I Honor

Chapter 417

Re-entering Jiuxiang

Doumu Yuanjun Meng Qi’s heart skipped a beat. Doumu Yuanjun was the peak location scene more than ten years ago.

When he was in the Great Hall of Great Heroes in Shaolin, Xuan Yuanzi, the head of the general affairs of the Zhenwu Sect, once mentioned that he had encountered the “Doumu Yuanjun” who was a fairy in a daze, and fled in embarrassment after a big battle.

He is a master-level figure and well-known in the local rankings, so he must be the pinnacle of outdoor scenes. Counting the time, they have fought against each other for more than ten years. , compared to my master and uncleUncle is only strong but not weak. In “Xianji”, he is probably the top three under “Lingbao Tianzun”.

Encountering such a “fairy trail” big shot suddenly, Meng Qi was inevitably a little lost.

Doumu Yuanjun’s Tsing Yi plain skirt has a hem that fits close to the legs, which is more similar to a strong suit. Its outstanding temperament makes people unforgettable after seeing it.

She was looking at the “notice” on the jade pillar, and when she felt Meng Qi and Bixia Yuanjun approaching, she turned around slowly, revealing a face wearing a “Doumu Yuanjun” mask, looking up and down at Meng Qi , the voice became more and more erratic: “Finally someone has chosen the inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun.”

Her eyes were deep and dark, with a touch of vicissitudes, and a strange sigh.

“I’ve seen Mr. Yuan.” Meng Qi saluted cautiously.

Doumu Yuanjun nodded slightly: “I hope to see Wuji, Daoyi and Kaitianyin one day.”

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and ignored Meng Qi.

“How does Doumu Yuanjun feel like he’s talking like a god?” Meng Qi said to Bixia Yuanjun through voice transmission.

Bixia Yuanjun replied with a smile: “Yuanjun is powerful. He is a distinguished person, and he is a big man. He can see things that others can’t see.”

Really? Meng Qi stared at Doumu Yuanjun, only to feel that her aura was ethereal, and there was a little bit of bright starlight in the void around her, as if there was a vast universe accompanying her when she walked.

“With Yuan Jun’s realm, your sound transmission into the secret is like making a loud noise in front of a large audience.” Bixia Yuan Jun sneered without good intentions.

I said she was talking about Meng Qi with a dull expression, and I picked the title of group ridicule as soon as I came. gossip about big people

By the way, just now Jiuniang herself first used the sound transmission to enter the code

No, she didn’t say bad things through sound transmission, and she is a strong exterior scene, this, this is deliberately leading me to follow suit

This woman is so vengeful

With a satisfied smile all over his body, Bixia Yuanjun pointed to each of the jade pillars and said, “You can choose your own tasks and complete them within one year. Otherwise, you will violate the contract. As long as you complete three, you can apply for a formal membership.” assessment.”

Meng Qi has passed the death mission, his strength has reached the standard, and he is qualified to accept the assessment. He just joined the organization, so he must observe for a while.

With eyes of unclear meaning, Meng Qi paced slowly in Xianjifang, looking at notices one after another, looking for tasks related to Jiuxiang, so as not to make a special trip to find opportunities to complete them in the future.

The exchange of many items here made Meng Qi’s heart skip a beat. It’s a pity that my own kung fu items are either replaced by good deeds, or they are useful, and I have no extras to take out, so I can only hope for the future understanding of “Tathagata God’s Palm”.

suddenly. His eyes lit up, and he saw the word “Jiuxiang”:

“Urgent mission: A female member of this team had an emotional entanglement with the owner of Tianzhixiang in the world of Jiuxiang, and he imprisoned him in Tianzhixiang and refused to let her leave. This made it difficult to complete the main task of the team. The day is nowhere in sight, so I ask the seniors for help.”

“Mission reward: a 500-year-old Qinghua fruit.”

“Task Submitter: Reserve Team Beiming.”

Meng Qi, the main drug of Qinghuaguo Dongji Changsheng Pill, was thoughtful.

See his eyes stay on this task. Bixia Yuanjun introduced in detail: “Beiming is one of our reserve teams, but no one has passed observation and selection to become a reserve member.”

“With their strength, the main quest should not have any entanglement with the Lord of Nine Townships.” Meng Qi said amusedly, this seems to have developed a bloody love story

They are not even reserve members. No one in the Beiming team has the combat power to enter the top 25 on the list, and the world of Jiuxiang must have a location. The owner of Tianzhixiang is at worst a half-step location. He couldn’t deal with such an enemy, so Meng Qi made this judgment.

“Of course not.” Bixia Yuanjun said affirmatively, “It’s probably a random branch, and it has something to do with Tianzhixiang.”

Speaking of this, she laughed: “It is said that there is no time limit for their main quest. If they can’t complete it, they will stay in Jiuxiang forever. Therefore, they submitted the task through other reincarnation teams to seek assistance.”

“Isn’t it good to stay all the time? Anyway, it’s only a moment to return to the main world. You can practice with peace of mind. It won’t be too late to rescue the team members by yourself when you break through to the half-step exterior scene.” Meng Qi wondered.

Unless that female member has a very good relationship with other team members, everyone can’t bear to see her imprisoned.

Bixia Yuanjun laughed and said: “You think that Liu Dao will be so kind. Any task without a time limit will become more and more difficult to practice. After a month, there will be almost no effect, and your own aging will not stagnate. If you return to the main world , people nearby will see that someone’s hair turns white in an instant.”

“So that’s how it is.” Meng Qi felt more and more that he couldn’t take advantage of Liu Dao’s loopholes, and who knew what traps were waiting ahead.

He pondered for a while: “Yuanjun, I will accept this task. Do you have the information of the team and the detailed introduction of Jiuxiang?”

The drunken man means the latter.

“Yes.” Bixia Yuanjun signaled Meng Qi to take off the “Notice”.

As soon as the “Notice” came into Meng Qi’s hands, it ignited with blue flames and threw it into Meng Qi’s “Yuanshi Tianzun” mask. The detailed information of the Beiming team appeared in front of him. There are currently only four people in this team, two men and two men. female, imprisoned femaleZi’s ​​pseudonym is “Qin Qing”.

While watching, he listened to Bixia Yuanjun’s introduction of Jiuxiang: “Jiuxiang, the hometown of heaven, the hometown of earth, the hometown of man, and the hometown of sun. The martial arts are all obtained from the mysterious tombs in the thousands of miles of mountains. Shi Jie went crazy and returned to the tomb, well, this tomb is very mysterious, we haven’t found it yet, it should be quite dangerous, don’t pay attention to it for the time being.”

After we all explored, Meng Qi listened calmly.

“There is no imperial court in the traditional sense in the world of Jiuxiang. Jiuxiang unites to maintain the world together, and elects a Tianyuan emperor to play a role similar to the emperor. Internally generated, in short, the worst of the respective masters of Jiuxiang is a half-step exterior scene.”

Bixia Yuanjun narrated the Jiuxiang materials collected by Xianji, “The last emperor of Tianyuan was Jushenzhuang who punished Huang Futao on behalf of Tiantian, but like the respective ancestors of Jiuxiang, he returned to the mysterious mausoleum in his later years.”

“At present, Jiuxiang should not have elected this generation of Emperor Tianyuan, because there are at least two outsiders outside Jiuxiang, plus the owners of Moon Township and Star Township, the four outsiders have to use their strength to distinguish the strong and weak .”

I know this man. Meng Qi sighed when he heard Huangfutao’s name. Thanks to his advice, he was able to comprehend part of the essence of Dharmakaya’s moves. This kind of favor must be repaid by chance.

After clearly knowing that Ananda’s saber-breaking method has a “sticky karma” style, and that he inherits the powerful kung fu method, he will inherit the corresponding karma fortune, Meng Qi became more cautious about karma, and he would pay back if he could, and he was really grateful Huangfutao also had to complete the “Heaven strikes five thunders” from Jushenzhuang.

“This is the map of Jiuxiang.” Bixia Yuanjun handed a crude map to Meng Qi. It centered on the “Thousand Li Mountains” and drew pictures of Jiuxiang scattered around, as well as Jushenzhuang, moral values, etc. power.

Meng Qi took a closer look and let out a little surprise. The distance between Tianzhixiang and Jushenzhuang is a bit far, and one month for the reincarnation talisman is probably not enough.

“What’s the matter?” Bixia Yuanjun asked.

Meng Qi thought about his choice of words and said, “I think Jiuxiang is scattered, and I’m afraid that they will be sent to other places. One month is not enough to make it to Tianzhixiang.”

“Well, you still have good deeds, right?” Bixia Yuanjun said in a relaxed tone, as if she didn’t think it was a problem at all.

“There are two or three hundred more.” Meng Qi didn’t understand why she asked this.

Bixia Yuanjun pointed to the central jade pillar and said: “Normally speaking, you cannot enter the Samsara Square with the external activation talisman, but we have some privileges in Xianji, the central jade pillar is equivalent to half of the Samsara Square, you can exchange it yourself Just a couple of months.”

“It’s still like this,” Meng Qi said in surprise.

Bixia Yuanjun sneered: “Of course, after you complete the death mission four more times, you will be able to obtain many privileges, and this is one of them.”

She didn’t go into details. After all, Meng Qi was only a reserve member, and the matter about Liu Dao was a secret.

“That’s right, teams of Bei Ming’s level have team names, why don’t we have team names?” Meng Qi remembered the question just now.

Bixia Yuanjun sneered: “Either become our reserve team and we will give the team a name, or go through another death mission.”

“Forget it then.” Meng Qi walked to the big jade pillar in the center, spent 200 meritorious deeds in exchange for a month, and then activated the “Samsara Talisman”.

When the blue light came on, he disappeared in place, and a picture scroll appeared in front of his eyes, which showed the scene of the Zhenwu Suspect Tomb:

“You can choose the exits in all directions of the Qianli Mountains.” The voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation sounded.

Meng Qi identified the location and chose the one closest to “Ju Shen Zhuang”. His own business was more important.

Meng Qi found himself in a ruined temple in the mountains, with a pile of burning firewood in front of him, the night outside was deep and dark, and the moon and stars were covered by dark clouds.

He took off the “Yuanshi Tianzun” mask, looked at the sky, planned to start again in the morning, then lit the fire, found a place to lie down, curled up, and formally tried the first posture of Yijinjing.

Not long after, Meng Qi fell into a strange ethereal state. He felt warm and warm, and his external breathing was cut off, as if he had returned to his mother’s womb.

In this state, he seemed to be able to sense a very wide range, hearing noisy footsteps, and people walking at night approaching the ruined temple.


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