I Honor

Chapter 274

Good practice among the six doors

Meng Qi was taken aback for a moment, and asked back, “If you want to join the six doors, what do you need to do?”

As for the benefits of being a member of the Six Doors, Meng Qi knew it without asking.

One is in the name of righteousness and orthodoxy. It will not be harmed for no reason without infringing on the interests of the aristocratic family and the sect. Without Baobing, he can still drive the other three families to invite representatives from the Wang family of Zhoujun and the Huanhua Sword Sect, and has the ability to determine the life and death of small families, small sects, and Jianghu loose cultivators to a certain extent.

The second is protection. Many people have offended heresy demons or sect families. If it is not serious or he has enough value, the six doors will provide protection, such as arranging a position at the headquarters of the six doors in Shendu.

The third is resources, including but not limited to cheat books, elixir, mineral deposits, sharp weapons, fields, gold and silver, pointers, etc., according to the strength of strength and the level of position, each person with six doors can get a share of their own. The resources, even if they are not as good as the direct descendants of the sect and the direct lineage of the great family, are basically enough to guarantee practice.

In this respect, the upper echelons of the six-doors are super powerful, they look down on ordinary resources, and understand how serious damage corruption and embezzlement will do to the six-doors system, so the investigation is extremely strict, even if it is difficult to eradicate, it also keeps it alive. Within a reasonable range, it will not affect the cultivation and promotion of the bottom.

Among the resources, what Meng Qi values ​​most is the information resources of the Six Doors.

Although he is in the world of reincarnation, he is also eager for other resources, because if he is not in the main world, he should take the time to improve himself and look for things that can be exchanged for good deeds or used directly. The next reincarnation task may be the time of death, but for them, he still has There are other methods and other channels to obtain, not only the six doors, such as killing mountain bandits and eliminating big robbers.

And the six doors are rooted in the imperial court. Even in the most remote and desolate small counties, there are governors who arrest their heads, and they train spies and ordinary personnel who only provide information. Relying on merchants and other means to obtain information in prosperous places or major commercial routes, even if high-ranking people have the ability to “pinch their fingers and calculate”, but God’s will is unpredictable, without corresponding support, who can calculate clearly

The Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation did not have the exchange of intelligence resources from the main world, after Meng Qi left Shaolin. In this regard, the way is broken, and it is possible that there is no reason for this.

Although this is also the reason why he walks in the rivers and lakes, unlike other casual cultivators in the rivers and lakes who have their own sources of information, snakes have snakes, and rats have rat holes, but no matter which aspect of information resources, they are inferior to the six doors. , even if they have six doors and don’t know the secret information, it’s just a supplement. non-subject.

The rivers and lakes are dangerous, who wants to be blind? This is the main reason why Meng Qi considered Kong Yu’s proposal carefully, and it was also one of the reasons why he went to Qi Zhengyan in the first place.

Kong Yu replied with a smile: “If it is to be arrested quickly, the governor’s arrest can be decided by one word, and the assistant arrester also has the right to speak, but he must verify his background and experience and provide guarantee. Give advice, if he is printing the arrester, the governor’s arrester has recommendations But the decision, review and instruction are in the county government office, in the hands of Guo Yinzhang and our two Qingshou chieftains.”

When the ranks are not much different, the titles among the headhunters are more casual, usually with the surname plus the position, such as Guo Yinzhang, such as Kong Qingshou.

He continued: “At the level of assistant headhunters and ordinary tiger and leopard headhunters, we only have the right to recommend. The decision, review, and instruction are in the hands of the state government’s Jinzhang and Zishou headhunters, and the governor’s headhunters. , The elite tiger and leopard headhunting begins, and the state government only has the right to recommend. It has to be decided and reviewed by the Shendu headquarters. Get the corresponding cheats.”

The six sects have great power, including arrest, interrogation, and judgment. They are on an equal footing with the civil service system composed of the royal family, aristocratic families, and Confucian sects. If you want to deny his judgment, you can only come forward from the Zhengshitang where the core of the Dajin Dynasty Hall is located or the emperor., and the chief arresters of the six sects all have “part-time jobs” to participate in political affairs.

“The City of Gods” Meng Qi frowned slightly.

Kong Yu said with a smile: “It is necessary to be absorbed. At the level of the governor’s arrest, the authority is extremely heavy. He is in charge of the affairs of the rivers and lakes. If a traitor gets mixed up, he will inevitably suffer heavy losses. No one can say that he has come to his senses. We You have to abandon all his past experiences and trust him completely, entrusting such a heavy authority to him.”

Indeed, it is necessary to assess whether it is sincere and helpful. There is a process of cultivating loyalty, which is what it should mean. This body comes from the Shendu family. Although he has no intention of returning or intervening in the family’s internal disputes, the Shendu itself represents an attitude, and it is impossible for others not to think about it, causing a lot of trouble.

Kong Yu didn’t pay attention to the change of Meng Qi’s attitude, and said kindly: “Master Su, you are on the list of people, and your strength is outstanding. Even if you only have six or seven holes, you will at least have the treatment of elite tigers and leopards. It is more likely that you will be arrested by the governor. Even Qingshou arrests the head, what do you think?”

This kind of person with an “innocent” background is a top player on the list, and he is not afraid that the state government will not recommend him, and he will not be afraid that the headquarters will disagree.

Meng Qi took a deep breath: “I am very grateful for Kong Qingshou’s generous fists and fists, but the road to martial arts lies in tempering and knowledge. If you are stuck in one place, you will inevitably stagnate.”

This is also one of his concerns.

“Mr. Su has lofty ambitions, and Kong admires it.” Kong Yu was not displeased, and praised sincerely. The location hope is at ease.

He changed the subject: “However, within my six sects, I also have the duties of arresting heads and arresting secret agents. They are also divided into governors, green ribbons and other ranks. I often patrol various places, picket internal crimes, and explore secrets. Knowledge is indispensable. It also has the right to mobilize the strength and resources of the local six sects.”

Meng Qi’s heart skipped a beat when he heard it: “I want to enter the city of gods.”

“Of course, the head arrester is not high but has weight. The wind catcher knows a lot of secrets. If he is not absorbed, he will accept the interview, assessment and teaching. It is difficult for the arresters, and it is difficult for the chief arrester.” Kong Yu replied affirmatively.

When Meng Qi was deliberating and hesitating, he heard Kong Yu laughingly said: “This matter is related to the future, I know Mr. Su will be difficult to decide for a while, why don’t you think about it until the martial arts is over, then you will have the name of Jinshi orthodox. Enter the six gates, at least the governor will arrest the head.”

In the thirteen prefectures of the Great Jin Dynasty, each state has no more than 30 martial arts places. As long as you stand out from the state you are in, you are equivalent to a Jinshi. , who can win from the county where he is located, has the name of a martial arts master, and can directly become an official and a headhunter.

“Martial arts” Meng Qi was taken aback.

Kong Yu smiled and said: “You have to do a full set of plays. As for the Shaolin matter, I will ask the state government to write a document, saying that since Mr. Su has sworn the Yuanshen oath, he will not leak Shaolin’s magical skills, and he has never resorted to martial arts to disrupt the law. He is righteous, eliminates demons and defends the way, please hold a compassionate heart and don’t pursue it any further, according to the habit of Buddhism, this matter usually ends here.”

“It’s so good.” Meng Qi nodded lightly. What he lacks now is not sharpening, but meditation, and there are so many masters in Yedu, there are many people who can compete.

He paused, and said with some concern: “But the big Luo demon girl doesn’t know when she will return.”

Normally speaking, according to the habit of the Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation, Gu Xiaosang has already returned at this time, but the Jiuchongtian ruins are special, so it may not be the case, but I tricked her, so I might encounter her assassination, it seems better to run away earlier. it is good.

“It’s okay, Mr. Su, come live near the county government office. The gate of the heaven is revealed, and the witch has become the target of public criticism. How dare you show off like this?” Kong Yu didn’t care, but still told Meng Qi to change his residence, and the six gates of Zhou County were close to Huanzhou. Six doors and Wang’s family, there are many location masters nearby, so they are not afraid of Gu Xiaosang’s mess.

Speaking of this, he sighed: “I never thought that Shan Xiumei is the incarnation of Xuannv’s heir. This is really unbelievable.”

“It’s more like a Buddhist response.” Meng Qi replied.

“Yingshen” Kong Yu pondered, “In other words, it was the demon girl who was trying to absorb the spirit energy, and Yingshen exploded into a streamer. Otherwise, if Yingshen’s movements were so loud after his death, how could our six doors There will be no relevant information”

I don’t know much about incarnations. I thought there was a witch who died and half-truths and half-fakes. Meng Qi was embarrassed, but after seeing such a big commotion, he also had guesses about it. At first he thought it was silent. Streamer, only those who are particularly vigilant can see it.

Kong Yu thought for a while and said: “There have been rumors that people killed by the Impermanence Sect will turn into ghosts. Now it seems that there may be something about Xuannv Yingying mixed up in it.”

There are several martial arts masters who died in the Impermanence of Life and Death. The tombs were broken by the flood, and the coffins inside were empty.

Meng Qi used this to ask a lot of information about this aspect, but when he returned to the yard, he was suddenly stunned.

“My Evil Tribulation” he just realized that what he had was Qingyu, although it was not a loss, and the Evil Tribulation was just a sharp weapon, and he hadn’t used it for a long time, so it couldn’t be very effective as a basis for divination, but it still felt weird weird.

the next day.

Wang Zai, who was adjusting his breath at home, received a challenge from Meng Qi.A book with only two lines on it:

“Three days later, at the school grounds of the county yamen, I sincerely wait for Brother Zai, and I am willing to fight.”

“Sword mad Su Meng nodded.”

Wang Zai smiled, picked up a pen and wrote a large character on it:


Yedu was boiling, and the rare competition for the list of candidates was about to begin. to be continued


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