I Honor

Chapter 450

Fighting but not fighting

The mountain wind was blowing, and the forest was dyed gold. Meng Qi looked at the five monks beside him, the dragon, the elephant, the tiger, the leopard, and raised his eyebrows slightly. He turned around and said, “Your Highness, what if I don’t want to gamble?”

His posture is leisurely, as if talking about trivial things.

Before Zhao Qian could speak, the eunuch next to him sneered: “Facing a similar challenge, being timid and not daring to answer it is really arrogance. It’s just a joke for the world. If it is spread out in the future, the nickname of sixth on the list will be It’s not a mad knife, but a mouse knife, as timid as a mouse, long knife as rusty, afraid of challenges, weak-willed”

He was provoking Meng Qi.

The old God Meng Qi is here, even though he is a saint in front of his lover and loves to be nicknamed Lafeng, but he has long been used to it after being “struck” repeatedly.

With a smile on his lips, he said calmly, “I have a bad temper. Whether I fight or not, it all depends on my own mood. I am not influenced by outsiders or critics. If I want to fight, no one can stop me. No matter how strong an opponent is, I can’t scare you, if I don’t want to, let your tongue bloom like a lotus flower, let the world slander me, I will also be a breeze blowing on my face, and a bright moon shining on the river.”

He has changed his self-proclaimed name, and no longer uses humble words, but calls him “I” honestly and bluntly.

Regarding Meng Qi’s attitude, Jiang Zhiwei nodded in agreement, this is the heart of a warrior.

“It seems that the mad knife is not crazy.” Zhao Qian sighed, “A lonely promise, the dream of countless people in the world, is enough to change many things.”

Encouragement cannot be lured.

Meng Qi laughed: “Su has lived for so many years without the promise of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. He is not good or the sixth in the list. Whether he wants to be famous in the world or not, what is there to worry about?”

“Su was just eighteen years old, and he has already entered the top ten list. Given time, perhaps Dharmakaya is expected. My promise may not be worse than yours, His Royal Highness.”

His confidence and heroism are beyond words. Zhao Qian narrowed his eyes slightly, and the eunuch’s face changed drastically when he heard that, he was full of viciousness, and even compared himself with His Highness the Crown Prince

The dharma body is hopeful, how many generations are in the top ten before a dharma body can be produced

The surrounding guards also changed their colors, never thought that Su Meng would be so arrogant and unrestrained.

“The madness of the mad knife is worthy of the name.” Jiang Zhi smiled and chanted the sound transmission, and then teased Meng Qi with what the crown prince Zhao Qian said just now.

Of course, in cultivation, you have the golden medal of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the first form of the Buddha’s palm, and the first form of the divine night and nine extinctions. If you don’t even have this bit of self-confidence, why are you messing around? Meng Qi looked at Zhao Qian with a calm expression.

Zhao Qian clapped his palms and smiled: “Everyone’s mouth can make money, don’t disturb his heart. Su Shaoxia really has Buddha nature, but he is lonely. If you don’t gamble, then don’t gamble.”

“Prince Duomeng is perfect.” Meng Qi smiled and cupped his hands, then his face became serious, and he said loudly:

“Five masters. Su wants to challenge”

Ah, this turning point was beyond everyone’s expectations. Even the Huayan monk was a little taken aback, and his smiling expression froze. Obviously, he failed to grasp Meng Qi’s thoughts.

Only Jiang Zhiwei pursed her lips and smiled. In this regard, the little monk was quite similar to her temperament.

“Su Meng, don’t you not gamble?” The eunuch took a step forward. Annoyed, his voice was high-pitched, as if scratching the door panel with his fingernails. The ringing sounded on Meng Qi’s body, bringing out a feeling of irritability and numbness. At the same time, traces of soft and cold air came out of nothing like swords and needles, making Meng Qi shiver uncontrollably.

Meng Qi’s smile remained the same, calm as usual: “It’s not gambling, but it’s not not fighting.”

“If he is bound by gambling and driven to fight, Su will not like it, so he doesn’t want to.”

“But if there is no betting agreement, Su is in a good mood, and he will try the strong opponent with a knife. His Royal Highness said that the five masters teamed up are no worse than any one of the top ten on the list. Seeing the hunting heart, Su is eager to try.”

The voice is not loud, but there is a deafening feeling. I don’t know how many guards have the same thought: this party is a warrior who seeks the way

“That’s exactly the reason.” Jiang Zhiwei said in a low voice.

Zhao Qian was silent for a while, and re-drawn his smile: “Whether or not to accept the challenge is the business of the five masters, and they cannot be controlled alone.”

The eunuch transmitted his voice to the secret, and said to the five monks, “Longxianghubaopeng”

Dare to tease His Royal Highness and our family like this, it’s really boring

Master Long clasped his palms together, and said in a hoarse voice, “Since benefactor Su is challenging, how can the poor monks and brothers refuse?”

“Okay.” Meng Qi turned around, pressed the knife and walked towards an open field outside the pavilion.

He is full of vigor, fierce and strong, and every step he takes makes people feel taller by an inch, in the end, it seems to be a giant connecting the sky and the earth.

Jiang Zhiwei’s beautiful eyes lit up. It seemed that the little monk had not only completed the “Heaven strikes five thunders”, but also had a preliminary understanding. Coupled with the effect of the Yijinjing, there has been a few generations of heaven’s punishment, The sense of dominance in the world.

The dragon, the elephant, the tiger, the leopard, and the peng followed, forming a half-arc, and the positions they stood together looked like a long undulating snake.

“Amitabha.” The five monks recited the Buddha’s name together.

This Buddha name seems to have opened a certain “secret door”, and the aura of the five monks, dragon, elephant, tiger, leopard, and peng changed accordingly, entangled and connected with each other, the surroundings were filled with cleanliness, filled with Zen, and there seemed to be breath and harmony in the dark. Infuriating exchange.

With this kind of entanglement and exchange, Meng Qi only felt that their true qi was rising steadily, and they soon broke through the limit of enlightenment, and changed, seeming empty and void, becoming one with the surrounding environment. None of these five people at all.

Moreover, their true qi and aura are strangely connected together, circulating in the void between the five bodies and each other, regardless of their weakness, everyone has it, and it is not similar to other joint secret methods.

They seem to have become one person, divided into head and limbs, one person is the unity of heaven and man, and five people are all

It cannot be said that Meng Qi’s head has reached the unity of man and nature, but his hands have not.

Sure enough, Meng Qi’s eyes were half-opened and half-closed, and he was holding the handle of the knife with his right hand.

He is famous, the battle of the Mountain God Temple shocked the world, and everyone knows the famous people who are good at group battles. It is impossible for Zhao Qian not to know. Since he still uses five people to deal with him, he must have something to rely on. Seeing him now, it is as expected

“Amitabha.” The five monks recited the Buddha’s name again.

Outside the Banshan Pavilion, there were almost signs of turning into a clean place. Even the soil on the ground seemed to have no sense of filth. Fighting, anger, and fighting spirit melted in the heart, making people not want to lift a knife or make moves.

Such a powerful Zen skill, Meng Qi restrained his mind, resisted the pure intention with a heart of breaking the precepts, exerted force with his right hand, and drew the long knife out of its sheath.

A touch of silvery white dazzled the eyes. Following the pulling out of the “Heavenly Injury” and the jumping of the thunder, Meng Qi seemed to grow a little taller. He stepped on the electric snake and slashed out.

The saber is heavy, like a mountain like a mountain, and the air is muffled by thunder. Before it reaches the body, it makes people feel the blood in the chest and abdomen, and it is difficult to breathe.

Master Hu, who was the first among them, held the rosary in one hand and clapped it out with the other.

Immediately, most of the aura between them gathered on Master Hu, turning his palm into a dark gold color, with strong palm strength, capable of breaking gold and stones.


Hitting the side of the knife, Meng Qi only felt that the strength was unstoppable, as if he had returned to the school ground of the six gates of Yingcheng, he had become Yan Chong, and the five monks were Bai Qigu

He didn’t resist, and after blocking most of it with the heavy thunder, he used his strength to turn around and rushed straight at Grandmaster Xiang, his figure suddenly accelerated, and so did the knife in his hand, like a flash of lightning in winter.

But the momentum of the five monks was transferred faster than Meng Qi had imagined, just like the transfer of true energy in one’s own body, without hindrance, as soon as the energy came.

Although Meng Qi’s sword is fast, Master Xiang’s palm is not slow. He lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, and he slapped the palm just right, showing the power of the king kong, making people have to avoid his edge

At the same time, the four monks who shared the remaining aura slapped Meng Qi from different angles, sealing the dodging angle, giving people the feeling that there is no escape from the sea of ​​suffering, as if they could only put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately

With a slash of Meng Qi’s long saber, he turned the slash into a pull, his body spun around, half using strength and half borrowing strength, the light of the saber flashed continuously, and he slashed out from the encirclement of five palms like a ghost.

“It turns out that there is such a way to use strength to relieve strength, no wonder you are not afraid of group battles.” Zhao Qian said with emotion.

The eunuch said with a sneer: “I was forced to use the secret method from the very beginning, but we want to see how he can transform it and borrow it when the five monks are prepared.”

Meng Qi’s movements unfolded, either illusory or real, fast or cunning, without giving the five monks a chance to encircle him, the sword flashed, and everyone was slashed in front of each other, either violently, violently, quickly or slowly, Seems like reality.

But the breath of the five monks circulated, and everyone who blocked the sword had the strength of harmony between man and nature. An ordinary vajra palm could dispel Meng Qi’s sword posture that contained many changes, or reached the peak of true energy. , don’t give him the chance to use the exterior ultimate move, don’t give him the possibility of rushing out of the encirclement from his side

They fought steadily and moved forward slowly. After five moves, the range of Meng Qi’s ability to dodge and move quickly narrowed. If he made another five moves, he might be forced to face it head-on, with one against five.

“Amitabha.” Master Long proclaimed the Buddha’s name, turned his palms into claws, swished his fingers, as if he wanted to catch the dragon.

At the same time, the four monks, Tiger, Leopard, Xiangpeng, attacked together, either with the power of Vajra in their palms, smashing the ground, or pointing to the invisible wind, attacking the acupoints with Zen, or punching into holes, and striking from a distance.

For the first time since the fight, they took the initiative to attack, enveloping Meng Qi from five directions, as if catching a turtle in an urn.

Their auras are circulating, and the power of their fingers and claws is constantly changing, making it difficult for people to grasp who is the master and who is the assistant.

Meng Qi took a deep breath, and his figure suddenly rose. When the five forces attacked together, he was in the middle of the air and had nowhere to exert his strength. He folded his body and suddenly turned around, allowing the five monks to rush into the air.

Seizing the opportunity, he volleyed down and slashed at Master Leopard with his long knife.

The light of the knife turns the sole into a world of mortals, disturbing the mind of Zen, cutting off the pure

“Worthy of being a disciple of Qijue Shou.” The monk Huayan saw the change just now,Then smile.

Zhao Qian stood with his hands behind his back, the smile on his face remained unchanged, as if he felt that such a change was not enough to make it difficult for the five masters of dragon, elephant, tiger, leopard and peng.


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