I Honor

Chapter 322

: If You Are Not Crazy, You Can’t Survive

Meng Qi fell into deep thought, what kind of real layout can he have to make him fall into the same result no matter what he does?

What is the key that I didn’t see

Wang Siyuan didn’t give Meng Qi a chance to think, and said leisurely and confidently: “As for conspiracies and traps, we can actually think about them in a different direction. The reason why they can be born must have a premise. Those who set up conspiracies and traps cannot directly deal with them.” You, maybe because of strength, maybe because of other constraints.”

“For example, if I want to kill you, I don’t need to make a plan. I find a strong outsider at home to join forces. Taking advantage of the dead of night and the remoteness of no one, I will strike with a thunderbolt and then calmly erase the clues. This is indeed simple and rude, but it is also the last Effective, more effective than any conspiracy or trap.””Of course, there is another possibility. They want to use you to achieve another purpose.”

Meng Qi nodded in agreement: “That’s a great statement, that’s exactly what I thought. If there is a strong outsider in the trap, there is no need to be so troublesome. It is more effective to attack while I am opening the coffin. Don’t worry about the interlocking things.” Whether the exquisite conspiracy will fail due to too many variables, if it is a conspiracy to frame me, I have my own way to get rid of the charges, so I went straight to the point, using fast and slow, in order to grasp the real clues.”

The way to get rid of the crime is of course the green ribbon official seal on the body. With the endorsement of the court and the six doors, any normal martial arts master will talk calmly. There will always be loopholes in framed murders. There are many strong outsiders in the six doors He has an unimaginable passion for autopsies.

“I have indeed calculated that you have been safe this trip, and you have something to wash away the charges, but you have been useless, can you tell me why? Can you tell me what it is?” Wang Siyuan handed the Guqin to the maid and rearranged it in front of him. checkerboard.

Tsk, there are things you don’t know too. Meng Qi smiled. He said casually, “Because I believe that the person who shocked Baili is not reckless. When he calms down, he will find out that something is wrong. The matter is not difficult to solve, so I don’t want to reveal my secret too early.”

If the suffering master is the exterior scene. Meng Qi hastily took out the official seal.

Wang Siyuan shook his head: “No, besides getting rid of the crime, you have other means to save your life. Even if you really bump into the murderer on location, don’t be afraid. Even if I get into trouble, you still have a way out.”

This can also be calculated that Meng Qi suppressed the ups and downs of his inner emotions, and laughed: “It’s really inconvenient for outsiders to explain.”

Wang Siyuan didn’t ask further. After affirming his own calculation, he suddenly asked irrelevantly: “You have a good relationship with Fairy Juejian, and you have fought against Shocking Baili, which one do you think is stronger?”

When they killed You many times, Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei were familiar with each other, but all the experts with good intelligence knew that “Crazy Saber” and “Fairy Absolute Sword” were good friends, and they had been friends since Shaolin Martial Arts.

Meng Qi thought for a while, carefully chose his words, and tried his best not to reveal Jiang Zhiwei’s secret: “In terms of realm, Jiang Hengchuan, who has achieved the perfect unity of heaven and man, is stronger. Just the various wonderful things brought about by the realm can make him It is far superior to ordinary nine apertures. Moreover, she possesses the unique skill of outdoor scenes, top ten in the list, worthy of the name, but Zhiwei’s swordsmanship has reached the peak, touching the principles of the law, and complementing the sword in her chest. If the nine apertures are opened together, she can immediately touch the sky, The realm of the unity of man and sword, plus the ultimate move of the Dharma Body. The current ranking is not surprising.”

“If they fight each other, each has its strengths and weaknesses. I dare not say the outcome lightly, it depends on their state, momentum and spiritual perfection at the time.”

In this regard, Meng Qi believed that Jiang Zhiwei’s sword intent and decisiveness were even better.

“With this vision, you are not bad. The current ranking is a bit low. If your seven orifices are stable, you can initially adjust the inner world, and you can improve your saber and sword skills. It is not hopeless to compete for the top ten.” Wang Siyuan agreed. road.

Then he commented: “Jiang Hengchuan is still a bit short after all, it is difficult to maintain the state of harmony between man and nature for a long time. He originally had this hope in concluding a quiet retreat, but now it has been interrupted.”

“Among the top ten, there are no more than five who have the ability to maintain it all the time.” He squeezed his five fingers together to show that the number is rare.

Meng Qi savored this sentence, and suddenly felt that the demon girl had never used her full strength when fighting against him. When she had eight orifices, she was ranked in the top ten by relying on her unique skills and record. , but when the three mountains and four rivers meet again, she must already have nine orifices.

Thinking of this, Meng Qi said with some doubts: “My lord, you must be one of these five people. You have opened your nine orifices for nearly three years, and your every move contains the principles of heaven and earth. At this level, why don’t you break through?”

Wang Siyuan took a fixed look at Meng Qi, first he laughed, then he coughed so much, and then he coughed so hard that he couldn’t breathe. The maid hurriedly put down the guqin, helped him with his back, and gave Meng Qi a bitter look, it’s all you, Make the son laugh so hard

Meng Qi looked at her innocently, is my sentence so funny?

It took a while for Wang Siyuan to stop coughing, and spit out a mouthful of blood into the handkerchief. It was bright red and ferocious. Meng Qi was startled, and his thoughts diverged. If he became hostile to this guy in the future, the most effective way would be to tell jokes. Let him coughing to death laughing

“You were kicked out of the mountain gate shortly after you became enlightened. It’s normal if you don’t know.” Wang Siyuan picked up a white piece and put it on the chessboard. The real foundation, this step, if you lose your impatience, fail to think clearly about your own path, the inner world you want, or even the harmony between man and nature, and then forcefully break through the barrier, your foundation will be unstable, and you will be weak if you move forward. It is extremely difficult to make amends.”

“In today’s world, I don’t know how many strong exterior scenes have suffered from it. Throughout their lives, it is difficult to make a major breakthrough.”

He knew that Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei had a good relationship, and when he arrived at Jiuqiao, he would learn the details from Jiang Zhiwei, so he didn’t hide it.

Meng Qi listened very attentively. Before, he was focused on opening up his mind, and he was not in a hurry to ask about things after the opening of all nine senses. Only now did he realize that this is a university question.

And the sword emperor I met in the reincarnation world is already thinking about his own path and his own sword

“Inner and outer worldConverging, the inner scene is revealed outwardly, the body and soul are changed accordingly, the soul is sublimated, the foundation of the Tao is formed, and there is no retreat, so there is a saying that there is no regret at the entrance. “Wang Siyuan landed a sunspot, and played chess with himself, “I, He Jiu, Da Luo Yaonv, the reason why I suppress the realm and not break through is to think about my own path, adjust the inner world, and make the body and mind best fit, so that they are in harmony with each other.” The resonance generated by the outer world is the strongest. ”

“And once it breaks through, it will be a matter of course, the foundation of the road will be solid, and it will advance by leaps and bounds.”

Meng Qi finally solved a doubt: “No wonder the people behind the list have stepped into the outdoor scene for half a step, and you are still in the nine orifices.”

“We’re pretty normal. Senior Su Wuming, the Heavenly Outer Excalibur, chose the fiercest and most dangerous path of Xijiange in the past, sitting on a death pass, and fighting against himself.” Wang Siyuan rarely showed a hint of admiration, “Xijiange seeks himself There are many ways of swordsmanship, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. One of them is sitting to death. Once you defeat yourself and break through the barrier, you will be successful in the way of swordsmanship. A quiet chamber of death, no one knows.”

“In the history of Xijiange, there are less than two hands who can successfully break through the level. Each of them later became a powerful figure, and the worst is a half-step Dharma body. Senior Su Wuming broke through the death level in three years, and the sword light spanned hundreds of miles. It can be seen from a distance, after that, except for the three major ladders, they were all accomplished overnight, nine years and nine heavens.”

Meng Qi was also fascinated leisurely when he heard it, and he couldn’t help admiring the demeanor of the past.

Wang Siyuan changed the topic again: “What’s wrong with the conspiracy trap I experienced before?”

Meng Qi couldn’t keep up with his unrestrained thinking, so he paused for a moment before saying: “The timing is too coincidental, I didn’t think it would be so perfect, so I suspect that there are experts who can follow me and arrange everything calmly, but if such an expert can do it directly That’s right, why bother?”

“And, in the end, I tried my best. When I cut out the way of escape, another powerful nine-orifice ambush came. I confessed, but it was calm at that time. Could it be that they didn’t want to kill me?”

“However, they couldn’t have expected in advance that I would have the means to strike close to the location, and the possibility of dying under the hands of Jiang Hengchuan was extremely high.”

Wang Siyuan dropped another white piece, and said with a slight smile: “Any unreasonable or stupid place, don’t rush to laugh at it, but first think about it, whether there is an inevitable reason behind why it is unreasonable.”

“For example, the people behind the scenes want to kill you, but due to some reason, they can’t make too much noise. They want you to die normally and can’t make people suspicious, so they don’t do it or ambush, because it will arouse others’ suspicion. Be vigilant and watchful.”

Meng Qi nodded slowly, not mentioning whether the guess was reasonable or not. Wang Siyuan’s thinking angle was indeed unique and worth learning.

“It makes sense.” Meng Qi agreed after thinking for a while.

Wang Siyuan said: “It is precisely from these places that we must start thinking and find out the inevitable reasons, so that we can lock the people behind the scenes.”

“You know?” Meng Qi asked calmly.

“Of course I know.” Wang Siyuan suddenly smiled narrowly, “But I won’t tell you.”

Meng Qi twitched, his image, Mr. Wang pays attention to his image

“Then why did you analyze so much for me?” Meng Qi attacked his shield with his spear.

Wang Siyuan’s expression calmed down, and he said calmly: “I came to Maoling because someone challenged me and wanted to compare the layout with me, using young masters who came here for various reasons as pawns. I like this idea very much, so I came here.”

“You are a chess piece that does not belong to the original chessboard. You are a variable, so the opponent is eager to get rid of you, and I want to borrow you to confuse the situation.”

Meng Qi took a deep breath, the matter of Maoling became more and more strange, no wonder the six doors couldn’t find out before: “Shouldn’t this be more information to me, so as to help you confuse the situation?”

Wang Siyuan chuckled twice as if he was coughing: “No, I want you to figure it out by yourself, so as to confuse the water even more and make the situation beyond my control.”

His eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and there was an indescribable enthusiasm for things beyond his control.

Seeing Wang Siyuan like this, this sentence suddenly popped up in Meng Qi’s mind. to be continued

s: It’s three shifts over again, asking for a monthly pass


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