I Honor

Chapter 035

: Master of Silence

Zhang Yuanshan pondered for a moment, then said with a slight smile: “Junior Brother Zhending is an apprentice of a teacher and friend of his family, nicknamed Zhanye Buddha Sword.”

“Buddha Slaying Knife” Lin Biexue repeated in a low voice, and then said with a chuckle, “Master Zhending is also a disciple of an outsider.”

The corner of Meng Qi’s mouth twitched. He was not satisfied with the nickname Zhang Yuanshan gave himself. Am I willing to use a knife?

He picked up the teacup with a smile, took a sip of the tea, and said cleverly: “Everyone has fallen into a sea of ​​suffering, what can I say about the world?”

At this time, Meng Qi was extremely regretful, why he was wearing tattered gray monk robes stained with blood, and failed to show the demeanor of an accomplished monk?

“Interesting, interesting.” Lin Biexue laughed, raised her glass, raised her head, and drank the spirit in her hand.

Wei Wuji and others in the “Zhanye Buddha Knife” inn muttered to themselves, savoring this nickname they had never heard before, but since Mr. Zhang said it, it seems that Master Zhending is really extraordinary. His knowledge is a little shallow, and he doesn’t know much about things other than Heluo Wulin.

Zhang Yuanshan looked back at Qi Zhengyan and the others who were not getting closer, and said to Lin Biexue: “I have a visitor, please forgive me, Brother Lin.”

Lin Biexue waved her hand indifferently: “Lin has to go back to his room to meditate and adjust his breathing. Duoercha’s masters will sneak attack here at any time, so we have to guard against it, and we must maintain our spirits.”

After bidding farewell to Lin Biexue, Zhang Yuanshan led Meng Qi and the others to the third floor of the inn, and said with a casual smile: “Junior Brother Zhending, Junior Brother Qi, seeing that you are covered in blood and your clothes are torn, this trip must be difficult, but there is no way you can do it.” One death is really impressive.”

“I haven’t encountered any enemies in the awakening period.” Qi Zhengyan simply explained the reason.

“Well, maybe it’s too late to catch up with you. I’ve inquired about it. Duo’ercha has four innate masters under his command, Zhenhe Luoguan Haoran, ever-changing scholar Kuang Chengwang, white-browed evil wolf Borhan, and Zhang Qiankun Tangshun. Be careful there are three left.” Zhang Yuanshan stopped in front of a door and knocked lightly.

“Come in.” Jiang Zhiwei’s voice came from the room like an oriole leaving the valley.

Pushing open the door, Meng Qi saw Jiang Zhiwei sitting cross-legged in meditation, with the “White Rainbow Piercing the Sun” sword unsheathed and placed horizontally on his knees, reflecting the sunlight, just like a green spring.

And the enchanting young woman sat idly by the table, playing with the teacup in front of her.

“Little monk, you guys are having a great time.” Jiang Zhiwei put the sword back into its sheath, and greeted with a smile, “I’m bored. I finally had an opponent, but Senior Brother Zhang snatched it away.”

Since no one died, she was in a good mood and joked.

“Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful, even poor monks don’t want to kill, but killing karma does not kill karma. Killing protects life. I am not as good as hell. Whoever goes to hell?” Meng Qi made up some of the more typical words he had heard before.

“Haha, you’re such an eminent monk, your talk makes sense, I was almost fooled.” Jiang Zhiwei said with a smile without concealing it, and Zhang Yuanshan even laughed and shook his head, obviously never heard of such fallacies.

Then, Jiang Zhiwei pointed to the enchanting young woman, “This lady is called Ke Bijun, she has a small amount of energy, and when she broke through the interception, she also exerted a lot of strength.”

Meng Qi nodded, greeted him, turned around and introduced Xiao Zi and Xiang Hui, and finallyAsked: “Did that one die in pursuit?”

“Wang Jin Wang Daxia is a master who has opened his eyes. After arriving in Shaolin and completing the first main task, he is not very happy to mix with us juniors. He is walking around and contacting foreign aid.” Zhang Yuanshan is not angry or annoyed. Answer peacefully.

Meng Qi was quite concerned about the main task: “You have completed the main task 1, what is the main task 2?”

“We entered the temple last night to meet Master Abbot, completed the first main task, and received rewards for good deeds. However, our origin is unclear. They dared not let us live in the temple, so they still sent us down the mountain, saying that after interrogating the traitor, we will go back to the temple. Discuss.” Jiang Zhiwei succinctly talked about what happened yesterday, “The second main task is to stick to Shaolin until the last moment, complete and reward one hundred good deeds, otherwise the deduction will be deducted.”

After a pause, she continued: “You don’t have to worry too much, they will definitely ask you to enter the temple for verification, so as not to be deceived by us.”

After hearing Jiang Zhiwei’s words, Meng Qi calmed down, and said with a smile, “Senior Brother Zhang, do you have any extra clothes to lend me to wear?”

Zhang Yuanshan laughed and said: “I have prepared clothes for you a long time ago, Junior Brother Zhending, Junior Brother Qi, Brother Xianghui, follow me to the next door to take a shower and change clothes.”

After taking a shower, changing clothes, and feeling refreshed, Meng Qi waited for Deguang and learned that Master Xinji, the abbot, would meet himself and others in person to inquire about breaking out of the encirclement and the traitor.

The winding mountain road and lush greenery, Meng Qi’s eyes became more and more familiar as he walked.

Isn’t this the mountain road where I usually carry water? Meng Qi suddenly came to his senses, turned to look at Jiang Zhiwei, Zhang Yuanshan and Qi Zhengyan, and got their affirmative nods.

Could it be that this place is exactly the same as my own Shaolin, except for the people inside?

“Master Xinji is an expert at the pinnacle of innateness. He is only one step away from entering the realm of immortality where the inner and outer heavens and earth meet. You must not lose your courtesy.” Zhang Yuanshan suddenly introduced Master Abbot to Meng Qi and others for some reason.

“Benefactor Zhang is absurd, but in my Buddhist school, it is not called the realm of immortality, but the realm of Zen.” Deguang explained with a soothing expression.

At this time, Jiang Zhiwei’s familiar voice sounded in Meng Qi’s ears: “The layout of the temple is also consistent with Shaolin. Don’t be surprised. There are too many mysteries in the reincarnation world.”

With Jiang Zhiwei’s reminder, Meng Qi didn’t show any surprise when he stepped into the temple gate and walked through the square, main hall and courtyard, but his spirit was a little dazed. He and others walked together in the temple, carrying out the life of carrying water, literacy, martial arts, meditation, and chanting step by step.


The melodious and far-reaching sound of the bell awakened Meng Qi from his trance and comforted all his worries and doubts in his heart.

Stepping into the main hall, Meng Qi saw more than a dozen monks in yellow robes and red cassocks. The head one had thin white eyebrows, loose skin, and wrinkled eyes, but his eyes were kind and not cloudy at all.

“Several benefactors risked their lives to repay it. I am very grateful.” Xinji clasped his hands together and proclaimed a Buddha’s name.

“The barbarians are vicious, and they are the public enemies of the world. The poor monks and others are just trying their best to protect my Buddhist pure land.” Meng Qi said that he still has a deep understanding of the scene, and then took out the traitor given by the “Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation” from his bosom. list.

Xin Ji nodded slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the thin sheet of paper fell into his hands like catkins blowing in the wind.

Suddenly, Meng Qi’s vision flickered, and he saw the golden Buddha statue in the center of the hall smiling, and the candlelight below sprang up, interweaving words one by one.

“Send the list of traitors to Shaolin. Once the main task is completed, each person who enters the temple will be rewarded with fifty good deeds.”

“Main task 2 is open: stick to Shaolin until the last moment, do not escape early, reward one hundred good deeds for success, and deduct one hundred good deeds for failure.”

The sparks fell, the words disappeared, Meng Qi removed a big stone in his heart, lowered his eyes, and quietly waited for Xinji to ask.

Xin Ji nodded while watching, and finally sighed: “Facing the world of mortals, even a monk can’t avoid it. This time, thanks to the benefactors who risked their lives to send this list, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.”

“Master Abbot’s miraculous skills are world-class, even if Duo’er leads many masters to make a surprise attack, they can’t break through Shaolin, and we are just icing on the cake.” Zhang Yuanshan replied very politely.

Xin Ji shook his head: “Monks don’t lie, if traitors attack, the mountain pass will not be able to hold, it will be difficult to stop Duoercha’s army, and the old man is about to pass away, and his martial arts are no longer what they used to be. Ercha is also known as the number one expert of the barbarians, his strikes are turbulent, I really don’t have the confidence to block him, so I can only give up my remnant body and look for an opportunity to suppress him.”

“Abbot, you must not keep a useful body and use it for the future”

“Master, you have shaken the rivers and lakes for dozens of years, and you are the symbol of my Shaolin. If you are here, even if the gate of the mountain is destroyed, Shaolin will still be safe.”

One after another, the chief elders spoke out to dissuade them.

Xin Ji raised his right palm to stop the noise: “Amitabha, as monks, why can’t you see through this stinky skin?”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Meng Qi with a smile: “I’m quite interested in what happened to you guys, I don’t know if I can tell you.”

Meng Qi knew that this was the key to gaining trust, so he nodded slightly: “But Master Abbot asks questions.”

Heart stillThey asked Meng Qi, Qi Zhengyan, Xiao Zi and Xiang Hui one by one, mainly about details.

As long as their backgrounds were not involved, Meng Qi and the others had a clear conscience, and did not change what they saw and heard based on each other’s answers, they just said what they said.

Xinji’s expression didn’t change at all, and she patiently listened to everyone’s answers.

“As I get older, I always have some eccentricities. Thank you for satisfying the old monk’s curiosity.” Xinji said with a smile, and then turned to the monk next to him, “Arrange a few benefactors.”

Before he could finish speaking, a figure jumped out of Meng Qi and the others standing in front of him like a ghost, and pressed his palm between his chest and abdomen.

The cassock swelled up, and the figure flew away at once, a stream of blood spewed out from Xinji’s mouth, hitting the man like iron sand, making him stagger.

“Xiang Hui” At this moment, Meng Qicai realized that the person who attacked the abbot turned out to be his companion Xiang Hui.

“Haha, the general asked me to say hello to the abbot.” “Xiang Hui” laughed loudly, and slipped out of the hall as quickly as a light smoke.

The path he chose was the direction of Ke Bijun, who had low martial arts skills.

Pa, he knocked Ke Bijun flying with his palm, and saw the empty gate ahead.

It worked, he thought excitedly.

Suddenly, a sword light lit up, and the chill pierced through his brow, forcing him to stop and change direction.

But this sword light is like a gangrene attached to the bone, no matter how “Xiang Hui” dodges, he can always feel a sting between his eyebrows

“What kind of sword technique is this?” He was startled and terrified.

At this time, a certain chief seat next to Xinji said in astonishment:

“Various Scholar”

Meng Qi suddenly realized that Xiang Hui had already died in the second attack and was replaced by “Various Scholar”

Thinking that he had spent a whole day with such a terrifying enemy, Meng Qi suddenly shuddered.

Fortunately, his target is not himself:

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