I Honor

Chapter 441

Don’t worry about the road ahead without a “confidant”

It was as if Meng Qi had been struck by a bolt of lightning, and his whole body was out of his wits, his outside was scorched and his inside was tender. He was ready to be called the child’s father by her when he met Gu Yaonv again, and he seemed to have grasped the way of thinking of mental patients.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xiaosang brought the child directly, and that crisp “father” made Meng Qi like Ananda break the precepts of swordsmanship or change the sky and strike the earth. I don’t know when I was “fucked” by Gu Yaonv.

mentally ill

Sure enough, it’s not something a normal person like me can understand and guess.

Meng Qi came back to his senses, and he was sure that he and Gu Xiaosang and Gu Yaonv had no relationship other than enemies. He was angry and annoyed, and scolded in his heart: “Damn you, how dare you play tricks on me? I won’t let you!” What a shame, I didn’t know that Prince Ma had three eyes.”

He scolded vigorously, and suddenly he was a little rejoicing. Fortunately, this was not a feast of Xingyun, otherwise, in front of many masters on the list, in front of the location experts who prevented mistakes, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, Gu Xiaosang suddenly took the little girl from just now.If the child appeared, let her call “Daddy”, and then cried and complained about being abandoned, his reputation would be ruined.

Of course, it wasn’t that she was wronged by the righteous way and ruined by everyone’s contempt. After all, if you can believe one out of ten words, it’s not bad. If you don’t have a blood test, no one will believe it, and your friends will definitely support you.

But in this way, this matter will become a joke and spread all over the world. In the future, it will inevitably be pointed out and become the laughing stock of others, such as:

“Yo, it turns out that this is Su Meng, the mad knife who was brought to the door by the saintess of Da Luo with her child. It is said that it is not his flesh and blood.”

“Su Shaoxia, I know that it was Gu Yaonv who wronged you, but I still have a question to ask, how old are your children haha.”

Bah, bah, bah, nothing happened, thinking so much about what to do, Meng Qi stopped thinking wildly, hating Gu Xiaosang, but also felt that he should keep a respectful distance. Lest this schizophrenic do anything unexpected.

Fortunately, I didn’t have an affair with her, otherwise my life would be in dire straits

Bah, bah, bah, as if he almost had an affair with her.

Meng Qi was no longer in the mood to swim on the river and enjoy the scenery, so he gave the old boatman some money, soared into the air under the puzzled eyes of the other party, jumped up the street on the left, and mixed in with the crowd who bought New Year’s goods to watch lanterns and guess riddles.

He has a lot of experience, and his mental state is not bad. After walking for a while, he gradually calmed down. Putting this matter behind her, she began to think about the purpose of Yaonu Gu’s appearance in Ying City.

It can’t be my child anyway

She has been going south for several months, but there is no news from the six gates, and now she suddenly appears in Yingcheng, which is definitely not aimless. Hmph, Gu Yaonv doesn’t look like a person who is obsessed with martial arts, so she can’t take the risk to come to He Jiu to compete. , seeking a breakthrough

Meng Qi felt that he still had a certain understanding of Gu Xiaosang. She has outstanding talent, eccentric, clever and clever, capable of concentrating and working hard in martial arts. But it’s not pious, there is nothing else besides that, so he won’t be excited about a comparable opponent. I would rather put aside other things for the time being, and risk many dangers, but also fight. On the contrary, if he really met such a person, Gu Xiaosang’s choice would be to find an opportunity to directly destroy him.

However, does understanding of mental patients really count? Meng Qi fell into deep thought.

As he walked, he found himself turning into a rather busy street, and then heard a familiar voice:

“Brother Su Xian.”

Looking up according to the sound, Meng Qi saw a person standing by the window on the third floor of the restaurant on the right, holding a wine glass, smiling all over his face, as if he met an old acquaintance in a foreign land.

He was in his early twenties, dressed in a Confucian robe, with a Chinese character face, wide nose and wide mouth, his facial features were not outstanding, but his appearance was imposing, standing there like a mountain like a mountain.

Meng Qi was both surprised and delighted, and said loudly, “Brother Wang never expected you to be here.”

Don’t worry about having no “confidant” in the future

This person is “Shou Zhengjian” Wang Zai, the concubine of Zhou Jun Wang’s family.

“The Banquet of Xingyun, a grand meeting in Jianghu, even though there is no invitation, how can we not come, at least we can meet brother Su Xian.” Wang Zai said loudly, attracting a lot of attention.

Su Xiandi

sure to meet

Could it be “Crazy Saber” Su Meng?

A series of gazes cast on Meng Qi from all directions, mixed with sizing, envy, reverence, judgment and dissatisfaction, Meng Qi couldn’t help but straighten his back, feeling like he was under the spotlight.

Look, look, brother Wang Zai can talk a lot and it’s not exaggerated at all

He stepped into the restaurant slowly, climbed up to the third floor, and found Wang Zai drinking alone by the window, he immediately smiled and said:

“Brother Wang, lonely wine worries even more. How can good wine have no friends?”

Wang Zai smiled and said, “I’m just waiting for you?”

Seeing that Meng Qi was stunned, he explained: “Brother Yu originally had an appointment with someone, who knows that the other party has something to do, so he didn’t come, so it’s fine, I can have a drink with you, Brother Su Xian.”

“We haven’t seen each other for more than half a year.” Meng Qi was not polite, sat down with a big horse, picked up the flagon, poured himself a glass, and helped Wang Zai fill it up, without taking himself seriously outsider.

This casual familiarity instantly brought the relationship between the two parties back to when they were in Yedu, and there was no stranger.

After the two raised their glasses and had a sip, Wang Zai patted the table, feeling quite emotional: “It’s only half a year, I thought it’s been a year or two before you know it, brother Su Xian, you’ve made rapid progress, you’ve already risen from the nineteenth to the top of the list Six, people are dumbfounded.”

“Brother Wang, you’re not bad either. You’re already ranked fifteenth.” Meng Qi suppressed his pride, and he was carried in a sedan chair.

“I used to think that I was fast, but compared with Su Xiandi, I really feel ashamed. The last time I saw the list of people and found out that you let Hanzhang Moying and others be eliminated in the first battle, I couldn’t believe it. Suddenly , you have reached this level,” Wang Zai said sincerely.

Meng Qi said “modestly”: “Brother Wang, you also know my details, so you can take advantage of the siege.”

After the two sides exchanged a few words, Wang Zai mentioned something: “Brother Yu stayed at the Mi family in Yingcheng during this period, and had many contacts with the local sect family. The younger generation was impressed by He Jiuxingyun’s banquet. There are many masters, but most of them have no way to enter the village, so I want to hold a martial arts competition banquet in advance, learn from each other, and participate in the grand event together. I don’t know if Brother Su Xian is interested in watching the battle and commenting, just give me some pointers.”

This is a guest! Meng Qi knew that Wang Zai would not lie. Nodding slightly: “WangBrother invites you, how can you refuse? I don’t know if there are other masters on the list.”

“Except for you, me, brother Dao Qi Changhe Yan and Nuoxing Yiyue Chu, the rest are all after the 20th on the list, participating as contestants,” Wang Zai said in detail.

After the two exchanged about this matter for a while, they turned to drinking and chatting about their experiences in the rivers and lakes and the feast of Xingyun during this period of time.

“After counting all the people, I decided to go to the banquet, but it has not yet arrived. Fairy Juejian will probably arrive in a few days. I am afraid that Yao Nu and Wolf King will not dare to show their faces openly. So they may not come. Huanxi Tutuo, Wuwangdixian and others Far away, there are no rumors of coming to the banquet, Buddha Heart Palm, Young Master Qinglian, and Heartbroken Tianya are nearby, and it is only a matter of thought whether to go to the banquet or not.” Wang Zai roughly introduced, in fact, Meng Qi had already obtained information from the six gates. Understood, but still pretended to be listening attentively.

After drinking for an hour and a half, the two chatted very happily. At the end, Wang Zai said with emotion: “Walking in the rivers and lakes is a lot of tempering. Not to mention dangerous things, there are all kinds of strange people, greedy, petty. Regardless of the overall situation, They are capricious, shameless, and always make people angry. But because of their righteous status, it is not easy to make trouble, lest they be said to be narrow-minded. It is not a master’s demeanor, forget it, after all, we are also cultivated people, be afraid of them.”

“I’m not afraid.” Meng Qi said with a smile.

“Ah, Brother Su Xian, why do you have a knack?” Wang Zai asked sincerely.

Meng Qi replied solemnly: “Because I have no cultivation, because I have always been narrow-minded.”

Wang Zai’s expression was dull, and he was speechless.

After finalizing the “guest” matter, Meng Qi bid farewell to Wang Zai and returned to the inn he rented.

He was dressed in a black dress with a long knife on his waist. He was tall and straight, masculine and heroic. In the eyes of the guests and those who looked down from the heights, he felt that he had an outstanding temperament and was regarded as a master.

Watching him enter the inn, a window on the second floor creaked shut.

Meng Qi walked through the garden of the inn, arrived at a courtyard behind, took out the key, and opened the courtyard door.

Everything was as usual, there was no reaction, but just as he entered the wing room, his heart suddenly moved, his vigilance surged, he pulled out the wound of the sky with a clang, and cast his eyes on the big bed.

I saw a woman in plain clothes and white skirt lying on her side on the bed, with an ethereal demeanor, picturesque eyebrows, holding her cheek with her hand, looking at herself with a smile.

Her clothes are complete, except for her arms, neck and face, no skin is exposed, but the plain white cloth undulates against her body, like mountains and emerald greens, making people’s throat dry, with an irresistible sense of being out of the dust. lure.

“Sir, you’re finally back.” The girl’s eyes rolled, like a deep spring drowning in people, it was Gu Xiaosang and Gu Yaonu.

While Meng Qi was on guard, he was about to open his mouth to drink Gu Xiaosang’s possession and attract everyone to besiege him.

At this moment, Gu Xiaosang flicked his fingers, and something fell in front of Meng Qi with a crisp sound.

This is a cyan lotus flower, vivid and poetic, with a few words engraved on it: “Huanhua, Qi Zhengyan”.

“Brother Qi…” Meng Qi’s eyes froze, “What did you do to him?”

This is the identity mark of the Huanhua Sword Sect, and it belongs to Qi Zhengyan. Meng Qi scanned it mentally and confirmed the truth.

“I saved him.” Gu Xiaosang stood up slowly, her satin black hair fluttering, lazy and charming.

“What?” Meng Qi asked in astonishment.

Gu Xiaosang smiled, but did not answer, and looked straight at Meng Qi: “Sir, our child is cute.”

“Who has a child with you?” Meng Qi said angrily.

Gu Xiaosang stood up, and said with a half-smile: “The Six Paths can reverse the chaos of time, reverse cause and effect, and now in my experience, we explore the ruins of the heaven together, encounter danger, support each other, fall in love with each other, and have a child.”

Meng Qi was dumbfounded again. He had a similar guess about the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and stammered:

“No, it can’t be true”

“Of course.” Gu Xiaosang suddenly burst into a smile, suppressing the moonlight and stars, “I lied to you.”

“You believe it too, I know you have similar guesses about Liu Dao, because I have it too, but you can believe it casually, really, really, so silly” she laughed coquettishly.


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