I Honor

Chapter 003

The Empty Door

Meng Qi’s secret joy was interrupted, and his elation turned into embarrassment, while Zhende and other young novice monks looked at him with surprise and contempt. “Looking blankly at the golden Buddha statue in front of him, he looked like he was wandering in the sky.

Subconsciously, Meng Qi half-turned his head and looked at Xuanzang next to him, whether he could see something

For him, shame and frustration are trivial matters, but exposing the fact that he has resurrected himself is a big problem

Xuanzang still had a bitter expression on his face, with dejected eyes. After feeling Meng Qi’s gaze, he shook his head lightly: “Namo Amitabha, everything depends on Xuanku’s decision.”

He didn’t hint at it, he just said it.

Uh, he thought I thought he was pleading with him. Meng Qi was relieved inwardly, knowing that he had passed this test. Unless the parents who abandoned this body, the horse-faced uncle, etc. came to him, he would not be seen through. If it takes another ten or eight years, there will be no doubts. The memories of childhood are easy to forget.

Compared to this, getting into the handyman’s house is just a trivial matter

Meng Qi, who was playing crookedly, tried his best to make his expression as dull as Zhenhui’s, lest Xuanzang see through that he was not so depressed and sad.

After the broad-faced and big-eared Xuan Ku questioned the remaining children one by one, together with Meng Qi and Zhen Hui, a total of six of them entered the Handyman’s Academy, and the rest belonged to the Martial Monk Academy.

The ruler in his right hand lightly tapped his left palm: “Follow me to go to the miscellaneous yard to get a shave, to receive monk robes and Buddhist scriptures, etc. I will live hard in the future, so I might not have the opportunity to study advanced Buddhist scriptures and martial arts in Bodhi and Bodhidharma schools.” .”

There was also Bodhidharma Meng Qi who was stunned for a moment, but Xuan Ku didn’t give him time to think, he walked straight through the children and walked out of the hall.

Surrounded by strangers, Meng Qi didn’t dare to ask more questions. He followed closely behind the two yellow-clothed monks, Xuan Ku and Xuan Zang, and turned into a nearby courtyard.

“You don’t count as a formal entry, you just need to pay homage to the Buddha, get shaved and leave a name.” Xuan Ku pointed to the futon in the small Buddhist hall.

“Yes, Uncle Xuanku.” The children followed Zhende in response, and then knelt on the futon one by one, kowtowing to the golden Buddha statue above.

After all the children had worshiped the Buddha, Xuanku clasped his hands together, Bao Xiang solemnly bowed to the Buddha statue, and chanted “Namo Amitabha Buddha”, then he walked up to a child and stroked his right hand on the top of his head.

The child’s long black hair changed immediately, and the roots turned yellow at a speed visible to Meng Qi’s naked eyes, falling to the ground like fallen leaves. In less than two breaths, the child became a real little novice monk.

“The troubles are gone, and the world of mortals is far away.” Xuan Ku said solemnly, and his mellow voice echoed in the pure Buddhist hall.

“What kind of martial arts is this? It’s amazing.” Meng Qi was surprised and excited. Will he have the opportunity to learn such martial arts in the future?

Xuan Ku walked up to the children one by one, shaved off their hair, and kept saying the same words.

When it was Meng Qi’s turn, he lowered his head, silently recited the name of Buddha and Taoist, and mourned the hair that was about to bid farewell to him.

The thick and wide palm stroked the top of Meng Qi’s head lightly, and the withered hairs fell before his eyes. This made him feel sad and almost couldn’t restrain himself. He loved the world of mortals to death and never thought of becoming a monk. .

“The troubles are all gone, and the world of mortals is far away.”

Xuan Ku’s voice was like a chime bell ringing suddenly, making Meng Qi tremble all over, and his mind was cleared.

But after Xuanku left and Chengjing disappeared, Meng Qi’s belief was still firm, and he would return to vulgar life in the future.

After worshiping Buddha, getting shaved, and leaving a name for the monk, Xuan Ku asked several gray-clothed monks to take the children to the backyard to get their own things. Two sets of gray monk robes, two pairs of shoes and socks, Shaolin precepts, twelve small mantras for morning class, etc. .

“After you have learned the characters in the lecture hall, you can recite the precepts of the temple and the morning class mantra. Before that, I will briefly talk about the main precepts of the temple. First, you must not deceive your master and destroy your ancestors; Don’t steal martial arts, third, don’t kill, fourth, don’t drink alcohol, fifth, don’t eat meat, and sixth, don’t break the sex precept.” Xuan Ku repeated the main precepts that need to be obeyed several times, and finally said solemnly: “Those who violate If it is light, it will be scolded, and if it is serious, it will abolish martial arts and expel you from this temple.”

He only mentioned two of the punishments, which are the lightest and the heaviest. The rest include coolie punishment, scripture copying, staff punishment, and facing the wall.

After explaining these things, he and Xuanzang left the “miscellaneous yard” with the group of young monks.

“In this temple, those who wear gray robes are the general monks, those who wear yellow robes are the deacons of each courtyard, and those who wear yellow robes and red cassocks are the abbots, the heads of each courtyard, and elders.” Unrelentingly instilling “common sense in the monastery” to the young monks, he did not become silent again until Zhende and others entered the “monk monastery”.

The group of people walked further and further away. Inside and outside the yellow wall, there were green trees, and there were few Buddhist temples. After a while, Meng Qi saw a mottled and old courtyard.

“Oh, Brother Xuanku, Brother Xuanzang, you came so early.” A big fat monk at the door greeted him with a smile. He was also dressed in yellow, but his collar was slanted and his belly was shy.

Xuan Ku frowned, folded his hands together meticulously, and said, “Namo Amitabha, Senior Brother Xuanxin, how can you be so lazy?”

The fat monk Xuan Xin has long been familiar with Xuan Ku’s temper, and said without any anger: “Oh, you are too obsessed with appearance, this is for the disciples of our handyman’s house.”

He didn’t want to get entangled with Xuan Ku on this issue, and pointed directly at Meng Qi and the others.

“Senior Brother Xuan Xin, please arrange it.” Xuan Ku replied solemnly.

At this time, Xuanzang, who had been making saw-mouthed gourds, suddenly said, “Zhenying, is Zhenguan still in the handyman’s yard?”

“Still, still.” The fat monk Xuanxin said suspiciously: “Senior Brother Xuanzang, you ask them what they are doing, do you intend to accept them as disciples?”

Xuanzang shook his head, and sighed: “My martial art has been ruined, so I don’t want to mislead my disciples, why dare to accept Xuanxin as my apprentice, please let them be in the same room with Zhenying and Zhenguan.”

He was referring to Meng Qi and Zhen Hui.

Meng Qi’s heart beat violently. This was the first time Xuanzang took the initiative to arrange his own affairs. Could it be that the two monks Zhenying and Zhenguan had something special that could help him?

“Haha, Senior Brother Xuanzang, I don’t dare to bother with such a trivial matter, Senior Brother Xuanzang, what you ordered, why bother?” Xuan Xin agreed without hesitation.

Xuan Ku glanced sideways at Xuan Zang, didn’t say much, but said seriously to Meng Qi, Zhen Hui and other young novice monks: “The reason I put you in the handyman’s yard is because you all have problems. If you understand and sharpen your mind, you may not have the opportunity to enter the Wu Monk Academy, the Bodhidharma Academy, or even the Bodhi Academy in the future.”

“But if you continue to steal, cheat, be lazy, playful, impetuous, and unbearable to suffer, I will not hide it. I will definitely report it to the Discipline Academy and punish you accordingly.”

He spoke out his thoughts without any concealment, to show his frankness and lack of selfishness, which made Xuan Xin beside him blush slightly.

“Yes, Master Xuanku.” Meng Qi and other young monks answered in unison.

After watching Xuan Ku and Xuan Zang leave, Xuan Xin twisted her body, causing the pieces of fat to shake up and down: “I’m finally gone, I’m most afraid of seeing this iron-masked ghost.”

The monk Meng Qi pretended not to look sideways, and followed Xuan Xin, who was swaying here and there, into the meditation room.

“Zhenying, Zhenguan, this is your junior brother Zhending and Zhenhui.” Xuanxin pointed to Meng Qi and Zhenhui, then turned around and took the other young monks to another Zen room.

Inside the meditation room, there is a bunk, which can accommodate seven or eight people to sleep, and nothing else.

On the bunk, two gray-clothed monks were lying down and sitting, both in their twenties. The one who was lying down had a dull expression and was speechless, while the one who was sitting had his brows furrowed, and his tone was cold: “Package, etc. Just lay the bottom, if you want to drink water, you can get it from the water tank in the courtyard.”

“I don’t know how to call my senior brother.” Meng Qi glanced at the dull Zhenhui, and decided to open up a good “roommate relationship” by himself.

The person sitting said coldly: “Zhenguan.”

After answering, he stopped talking, and even turned away from looking at Meng Qi and Zhenhui, making it impossible for Meng Qi to talk about getting closer.

As for Zhenying, he closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Who are these people? Meng Qi secretly sneered, but on the surface he said to Zhenhui with a smile: “Junior Brother Zhenhui, I’m Zhending. In the future, you can just call me brother.”

“Yes, Senior Brother.” Zhenhui called without embarrassment at all.

It’s better to be this stupid little guy! Meng Qi sighed secretly, and decided to play the role of senior brother to help Zhenhui: “Little brother, eh, I’ll call you little brother, come on, let’s change into monk clothes first.” .”

Although there were people in the room, Meng Qi, who used to enjoy the cool in the dormitory shirtless when he was in college, didn’t feel uncomfortable. He quickly took off his clothes and changed into a monk’s robe.

While silently thanking the simplicity of wearing the monk’s robe so that he would not look ugly, he checked the things on his body that he hadn’t had time to look at before.

The robes of this body are finely woven and soft in texture. Even if Meng Qi doesn’t know the goods, he can tell that they are of great value. At the same time, “he” has a transparent jade pendant hanging from his waist and a A small jade Buddha pendant tied with a red string was pressed against the chest, refreshing and cool, so uncomfortable.

Meng Qi played with the thumb-sized Jade Buddha carefully, and saw that “it” had a compassionate face and was lifelike. It was obviously carved with extraordinary craftsmanship. At the same time, “it” had a delicate touch, which was warm and refreshing.

“According to what Uncle Malian said, this Jade Buddha was given by an unknown old monk, but since the Marquis has not taken it away, it is probably not a rare product, it is better to wear it next to your body.” Meng Qi hung the Jade Buddha pendant again He hid his chest next to his body, then packed up the jade pendant, clothes, etc., and put them under the bunk he had chosen.

At this moment, Zhen Ying, who had been sleeping all this time, suddenly turned over and sat up, quickly put on his shoes and went out, Meng Qi was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what happened.

“It’s dinner time.” Zhen Guan said coldly, got out of the bunk and walked out the door.

Who are these two? Meng Qi cursed again, then turned to Zhenhui and said, “Little brother, it’s okay, it’s time for dinner.”

“Okay.” As soon as Zhenhui finished speaking, the little figure rushed to the door like a rabbit, as if he was already hungry.

“” Meng Qi was suddenly embarrassed. Could it be that he is the only one who is more normal here?

Zhenhui suddenly stopped at the door, and looked back at Meng Qi with doubts on his face: “TeacherBrother, don’t you go?”

If you have a conscience, you know how to wait for me. Meng Qi thought to himself, and then replied half-jokingly: “I’m not as hungry as you guys.”

Looking at you one or two, it’s like a starving ghost reincarnated

Zhenhui’s doubts disappeared, and she nodded seriously: “Brother, then I will go first.”

He turned around and ran away.

Hey, I’m just joking, don’t take it seriously. Meng Qi opened his mouth halfway,

After shivering a few times, he shouted loudly: “Hey, little brother, wait for me”

Suddenly, a burst of sadness hit his heart, other people’s junior sisters, why do I only have junior juniors, and there will be no junior sisters in the foreseeable future. :

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