I Honor

Chapter 445

: An Unexpected Guest

Meng Qi gritted his teeth. He Jiu seemed bold and confident, but he had never been known as “crazy”, so he probably wouldn’t do such an overreaching thing. ““

Even if Wang Siyuan and Jiang Zhiwei are not counted, there must be four or five top players on the Xingyun banquet. After all, he and Yan Chong will definitely go. If he challenges himself and others like Bai Qigu, he will definitely face each other. For the killer move on the front, back, left, and right scenes, if you can’t last a few breaths, you will lose.

Of course, if he used this to make a breakthrough, that would be another matter, anyway, he doesn’t have to worry about winning or losing.

Both Meng Qi and Yan Chong were not surprised why Bai Qigu and He Jiu chose the top ten people on the list as sharpening stones. After all, they also belonged to this level. It poses too much threat, and there is a huge gap between the half-step of perfect promotion and the location of the first entry and the unity of man and nature. There is no possibility of challenge, and it will only be futile.

Even if they can find a few ordinary half-steps from the family sect to compete with themselves, but their own people always lack the feeling of a real fight, so they might as well hold a banquet and invite people with similar or similar strengths to their own. For pure victory and fame, Meng Qi and the others will always go all out, which is only slightly worse than a life-and-death fight.

Wen Wu first, Wu Wu second

“The Mi family took the lead in holding the Yingcheng Martial Arts. It seems that they have selfish intentions. They created opportunities for Bai Qigu’s promotion. Brother Yu missed the point.” Wang Zai sent a voice transmission to Meng Qi.

Meng Qi was invited by him to participate, but he was used as a sharpening stone for Bai Qigu. Wang Zai, who cultivated “awe-inspiring righteousness”, naturally felt sorry.

“It doesn’t matter, brother Wang, don’t mind, it’s a rare accumulation for me to be able to meet the meeting and feel the unity of man and nature to open the eyebrows.” Meng Qi said indifferently.

This is the truth, that kind of momentum climbing, the impact of the limit of the primordial spirit,The opening of the gate of life and death. As well as spiritual spread, Meng Qi realized a lot about the natural entanglement and changes of the inner world and the outer world, especially the latter, which is a peculiar phenomenon unique to the promotion of people who are in harmony with nature and man. It is almost a fusion of internal and external, which is rare.

If you are promoted directly from the sympathy between heaven and man, there will also be visions, but at most there will be winds and clouds, lightning and thunder. There are some changes in my body based on the characteristics of the inner world and martial arts. How can I be like Bai Qigu, who shows the inner scene to the outside, moves the world, triggers the power of the thick earth, and makes all the high platforms within a radius of 100 feet sink by an inch.

And when Bai Qigu was promoted, the thin crow’s feet around her eyes disappeared, and her whole face was radiant, as if she looked ten years younger

Wang Zai sighed: “It’s really unusual to be promoted for those who have the unity of man and nature. I would rather waste a few years, and never advance to the next level if I don’t achieve the unity of man and nature.”

To be able to enter the top 20 on the list, whoever is not a high-minded person would think that his foundation is not stable. Stop at half a step, or a few days before the location.

Of course, things are unpredictable, sometimes. There will often be dangers and tribulations, and no one can patiently seek the unity of man and nature, and must force a breakthrough. There are also those who are obsessed with the unity of nature and man, and as a result, they have inner demons. They have not achieved it for more than ten years, and they can only give up sadly in the end.

The road of martial arts is full of thorns, and it will never be smooth sailing. A genius is like Su Wuming, and he has been tortured by death for three years, and he is suspected of being buried inside.

Wang Zai’s exclamation did not use sound transmission to enter the secret, and everyone present could hear it. Yan Chong smiled: “The unity of heaven and man can also be divided into high and low. The invisible sword, counting the common people, has achieved this a few years ago Realm, but they have not been promoted, they would rather waste time, but also have a preliminary understanding of their own path, hey, Xuanguan has no regrets”

In the stage of the unity of nature and man, initially thinking clearly about one’s own path will not bring much strength improvement, but in the future, it is the most important thing. Most of those who can become masters have gone through this stage.

Yan Chong’s words were kept very low, so that no one nearby could hear them.

The words “Think about your own path when man and nature are one” seem simple, and anyone can say it, but there is no true biography, no family sect has accumulated experience of similar people, most people will do it overnight, and don’t stay Thinking about it, Yan Chong himself has gone through a lot of hardships, and he just learned about this experience, how can it be known to everyone?

Law cannot be passed lightly

“It’s strange to say, from the real realm, after the nine orifices is half a step, without experience and contact, who would have thought that there are subdivisions, hey, the sympathy between heaven and man is nine orifices, and the unity of heaven and man is also nine orifices , the difference in strength between the nine orifices is simply heaven and earth, and it will not be detailed in the six-door battle report.” Chu Yunyu laughed, and then said, “Do you think the invisible sword can learn from Bai Qigu? How many people to fight”

Meng Qi said: “Probably not. I suspect that He Jiu started from the lowest-ranked challenge, slowly accumulated momentum, and after a round of battles, he fought against Mr. Wang to make a breakthrough.”

Wang Zai pondered for a while, and said thoughtfully: “It’s not impossible to rule out the common people and Fairy Juejian. The invisible and phaseless sword energy of Donghai Jianzhuang is known as the top five skills in the group battle. He Jiu once killed it. The combination of the three Jiuqiaos, of course, are all Jiuqiaos with more than ten strengths on the list.”

Meng Qi took a deep breath, and other things

He doesn’t know much about Donghai Jianzhuang’s skills, and the list of people’s records is limited, and they all pick the most important and sensational mentions. There is no story about He Jiu being besieged, and it is mostly his appointment to fight against the top ten on the list.

Looks like I have to find Six Doors to get a detailed copy of He Jiu’s information.

The martial arts in Yingcheng continued for a while, but Bai Qigu Zhuyu was in front, and no one challenged Meng Qi and others. At the end, Mi Zijing leaned over and said with a smile: “My seventh aunt is in a hurry to go back to stabilize the realm, how rude! , I would like to thank the two of you again on her behalf.”

After Meng Qi and Yan Chong said nothing, he smiled again: “The Mi family and the Bai family have been married for several generations, and the same spirit is connected. Qigu’s breakthrough is also a great event for my Mi family. I would like to invite some of you to the humble house for a few drinks. A friend wants to meet you too.”

“What friend?” Meng Qi asked directly.

Yonago Jing said with a smile, “You’ll know it when you see it, but now you don’t have any sense of mystery.”

He does have a bit of a sense of humor.

Seeing each other and not dying, Meng Qi knew that the Mi family had a strong outsider, so he didn’t worry about his own safety. After discussing with Wang Zai and others, he got into the Mi family’s carriage and drove into the Mi family’s old house on the bank of Huishui River. .

Huishui is not wide, but a small river, which can only be used for awning boats. The old house of Mi’s house with white walls and black tiles, and a rockery pond are the most authentic Jiangdong gardens.

Through the courtyard and the pavilion, Mi Zijing led the four of them into a side courtyard. Even in the cold winter months, there are also exotic flowers blooming here, colorful and fragrant.

“I’m staying at Mi’s house, but I’ve never been here before.” Wang Zai’s voice rang in Meng Qi’s ears, quite puzzled.

But it’s normal to think about it. Mi’s house occupies a large area with continuous buildings, and Wang Zai is a foreigner, so it is impossible to walk around. There are too many places that he has never been to.

Entering the flower hall of the side courtyard, Meng Qi saw three men and one woman, one of them was sitting upright, with a dignified appearance, a calm posture, and a hint of arrogance.

This person had sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, and Meng Qi felt familiar with his facial features, but he couldn’t remember who it was for a while.

There is another person standing beside him, dressed in black, wearing a gauze hat, with a white face and no beard, with a look of humility and pride, a little feminine, but Meng Qi, Yan Chong and others paid attention to him first, because they saw outdepth

There is a man and a woman sitting on the left side of the upper head. The man’s facial features are rough but not ugly. He is young and tall, with muscles that fully support the loose clothes. temperament.

“Sister Ting.” Mi Zijing first introduced the woman, then pointed at the rough man and said, “Bai Wenyuan from the Bai family, the son of the head of the family, the nephew of the seventh aunt.”

Bai Wenyuan and Meng Qi looked at the man’s appearance and almost burst out laughing, but finally stopped.

“I don’t need to introduce these people, you should have seen it just now.” Mi Zijing smiled slightly.

Bai Wenyuan and Mi Ziting were obviously watching the martial arts from another high platform, they got up one after another, thanked Meng Qi and Yan Chong, and expressed their admiration for the top fighters.

“This is…” Wang Zai knew that Mi Zijing needed an introduction, so he simply answered.

Mi Zijing’s face became solemn: “This is the third prince of the dynasty, Prince Jin Zhao Yi.”

It turned out to be Zhao Lao Wu’s elder brother, no wonder he felt familiar, he looked a bit familiar! Meng Qi suddenly realized, but what did this guy come to Yingcheng for?

Unlike everyone present, he has no respect for the imperial power in his bones, and is just afraid of being a powerful force.

Zhao Yi rubbed his jasper fingers, stood up abruptly, and smiled warmly: “I heard about Xingyun’s banquet, and I was so yearning for it alone, so I took leave of absence from Beijing and came to Ying City. Today I can meet some good men. It’s really better to meet them than to be famous.”

Call yourself lonely in front of me, Zhao Lao Wu is better at being a man than you, Meng Qi slandered.

In fact, Zhao Yi was considered enthusiastic and earnest. Meng Qi would not have said anything in the past, but in this world, what he fears the most is comparison. Compared with Zhao Heng, Zhao Yi’s arrogance seems a little more.

Faced with Zhao Yi’s virtuous corporal, Yan Chong was quite satisfied, and said reservedly: “I never thought that Xingyun’s feast would attract a real dragon.”

Compared with Yan Chong’s masterful attitude, Chu Yunyu felt a little more flattered, and said repeatedly: “It’s really a blessing in my next life to be praised by the King of Jin, and the mere martial arts are not worth mentioning.”

This guy is even more exaggerated than me. Meng Qi gave Chu Yunyu a contemptuous look, clearly feeling that the other party had some signs of acting.

Wang Zai remained calm and saluted in accordance with Confucian rules, with a lukewarm attitude.

“The king of Jin is here to watch the feast of Xingyun?” Meng Qi asked casually after seeing the ceremony.

Zhao Yi smiled and nodded: “This generation’s list is stronger than the past years, and the top ten is the future location. How can such a gathering not attract people’s attention?”

S: I was so excited yesterday that I forgot to ask for a recommendation ticket, Khan.

The first one is sent, the attitude is correct and I ask for a recommendation ticket


Two hundred and fiftieth chapters scattered in a hurry

Meng Qi and the others wouldn’t take it seriously, but this generation’s list can be regarded as outstanding all the time, comparable to Su Wuming’s generation, and they can be regarded as shining stars.

It was not conspicuous three or four years ago, but now, the top ten people on the list are almost all those who have the unity of nature and man or have this kind of combat power, followed by Mr. Qinglian who has the top ten strength but is in and out, and Qing The rest are expected to be in the top ten within a year at most, so Yang He, who has mastered the Dharma Body moves, has just entered the top twenty, not the same luck that Jiang Zhiwei was ranked tenth just after he came down the mountain.

Of course, apart from the dharma body moves, Jiang Zhiwei at the time of Liuqiao was already in the realm of swordsmanship. He could create his own unique moves, and Meng Qi had only recently stepped into this level.

Mi Zijing laughed beside him: “Everyone is young, don’t be restrained, sit down quickly.”

While calling everyone to sit down, he ordered his servants to bring tea and prepare snacks. At the end, he clapped his hands, and the sound of silk and bamboo came from the corner of the flower hall, making the atmosphere soft and relaxed.

“How can you be happy without dancing? I have invited a famous sword dancer from Yingcheng, who just happened to come over to add to the fun.” Mi Zijing arranged the matter properly.

Jin Wang Zhao Yi said with a smile: “Gu and Zijing have known each other for many years, and know that he is used to being meticulous, and if there are trivial matters, as long as you entrust him, he will be able to handle them properly.”

“Thank you cousin for the compliment.” Yonago Jing said with a smile.

The two sang together, revealing their relationship to Meng Qi and others.

Wang Zai is the much-anticipated son of the Wang family of Zhou County, and his father is well-known in the local government. He is no stranger to the relationship between Zhao Yi and the Mi family when he is a court official. The noble concubine gave birth to a son and a daughter, the male is the King of Jin, and the female is the Shuijing Princess who is most favored by the Holy One.”

It turned out that in the information given by the six doors of the foreign relatives, there was always a lot of concealment about the royal family, Meng Qi only now understood. No wonder Wang Zai was not surprised to see it just now.

Yan Chong nodded lightly. He didn’t know more about the affairs of the court than Meng Qi. After all, he was born in a small sect, and he was a reckless Jianghu.

Chu Yunyu restrained his exaggeration slightly. Deliberately said: “I have experienced Jiangdong and Diqin states in the lower reaches, but I have always had a close relationship with Shendu. Today I can meet the nobles of Shendu, but it is just a matter of my heart.”

He was born as a casual cultivator, his master was quite famous and had a good inheritance, but his temper was too upright and he died young. He fell into the hands of the leftist giants, so he didn’t get lucky because of it. On the contrary, he became more hated by the leftists for no reason, and his personality and temper became completely opposite to his master’s.

But temperament has nothing to do with martial arts, and has nothing to do with one’s own cultivation and spiritual realm. Chu Yunyu’s strengthNot to be underestimated, just don’t like to make trouble. Not many records.

“There are not many other things in Shendu, the most aristocratic families, the most masters, the most academies, the most brothels.” After getting a response, Zhao Yi introduced Shendu with a smile, and talked wittily, slowly spreading the topic.

If it is said that those who are well-known on the list love to travel to Jiangdong, then the masters after the age of thirty-five are often happy to enter the capital and gain a chance.

Facing the matter between the prince and the court, Meng Qi was uncharacteristically. There is no lively atmosphere, nor is it a major participant in the topic. Listening in quietly, she has a little more understanding of the situation in Shendu.

Wang Zai is a child of a top family. Without the acquiescence of the elders, the prince has always been respected and kept at a distance, so he did not use his extraordinary eyesight and strengths of extensive knowledge, and only responded with a word from time to time.

Seeing this situation, Meng Qi thought deeply. The royal family’s attitude towards the aristocratic family seems to be to win over the top and fight against the top.

However, the royal family’s attitude belongs to the royal family’s attitude, Zhao Yi is quite warm to Wang Zai.

After talking about the God Capital, Zhao Yi slowly brought the topic to the banquet of Xingyun, held the teacup in his hand, and said with emotion: “The top ten people on the list, the ones I admire the most are Su Shaoxia and Yan Shaoxia, and the rest wait for you. , either from the Martial Dao Dazong, or from the top family, there is no lack of magical skills, no lack of weapons, no lack of advice, no lack of pills, no shortage of opponents, only you, one is from the Haichao sect, and the other is an abandoned disciple of Shaolin, all on your own Working hard and seizing the opportunity is really a role model for the same people.”

This is a good statement. Meng Qi praised him in his heart, but where did he put Brother Wang Zai?

Yan Chong smiled slightly, and was obviously quite proud of it, but he was not the kind of narrow-sighted person, and said seriously: “You can’t underestimate them, the invisible struggle inside the Martial Dao Dazong and the top aristocratic family is even worse outside, a little If you slack off, you will be surpassed by others and take away opportunities, and you can become an outstanding person in the enlightenment period, how can you lose your personal efforts, who will not come out of danger and tempering.”

Zhao Yi was waiting to speak again, Mi Zijing was rewarded and clapped his hands. A group of dancers came in. They were all women in light and strong clothes, with bright red colors and sharp long swords. She has long eyebrows and phoenix eyes. She is a rare beauty. She and Mi Ziting who were present at the scene are shining for a while. They have their own styles, but they also have watery skin like creamy white porcelain, showing the characteristics of Jiangdong.

The sound of the drum gradually sounded, and the sword dance suddenly started. Suddenly, the sword light was like a tide, dripping and frustrating, matching the beauty’s swaying posture, it was quite fascinating.

Especially the leading woman, her movements are bold, her sword is sometimes closed, like a woman in Xizhou galloping a horse, and sometimes delicate, like a girl from Jiangdong singing softly, intoxicating the viewers.

Not only is she outstanding in her sword dance, but she also obviously has a good swordsmanship.

“A sword dance moves all directions like thunder, but it’s like the river and sea condensing and clearing light.” Zhao Yi seemed very satisfied with the sword dance this time, patting the table next to him and singing the poems of the sages.

Meng Qi was also very interested in watching, and an inexplicable idea was spinning in his mind. If Zhiwei danced the sword, I don’t know what kind of style it would be. Uh, if she knew about this idea, she might be forced to have a “discussion”.

The flow of the woman’s true energy and the changes in her moves were all in the minds of Meng Qi and the others. They felt that there was no danger, so they all watched with relish.

The sword dance slowly came to an end, and the leading woman seemed to end with “offering the sword” to Zhao Yi while dancing.

Zhao Yi stopped reciting poems and withdrew his hands, happy to hear and see.

Between advancing and retreating, the leading woman finally stepped onto the steps, she was short, her long sword swung horizontally, and she was about to hold the sword in both hands and hand it to Zhao Yi.

Suddenly, Meng Qi felt as if an inconspicuous “seed” exploded in the woman’s body, and the true energy gushed out. The whole person seemed to be bathed in blood and transformed into a dragon, breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly. It is difficult to sense the flow of true energy.

The assassin Meng Qi didn’t even think about it, he rushed straight away, drew his saber in mid-air, it was silver and white, as fast as a thunderbolt, he slashed at the back of the woman’s head, surrounded Wei and rescued Zhao.

He didn’t arouse the injury of the sky, and attacked from a distance, because the positional relationship between the sword dancer and Zhao Heng would kill them both.

At the same time, he sensed the surging saber intent beside him.

Yan Chong and Meng Qi were the first to sense the danger, and they drew their swords at the same time.

The woman ignored the two knives behind her back. With a flick of the long sword, the meteor chased the moon and stabbed at Zhao Yi’s throat. The death energy, killing intent, and sword energy were all condensed into one.

The waiter in the black gauze hat next to Zhao Yi was a bit too slow and couldn’t stop the woman from drawing the sword, but he also shot very fast, grabbing back out of thin air, dragging Zhao Yi to one side, avoiding the vital point.

The woman was just about to take advantage of the situation to change her move, when the two sabers arrived, either quickly or fiercely, covering her vital points, there was no chance for her to change her move.

She spun around on the spot, and there was a continuous clang sound, the long sword struggled to swing twice, and at the same time jumped up, causing a whirlwind, trying to escape.

half step exterior

Before Meng Qi could strike the second time, he heard a sharp cold snort, the woman in mid-air fell suddenly, fell heavily to the ground, her soul was restrained, and her acupoints were sealed.

Only then did he see the black hat waiter stepping on the sword dancer girl.

His speed was so fast that I couldn’t catch it. Meng Qi looked at the black-hat waiter in a little astonishment.

“Dare to assassinate in front of our family, it’s really boring”The black-hat waiter’s right foot “rubbed” vigorously on the sword dancer’s body, his face was full of embarrassment and anger.

It turned out to be a great expert, but Meng Qi suddenly realized how many thousand years old he was.

Zhao Yi’s body trembled slightly, and he calmed down immediately. He stepped forward enthusiastically, and said to Meng Qi and Yan Chong: “Thanks to the two young heroes who found out in advance and blocked it, otherwise I am afraid that I will die on the spot. Thank you for your kindness. In the future, your affairs will be lonely affairs.”

As soon as Yan Chong and Meng Qi were about to be humble, Mi Zijing rushed over with an embarrassed face, pleading guilty again and again: “I have made a fool of myself, I was deceived by this lowly servant girl, and I ask the prince to punish me.”

Zhao Yi waved his hand: “Gu also didn’t notice, so I can’t blame you.”

He turned his head to the black hat waiter and said, “Eunuch Feng, take this girl down and greet her well, let’s see who is bold.”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Meng Qi and the others, and sighed: “It’s so coincidental, no matter how difficult it is to have a banquet, I’m sorry for spoiling everyone’s elegance, alas, since the crown prince is obsessed with Buddhist scriptures and believes in Buddhist teachings, he has repeatedly Being scolded by the emperor, the gods are undercurrents, and Gu originally wanted to go out to relax, but he never escaped from the whirlpool.”

Mi Zijing said cautiously: “I just got news in the afternoon that the crown prince has also arrived in Yingcheng and lives in Puxianzhai.”

“Really?” Zhao Yi’s face became serious.

Regarding the royal infighting, Meng Qi looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose. He didn’t say a word, he was just a little surprised. Although Xingyun’s banquet was a sensation, it wouldn’t even attract the crown prince.

The banquet ended in a hurry, but with the grace of saving their lives, Zhao Yi, Yan Chong, Meng Qi and others seemed to have gotten to know each other a lot better.

“Brother Su Xian, what do you think about this matter?” Wang Zai sent Meng Qi to the door and asked via voice transmission.

Meng Qi frowned slightly: “No up, no down.”

Wang Zai understood as soon as he heard it, nodded and said: “Brother Yu also finds it strange that the assassination must be done in an instant with the momentum of thunder and absolute strength, and go away, or it is better not to do it. Although the female assassin just now was strong, she was just It is barely possible to complete the mission, maybe they are reluctant to be assassins on location, for fear of being surrounded and killed by the Mi family and the Bai family”

“I don’t know anything about Shendu, so it’s hard to speculate.” Meng Qi didn’t have a clue.

Suddenly, he remembered something, turned around and said to Wang Zai: “By the way, I’m not in a hurry to leave, brother Zijing, please help me if I need help.” To be continued

s: The second update will be delivered, ask for a monthly ticket


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