I Honor

Chapter 438

: Xiaomeng, the thrifty housekeeper

Meng Qi went straight to the courtyard where Taoist Jiesha was, climbed over the wall and entered, saw the neatly stacked firewood, felt a little calm, found a pile of firewood at random and sat cross-legged.

Although the Daoist of Destiny is unfathomable, he has a pessimistic and desperate view of fate and luck, without any initiative. Maybe he thinks that he is destined to be chased and killed by the monster clan. Therefore, even if he hides in the concept of destiny, he can’t be careless Shen has lived in the local area for many years, and he knows the Taoist of Destiny as well as himself. Maybe he will send little monsters to test the reaction of the Taoist of Destiny. Once he stands by and sighs negatively, he will do his best, Annihilate future troubles.

In comparison, Taoist Jiesha, who is also invisible to him, is obviously more likely to do it directly.

Meng Qi had already taken off his mask, but his appearance was simple and clumsy, exuding a kind of enchanting charm like a god and demon. Unless he was face-to-face and discerned carefully, his real appearance could not be seen through.

He sat cross-legged, with half-opened and half-closed eyes, with a solemn expression and no impatience.

Suddenly, a slender figure pierced through the shadows, human-like and non-human, soft and boneless, with hands like fists like teeth, covered in a layer of pitch-black liquid, and hit Meng Qi.

Meng Qi’s eyes were opened, it was dark and deep, and there was chaos. He raised his right palm and spread his five fingers. They were white and powerful, and they were photographed with the force of enveloping the world.

The palm was heavy, and the attacking monster felt that the surrounding space seemed to be bent and restrained, unable to dodge, he could only lift his fists up and forcefully parry.


His fists were directly pressed back by Meng Qi’s heavy right palm, and both hit his forehead together.

The monster’s head exploded, blood and brains splashed everywhere, the soul collapsed, fell to the ground and twitched a few times, and turned into a long snake with a broken head, black skin and thin scales.

He can be counted as a monster with less than half a step in the Shen family on weekdays, although he does not cultivate the realm of sympathy between heaven and man. But relying on the tyranny of the monster body, the innate supernatural power, who knows that today he couldn’t even dodge, and his head was directly broken by Meng Qi’s palm.

“Fan Tian Yin” is worthy of being a well-known Dharma body move in ancient times, and the derived “Heaven and Earth Falling” is also extremely overbearing and fierce

Just when Meng Qi slapped the snake demon on the head, another monster jumped out from the shadows in the other corner. He was tall and powerful. There was a lot of wind all over the body, and ghosts were crying and howling. Although the demon core had not been condensed, it was a bit miraculous.

Meng Qi was already sitting upright, clenched his left hand into a fist, concentrated all his energy, and swung it out suddenly.

The fist is glowing with a faint jade light, warding off evil spirits and demons, solemn and pure. As it fell, the evil wind dissipated, the ghost crying stopped, and the monster seemed to be frightened. sluggish, punched in the forehead


His head exploded directly, red and white scattered all over the ground, and his original shape soon appeared. It is a tiger demon.

With a creak, the door opened, with willow eyebrows and phoenix eyes. Taoist Jiesha with a high nose and thin lips came out with an ax in hand.

With a cold expression, she glanced lightly at the two demon corpses on the ground, moved her nose a few times, and her eyes suddenly became strange, like nostalgia or impulsiveness, excitement or joy.

Phew, she took a deep breath, took a sudden step forward, swung the ax in her right hand, and swung it quietly, but Meng Qi felt like the sky and the void were being torn apart, and the killing intent almost stopped his heartbeat.

There is no other magic, the killing intent between the heaven and the earth gathered, the ax turned into a black shadow, and slashed into the open space.

The open space squirmed, the mud surged, and a figure emerged from inside, with its eyes closed and its face split in half.

It rolled a few times and turned into a giant earthworm, its whole body was red and covered with mucus.

Through its cleaved head, Meng Qi vaguely saw the brown demon core inside, and was stunned. The monster on the outside scene was hacked to death with a single ax by the Taoist priest.

Even if her strength is not as good as that of Tianming Daoist, I am afraid that she is just as unfathomable

Taoist Jiesha’s indifferent face showed a childlike joy, which added a bit of brilliance to her pretty good face, but she immediately showed a self-loathing expression, bit her lips tightly, walked to the unsplit wood, and repeated the white day’s actions.

As the ax went down, she gradually regained her composure.

With Taoist Jie killing, there are no more monsters sneaking in, not only because her strength is unpredictable, but also because she is a person of the concept of destiny, representing the will of the concept of destiny, if it continues, the Taoist of destiny will probably feel that killing monsters It is fate.

To get this nagging old Taoist priest to help, he had to make things fall into place and make him feel destined.

Meng Qi stood up and rushed to the place where Taoist Tianming was just now, intending to persuade him to go to the six gates to report the Shen family as a monster stronghold, so he took the opportunity to run away. Anyway, this identity is only used to wear the “Yuanshi Tianzun” mask now. No one knew that he was Su Meng, Crazy Saber.

When he reached the wall, Meng Qi was surprised to find that the Taoist Tianming was gone. After searching for a while, he couldn’t find him, so he had to go back to the courtyard where the Taoist Jiesha was.

In the dead of night, he didn’t dare to go out to observe rashly. What if the Shen family’s location monsters were guarding outside?

Only at dawn, when more and more people come and go, and no matter how difficult it is for monsters to attack in broad daylight, can they safely arrive at Wen’an City and report to the six gates.

In the courtyard of Taoist Jiesha, the corpses of three monsters were lying on the ground. Meng Qi paused slightly, hesitating for a while between maintaining his image and collecting materials for good deeds.

When he realized that his strength was not enough in the eyes of Taoist Jiesha and Taoist Tianming, and maintaining his image was of no value, he suddenly understood, rolled up his sleeves, squatted down, and peeled off the skins of the snake demon and tiger demon, as well as various useful materials , those slender and powerful hands were covered with blood.

I’m such a thrifty housekeeper

Throwing the materials into the small bookcase hidden under the black robe, Meng Qi looked at the earthworm demon killed by Taoist Jiesha, swallowed his saliva, “Master Taoist, your demon pill.”

After speaking, he picked up the demon pill and threw it at Taoist Jiesha.Taoist Jiesha gave him a cold look, and waved his hand to block the demon pill: “Do you want to remind me of violating the precept?”

“Don’t dare…” Meng Qi was taken aback, but immediately became happy.

Yaodan started

With his hands and feet, he stripped off the useful materials of the earthworm monster, then washed his hands, sat cross-legged on the firewood, his green shirt was clean, and he became elegant and unrestrained again.

He didn’t dare to disturb Taoist Jiesha, so he asked her to report to the six gates, lest he be killed by an axe, so he had to wait patiently for the dawn.

After a long time, the sky was dimly lit, Meng Qi walked across the courtyard and the hall, and walked to the outside, ready to find Lu Jian, let him show up, and hide himself behind.

“The matter of the Shen family is relatively clear, but why did the little fox leave Tianhaiyuan and come to Jiangdong? What’s the plan?” Meng Qi thought as he walked, but due to lack of clues, he couldn’t guess.

“It turns out that the Shen family are monsters. I said that their fates were vague, as if they were covered up by something. I thought I was not good at learning.” Suddenly, a sobbing voice sounded in Meng Qi’s ear.

He was startled, and turned his head to look, it was Tianming Taoist with half black and half white beard.

“Master Daoist, don’t always be haunted by ghosts, okay?” Meng Qi said angrily, “I was looking for you last night but I couldn’t find you.”

“Oh, I’m going to see the fate of Shen’s and Jia’s families.” Taoist Tianming took it for granted.

Meng Qi suddenly became curious: “The Jia family is also a monster, where are the two families?”

“The Jia family has no strong men, and they can’t see the flaws of monsters. One of them was bewitched, married a monster, and gave birth to a half-ghost. He was the one who planned to marry Shen Ruoxuan before.” The Taoist Tianming replied casually, “The Shen family and the Jia family are the same. Yifang took advantage of the night to escape into the deep mountains last night, and now the building is empty, leaving only the maidservant and servant in time to kill.”

Luckily, no more harm was done to the innocent. Meng Qi heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately frowned, “Why are they so good at concealing their demonic aura, and they can blend in among the human race? Even if they don’t know the location in advance, it’s hard to see the flaws.”

Taoist Tianming glanced at him, thought for a while, and replied seriously: “I don’t know either.”

Meng Qi didn’t expect him to answer, instead he said, “Master Dao, why didn’t you prevent the Shen family from escaping?”

“They are destined not to fall here, it doesn’t matter if I make a move or not,” Taoist Tianming became enigmatic again.

The corner of Meng Qi’s mouth twitched, and his face was full of solemnity: “Master Taoist, since you have encountered this incident, it means that you are destined to go to the six gates to report, otherwise why would I have escaped to the Temple of Destiny, and just happened to meet you? waiter

“It makes sense.” Taoist Tianming was startled, counted his fingers, nodded slightly, and immediately turned around and went down the mountain, disappearing before Meng Qi’s eyes in one step or two.

Looking at his back, Meng Qi let out a sigh of relief, planning to change his appearance and dress up, sneak into Wen’an City, and inquire about the response of the six doors.

He slipped into the Taoist temple, found a secluded room, hid in it, and was about to change his appearance when his eyes suddenly went dark.

It was as if all the light and sound had been sucked away. Meng Qi could no longer see anything in his eyes, nor could he hear the slightest movement in his ears. inside

An extremely dangerous premonition arose in his spiritual sense, which was only a little worse than being stared at by the “poisonous snake” last night, so his mind was calm, neither frightened nor angry, his energy was pulled and his spirit was put down, and the things in the room were one by one. Dian Yuxin is like an outline in the world, revealing every detail.

There are tables and chairs, incense burners, bookshelves, and portraits.

Eyes can’t see, ears can’t hear, but Meng Qi finally grasped the clue with the help of his subtle state.

The darkness protruded, and there seemed to be countless pairs of claws digging towards Meng Qi, making it hard to tell which was real and which was fake, or if they were all real.

Meng Qi slapped out his palms, and his fingers joined together in a seal. His whole body seemed to be connected to the earth as one, completely motionless.

Relying on his subtleties and “Moving Golden Lotus”, he entered a state of emptiness. Although he didn’t notice the opponent’s specific movements, and he didn’t respond in his mind, he always made moves naturally, blocking every time the opponent made a move just right. attack.

There were constant crashing sounds, and Meng Qi’s body did not shake at all, even though the enemies merged into the darkness and attacked from all directions.

At the same time, he recognized the other party’s identity.

Wolf King Tie Sheng

Compared with Maoling, his strength seems to have improved again, and the gateway between his brows is about to be opened. With the help of the unity of man and nature, he has been able to create a little miracle

why is he here

Did he recognize his true identity, or was he just a master hunter?


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