I Honor

Chapter 354

: Cutting off the Jiuyou Road

The three Dongyang seal fragments were thrown into the misty blue light at the same time, in no particular order, and the gate immediately solidified, no longer like a cloud, like amber, like sapphire, revealing a strange beauty.

While everyone was stunned, the door of the Inner Palace gradually opened, heavy and slow, as if dragging the accumulation of time, piercing through the thick vicissitudes.

At this moment, including Jiang Hengchuan, Wang Buchi, and Ruan Yaoguang, no one did anything, and they all stared into the gate. Would the cause of the Maoling incident be worthy of the value of this big fight?

It was gloomy and dark, and the first thing that caught Meng Qi’s eyes was a twisted crack, like a dead centipede, trying to expand the wound in the void.

Through the crack, Meng Qi saw the diffuse black air, and the outline of mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon and the stars were vaguely shown inside.

At the same time, an unimaginably strong evil aura rippling out, even Ruan Yaoguang, a first-rate expert, couldn’t help but tremble all over.

“Jiuyou” Wang Siyuan’s low self-talk spread far in a quiet environment.

Jiuyou Mengqi woke up in astonishment.

At this moment, a huge palm emerged from the black air and grabbed the crack

This palm was pure black, without any light, as if it could swallow even the eyes. As soon as it appeared, it caused vibrations in the void. As soon as the ripples spread, the black air was dispersed, and the cracks expanded.

The surrounding black air was empty, and Meng Qi and others saw a long river running across the void. It was turbid and blood-yellow, flowing quietly, without knowing where it came from or where it was going.

A round of black sun rapidly approached the crack, pressing the void to collapse, as if the end was approaching.

Ever since the black palm appeared, Meng Qi and the others were already unable to move. Their bodies and souls were all overwhelmed by the extremely terrifying coercion, and the void became a cage. Gradually tighten.

What a terrible demon

As the day drew nearer, Meng Qi felt his body getting heavier and heavier, and his bones, muscles, and internal organs creaked under the pressure. It seems that it will turn into a puddle of meat at any time.

Dongyang Beppu was completely plunged into darkness, not without a light source. Instead, all the light is thrown into the gap, rushing towards the black sun.

Crash, the ever-increasing Jinshui suddenly surged, turning into a wave of more than ten feet high.

The mountains, rivers and mountains around Maoling, as well as the rising sun, are all covered with a layer of colorful light, which is as beautiful as a dream.

Beside the dragon locust tree, the old man who carved the wooden statue had already put down his carving knife and wooden blocks. Looking intently at the direction of Jinshui, it seems that he saw the wonders of the world through layers of barriers.

There are nostalgia, memories, and sweetness in his eyes, but in the end they all turned into a sigh:


Then, he picked up the ordinary long sword with a black sheath beside him.

In Dongyang Beppu,Meng Qi felt the black sun approaching, and even his thinking became sluggish, even weaker than the last time he met the Arhat Zombie in Lingshan.

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Jiuyou hides itself, why reappear”

A familiar voice came into Meng Qi’s ears, and layers of emptiness burst open in front of his eyes. A sword light came leisurely.

His thinking couldn’t keep up with the changes. After hearing the voice and seeing the sword light, his eyes were only blank, as if a great sun had come before him, so bright it was beyond words.

As soon as his body was lightened, the pressure of turning into mud was no longer there. Meng Qi’s thoughts recovered, and his thoughts continued.

“How can Dongyang Beppu have the Nine Nether Cracks?”

“He comes here every year to watch the tide, does he have any idea to prevent the crack from getting out of control?”

“No. He is a person who does things with one heart and one mind. He will definitely not be like this. He should just meet him and do it casually”

“I guessed it before. If there is a change beyond Xuantianzong’s backhand, as a master of righteousness, he will definitely not sit idly by.”

A figure stood out in the white vision, and Meng Qi tried his best to identify the identity of the other party. Suddenly, he saw a faint blue light emerge, enveloping Jiang Hengchuan’s figure.

Jiang Hengchuan seemed to notice that Meng Qi was looking at him, smiled at him, nodded in greeting, and then disappeared.

“Reincarnation Talisman” For such a change, Meng Qi was neither surprised nor calm. It was like a feeling that something that had been guessed for a long time had finally happened in front of him. He was somewhat embarrassed and sighed.

“Myth”, “Immortal Trace” and the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation must be inextricably linked

As for the relationship, it remains to be verified, and some of their formal or probationary members may be reincarnated, or in another form.

Of course, those like Chu Guan and Snake King who obviously haven’t even touched the threshold of the “Mythology” organization can only be regarded as peripheral forces developed by various means such as bribery, wooing, and intimidation.

Seeing Jiang Hengchuan running away confidently, the corners of Meng Qi’s mouth twitched, and his stomach let out two hey sounds. No wonder you haven’t changed your mentality when you are on the verge of extinction. It turns out that you are holding a reincarnation talisman. Leave yourself a way out

However, Mr. Wang does not know the mystery of the reincarnation talisman, so how can I not know it?

Using the reincarnation talisman is different from being pulled into the mission world by the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. There is a gap of several hours after returning, just like in Yedu, if Gu Xiaosang had just entered the gate of heaven and then appeared on the spot quickly, he would have been kicked out by hearing the news The many exterior scenes that came here caught the spotlight. The reincarnation talisman I used late at night before, it was almost dawn when I came back.

Because of this time difference, even if the return location remains the same, it is easy to get rid of the pursuit. After all, if the enemy doesn’t know what’s going on, how can they stay in place for several hours?

Moreover, in the world of reincarnation, regardless of the increase in strength, you can still sell iron and sell iron, and make up enough good deeds. Please ask the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation to eliminate the light when he returns, and exchange for invisibility and other talismans or utensils. Even if it is really a coincidence, someone If you stay by the side for a long time, you can also escape without anyone noticing

Whenever Fan used the reincarnation talisman in a dangerous situation, Meng Qi felt that he had to be prepared accordingly when he returned, and be careful when sailing for thousands of years.

“It’s a good thing I didn’t use the reincarnation talisman in front of Jiang Hengchuan.” He was a little thankful. Of course, if it wasn’t used in a relatively closed environment, even if it was guarded by Jiang Hengchuan, there was still a 50% chance of escaping. There are stealth and other assistance.

Hmph, dare to plot against me, wait to guard your “corpse”

we are so narrow minded

The whiteness completely dissipated, and the centipede-like Nine Nether Gap in the inner mansion coiled into a ball, shrinking and shrinking, condensed into needle points, and completely dissipated.

“Mr. Lu Da.” The vicissitudes of Wang Buchi looked back at Maoling.

The founder of Huamei Mountain Villa in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Mr. Lu Da, “One Heart Sword”. Self-certified Gengjin Indestructible Body, the fourth in the heaven list, the first sword in the world

Wang Siyuan’s expression was completely excited and crazy. Things had run wild and out of his control, setting him on fire.

“No wonder. No wonder” he whispered words that no one else could understand.

Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu were not surprised, because Meng Qi told them that he had met an expert who was suspected to be “One Heart Sword”.

Among them, Jiang Zhiwei once had the idea of ​​visiting Senior Lu, but after some consideration, she decided to give up. It was time for her to explore the way and explore the inner world. There is nothing wrong with watching the swordsmanship of hundreds of schools, but if you meet a master of swordsmanship who is too strong, you will be easily influenced by the opponent’s way. Put it in the plan.

“I didn’t walk in the rivers and lakes for thirteen years, and once I cut off the Jiuyou Road,” Ruan Yaoguang expressed a lot of emotion.

As for Jiang Hengchuan’s disappearance, they had already found out, but there was no clue at all. It can only be regarded as the other party taking advantage of the change just now and fleeing.

The Nine Nether Cracks disappeared, and the complete picture of the inner mansion appeared in front of everyone, except for a stone bed. A piece of stone, simple and simple, does not look like a human body with the title of a god, but like a Taoist Gaozhen who wanders in the mountains and forests.

The stone bed was empty, and there were four things on the stone table, a green book, a purple ruler, a golden flame burning the surrounding black air, and a simple and unpretentious ring.

The book is light blue in color. Flowing light, not like ordinary things. From Meng Qi’s point of view, it should be the most precious item. Most of them are the inheritance of Dongyang Shenjun.Everyone present at the “Donghua Qingshu” who could recognize the ancient seal characters read the name of the book, Ruan Yaoguang and Wang Buchi were slightly puzzled.

Wang Siyuan was still in a strange state of excitement, but his voice was still calm: “Donghua Qingshu is one of the inheritances of the Qing Emperor’s lineage. It can’t be said to be very good, but it’s not bad.”

Since it is Beppu, it seems that Meng Qi, the book Dongyang Shenjun flipped through casually, corrected the mistake of judgment just now. However, Wang Siyuan’s evaluation is not bad, at least it is a good skill in the exterior scene.

Next to the green book, the jade ruler is full of purple air, and it looks like a treasure-level item, which is invaluable.

“Sun fire essence.” Ruan Yaoguang stared at the slowly burning flame.

Wang Buchi sighed: “If it was 70,000 to 80,000 years ago, this sun fire spirit could be used to refine magical weapons, but after such a long period of consumption, I’m afraid it can only be regarded as an ordinary exterior thing.”

As for the simple ring, both Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu told Meng Qi secretly that it was a mustard seed ring.

Among the four things, its value is the most difficult to determine, because no one knows whether there are other items in it. If it is empty, it should be the lowest value among the four things. If there are many collections, it will exceed the three. summed up.

“With Senior Lu watching outside, we can’t make fun of it.” Ruan Yaoguang said suddenly, not wanting to antagonize the Wang family.

Wang Buchi raised his head and looked at the smoke around Beppu which was slowly recovering: “It makes sense.”

“Besides, with the big commotion just now, the barrier of Beppu was broken again, and it won’t be long before someone else will come.”

The implication is that if the two parties compete, it may only benefit others.

Wang Siyuan “flyed” from the boat to the shore, his cheeks were still blushing: “Four items, how about we have two on each side?”

Ruan Yaoguang looked at Meng Qi inquiringly, after all, he was just a helper.

“I have no objection.” Meng Qi has never been greedy. Although his own strength is superior, it is only superior. How can Mr. Wang be a person who is not famous?

However, Meng Qi also raised a question: “But who will choose first?”

Holding the long sword in his hand, Wang Siyuan coughed twice, and looked at Jiang Zhiwei and Meng Qi: “How about this, aside from the two elders, we will fight twice, and you will assign candidates in turn, as long as you can force them within ten strokes.” I will defend one move, even if I lose, lose one game, let you pick one first.”

As soon as these words came out, it was the beginning of a spiritual confrontation.

After Jiang Zhiwei met Meng Qi’s eyes, he took a step forward calmly.

“Okay.” She was neither angry nor annoyed, her whole body was hidden in a box like a sword, to be continued


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