I Honor

Chapter 030

New Task (please click for recommendation)

“The Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation still has a bit of a sense of humor.” Meng Qi curled his lips quietly.

After discovering that the little Jade Buddha he was wearing was mysteriously broken in two at the end of the first reincarnation world, Meng Qi suspected that it was the trigger medium, so he deliberately buried it in the corner of the handyman’s yard, hoping to interrupt the The “summoning” of the “Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation”, but now it seems that it has almost no effect.

However, Meng Qi found that when he faced the “world of reincarnation” again, he had a faint sense of anticipation, wanting to become stronger through the “world of reincarnation” and get rid of the current shackles.

“Forget it, junior brother, Bodhi Court will pay attention to this matter. I don’t think they will treat me badly. I’ll go back to my room and be quiet for a while.” Meng Qi pretended to ponder, and said to Zhenhui.

Zhenhui was already eagerly looking in the direction of Yanwu Hall, but now she couldn’t help but look back at Meng Qi: “Brother, this is not like you.”

You still know me very well? Meng Qi slandered, how could the usually stupid little junior become so smart at this time, “Young junior, it’s okay, we have to figure out the reason first.”

Zhenhui nodded half-understood, rushed back to the Zen room to meditate and practice kung fu ahead of Meng Qi, he had recently been at the critical moment of opening up his dantian, and he was putting extra effort into it.

Meng Qi had already fully believed in the power of the “Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation”, so he did not evade his true wisdom, closed the door of the room, and crossed his legs to adjust his breath.

Breathing longer and more peacefully, Meng Qi gradually subdued the fear and dread in his heart, his eyes suddenly went dark, then brightened again, and he appeared in Baiyu Square.

There is no change here, the sky is as white as weaving clouds, the surrounding fog is dense, and the statues of immortals, birds and beasts are looming.

“Little monk, take the saber.” Jiang Zhiwei’s voice was as clear as an oriole, and the saber flew towards Meng Qi in a beautiful arc.

With a wave of his right hand, Meng Qi easily caught Jiedao, and then saw Jiang Zhiwei standing pretty not far away, her long yellow dress swaying gently with the breeze, and Zhang Yuanshan and Qi Zhengyan also walked over with their skirts fluttering.

“The progress in martial arts is not small.” Jiang Zhi said with a smile, without the frustration and anger of undergoing the reincarnation mission again.

From the way Meng Qi received the knife, she could probably see Meng Qi’s current level.

Seeing these acquaintances, Meng Qi felt more at ease than he was in Shaolin Temple, he laughed and said, “I don’t want to see the Buddha in his prime.”

While speaking, he stroked the refined steel Jiedao.

“Hey, it’s rare that you speak so like a monk.” Seeing Meng Qi’s movements, Jiang Zhiwei nodded slightly and said, “I know it’s hard for you to get a sharp Jie Dao in Shaolin, so I prepared one for you.”

“Thank you Miss Jiang for that.” Meng Qi called him that on purpose.

Then, before Jiang Zhiwei could retort, he had a serious face: “Miss Jiang, Senior Brother Zhang, Senior Brother Qi, after returning from the mission last time, did you find anything wrong with your body or around me? ”

This matter, he decided to show his sincerity instead of asking around. After all, the matter is of great importance. If he did not speak clearly, it would cause Zhang Yuanshan and others to miss clues. Besides, the little Jade Buddha is now broken in two , seems to have no effect, it would be unwise to lose the trust of Zhang Yuanshan and Jiang Zhiwei.

Jiang Zhi frowned slightly, thought about it carefully, and shook her head slowly: “I haven’t found anything similar.”

“Me neither.” Zhang Yuanshan answered affirmatively after thinking about it, and Qi Zhengyan also shook his head in denial.

“It seems that the rupture of my little Jade Buddha was just an accident.” Meng Qi nodded lightly and said, but he felt vaguely in his heart that the matter might not be that simple, it was just that he didn’t have a clue for a while.

“By the way, there is one more important thing that I haven’t told you about what happened in the Daxiong Palace.” Zhang Yuanshan also couldn’t figure out what happened to Meng Qi’s little Jade Buddha, so he opened his mouth to tell Meng Qi and Qi Zhengyan about the two “fairy traces” and “myths”. Regarding the matter of the big mysterious organization, Jiang Zhiwei made supplements from time to time.

Hey, Meng Qi took a breath: “Could the root of this reincarnation world be in our world?”

Zhang Yuanshan has been able to accept the word “world” very well, and said thoughtfully: “In our world, there have been Taoist Buddhas, demon emperors and demon saints, mythological ages, and many powerful ones. The great figures in the sky, even now, the land gods at the Dharma Body level are not much worse than the gods, Buddhas and immortals back then, and they can move mountains and seas, enter and exit Qingming, and it would not be surprising if the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation was born here.”

“Where were those great people back then?” Meng Qi has always been curious about this, how could such great power disappear in the long river of time?

Jiang Zhiwei knew that Meng Qi was a rookie in the rivers and lakes, so she smiled, revealing a slight dimple: “According to rumors, some of them died at the hands of other powerful people, and some died of the exhaustion of their life essence.”

“Shouyuan is exhausted” Meng Qi asked in surprise,In my mind, the great people who can be called gods, Buddhas and immortals will have to live forever.

Jiang Zhiwei sighed: “Heaven and earth are fixed numbers, even gods, Buddhas and sages have worries about their longevity. Although they have tens of thousands, or even longer lifespans, they will not escape the life of Huangtu in the end.”

“I don’t know how many amazing and talented people in ancient and modern times have exhausted their energy and wisdom to come up with all kinds of wonderful methods, such as life extension, resurrection, and seizing homes, such as the way of gods and ghosts. Unfortunately, they are only for temporary use and cannot get rid of the destiny of heaven and earth, so , These important people either build mausoleums, find a way to survive after death, or disappear silently in the long river of time. I am afraid that only the legendary Daoist Buddha can transcend heaven and earth and be immortal.”

“In the legend” Meng Qi asked sharply, isn’t it immortal?

“Before the age of mythology, Daoist Buddhas were rare in the world. If it wasn’t for the Buddha’s actions to suppress tens of thousands of years ago when the Demonic Buddha wanted to destroy the Buddhist lineage, I am afraid that the world would have thought that they had also passed away one after another, and the shattering of this guess would It also gave hope to all the strong.” Zhang Yuanshan was full of emotion, “It is rumored that Buddhism has an alternative way of cultivation that coexists with the world, but unfortunately it is just a rumor.”

Meng Qi breathed out lightly: “It turns out that gods, Buddhas, and saints will die of old age.”

He is young now, when it comes to the depletion of life energy, he doesn’t have much emotion.

“You can’t be considered old. If you can prove the power of the Dao Body and the Law Body, you will die before you die.” Qi Zhengyan had a faint yearning on his expressionless face.

“I don’t know the lifespan of a big man who has obtained the Arhat’s golden body before death,” Meng Qi asked curiously.

Zhang Yuanshan shook his head and smiled: “Junior Brother Zhending, it’s too early for you to care about this. Well, the current Dharmakaya-level land gods, normally, can live for two to three hundred years. Ten times more than this, perhaps the world has changed.”

The classics left over from the age of mythology are extremely rare, and only various unreliable stories have been passed down, so future generations can only rely on speculation.

“For this mission, newcomers will enter.” At this time, the voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation sounded majestic and majestic.

As soon as the words fell, it seemed that a great sun was coming, and the light was dazzling. Zhang Yuanshan and Jiang Zhiwei, two masters who had opened their eyes, were stabbed so that they closed their eyes subconsciously.

When everything returned to normal, Meng Qi saw four people lying on the white jade floor tiles, two men and two women.

“Straight mother thief, how dare you come here?” The first one to wake up was a burly man, wearing a greasy brown suit, jumped up cursingly, and slashed at the nearest Meng Qi with a long knife in his hand.

He seemed to be waiting for the enemy, and did not observe the environment, so he directly attacked.

The other two women and one man just woke up at this time, heard the shouting, and saw the scene of slashing with a knife.

“Ah!” Among them, the delicate girl in a long taupe-colored dress screamed out loud, with her arms folded around her chest, trembling.

Next to her was a charming young woman, who took off the hairpin from her head suddenly, with a nervous expression, as if she was worried that the villain would cut herself.

The middle-aged man in the toga with long sleeves frowned, looked around from the corner of his eyes, and his expression became more serious.

When Meng Qi saw the big man wielding the saber, he probably had a judgment in his mind, slipped his body, and dodged behind him like a ghost.

“Stop” Waiting for the big man to barely stabilize his figure, Meng Qi shook his head and shouted, his strength should have a small amount of stored energy, which is equivalent to real strength, but he also has a few more sturdy and desperate auras, which can be regarded as extraordinary skills, If I were the person I was a month ago, I would definitely be in a hurry when I met him, but now, after a long-term duel with Zhenmiao and various types of fights in the Yanwu Hall, dealing with him is just a piece of cake.

The big man also noticed the abnormality of the surrounding environment, he was surprised and suspicious, and looked at Meng Qi with a horizontal knife: “Dare to ask your lord, what’s going on?”

Overwhelmed by Meng Qi’s strength and inexplicable changes, he quickly lowered his figure.

Meng Qi thought that he might have done good deeds in guiding the newcomers, so he glanced at the faces of the four newcomers one by one: “You should have noticed that this place is unusual, the poor monk is really sure, it’s not much different from you, it’s just a little bit earlier. Time came to this reincarnation world.”

“Reincarnation World” The middle-aged man in a toga with long sleeves repeated in a low voice, and slowly stood up.

Meng Qi pointed to the beam of light in the middle, and briefly introduced the “Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation”: “So, here you can exchange your good deeds for peerless martial arts, magical weapons, elixir, and anything you can think of. thing.”

“The Tathagata God’s Palm Shocking Book of the Heavenly Emperor Jade Book” asked the burly man with short breaths.

Meng Qi pointed at the beam of light nonchalantly: “You can see for yourself.”

After all the introductions, there is no reward for good deeds, and I will never do this kind of thing again

“Master, divine monk, little girl, little girl has no strength to restrain a chicken, can you tell the Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation and let the little girl go back, I will keep my mouth shut.” The girl in the lotus-colored dress stood up in a panic. , looked at Meng Qi and begged.

Meng Qi sighed and clasped his hands together: “Amitabha, benefactor, do you think it’s possible?”

The girl was already teary, but at this moment the tears fell directly, and she cried in a low voice: “Mother, mother, save Xiaozi”

Meng Qi was quite touched by similar situations, turned his head to look at Jiang Zhiwei, and motioned for her, who is also a woman, to comfort her.Whether she can save her life in the subsequent reincarnation missions depends on the situation at that time. When she has no spare energy, she, Jiang Zhiwei and the others probably have no idea of ​​sacrificing themselves for strangers.

Jiang Zhiwei’s mouth moved, and the sound transmission was secret: “Little monk, what does the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation mean? How did you pull an ordinary girl? That’s right, that uncle may have the ability to awaken.”

She always thought that the world of reincarnation was similar to selected Gu, and the target was the younger generation of Jianghu people.

Meng Qi shook his head, indicating that he couldn’t figure it out. Suddenly, he remembered something, and said to Jiang Zhiwei who walked up to the weeping girl, “Miss Jiang, have you broken through?”

A stranger was there, and he asked vaguely.

“Breakthrough.” Jiang Zhiwei patted the girl Xiao Zi on the shoulder, comforting her in a low voice.

“God monk, the young one is called Xiang Hui, please be merciful and take care of him.” After reading the exchange list of the central beam of light, the burly man quietly leaned next to Meng Qi, nodding and bowing, very flattering.

Meng Qi’s attack just now made him feel that this young monk’s strength was unpredictable and he should be stronger than the other three.

Meng Qi looked at Xiang Hui, whose vision was not right, with a half-smile. Just as he was about to speak, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, with mountains and rivers overlapping, and light and dark alternating.

“The northern barbarians invaded the Central Plains, perverted and slaughtered the common people. Shaolin monks joined the rebels in various places to resist.”

“General Duo’ercha, the northern barbarian general, is going to lead many masters and troops to Shaohua Mountain to destroy Shaolin in order to completely eliminate this disaster.”

“Duo’ercha bought many monks in Shaolin in advance, and the trip is sure to be sure. Fortunately, a righteous man sacrificed his life, and the news spread.

“Main task 1: Divide the troops into two groups, break through the interception by the experts sent by Duoercha, and send the list of traitors to Shaolin. There is a time limit of three days. Those who have not arrived before the time limit will deduct 50 good deeds. By the end of the reincarnation mission, those who have not enough good deeds will be obliterated.” If you successfully arrive at the temple, each person who enters the temple will be rewarded with fifty good deeds.”

“Main task 2: released after the completion of main task 1.:

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