I Honor

Chapter 335

Hey move

Looking at the tombstone, Jiang Zhi smiled slightly: “Judging from the handwriting, it is believed to be written by Emperor Zhenwu, and it is also a special experience to write the tombstone for myself.”

“Bury yourself with your own hands.” Ruan Yushu echoed in a slightly witty tone.

Qi Zhengyan stared at the inscription in a daze, and said with emotion: “Emperor Zhenwu has the highest level of cultivation, and his life expectancy is several hundred years old.Tens of millions of years, but after all, I still buried myself, and I couldn’t escape the life of a piece of loess. Who in the world can live forever must have the realm of Daoist Buddha.”

Meng Qi frowned and thought for a while: “Actually, in the black mist just now, I saw Emperor Zhenwu again.”

“Is it really similar to the magic body transforming into a ghost after death?” Jiang Zhiwei regained her vitality, and her sword hand was extremely firm.

But facing the top-notch Zhenwu Emperor in myths and legends, what can a few small enlightened warriors do?

Meng Qi breathed out: “Don’t worry, we’ve seen before that the entire mausoleum’s layout not only conceals secrets, but also has a suppressive effect. Thinking that the evil spirits have never acted by themselves, but drove the living dead or set up fog, there is reason to believe that It’s not that it doesn’t want to, it’s just that it can’t, when it has been suppressed to the point where it can only breathe a little.”

“Well, we can’t tamper with anything after we go in, so as not to damage the seal arrangement.” Jiang Zhiwei immediately understood Meng Qi’s intention of saying this at this moment.

Ruan Yushu and Qi Zhengyan didn’t say much, and followed the two to the inner tomb, watching Meng Qi push open the tomb door with the injury from the sky.

Silently, the door of the tomb opened, revealing a corridor paved with blue bricks. On both sides, there were nine quaint copper lamps, without flowers or patterns, burning quietly, driving away the darkness in the corridor, and illuminating a corner. Light and shadow interlaced, slightly dim.

Meng Qi stepped in first. Because of the narrow entrance, Jiang Zhiwei took a step back. Suddenly, silver-white lightning fell from the dome, and the spear stabbed at Meng Qi in a slow gesture.

This spear seems to be slow, but it seems to cover the surroundings. Every inch of the spear is performing countless changes. Every change is so fast that it is difficult to see clearly, explaining some kind of law between heaven and earth.

Look at the slow but mighty spear. A feeling arose in Meng Qi’s heart. No matter which direction he evaded, or what defensive moves he used, he would never be able to succeed. Watching it slowly fall, it was like being sentenced to death, and his fate was doomed.

He didn’t mobilize the power of heaven and earth except for the speed of transformation and fusion, he just used tricks to attack Meng Qi’s heart. He suddenly remembered the scene when the living dead attacked for the first time. The spear was too fast to catch, and as soon as he felt it, it was already in front of him. Compared with it, Xiao Zhenhai’s Aurora Sword is like a child’s play, on the word “quick”. Breaking through the boundaries of Xianfan.

It was the essence of speed just now, but now it is the essence of slowness. Meng Qi subconsciously remembered a change in “The Sky Strikes Five Thunders”. Similar to the first spear, I have been comprehending for a long time, but never succeeded.

Under the traction of the air machine. Meng Qi’s momentum and confidence climbed to a peak.

Jiang Zhiwei was about to make a move from behind to help Meng Qi share the burden, when suddenly he saw the light of the saber light up, silvery like electricity, fast as lightning, almost impossible to catch with his sight, leaving a thunder-like remnant in mid-air.


The treasured sword hit the tip of the spear, breaking the “slow” with “fast”

With the force of the shock, the undead in a wide robe and sleeves circled upwards, moved quickly against the dome, and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Meng Qi’s right hand was numb, and he moved his five fingers lightly to relieve the pressure. This knife, under the pressure and traction, broke through the shackles of the previous knife way, and finally performed that kind of change.

“Could it be that he saw that I was familiar with sword skills, so he helped me practice swords?” When Jiang Zhiwei and the others entered the tomb gate, Meng Qi suddenly thought.

He also felt that the opponent’s spears were familiar.

Jiang Zhiwei nodded lightly: “That’s the case, he still maintains the standard of location, he must have become a living dead not long ago, his wits are still left, and the evil spirits who are suppressing him have limited control over him, that’s why he didn’t do his best many times and kept his hand all the way.”

Ruan Yushu overcame the fear of evil spirits, and said calmly, “Maybe I still want to use the Heaven-changing Strike to get rid of the shackles.”

“However, the imprint of evil spirits suppresses Xinhai, and my current cultivation level may not be able to handle it.” Meng Qi still had lingering fears when he recalled the previous backlash.

“Do we have to get rid of the evil spirits first?” Qi Zhengyan said thoughtfully.

“Hehe.” Meng Qi could only answer in this way. The evil spirit was related to Emperor Zhenwu, and he took great pains to suppress it. One can imagine the horror itself. If you want to get rid of the evil spirit by yourself and others, unless it is repaired A green lantern in front of the Buddha.

Qi Zhengyan also knew that this proposal was unreliable, so he continued on his own: “Since he still has a sliver of wisdom, he will remind us what to do.”

Meng Qi nodded heavily. He also wanted to take advantage of this undead’s attack to comprehend more changes in “Heaven Strikes Five Thunders”.

After walking through this corridor, it was still a corridor. Meng Qi had just entered when a bolt of lightning flew from a distance. The spear was neither fast nor slow, exuding an indescribable heaviness. A terrifying suction vortex was generated, and no matter how Meng Qi dodged or parried, he would automatically throw himself at the spear tip.

Unleashing his mind and mirroring his mind, the general outline of this move suddenly appeared in Meng Qi’s mind, and another variation of “Five Thunders from the Sky” jumped into his mind again.

Jiang Zhiwei, Ruan Yushu, and Qi Zhengyan didn’t make a move, they just kept their guard up, because they could see that the undead in wide robes and sleeves were arousing Meng Qi’s potential and obtaining the remaining inheritance potential of “Five Thunders from Heaven”.

The spear turned into electricity, and when the chest was stabbed, Meng Qi’s “Heavenly Injury” was cut out smoothly, without a trace of wind, as if he had no strength at all, fluttering lightly.

The knife is round and round, like the sky that thunders and punishes, its emptiness accommodates all things, its emptiness accepts changes, the suction vortex pulls the blade, and the spear falls into the void.

The heavy lightning, the muffled roar of thunder, and the powerless saber disappeared at the same time.

The living dead holding a spear didn’t need to rely on strength, and the lightning flashed around him, and flew into the end with a crackling sound.

“The sky strikes five thunders, could it be the five essences of fast, slow, heavy, and empty?” Jiang Zhiwei watched the two fight from the sidelines, and had a certain understanding of this ritual.

The corner of Meng Qi’s mouth twitched: “I don’t know either.”

Because it is incomplete and very incomplete, I can only show the two essences of fast and empty.

“Thor’s name is the same as yours.” Ruan Yushu said silently.

Because the living dead in the exterior scene were only feeding and did not really attack, and the “evil ghost” seemed to be suppressed, her mood relaxed a lot.

Meng Qi suddenly became “angry”: “I didn’t get my nickname myself.”

“Sword Maniac” Ruan Yushu’s voice floated.

“I think it’s not bad.” Meng Qi straightened his back, but saw that Jiang Zhiwei, Ruan Yushu and Qi Zhengyan were all looking at other places, neither commenting nor caring.

Meng Qi was silent. Immediately cheered up and said: “Keep going”

The tomb inside was not too big. Through this corridor, Meng Qi and others saw the main tomb. If it was a normal mausoleum, the coffin of the owner should be placed inside.

There are many phantoms outside the main tomb, divided into eight grids, each with its own magic, as if projected from the outside world.

They have the scorching sun, the bright moon, and the bright stars. there is a blue sky

“Sun, moon and stars, heaven, earth and man, yin and yang” Meng Qi felt that it was not easy to say, and suddenly his heart moved, and he looked at the top of the main tomb.

“Nine is a number. For suppression purposes, the Moon Palace and the Land of Yin Fire outside should be part of the arrangement.” When it comes to this topic, Ruan Yushu is more knowledgeable than Jiang Zhiwei, after all, the latter only has his own sword.

Meng Qi nodded slowly: “That is to say. No matter which road you come in from, you will pass through the second of the nine layouts.”

“Inside is the coffin of Emperor Zhenwu.” Qi Zhengyan answered irrelevantly, with a dazed expression.

Thinking of the most powerful man in ancient times lying in it, Meng Qi also had similar emotions.

Jiang Zhiwei’s eyes were burning hot. Slow down your breathing and calm your mind, Emperor Zhenwu is the one who has mastered the three-style Jietian swordsmanship. If you can observe one or two, you will benefit endlessly.

“The closer the coffin is, the more dangerous it is.” Meng Qi reminded, stepping into the illusion first.

The illusion was invisible and matterless, and Meng Qi was not disturbed in any way. At this moment, a flash of lightning flew over, like a whip or a slash, full of invincible ferocity, and the undead in the toga and sleeves struck again.

The spear fell, and streaks of electric light emerged from the void, dimming all illusions at once. The ground was scorched black at first, then turned into powder, and emerged as a forest of thunder.

He went all out

Is it the “urging” of evil spirits?

At the same time, the yin fire spreads, Huanggang strikes, the moonlight shines, and women shuttle back and forth. Thirteen or fourteen living dead rush in from all directions, using their own methods.

Although only the undead in robes and long sleeves and the other two are at the level of exterior scenes, so many half-step exterior scenes are beyond the scope of Meng Qi and others’ response.

Good thing they’re the living dead

Affected by Qi, Jiang Zhiwei stabs out with a sword, the sword light does not disperse, the sword energy does not show, and stabs towards the lightning spear.

Outside the entire main tomb, the light shone brightly, and the sword energy criss-crossed, piercing through the clouds for thousands of miles.

The sword light is pure, without self or form, piercing through the heaven and earth, and cutting through the principles of law.

When Youyuan’s voice swayed away, the lightning spear swung back, and the lightning danced wildly, shooting around, but blocked the attack of another living dead man on the outside scene.

Jiang Zhiwei took a few steps back and leaned against Meng Qi’s left side. It took him to use the seal of immortality to force him to stand still.

When Jiang Zhiwei made a move, Ruan Yushu bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the Qifengqin, the strings were stained with blood, and it was so beautiful and frightening.

Guqin fluttered, Ruan Yushu played with both hands at the same time.

A clear and high-pitched cry came from the air, and its beauty could not be described in words. All the living dead present, except for the exterior scene, covered their ears, screamed miserably, and gave up the attack.

Qi Zhengyan’s dragon-patterned red gold sword glowed with a crystal cold light, and slashed at the well-dressed living dead in a posture that pierced the sky and the earth.

The cold light soared and turned into a hornless dragon. The sky pierced, snowflakes fell, and the infinite chill spread.

The air flow freezes, the Yin Qi freezes, everything the long sword passes is frozen, and when it comes to the front, there are even more ice walls, freezing the living dead inside.

All the attackers were blocked for half a breath, but Meng Qi seized this opportunity, blended in mentally, and completely inspired the “green lamp in front of Buddha” held in his left hand

Like a bean lamp that expands in a circle, the sound of chanting sutras floats, the light blooms, there is no dead corner, no shadow anywhere, warm, clean, and solemn.


“As I Smell”

Under the heavy Zen sound, the muscles of the face of the living dead in the half-step exterior are relaxed, showing the meaning of relief, and the black air in the body overflows and disappears in the light.Their rapid decay took only a breath, and they all turned into pus, and their souls floated out, slowly dissipating under the light of the green lamp.

The light shines without bounds, and the three exterior living dead screamed, pus and blood flowed horizontally, and all retreated, retreating with green smoke, retreating in a hurry.

The living dead man holding the spear showed a hint of pain at this time, no longer indifferent and ruthless before, took off something, threw it to Meng Qi’s feet, and then withdrew from the range covered by the blue lantern in front of the Buddha.

In the dark and chaotic place, a human face emerged. Wearing a flat sky crown and covering his face with his hands, he looked extremely painful and went down into the main tomb.

The green lantern flickers, shining in ten directions, warming people’s hearts, with infinite light and infinite life.


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