s why you didn’t take away the strange stone from beyond the sky, and let the people of Dao take it. That’s why you did your best afterwards, showing your might, and getting the Seven Heavenly Maidens eliminated in a battle. Unfortunately, you were still escaped by Xuannv’s successor.”

“I am afraid that the records in the ancient books you have obtained are not only the secret of Xuannv Yingshen, but also a secret of her that makes your heart flutter.”

“What do you want to get from Xuannv’s heir?”

It seemed that Gu Xiaosang was right in front of him, Meng Qi questioned each sentence in his heart, his thoughts were clear and thorough, and it was the first time he caught Gu Xiaosang, a witch’s braid.

Meng Qi paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, thinking: “In this matter, I and her have a big goal, but we have to prevent the final disagreement.”

“Although she doesn’t cheat me every time, at most she sits on the sidelines and then uses it to lure me into the game, but she has a hateful heart, and she must stir up muddy water for her, so that she won’t be so easy to win in the end.”

After the calculation was settled, Meng Qi began to think about countermeasures, but He Mu had just tried it today, and it was inevitable that someone would come to investigate the masters behind the scenes, and Qi Zhengyan would definitely not be able to come here. Let him find no one to discuss and assist.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Meng Qi suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Opening the courtyard door, Meng Qi saw an ordinary middle-aged man who looked like he was busy walking around the streets.

“This friend, I came to watch the martial arts competition. I got lost nearby. I was very thirsty and wanted to ask for a glass of water.” The middle-aged man smiled flatteringly.

Meng Qi was always willing to help others, so he pointed to the well and said, “Get it yourself, be careful of the freezing water.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” The middle-aged man fetched a bucket of water and got up. He took a spoonful and drank it, and finally said with a smile: “I don’t know my friend Gao’s surname, I am very grateful.”

“Under Su Meng.” Meng Qi replied casually.

The middle-aged man laughed and said: “My surname is Cheng, I live in Yong’an Square in the south of Yedu. Today I came to see the martial arts competition. By the way, the opposite is the Qingfeng martial arts hall.”

“Yes.” Meng Qi curled his lips, and it was written on the plaque.

The middle-aged man suddenly said: “It turns out that this is the Qingfeng Martial Arts Hall. Today their disciple He Mu is very powerful. With the strength of accumulating Qi and Xiaocheng, the disciple of the Chiyang Martial Arts Hall who opened his eyes was embarrassed and almost lost. The swordsmanship is really outstanding”

He Mu heard the word. Meng Qi raised his eyebrows, and looked at the middle-aged man carefully again, only to see that he was shrewd hidden in his simplicity, and there were obvious marks of years of martial arts training on his fingers, wrists and other places.

It’s the aristocratic sect looking for someone to inquire about. Meng Qi, who was still from Six Doors, understood the identity of the middle-aged man, and agreed, “Yes, I also went to the Chiyang Martial Arts Hall.”

The middle-aged man laughed and said: “He Mu is at this age. To be able to use swordsmanship to embarrass an enlightened master is either an adventure or a genius, but it is said that he does not usuallyNot outstanding, that is, it has only recently begun to emerge. ”

The two chatted for a few more words. Meng Qi judged his identity as the agent of the Six Doors from various clues, but he did not expose it. information.

“By the way, Mr. Su, you have lived here for a long time, have you ever thought that He Mu is a genius of swordsmanship?” The middle-aged man detoured for a while and asked again.

He also knows my situation very well, and indeed it was Meng Qi, the agent of Six Doors, who smiled and said, “He Mu is diligent in studying and practicing, and often asks me for words. Other than that, there is nothing special about it.”

The middle-aged man clapped his hands and said, “I’ll just say it.”

He squeezed his eyes, and looked like he was chatting with three aunts and six wives: “Mr. Su, have you ever met someone who advised He Mu that he must have an adventure?”

Meng Qi was about to make up an image of a fairy-tale expert, when suddenly his heart moved, he laughed and said, “Of course I have.”

“Who is it really?” The middle-aged man suddenly became excited.

Meng Qi pointed at himself with a smile: “I, it’s me.”

The expression of the middle-aged man suddenly became dazed and dull, as if the person in front of him was a lunatic, and he forced a smile: “Mr. Su, stop joking.”

How can I admit this kind of thing?

“It’s really me, I’m an expert,” Meng Qi said solemnly.

Don’t hear the middle-aged man cover his face and sigh, feeling more and more that he has encountered an unreasonable lunatic.

“Are you an agent of Six Doors?” Meng Qi stopped teasing him, and changed his tone calmly, standing with his hands behind his back, and the expert Fan came out immediately.

The middle-aged man’s face changed drastically: “Su, Mr. Su, what did you say?”

“I escaped from being hunted down by the demon girl and lived here for half a year. However, God failed as I wished, and I had to face it after all. Therefore, I passed on He Mu’s skills a few times, so that no one will inherit the sword technique. Please pass this news back to the six gates, so that the future will be better.” Be a witness.” Meng Qi believed that it was impossible for Gu Xiaosang to guess that someone from the Six Doors would come to the door at this juncture.

His tone was solemn and solemn, and he felt like the wind was rustling and the water was cold.

The middle-aged man’s face became serious: “I don’t know Mr.’s name.”

“Shaolin Abandoned Disciple is really determined, and now the common name is Su Meng.” Meng Qi looked at the gloomy sky calmly but with a hint of heaviness.

Shaolin Abandoned Apprentice Really Decided These six words are really loud in the scene below the Jianghu location, the middle-aged man lost his voice:

“Thunder Knife Monk”

Meng Qi sighed: “Go back, don’t look for me tonight, I have to find a place to raise the knife quietly, tomorrow the knife will meet Yedu Yingjie.”

The middle-aged man was very puzzled and didn’t understand the relationship between the two paragraphs before and after, but Meng Qi was very firm in seeing off the guests, so he had no choice but to leave the yard resentfully, and closed the gate behind him.


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