I Honor

Chapter 290

One Hundred

In just a dozen or so breaths, neither Jiang Zhiwei, Luo Shengyi, Qi Zhengyan, or Ruan Yushu could return to the state where they could make a move. Only Meng Qi’s body surface flames became dimmer, so the monster was wary of him, While flying towards Zhang Yuanshan.

“Opportunity is the opportunity to enter Lingshan.” Zhang Yuanshan said nonsense based on background knowledge.

It seems that the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation’s account of the background is by no means aimless.

“That’s it, it’s not impossible to cooperate.” The monster nodded slightly.

Zhang Yuanshan is still hesitating in his heart, should he take a risk, or believe in monsters and give up resistance

Seeing that the monster’s attitude is okay, he is inclined to cooperate.

“but you must die”

Suddenly, the monster screamed violently, and thrust out the spear in his right hand, the flames rolled, scorching and terrifying.

The pain in its left arm reminds it of revenge all the time

For ordinary monsters, is the big picture something to eat?

Zhang Yuanshan didn’t expect the monster to turn his face when he said he would turn his face, and the tip of the spear was already in front of him.

At this time, a figure flashed out, pushed Zhang Yuanshan away, and was stabbed by the flaming spear, and the flames burned from the inside out.

“True…” Zhang Yuanshan’s mind was blank, only Fu Zhenzhen’s eyes looked back with joy and sorrow, and narration and firmness.

“You are calm and capable in doing things, and you have the spirit of a leader. This is excellent, but you think too much, worry too much, and lack the necessary courage when you need to take a risk.” The words of the old ancestor rang in his heart. Years later, it’s still clear.

He hesitated at the beginning, but Qi Xia resolutely stood up, and the scene of trying to uncover the secret of the Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara also appeared before his eyes.

“Yes, I don’t have the courage to take the risk.”

“But today, cut off this me”

Fu Zhenzhen’s eyes were clear and nostalgic, Zhang Yuanshan’s heart was filled with infinite courage, and all the things of love turned into flames, urging the sword intent.

The blood was shining, and Zhang Yuanshan’s blood essence seemed to be burning violently.

Sword light across the sky. In the dark, the flying bird monster was intercepted from between the sky and the earth, with bloodstains protruding from the surface of the body, and quickly penetrated. Cut flesh and bone.

Papapapa, several bodies of the Asuka monster fell to the ground one after another, its eyes protruding, frozen in astonishment.

The mountain wind blew past, and there were no more monsters nearby, and it was peaceful.

“Brother Zhang,” Qi Zhengyan forced himself to stand up, and cried out in grief.

After this strike, Zhang Yuanshan lost all breath, his face was pale, and he staggered towards Fu Zhenzhen. Sit down cross-legged, then lift Fu Zhenzhen up, wrap her right hand around her, and let her lean on her chest.

A shot through the heart in the half-step exterior scene, and Fu Zhenzhen was already dead. Only those eyes were open, as gentle as ever.

Zhang Yuanshan raised his left hand tremblingly, caressing Fu Zhenzhen’s face, affectionate and nostalgic.

The flames on Meng Qi’s body were extinguished, but the effect of the sacrifice formula had also faded, so he stood up reluctantly and swallowed the Great Return Pill. Stumbled to the side of Zhang Yuanshan.

“Senior Brother Zhang” he didn’t know what to say, since Zhang Yuanshan met everyone, he was like everyone’s elder brother, calm and reliable, taking care of everyone.

Zhang Yuanshan smiled and said: “The matter has come to this point, there is no need to say more. If there is no last sword, I will never forgive myself in my life, but in the end, I still defeated myself.”

He is coming back.

After a pause, Zhang Yuanshan took out his Dahuan Dan and Fu Zhenzhen’s healing pills. Handed it to Meng Qi: “IIt is no longer available. ”

“Brother Zhang…” Meng Qi’s eyes were blurred, his throat was choked up, and he wanted to say a lot, but he couldn’t.

Zhang Yuanshan closed his eyes slowly, and said in a breathless voice:

“Live well instead of us, and live until we get out of reincarnation.”

“Senior brother Zhang, if there is a chance, I will resurrect you all,” Meng Qi blurted out.

Jiang Zhiwei also leaned over and made a promise in a low voice: “If there is a chance, I will resurrect you.”

“No need, if you really want to, break away from reincarnation, become the top power, and resurrect us with your own power.” Zhang Yuanshan didn’t want to burden Meng Qi and others.

“It’s a pity.” He still had something in his heart that he couldn’t give up, but he didn’t say anything.

Meng Qi’s vision was blurred, and a thought flashed in his mind, and he said solemnly, “Senior Brother Zhang, if you two are in trouble, even if you go through fire and water, I will not hesitate.”

A man’s promise is worth a thousand gold

Zhang Yuanshan smiled, closed his eyes completely, and still sat cross-legged, hugging Fu Zhenzhen tightly.

Meng Qi took a deep breath, suppressing the grief in his heart: “Take care of the corpse, let’s leave quickly.”

I don’t know if there will be monsters chasing afterward.

Jiang Zhiwei found a pack of poison on Fu Zhenzhen’s body, sprinkled it on the two of them, and said in a sad voice: “Your corpses cannot be desecrated by monsters, may your flesh and blood blend together.”

Zizizi, Zhang Yuanshan and Fu Zhenzhen quickly turned into pus and blood, and merged together, leaving only Prime Minister Bai Zhijian and Snake Sword stacked horizontally.

Although they lacked good deeds, Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei and the others had their limits. They could never do the thing of holding a sword, so they dug a pit at random and buried pus and blood with the two swords.

As for Dahuan Dan and Fu Zhenzhen’s healing pills, they were handed over to Ruan Yushu, because everyone else had to step forward to fight and accidentally broke the porcelain bottle.

The monster’s two long spears also received mustard rings.

After that, they supported each other, seized the time, and ran towards the distance. After walking for a while, there was a warm orange burning in the sky, and the earth ushered in the morning light.

The light of dawn shone in front of everyone’s eyes, and the exhaustion from previous battles and the grief of the loss of their companions seemed to be comforted.

As the light gradually brightened, Meng Qi’s eyes widened suddenly, and despair poured out uncontrollably.

They were on a hill, and in the distance was an old temple, which looked so familiar, exactly the same as the place they left six days ago.

It is bathed in sunlight, burning solemn and bright gold, magnificent and pure.

walked back again

Is it the restriction of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, or is it a natural change after the arrival of the opportunity?

It’s no wonder that no matter which direction Ge Huai’en is divining, he is a big culprit, because there is no difference, and he will come back here. Meng Qi suddenly understood the true meaning of Ge Huai’en’s first divination result.

Then why is it heading west every time?

“At this time, the monsters are all leaving the temple to pursue us. Returning to the temple is the best strategy, and we may not be able to survive the last day.” Under the effect of the Great Returning Pill, Luo Shengyi has basically recovered from his injuries and resumed his combat skills. The same is true for Jiang Zhiwei, Meng Qi and others.

Meng Qi suppressed his despair and nodded slightly: “Well, the most dangerous place is the safest place.”

He just keeps his faith. Because this can only depend on luck, maybe there are monsters guarding the temple, maybe the real monster king is rushing here in the clouds and fog

The matter has come to this point, it is impossible for everyone to turn back to face the large army of monsters, so they have to move forward with all their strength. It is not necessary to go to the temple, but you can find a hidden place nearby to hide and survive the last day.

After walking for a while, Luo Shengyi found a hidden cave, and beckoned Meng Qi and others to hide in it.

The strange rocks in the crypt are like monsters in the dark, and there is a faint sound of underground rivers flowing.

“I hope the monsters can’t find it here.” Luo Shengyi said with emotion. His first death mission was on the last day because of his weak strength, he was ignored by the enemy, and he found a hidden cave to hide before passing. It is inevitable to be lucky now.

Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei, Qi Zhengyan, and Ruan Yushu didn’t have the habit of praying to the sky for their lives. They each inspected the crypt to see where it led, and to see if they could use it to deal with monsters. They could fly outside. Once you enter here, you will be the same as yourself and others

Of course, the premise is that Bibo King Benbo Erba didn’t come, otherwise his strength in the location would be enough to kill himself and others who had no artifacts to rely on.

Suddenly, Meng Qi saw a black shadow flash by, and the movement was not too fast.

“Who…” Meng Qi ran over with the Phantom Magic Body Technique, but caught a skinny old man. Human old man.

“Demon, you are not monsters.” The old man described Kuhao, dying, first startled, then calmed down.

Jiang Zhiwei and the others surrounded him, and Meng Qi said in a deep voice, “Old man. We are humans, we were hunted down by monsters, we hid here, what about you?”

The old man smiled bitterly: “Of course I am a human race, because the food in the clan is limited. I am getting old again, and I come out to die by myself, giving young people hope of living.”

There are many similar records in the era of Yaochao Land. As long as the human beings of each tribe get old, they will leave the safe place by themselves, go out and wait for death, and do not waste food. The position of Supreme Master of the Universe.

“Where is your tribe?” Meng Qi lost his food and waterFor the old man, he asked casually.

The old man looked at him vigilantly: “What kind of tribe are you going to hide? The hiding place is far away from here.”

“Don’t worry, old man, we won’t bother you.” Meng Qi sighed, understanding the old man’s vigilance.

The old man sighed: “You are kind people, but I can’t reveal it. There are too many monsters, and many people have been raised in captivity, and some are devoted to them. Alas, it’s better in ancient times. At that time, there were gods, heavenly soldiers and generals, and Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, there are Arhats, monks and soldiers. Although monsters are also eating people, how can they be rampant today? Our human race has established many kingdoms, so we don’t have to worry about food or drink.”

He showed yearning eyes, which are all beautiful descriptions handed down.

“Which country is this in ancient times?” Meng Qi’s heart moved.

Only by talking about the ancient place names can he know where it is, and he may not be able to find a way out.

The old man frowned and thought for a while: “In ancient times, this is said to be the boundary of Lingshan.”

“Spirit Mountain Realm” Meng Qi blurted out, and stormy waves set off in his heart.

This is actually the realm of Lingshan. Where can I find Lingshan?

The old man nodded slightly, not understanding why the young man in front of him was so surprised.

“This is the boundary of Lingshan Mountain”

“Plaque of Daleiyin Temple”

“The direction of Ge Huaien’s divination is all to the west”

“Where can I find Lingshan’s last letter?”

“The little Jade Buddha is suspected to be some kind of symbol, road sign or key”

Countless thoughts jumped out of Meng Qi’s mind, and a ray of spiritual light condensed from them.

“The west of Ge Huai’en’s divination is actually the west in a symbolic sense, the west of the journey to the west, and the purpose of traveling to the west to learn scriptures is Lingshan, and the symbol of Lingshan is Daleiyin Temple Ge Huai’en’s divination is actually saying that the direction is Daleiyin “Temple plaque”

“Little Jade Buddha is the key to unlock”

Going round and round, back to the original point.


Last day to ask for a monthly ticket


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