I Honor

Chapter 281

Weeds were growing on the ground, the doors and windows were broken, and the Buddha statue was gray. It seemed that someone had been pushed directly off the lotus platform and fell to pieces. His head rolled to the wall. He happened to “look” at Meng Qi and the others with a benevolent smile on his face.

This made Meng Qi shudder a little. The Great Sage is a monster, Ben Boerba is a monster, and grandma is also a monster, but everyone’s painting styles are completely different. Could it be the latter?

Jiang Zhiwei and the others looked at the meditation hall, but they couldn’t find anything worth noting, nor did they find the enemy.

Ge Huai’en looked solemn, took a few deep breaths, closed his eyes, adjusted his breath for a while, and then threw out a few copper coins in his palm.

Everyone knew that he was doing divination, so they didn’t dare to disturb him, and they were all on guard against different directions.

The sound of ding copper coins rolling on the ground gradually dissipated, Ge Huai’en stared at it, his face changed slightly: “This place is fierce”

“Where is the better place?” Meng Qi asked, anyway, everyone’s eyes were darkened, they didn’t know where they were, and they didn’t know where the danger came from, so going according to the result of divination was the only way out.

Ge Huai’en picked up the copper coin and tossed it several times, his face became more serious, and with his indifferent and peaceful personality, he also looked slightly gloomy: “There are ominous omens in every direction, and we seem to be in a desperate situation.”

Everyone exhaled, but they were not too disappointed. If not, it would not be a death mission.

“Since this is the case, it will be dark, we should stay rather than leave.” Luo Shengyi expressed his opinion confidently, which could inspire people to agree.

Outside the window, the sun was setting in the west, dyeing the sky red, and the surrounding area was already dark.

Meng Qi nodded directly and said, “It should be so.”

He is a person who has seen Journey to the West, and with the description of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, “The Demons Chaos the World”, he can probably imagine the grand occasion of a mountain and a nest of monsters, and many monsters are good at hiding and sneaking, and often hunt their prey at night. , walking at night is very dangerous. If you accidentally fall into the trap and get caught and steamed or fried, it is better to stick to this ruined temple and wait for the dawn.

“Okay.” Jiang Zhiwei had no objection to this.

Zhang Yuanshan worked calmly and carefully, and immediately said: “Then let’s inspect the temple together to eliminate internal hidden dangers.”

At this time, everyone has to advance and retreat together, and we must not divide our troops or place orders, otherwise we may say that we will be a corpse when we meet again.

No one objected to his proposal, and Meng Qi took the lead. The rest had their own positions. Just as he pushed open the door, there were cries of crows, and a group of crows flew up from the roofs. There was a feeling of rising black clouds, and the ruined temple at dusk was set off to be desolate and lonely, gloomy and terrifying.

As far as Meng Qi could see, the square outside the meditation hall was also covered with weeds, and there were bird droppings and animal droppings everywhere. There are broken walls and broken tiles everywhere, as if no one has paid attention to it for an unknown number of years.

“It has to be checked before dark.” Luo Shengyi is still used to giving orders, but compared to before. He obviously respected the opinions of Meng Qi and others more.

Meng Qi nodded, holding a knife in his right hand and a sword in his left, and led the crowd to search the courtyard of the meditation room one by one. I found that there was no one here, and some of the wooden tables and chairs were so rotten that they would collapse at the touch of a touch. Occasionally, a skinny mouse could be seen swaggering past like no one.

About half an hour later. The sky was getting darker and it felt like it was night. Jiang Zhiwei and Fu Zhenzhen lit a torch to illuminate the surrounding environment.

They probably finished searching the Temple Ming Body, and found nothing strange or valuable. Some of the rotting corpses of wild animals were gnawed to pieces, apparently wild dogs and others were present.

“It seems that it is not a monster that can drive ghosts.” Zhang Yuanshan made a judgment.

In the main world, there was a time when monsters roiled the land, and all kinds of monsters emerged one after another. Although they were later suppressed by the Human Emperor and hid in Tianhaiyuan and other places, they also appeared from time to time and caused disasters. Therefore, the records of monsters are very detailed. , Zhang Yuanshan, as the direct heir of Zhenwu, naturally has various methods and tricks to check.

Meng QihuiLooking at the gate of the temple first, he saw the darkness outside, which seemed to contain endless dangers: “Then we mainly guard against the monsters outside.”

The plaque at the main entrance seems to have disappeared long ago, making it impossible for them to know which temple they are in.

“Let’s go back to the original meditation hall first, it’s the most suitable location.” Jiang Zhiwei weighed the conditions of the various temples and the distance from the gates, etc., and made a suggestion.

Meng Qi had no choice but to walk ahead again. It was obvious that the meditation hall just now was the main hall of this temple.

When approaching the Zen room, under the firelight, Meng Qi suddenly caught sight of a golden glint.

“Eh, the gold paint on the Buddha statue is all dull, where is the gold?” Meng Qi frowned slightly, walked over, and found that it was a plaque covered with moss and weeds, and the gold was just the stroke of the text on it.

“Plaque.” Jiang Zhiwei asked with sharp eyes, “Can you see what kind of temple this is?”

Although in an unfamiliar reincarnation world, it is useless to know the name of the temple and place, but it is a Buddhist temple anyway, and it may be consistent with the Buddhism of the main world, and some situations can be judged from it, just like the Shaolin in the world of Doercha, except that it is not the same as the main world Shaolin The layout is the same, and the Buddha is also enshrined.

Meng Qi did know the names of a few temples in Journey to the West, such as Jinshan Temple, so he might not be able to use this to judge the location, so he used “soft words” to remove the weeds and moss on it.

With his skill, the last character below appeared very quickly, which is the Sanskrit word for “Temple”. If Meng Qi hadn’t learned it in Shaolin, no one present would be able to recognize it.

Scraping upwards, the word “Yin” in Sanskrit was exposed. Meng Qi’s face changed slightly, and his breathing stopped a little. If it was “Little Leiyin Temple”, not to mention the Huangmei Patriarch who was taken away, a random boss would come inside. You can swallow yourself and others alive.

“No…” Ruan Yushu seemed to sense Meng Qi’s nervousness, and everyone’s breathing eased.

Meng Qi shook his head and continued to scrape the weeds and moss. Eight hundred years have passed, and the monsters should have moved away long ago. After all, the Yellow-browed Patriarch was taken away by Maitreya Buddha.

The golden Sanskrit characters were revealed little by little, and Meng Qi’s heart beat suddenly slowed down. It was really the word for “雷”.

The Little Leiyin Temple shows that we are really full of monsters big and small in Hezhou, Xiniu

Feeling that he had confirmed the result, Meng Qi relaxed a little. Judging by the dilapidated appearance, it didn’t look like there was a powerful monster living there.

He removed the remaining weeds at will, intending to make the word “small” appear. Suddenly, he laughed inwardly: “So it’s not a small character, it’s a big character. It’s not Xiaoleiyin Temple anymore, it’s not bad.”

As soon as he thought of this, his pupils constricted violently, his expression froze, and a storm arose in his heart.

There is no “small” character, but a big character. Isn’t that the “Da Leiyin Temple” where the Tathagata Buddha lived during the “Da Leiyin Temple” Journey to the West?

The Buddha’s voice preaches, the sound is like thunder

This is unscientific. Meng Qi looked blank. How is this like “Da Leiyin Temple”? If even “Da Leiyin Temple” has become like this, wouldn’t it be that unimaginable changes have happened? He just gave himself a sap

Don’t worry. Meng Qi’s expression change might have been taken by Yehu Chan himself, which made Jiang Zhiwei and the others more vigilant, but his appearance made people afraid to ask questions for a while.

Meng Qi stared at the plaque, and saw that the wood had a trace of greenness, but it still retained vitality. The four Sanskrit characters above looked ordinary at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it made people feel pure and peaceful from the heart, and the Zen was plain but meaningful. , it lay there quietly, as if telling the vicissitudes of the years. The body does not move, the truth is not false.

“Is it really Daleiyin Temple?” Meng Qi subconsciously inserted back into “Ziwu”, picked up the plaque, and waited for him to look back at the meditation hall. It was only then that I realized something was wrong. If it was really the “Da Leiyin Temple”, except for the plaques, the rest should be holy objects that have been contaminated by the Buddha’s breath all the year round. Even if hundreds of years have passed, it should have an unusual flavor like a plaque, so that it is decayed and dilapidated. There is nothing unusual, it breaks when you touch it.

Could it be that this is not the “Daleiyin Temple”, but the plaque is real

But this guess also makes people unacceptable who brought out the plaque of “Da Leiyin Temple” in Lingshan Pure Land and left it here

When he calmed down, he realized that his abnormality had aroused the attention and worry of all his companions. This matter was too unimaginable, and he couldn’t control it with his current state of mind.

“What’s wrong with Daleiyin Temple?” Jiang Zhiwei asked suspiciously, the little monk was born in Buddhism, does he know something

According to some Buddhist scriptures in the main world, the Buddha lived in the Posa pure land “Nalanda Temple”, but there was nothing like “Daleiyin Temple”, so they were not surprised.

Meng Qi pondered for a while and said: “I have read a few Buddhist scriptures written by unknown people. It is said that the Tathagata Buddha also has the Lingshan Pure Land, and there is a Daleiyin Temple in the center of the Pure Land.”

The faces of Zhang Yuanshan, Luo Shengyi and the others changed slightly. Meng Qi was born in a Buddhist school. It is normal for him to read Buddhist scriptures that are not known to outsiders. Could it be that demons messed up the world and destroyed the Buddha’s pure land, leaving Daleiyin Temple in ruins?

This is impossible

Where do demons come from with this ability, even a demon master who can open a world by himself can’t do it

Even if the demon saint is resurrected, he is at most equal to the demon master.

Or the Buddha here is not the Buddha of the main world

Countless questions emerged, but none of them said anything, waiting for Meng Qi to continue.

Meng Qi stated his conjecture, suspecting that this place is not Daleiyin Temple, but just a plaqueyes. This point has been agreed by everyone. Even if it is not the real Buddha, the normal Buddha’s residence should be full of sacred objects, which is many times better than the relics in Doercha’s world. Why is it like this now? It will break if you touch it.

“Maybe it’s not necessarily the real plaque, maybe it was written by some eminent monk.” Meng Qi himself didn’t believe this explanation. If Lingshan was normal and Daleiyin Temple was normal, which eminent monk would name his temple Great Leiyin Temple

Reminiscent of “800 years after Journey to the West, the world is in chaos”, Meng Qi smelled the breath of change.

He was silent for a while and said: “The stories told in those Buddhist scriptures are a bit similar to this world. Monsters are rampant, and saints among monsters abound. We can’t be careless.”

“If we really encounter the power of the first level of the demon saint, it’s useless for us to be careless, so relax.” Jiang Zhi smiled lightly, showing no fear.

As soon as the words fell, everyone trembled, and a tyrannical monster aura shot up into the sky

Countless weak demonic auras were connected together, like a dark cloud, rushing towards this monastery with the sound of wind blowing all around.

“Jiafeng” Zhang Yuanshan’s expression froze, this is at least a monster of half-step location level

Because monsters are born with supernatural powers, they can fight half a realm earlier than the strong ones of the human race. to be continued


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