I Honor

Chapter 434

Unexpectedly Smooth

Seeing that Lu Jian spoke in a clear and orderly manner, he first summarized the whole thing he knew in general, so as not to be confused and make people lose the point.

He saw the young man in the green shirt turn around slowly, facing him, with an outstanding bearing, hard to describe, his hands were still behind his back, hidden in his own shadow, except for his slenderness, he couldn’t see the jade-like feeling before, as if Just my own illusion.

“What did he say?” Meng Qi’s voice was mellow.

During this period of time, Lu Jian had thought about this matter many times, and without thinking, he replied directly: “Jin Li suddenly arrived in Wen’an, I am very surprised, because since inheriting the family business, there are fewer and fewer of them traveling around. Not only have we not seen each other for a long time, but the correspondence between them has also decreased because they live in no fixed place.”

“On that day, I hosted a private banquet in honor of Jin Li at home. When the wine was full, he said with emotion that it doesn’t matter if you live or die. They will gradually become numb and adapt because of the lack of hope, and they will be freed from grief. The most fearful thing is that they will not see people when they are born, and they will not see dead bodies when they die. Huanyan.”

“thenI thought it was the emotion he encountered when he encountered certain things in the rivers and lakes, and I didn’t pay too much attention to it. I didn’t expect that he really didn’t see people when he was born, and he couldn’t see corpses when he died. ”

That is to say, Jin Li was not murdered and disappeared due to an accident. As the cold wind blows gently on a winter night, it set off his Yuan-Yue Zhi: “Have you ever asked Jin Li’s intention of coming to Wen’an?”

Lu Jian sighed: “I must have asked. He said that he passed by Wen’an on business and came to see my close friend. At that time, I had no doubts. I felt that Jin Li would not deceive me about this kind of thing. I just believed it and just asked. He said something about it, but he was vague, saying that it was not important, don’t worry, and then changed the subject.”

This matter should be quite important to Jin Li, but he didn’t want others to know. Meng Qi nodded thoughtfully: “At that time, did you pay attention to Jin Li’s state, whether he was full of worries, complacent, or hesitant. ”

“If he behaved abnormally, I would have noticed it a long time ago.” Lu Jian smiled wryly, and pondered for a while, “If you talk about the difference from the past, there is actually one thing. Jin Li was originally clumsy with words, didn’t care about gossip, and devoted himself to it.” They are all on hard training, but that day he seldom mentioned the famous heroes in the Jianghu, and he seemed to be quite envious. I laughed at him, saying that he was getting older, rich in knowledge, and finally enlightened. Knowing how to miss women gone.”

This kind of thing, if it is a close friend, anyone will think so when encountering it, and will not feel that Jin Li is abnormal.

It’s a romantic entanglement, but what kind of love can make Jin Lisheng invisible. The dead body is not seen. The water running behind Meng Qi’s back is slow, almost dry, and many large rocks at the bottom of the river are exposed in the sparkling light.

Did you fall in love with a woman you shouldn’t love? got into trouble

“Perhaps Jin Li’s disappearance is related to love entanglement. Please, brother Lu, check whether such things happened in Wen’an City before and after his disappearance.” Meng Qi said in a calm tone.

Hearing the word “Brother Lu”, Lu Jian was stunned, and looked carefully at the young man in green shirt in front of him, and found that he could not judge his age. There is no vicissitudes between them, as if they are still very young.

“It’s related to Jinli, and I’m obliged to do so.” As one of the top snakes, Lu Jian is much more convenient and effective than Meng Qi in inquiring about similar things. “By the way, I don’t know what you call it, and how will I give you the results after finding out?”

“Don’t bother. I’ll come and ask about some fireworks at the door.” Meng Qi got enough of the mysterious master’s fan.

After speaking, he took a step aside, stood beside the forest on the bank, looked at the flowing water with his hands behind his back, and signaled to Lu Jian that he could leave.

Lu Jian didn’t ask any more questions, knowing that some masters had weird tempers and refused to be questioned thoroughly, so he called Lu Huo and others over, and stepped on the stone arch bridge with steady steps.

After crossing the bridge, he turned his head subconsciously, and found that the figure in the blue shirt on the bank had disappeared without a trace at some point, and he didn’t even feel it.

“The Jin family actually sent such an expert here. Hey, before Jin Li disappeared, he wanted the Jin family to pay attention to him, but he couldn’t get it. It was not until Jiuqiao was barely considered high-sighted, and he slowly approached his long-cherished wish. Who knows that after he disappeared, the Jin family paid so much attention to it. Good luck tricks people,” Lu Jian said with emotion in his heart.

In the woods by the bank, the ground was covered with dead leaves and the branches were empty. Meng Qi walked with a miraculous pace. After a few steps, he came to the back of a big tree. There was a bookcase used by Confucian scholars. There was a green cloth on it, which seemed to be a windshield. It is used to cover the rain, and the “heaven’s injury” is hidden inside.

Liuhuo is made of dragon scales and can be bent like a soft sword. Meng Qi bought a matching scabbard and tied it around his waist. In a large package or book case, otherwise it is easy to be recognized with its obvious features, and loses the meaning of disguise.

Previously, Meng Qi considered the image of a mysterious master, and felt that carrying a bookcase in front of Lu Jian did not match the overall style of painting, so he simply hid it in the forest, placed it within the range of his telepathy, and stood proudly with his hands behind his back, as if it was in harmony with the painting style. The heaven and the earth are in harmony.

With the books on his back, Meng Qi turned around, and his temperament suddenly changed. Although he was dressed as a Confucian scholar, there was still a clear difference. Before, he was a mature and elegant person, but now he was dressed in green clothes, full of vigor and bookishness, and strode out of the forest. .

As the night was dark, Meng Qi went directly to the only mass grave in Wen’an, and took out a crimson bead.

This is an item refined by Yun Zhongzi himself. Using the blood of the Jin family as bait, it can cause visions in the bones of the same blood within a radius of three miles. The news is also stored in Xianji.

Meng Qi came here because he wanted to use the blood beads to find out if there was Jin Li’s body in the mass grave. After all, if someone killed him, the mass grave is a very suitable place to throw his body. There are dead bodies hidden in many places with lush vegetation. In addition, countless people were dug in shallow pits and buried, and the stench filled the hills, so no one would come to see if there were any people who were killed.

Holding his breath, Meng Qi crushed the blood beads, and a red light spread to the surroundings, dyeing the mass grave with a layer of bright red, making it even more eerie and bloody, extremely terrifying.

Suddenly, a red light shot up in the distance, as if someone was setting off fireworks.

Meng Qi was a little surprised that there really was Jin Li’s skeleton, he didn’t expect to find it so quickly and easily.

His footsteps moved, seeming not to touch the soil, skimming the long weeds irrigated by flesh and blood.He passed by and rushed to the place where the red light burst out.

This is a place where the vegetation is particularly lush. It was obvious that there were corpses buried underneath. Meng Qi swung his right palm, and the wind of his palm was concentrated, and the vegetation was violently blown away and the soil was pushed away.

The soil on the surface was very shallow. After one palm, Meng Qi saw the dead body below. He had already turned into white bones. There was not a trace of rotten cloth on his body, and the bones were incomplete, only a few.

The white bones stained with mud are glowing with a layer of blood, showing the identity of the owner.

At first glance, there are no clues left in the shallow pit and bones. It seems that you need to find a master who is good at summoning souls to break through the obstacles. However, Jin Li has been dead for many years.

“Come out.” Meng Qi said suddenly, his voice was heard far away in the eerie and quiet mass grave where only dogs barked.

Gudong, a figure rolled out from behind a locust tree, with a tattered felt hat, a patched cotton jacket, and a stench all over his body. He was a beggar who had been looking for useful things from the corpses in mass graves for a long time.

“Grandpa, sir, please spare the little one. The little one just came here to find out when he saw a red light emerging from here.” The beggar hurriedly explained.

His face was dark and covered with mud, making it impossible to tell his age, but judging from his body and voice, he was at least forty and above, and his martial arts were low.

Meng Qi, who practiced Heaven and Earth, was very sensitive to the changes in the mental state of others, especially when the opponent’s strength was far inferior to his own, and he had a sense of peering into the soul.

He noticed the beggar’s abnormal mood, and said in a deep voice: “I haven’t asked yet, what are you begging for? Could it be that this place has something to do with you, and did something undiscloseable?”

“Don’t you kind of quacks hate prying eyes? That’s why I beg for mercy.” The beggar explained.

Meng Qi snorted coldly: “But I hate being deceived even more.”

His sharp eyes pierced the beggar’s eyes, making him shiver, and he knelt down abruptly: “Master, please forgive me, I didn’t do anything, I just happened to know the origin of this corpse, and came forward rashly after seeing the red light.” Come.”

“You know his reason,” Meng Qi frowned.

The beggar spoke very quickly: “Yes, the little ones wander around the mass graves every day, looking for valuable items, in exchange for clothes and food, so whenever there is a new corpse, the little one will go and have a look, unless the other party is extremely skilled. High, can be buried without anyone noticing.”

“That day and night, the little one was very hungry, thinking whether to kill a single wild dog to eat, and suddenly found two servants of the Chen family quietly carrying the corpse up, hurriedly dug a hole and buried it, and left in a hurry. After that, the corpse was bitten by wild dogs, and after several changes, only a few bones remained.”

“Chen Mansion” Meng Qi asked calmly.

The beggar replied without hesitation: “Master Chen Changgeng’s Chen family.”

How could it be that they Meng Qidun was puzzled, Chen Changgeng is also a well-known figure nearby, like a landlord who is better than a person in the rivers and lakes, the strongest in the family is only Jiuqiao, how can he kill Jin Li who has a premonition

Chen Fu.

Chen Changgeng hummed a ditty, led his personal guards, and walked towards the room of the most beloved concubine.

As soon as he opened the door, he was immediately stunned, because there was a mysterious man wearing a mask and a black robe sitting beside the table.

His mask is the common “Yuanshi Tianzun”, with deep eyes, staring at himself


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