I Honor

Chapter 302

: Frozen Thousand Miles

Jiang Zhiwei also agrees with Meng Qi’s opinion: “Simple moves can be extensive. You can observe the similarities and differences of a hundred schools of thought to find out the truth. However, your own moves that are at the bottom of the box should be better at one and stronger than pure. If the three of Qi do not cooperate, they will be involved with each other, and the power will be reduced instead. Just like the little monk, when he whispers, the power of Ananda’s breaking the precepts will be three points stronger, and the power of the Zilei Sword will be a little weaker. Using Evil Calamity and Heavenly Injury is the opposite.”

“Therefore, choosing weapons is also a matter of knowledge. We are not the first to rely on weapons to deal with different situations because we are not strong enough now.”

She meant that in order to prevent evil spirits, Meng Qi chose the Red Sun Suppressing Evil Knife instead of the long knife that matched Ananda’s saber-breaking technique. In order to suppress evil spirits, Qi Zhengyan chose the red gold sword with dragon patterns.

Qi Zhengyan listened very attentively, and nodded slightly: “If there are exterior moves and treasure soldiers to cooperate with, even if I have opened my eight orifices and practiced Zixinghe, Bi Bingxue’s true energy will not appear to be insufficient, on the contrary, it can also be used as a means of suppressing the bottom of the box , then I will upgrade the dragon pattern red gold sword first, and then choose the exterior moves based on the remaining meritorious deeds.”

The dragon pattern red gold sword itself is a sharp weapon that is close to half-step location. It is not too much to upgrade to Baobing. Eighty-eight spent a total of eight hundred good deeds.

The brilliance soared, the clouds flew, and the scattered aura gradually became crystal clear, exuding a dusty and cold air.

When the thick light dissipated, the red gold sword with dragon pattern was ups and downs in the beam of light. The sword body was straight, and the dark gold was tinged with cyan. The hilt of the sword resembles a dragon’s claw, dignified and majestic.

“Dragon-patterned red gold sword Hanchi. Baobing, this is a long sword that has been sublimated many times, mainly based on the essence of Hanchi. It penetrates all dragon-like materials and is majestic and profound. It wards off evil spirits, shocks people’s hearts, and has a sharp blade. Cutting gold and breaking stones, the blood of the sword will freeze and spread to the heart. If you push it with all your strength, you can swallow clouds and mist. The vastness of ten miles can change the weather and seasons, and the sword energy can seal the river, worth 1,600 good deeds.”

“Not bad long sword.” Jiang Zhiwei praised.

When Qi Zhengyan held the hilt of the sword, his whole body shuddered, as if he had touched the ice for thousands of years, and then there was an unconscious smile on the face of the dead man: “Good sword.”

After upgrading the dragon pattern red gold sword, he still has more than 3,500 meritorious deeds left, which is more than enough for the choice of location moves, so he doesn’t need to pay too much attention to the price.

Get rid of the unique skills of the various sects and aristocratic families. In case of disputes, the remaining options are not tooMany, many of which Meng Qi knows:

“The Heavenly Sword Technique is too expensive. If there is a real Dragon Heavenly Fate, it is worthwhile to say that it can forcibly overwhelm the Dharma Body, but Senior Brother Qi does not look like the Heavenly Fate, so this sword technique is purely tasteless.”

“The Heavenly Crystal Sword Art and the Huntian Treasure Mirror are destined, but without the Heavenly Crystal Sword, the power is greatly reduced, and the price/performance ratio is too low.”

“The Bixue sword transformed from the Huntian Treasure Mirror is harmonious but harmonious. It’s powerful.”

“The sky is cold, the earth is cold, and the way of the devil is biased. It is a bit contradictory to the orthodoxy of the sky.”

Because Jiang Zhiwei basically thought about the exchange, Qi Zhengyan was the last one. Meng Qi was a bit picky about shopping around. Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu made suggestions from time to time, but they all denied themselves, because either they belonged to majoring in exercises and could not learn concurrently, or the price was too high to bear. Not sure.

Listening to their discussion, Qi Zhengyan suddenly pointed to a sword technique and said, “How about this one?”

“Ice Soul Cold Light Sword Technique” Meng Qi took a closer look, but it wasn’t the one he knew, but a location sword technique lost in ancient times. It wasn’t too strong, but its power was not weak. Compared with Qi Zhengyan’s realm ,enough.

This Ice Soul Cold Light Sword Art does not require many good skills. There are seven styles in total, with a total of 1,500 good skills, and each style is 500. Even if Qi Zhengyan opens his mouth, he can perform at most two exterior moves, plus During the training time, it is more appropriate to exchange one move at a time, and only need to spend two thousand good deeds.

“It’s okay.” Meng Qi has no objection to this choice, which is more moderate, but takes into account all aspects.

Jiang Zhiwei looked at it, and said enthusiastically, “So it’s a lost sword technique.”

She looked eager to meet her.

Qi Zhengyan was decisive in doing things, and immediately exchanged them out after he was optimistic about it. The general outline of the “Ice Soul Cold Light Sword” added the first type of “Thousand Miles of Frozen”.

“There are 1,580 good deeds left.” Qi Zhengyan thought for a while, and first exchanged for a Great Repayment Pill.

He is about to leave Yedu and venture into the rivers and lakes. Of course, he has to be prepared for ordinary healing pills, which can be purchased from the door. Dahuandan, which is at the top level in the enlightenment period, is not comparable to the corresponding elixir of the Huanhua Sword Sect. Good effect, since good deeds are enough, it is better to exchange for a self-defense.

Jiang Zhiwei suddenly said, “Senior Brother Qi, it’s better to exchange the fifth layer of the Huntian Treasure Book as well, because it is not sure whether using the reincarnation talisman to open the mission of Zhenwu Doubt will directly enter the world, and then leave directly. Here, if the next mission is one year later, you will probably have already opened your eight senses, so you can’t waste your time on cultivation.”

Qi Zhengyan was only half a step away from opening his orifice. With his aptitude for getting rid of mortal wombs and the accumulation of his previous practice, Jiang Zhiwei believed that he would be able to open it on his own within a month or two. If he hasn’t started the reincarnation mission, he can’t continue to practice.

The last time Meng Qi used the reincarnation talisman directly here, he hadn’t tried opening it in the main world, so he had to guard against unexpected situations.

“Be careful with the ten-thousand-year ship.” Meng Qi echoed.

Because of his experience, Qi Zhengyan paid the most attention to majoring in exercises. He didn’t say much after hearing the words, and directly exchanged for the fifth floor “Purple Galaxy” of “Huntian Baojian” worth 900 good deeds.

This is a brilliant purple spar, inside it seems that there are infinite bright stars converging into a river, circling and scouring, flowing endlessly, exuding a strange charm, the heart is swaying, and the eyes are hard to pull out.

“As expected of a peerless magic art.” Jiang Zhiwei retracted his gaze and praised, even among the many peerless magic arts, the Huntian Treasure Mirror is quite special. It can communicate with different energies of the world and the earth during the period of accumulating Qi and enlightening, showing a half-step weakening The condition of the exterior.

Most of the other peerless martial arts are laying the foundation at this stage, and there will not be too many differences from other martial arts, such as the “Taishang Sword Classic”. For example, “Xuan Gong”, they all condense the sword intent and strengthen the sword heart. Improve the power of swordsmanship, one is strong. Increase strength, improve the senses of eyes and ears and defense ability, enhance the control over the subtleties of the body, practice moves with half the effort, and the accuracy of the moves is better than others who have practiced hard for many years, and it has the effect of initially changing the appearance, but unless otherwise. The main thing is to cultivate true qi and open up the nine natural orifices, without any obvious miracles.

He also has one hundred and eighty good deeds left, waiting for Jiang Zhiwei to exchange them.

“Let me first see how much meritorious deeds it takes to upgrade the Baihong Piercing Sun Sword.” Jiang Zhiwei didn’t need others to talk, so he spoke by himself.

She mainly uses sword energy, and she is unwilling to add effects such as freezing flames to the Baihong Sun Piercing Sword, although that can cause changes in the sky, or snow and ice, freezing the river, or pouring fire and rain. Burning the city is not in line with her inner world, and the gain outweighs the loss. Therefore, he chose the direction of agitating sword energy, just like Zi Shang.

“Materials and upgrades are seven hundred.” Jiang Zhiwei reported the number, and at the same time replaced all the ordinary healing pills left on her body with good deeds, a total of eighty good deeds. Anyway, she went outside, and as her identity, she might not be able to collect them.

Then, she said bluntly: “Each of you can lend me 80 meritorious deeds. Zhenwu Suspect Tomb will return it at the beginning, leaving 100. You can also buy some pills.”

She has been coveting Sword Twenty-Three for a long time. Now I have the opportunity to exchange, how can I let it go

Subsequent reincarnation tasks. Even if the harvest increases, it may not be as lucrative as this death mission in the short term.

“Okay.” Meng Qi and the others did not hesitate.

have toWhen it came to Shangong, Jiang Zhiwei’s eyes sparkled, so beautiful that people dare not look directly at him, he exchanged for Sword Twenty-Three, and eagerly read it, wishing to read it all right away.

Fortunately, she still has the self-control, so she barely restrained herself and put the cheat book away.

Seeing Sword Twenty-Three, Meng Qi gritted his teeth, hoping that Jiang Zhiwei would just understand the principles and skills of the sword, rather than really learn it.

Jiang Zhiwei exchanged the materials needed to upgrade the long sword, then carried them into the beam of light with the Baihong Sun Piercing Sword, and said solemnly: “I want to participate in its transformation.”

This is the sword cultivator’s obsession with the sword. Her normal plan is to drive the sword to upgrade when she breaks through the gate of life and death. In this way, the inner world and the precious soldiers perfectly fit together, and there is no need to adapt to it. Of course, the promotion needs to prepare corresponding materials. .

The Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation didn’t object, and wrapped the sword and materials in a cloud, leaving Jiang Zhiwei’s eyes closed.

The light dissipated, and Jiang Zhiwei came out thoughtfully holding the Baihong Piercing Sun Sword. The long sword didn’t change significantly, but it gave off an extremely dangerous feeling:

“The Baihong Sun Piercing Sword, a precious weapon, was upgraded twice. It has the same sword intent as the sword user Jiang Zhiwei. It is unparalleled in sharpness. It can break any sharp weapon, deter demons, and hurt the soul. If you do it with all your strength, the sword energy will surge ten times.” In a few miles, the situation will change, worth 1,500 good deeds.”

For the remaining 100 meritorious deeds, Meng Qi exchanged for a Baicao Pill, Qi Zhengyan exchanged for two bottles of Void Form Yihua Pill, and Ruan Yushu exchanged for a Nourishing Qi Pill.

After that, Ruan Yushu was the first to return as the daughter of the much-loved family. After a month, I will be able to see Meng Qi and others again.

Jiang Zhiwei found Meng Qi before leaving, and said solemnly: “Little monk, this time Brother Zhang and Zhenzhen died, everyone’s sadness and pain are the same, but don’t worry about it, it’s hard to get over it. This will affect your state of mind, and even cause the stagnation of martial arts, what we need to do is to forget the pain, use it as motivation, move forward bravely, reach the top, and revive them.”

She was worried that this incident would make Meng Qi decadent, and her life would become gloomy.

Meng Qi, who has been a human being for two lifetimes and whose actual age is much older than Jiang Zhiwei, let out a sigh of relief: “Zhiwei, don’t worry, I’m not such a fragile person, and I won’t change my personality drastically because of this, and I won’t forget to laugh because of it, haha, brain twitch There are also brain twitches at times.”

After he made a joke, he said seriously: “I will stick to my heart, do things bravely and diligently, be impartial, and not go to extremes.”

Jiang Zhi smiled: “It’s best for you to think like this. To be honest, when your brain is pumped, it is more in line with your age, but when you are serious, you are very mature, mature beyond my imagination.”

The two said a few words, and under the urging of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, together with Qi Zhengyan, they stepped into the beam of light respectively.

Darkness emerged and then dissipated. Meng Qi found that sitting in his bedroom, the night outside the window was dark and starry, bringing the wonderful feeling that the whole world sleeps and I wake up alone.

Yedu Lingshan, life and death two heavens. to be continued


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