I Honor

Chapter 028

The Wicked Xiaomeng (please click for recommendation)

Puff puff puff, a sound like a broken leather echoed in the dry and cold air.

Meng Qi knew that there was a big gap between himself and Zhenmiao, and he was already mentally prepared to lose, but when he actually fought, he realized that the gap was so big. Even if he only uses Arhat Fist.

Knowing that Meng Qi’s “iron cloth shirt” is ingenious in its infancy, his fists are rigorous and fierce, and his moves can’t be separated from Meng Qi’s temples, eyes, etc., but he is not impatient when facing Meng Qi’s deliberately exposed flaws, and does not give him any trouble at all. The chance of changing a minor injury to a major injury, even if it is an absolute good opportunity, as long as you don’t face the door, at least half of your energy will be left on defense.

Although Meng Qi had already mastered Luohanquan through continuous actual combat, but when facing real masters, when faced with the wonderful, fast but accurate changes in moves, he still felt that his heart hadn’t arrived, or his eyes hadn’t arrived. If he hadn’t resisted several punches with the iron shirt, he would have been defeated long ago, and the sound of boo boo boo was the sound of Zhenmiao hitting him.

Although none of these hit the vital point, Meng Qi still felt a dull pain under the continuous blows.

Of course, this kind of battle also benefited Meng Qi a lot, and he felt that the changes in the moves of Arhat Fist had become his own instinct.

He couldn’t help secretly thanking Jiang Zhiwei for her guidance. If she hadn’t let her exchange for the horizontal kung fu of “Iron Cloth Shirt”, when he was weak and had no actual combat experience, he would have to go through many failed duels to master a boxing technique. Now , with an iron cloth shirt as the backing, a pair of training is equivalent to experiencing many failures, and you can slowly sink your breath and turn your fists into instinct.

It’s really wonderful that the fists are blowing, the law is rigorous, and one stepThis step drove Meng Qi to a desperate situation, leaving him no chance to fight for his life with the iron shirt.

“No, I have to find a way. If there are a few more tricks, I won’t be able to stand up to it.” Meng Qi didn’t panic because he had an iron shirt and it wasn’t a life-and-death battle, and he tried hard to find a chance to fight back.

Suddenly, he found that during Zhenmiao’s attack, there was an obvious gap on the left side, allowing him to temporarily get rid of the gap in the front and take a breath

This time, Meng Qi’s heart was on his toes, he made a feint, and then dodged to the left.

As soon as the body moved, a foot wrapped in white leggings stretched out from nowhere and kicked Meng Qi’s abdomen directly.

Too bad Meng Qi said inwardly that he was not good, and quickly turned to avoid his legs, but at this moment, there was a sound of wind in his ear, and a fist stopped at Meng Qi’s temple, and the wind of the fist made his head hurt.

“Acceptance.” Zhenmiao withdrew her right fist, folded her hands together, and a faint smile appeared on her face, as if she was very concerned about washing away yesterday’s shame.

While reviewing the gains and losses and summarizing the gains, Meng Qi returned the courtesy and said, “Thank you, brother, for your guidance.”

No matter what kind of psychology Zhenmiao came from, this kind of duel practice really helped me a lot.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, thinking of the flaw that Zhenmiao deliberately sold just now, if he used one of the eight steps of the divine walk, he could completely avoid his kicking, and instead lead him to reveal the real flaw.

As soon as this idea came up, Meng Qi blurted out: “Senior brother, please continue to teach me tomorrow.” Hey, I’m still not proficient in the eight steps of the gods, and I didn’t think of it until now.

Ah, all the monks didn’t seem to hear clearly, they all looked at Meng Qi, he dared to challenge Brother Zhenmiao

“If you can’t handle my ten tricks tomorrow, don’t give me advice in the future.” Zhenmiao was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly.

On the way to the dining hall.

“Tsk, are you addicted to being beaten?” Zhenyong looked him up, down, left, and right as if he didn’t know Meng Qi.

Zhenhui looked at Zhenyong puzzledly: “Brother Zhenyong, aren’t all heroes like this who never give up?”

Zhenyong gave Meng Qi a strange look, what kind of weird story did you tell the little junior again?

Meng Qi knew that his behavior was too weird, so he didn’t hide it: “Senior Brother Zhenyong, I just thought of a trick that can be used at such a time, so I blurted it out.”

“You’re not proficient at that trick, you won’t remember it until you’ve practiced it.” Zhenyong heard the hidden meaning in Meng Qi’s words.

Meng Qi nodded, and pondered: “We have to go to the Yanwu Hall to find someone to practice against.”

After dinner, Meng Qi meditated and practiced the “Shaolin Mind Method” for a while, and couldn’t wait to step into the martial arts hall.

He looked around, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face, because he saw that Zhenliang was training with a monk, with a ferocious expression and fierce moves, as if he wanted to vent all the aggrieved anger yesterday.

Meng Qi slowed down and walked in a circle. The monk’s strength was weak, and he was overwhelmed by his true strength. He was quickly hit by punch after punch, and his eyes became black and his face was swollen.

“Haha.” Zhenliang watched the monk stumbling out of the door, and smiled cheerfully, but at this moment, he felt a strong impact from behind, and he couldn’t stop himself, knocking down a monk on the opposite side.

“Okay, junior brother, you have become more and more arrogant today, and dared to hit me with your back. Come on, let’s practice.”

That hateful and hateful voice really tensed his body, turned around slowly, and wanted to say a few words, but he couldn’t help saying: “Brother, I have an opponent.”

“Is that so? I think he just went out. How about this? I’ll give you some time to catch your breath, Junior Brother.” Meng Qi said with a smile. He looks very handsome and pretty when he smiles. In real eyes, it looks like a ghost.

Taking a good look around, he found that except for a few monks he had befriended, everyone else stood far away. He was somewhat loyal, and he didn’t want to drag his friends into the water. He gritted his teeth and said, “Senior brother, now let’s start”

Seeing Zhenliang’s appearance of early death and early death, Meng Qi smiled, his face became serious, he shouted, and attacked first.

After a stick of incense.

“Senior brother, I admit defeat, can’t I admit defeat?” He fell to the ground like a dead dog, unwilling to stand up again.

Meng Qi stroked his vaguely stubble beard, and nodded with a smile on his face: “It’s ok.”

At least one of the eight steps of the divine walk, I am really proficient, as long as I never use martial arts other than Arhat Boxing, I can definitely give him a “surprise”

Hearing Meng Qi’s words, he felt as if he had received an amnesty. He quickly got up and fled to the door.

After running a few steps, he stopped suddenly, pretending to be calm and said: “My elder brother is a discipline monk of the Discipline Academy.”

“Hey, I know I’ve found my parents,” Meng Qi said with a half-smile.

His answer with rather weird words was completely beyond the real amount’s expectation, and he was a little dazed for a while, not knowing how to answer.

Meng Qi has the pressure of life and death in the world of reincarnation and abundant resources, so he doesn’t care too much about precept monks. He chuckled: “Senior brother, my Dharma name is Zhenyong, and I act uprightly and straightly. If you violate the precepts, you will be punished voluntarily. Junior brother, You still don’t want to leave, you want to continue practicing.”

Hearing the truth, he was so frightened that he rolled and ran away. He “dominated” the Yanwu Hall for more than a year, and he had never seen such a guy who was not afraid of the precept monk at all.

“Really, Junior Brother Zhenyong, you are sick” Zhenyong next to him asked with a blank expression,why does he call himself jinyoung

Meng Qi glanced at him: “Just kidding, there is a huge difference in our body and appearance, no one will admit it.”

Hey, it’s boring to have no one to cheer for your humor.

The next day, when the practice was over again, Meng Qi couldn’t wait to stand up and saluted, “I also ask senior brother for advice.”

Zhende and other monks have been waiting for this from the beginning, but when it actually happened, they still feel incredible. Has this Zhende’s brain been bitten by a dog? How dare he continue to challenge Brother Zhenmiao?

Could it be that the day before yesterday, relying on Senior Brother Zhenmiao who didn’t know his details, he won by chance once, and he thought he was on an equal footing with Senior Brother Zhenmiao who suppressed his strength?

I don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth

Yesterday is the embodiment of the real difference

Zhenmiao turned her face, nodded, and put on a posture, waiting for Meng Qi to make a move.

This time the sparring was very similar to yesterday. Although Meng Qi had a better grasp of Arhat boxing, there was still a big gap between him and Zhenmiao. He could only receive a few fewer punches. Gradually, he fell into yesterday’s situation again, being beaten The unhurried Zhenmiao was driven to a desperate situation little by little.

“Let me just say, where did he have the confidence to challenge Brother Zhenmiao?” Such a battle situation made Zhende very happy.

“That’s right, it’s simply too ignorant.” The other monks also echoed, they always have a subconscious rejection of companions who behaved out of line, “Wait a minute, Brother Zhenmiao will surely win again like yesterday.”

“Winning is certain, but Brother Zhenmiao is used to being cautious, and he will definitely not use yesterday’s trick again.” Zhende said with confidence.

Meng Qi didn’t wait for Zhenmiao to reveal the opening, but found that when his left shoulder was slightly heavy, he suddenly used his shoulder to resist the fist and attacked Zhenmiao’s right body.

Zhenmiao had spare strength, and his moves didn’t make him old, so he took advantage of the situation and made a mistake, getting out of the way of Meng Qi who was pounced, and came with a pair of peaks piercing his ears, directly attacking his temples.

Suddenly, his eyes blurred, and Meng Qi disappeared.

It’s not that Meng Qi is too fast, but that the direction and position he chose during the short and short turns of his body completely set off a wonderful expectation, which was so strange that his attention failed to keep up, which caused Meng Qi to disappear. hallucinations.

As soon as the wonderful thought came to him, Meng Qi, who was gliding and turning around, was already staggered away from him, with his waistcoat facing each other.

At the same time, Meng Qi hit him hard on the back with an iron elbow with his right hand.

Meng Qi’s elbow hit Zhenmiao’s vest, but he felt powerless. He turned his head halfway, looked out of the corner of his eye, and saw Zhenmiao’s monk’s robe swelled up, taking most of his strength away.

This is not something that can be accomplished during the energy storage period. Meng Qi’s heart moved, he stopped his hands, and smiled in greeting: “I’ve accepted, senior brother is really amazing.”

Zhenmiao’s face was livid, very annoyed at losing again:

“Fight again tomorrow.”

In the words, there seemed to be a sense of reluctance to admit defeat, regarding Meng Qi as a real opponent.

The ups and downs of the two people’s confrontation just now made people dazzled. Zhende and other monks had already decided the winner before they could react. For a while, they all stared blankly at Zhenmiao and Meng Qi. , I just feel that everything is like a dream, so unreal.

After a while, their gazes at Meng Qi turned into attention and vigilance.

No matter what method you use, if you can defeat Brother Zhenmiao for the second time, there must be something special

“It’s amazing, I can’t believe it’s not long since you learned Arhat boxing.” After practicing martial arts, Zhenyong caught up with Meng Qi and Zhenhui, as if getting to know him again.

Meng Qiyin was a little proud, and said without shame: “Junior brother, I have a bit of talent in martial arts since I was young.”

This can’t be called the world of reincarnation.

“Will you go to Yanwu Hall later?” Zhenyong asked.

Meng Qi nodded vigorously: “Of course, we still have to prepare for tomorrow’s duel with Brother Zhenmiao.”

After dinner, after practicing his inner strength, Meng Qi stepped into the martial arts hall with a regular schedule.

As soon as he stepped in, he saw Zhenliang’s expression tightened, and he pulled the monk next to him to practice, his shots were gentle, as if he wanted to hit him forever.

And other monks who were close to the truth also found someone to practice against each other, so as not to give Meng Qi a chance to “provoke”.

“Why do I feel like a villain who bullies men and women?” Meng Qi said after a while, hehe, this feeling is not bad

Zhenyong was quite cooperative this time, he laughed and said: “The evil monk is really determined.”

For the next month, Meng Qi spent time and time again in challenges and counter-challenges with Zhenmiao. He lost more than he won, and at night he practiced in the Martial Arts Hall. In the second half of the month, he already felt that the monks here were not challenging. So I entered the Martial Arts Hall and was beaten to shame, but I never got tired of it, because the progress in internal strength, fists, and sword skills was extremely obvious

“Tonight you guard the main road in the back mountain.” At noon that day, Xuan Chi came over and announced a mission.

Seeing that everyone was at a loss, he explained a sentence: “The back mountain suppresses the demons and ghosts that I have surrendered in Shaolin over the years. They need to be guarded at any time. Don’t worry, there are masters and uncles from Bodhidharma and Bodhi. Patrol the perimeter and do basic vigilance.”

The monster Meng Qi took a light breath. :

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