I Honor

Chapter 458

: Number One

Prince Zhao Qian and Jin Wang Zhao Yi sat very close. Shocked, the two brothers looked at each other in blank dismay.Those who know what “crazy” is today

It is true that “Invisible Sword” He Jiu has dominated the list for the first few years, but no matter his realm or combat power, he is not substantively suppressed compared to other top ten players on the list. It is said that he can tenaciously defeat “Sword Qi” one-on-one. “Changhe” Yan Chong and the others have no problem, but even if they are one-on-two, they may not be able to bear it.

Originally, they thought that He Jiu would be like Bai Qigu, who would gradually improve through one battle and two. Breaking through the pressure, and then challenged the joint efforts of Jue Cang Sheng and Jue Jian Fairy, who knew that he would directly fight against four, even if Bodhidharma was resurrected, at this level, there is no way to face the realm or combat power to reach the unity of nature and man rival

No matter how good at group battles, it depends on the opponent’s strength

This is like directly challenging the strong outside scene, there is no hope of winning, so it can’t have the effect of energy traction, mutual stimulation, and breakthrough with the help of pressure. Otherwise, why would He Jiu work so hard to hold the Banquet of Xingyun? no location

Everyone was in an uproar, even Hong Qian from the Xijiange Pavilion, Wang Ruizhi from the Wang family and other strong outsiders were stunned. He Jiu really wanted to do this unprecedented thing

This was much better than Meng Qi’s 1v6 imagination, and the strongest Wang Siyuan and Jiang Zhiwei were eliminated, so he was not shocked, but felt that He Jiu was not crazy.

Bang bang bang, the sound of fireworks exploding bursts, and through the open door, you can see colorful dreamy “flowers” outside.

“Haha, what an invisible sword.” Mr. Qinglian Liusu didn’t look annoyed, and laughed happily, “I like to be proud of myself the most in my life, and I want to participate in this grand event today.”

He advances next to the wine jar. Hao Mai took a sip, but did not lose his elegance at all, and patted the blue scabbard with his left hand. Singing loudly: “The sages and sages in ancient times are lonely, but the drinkers keep their names”

The voice did not fall. The sword has been released, unpredictable, vast like smoke, the sword’s energy is swishing, but the tip of the sword is not visible.

“Yantao Weimang letter to ask” Seeing this sword, I don’t know how many people who have read the book suddenly came to this line of poetry, when poetry and wine enter the sword

The sword energy is vast, and I don’t know where to go. It’s hard to find traces, this sword is really an antelope’s horns, there is no trace to be found.

He Jiu laughed: “Well done.”

When he was speaking, he raised his right hand and swung his index finger and middle finger freely. The invisible sword energy surged into the vast expanse like thousands of waves.

Meng Qi and the others did not join, so they watched the battle first. So as not to have a share.

The state of mind is settled, the energy is drawn, and everything around is gradually outlined in the heart. But Meng Qi only felt that He Jiu’s sword energy was either twisting or turning, and he could only see its momentum, but it was difficult to detect its traces. It was worthy of the name of invisible.


It seemed that waves of sword energy and “vast waves of mist” offset each other, but an invisible and invisible ray contained inside deftly passed through the radiating energy and hit the tip of Master Qinglian’s sword.

Tassel changed his moves according to the situation, and unfolded the long sword like clouds and clouds. Covering the surroundings, the sword light is dim. Hidden murderous intent, it is true that the clouds are flickering or visible.

With this sword cut out. There was already mist in the air, reflecting the light of the fireworks outside, it was gorgeous and colorful, and every expansion was like a sword aura.

Under the traction of Qi, they unconsciously triggered changes in the celestial phenomena just as soon as they fought.

“Okay” He Jiu poked with his right hand, and the sword qi pierced the sky, and it was a different feeling. He penetrated into the sword of Qinglian with the feeling of breaking the clouds and dispersing the fog.

The sound of dangdang continued, this majestic sword energy pierced through many false moves, and collided with the killing intent and the long sword.

Tassel’s posture is wild, and his swordsmanship is like poetry and painting. He unfolds every move without retreating half a step, and fights He Jiu fiercely.

Meng Qi concentrated on feeling, absorbing the essence of both parties to attack his own jade.

The five fingers of He Jiu’s right hand change, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, sometimes vigorous, sometimes clumsy, sometimes fierce, sometimes agile, and it seems to be equally as good as Tassel.

“You come too” Suddenly, he who was in the midst of a fierce battle shouted, pointed out with his left hand, and struck the “Buddha Heart Palm” Xuanzhen from a distance.

Master Qinglian’s swordsmanship is all high-level, but he is not satisfied, and takes the initiative to pull Xuanzhen to end

This sword qi was ethereal and indeterminate, formless and formless, its origin and whereabouts were unknown, and it was completely different from He Jiu’s right hand that did not hesitate at all.

He can do two things

“Amitabha.” Xuanzhen raised his left hand in front of his body, whispered the Buddha’s name, and slapped his right palm lightly, as if he had no strength.

The palm gesture was empty, halfway through the slap, a fierce and pure palm force suddenly broke out, and the invisible sword energy sizzled and dissipated suddenly.

This palm is like a mustard seed Naxumi, it hides its strength in the void, as long as it is within the range that the palm can influence, its power will not be weakened by the distance. If it is really possible to evolve a Suta from the mustard seed in one’s own palm

He Jiu’s right hand held the sword energy against Young Master Qinglian, while the five fingers of his left hand flicked repeatedly, either formless, or formless, pure and concise, or deadly, forcing Xuanzhen to leave his seat, unfolding his movements, like crossing a river with a reed, floating On the ground, the palm gesture is ancient and clumsy to greet each other.

The changes in his moves seem simple, but they can always cover the surrounding area, hitting the weak point of He Jiu’s sword qi. With a simple push, it dissipated like a dream bubble.

Master the prajna, the heart proves the Tathagata, and discovers the truth, everything is empty

Xuanzhen’s “Prajna Palm” has been completed in a small way, and he is self-satisfied, coupled with the realm of the unity of man and nature, every gesture has the power of Meng Qi’s killer move from outside.

The dark clouds gather outside, the silver is gathering momentum, and the hall is filled with cleanliness, as if a Buddha kingdom has descended. Xuanzhen turns his palms, including “heaven and earth”.

The left hand and the right hand are against a master of nine orifices, who is one of nature and man. No matter how strong the nine is, it is a bit too much. The range of the sword energy is narrowed, and he is slowly approached by the two, but he is also well-deserved. Let Young Master Qinglian and Xuanzhen find an opportunity to display their unique skills.

Compared with Bai Qigu, He Jiu’s strength seems to be half-match, and he can do two things at once, obviously better at group battles. For a while, the two sides were at a stalemate.

“You come too” He Jiu opened his mouth again and yelled violently. This time, he “spouted” a stream of sword energy, majestic and agitated, stirring up the remaining strength and white mist around him, like a dragon turning into clouds, and pounced on Yan Chong

The mouth opening that was supposed to be a flaw was actually trained by him to be able to emit sword energy


Lightning strikes, thunder roars in mid-air, in harmony with this sword energy, the torrential rain pours down, and the fireworks appear to be few and far between.

Yan Chong drew out his sword, and the light of the sword was billowing, like the waves of the sea, roaring towards him, directly confronting the sword energy “sprayed” by He Jiu.


It was both thunder and explosion, and the sword energy and saber energy dissipated towards the surroundings, as if the sky was full of clouds, the two were equally divided, and there was a battle outside, and the power that spread was inexplicably dissipated.

After a tie, Yan Chong’s saber technique unfolded, the saber’s momentum was continuous, the water in the air was about to drip, and the sound of the tide continued, as if the sea had been moved here, and the sword of He Jiukouqiao was completely suppressed.

With a movement of He Jiu’s ears and a snort of his nose, four streams of sword energy “jumped” out, and the ear and nose apertures were also trained by him to become the source of sword energy

But this time, the sword qi was no longer invisible, but pure white and condensed. The five sword qi were straight or twisted, and seemed to form a formation, resisting Yan Chong’s saber momentum.

Although it is in danger and failure is only a matter of time, He Jiu has indeed won against three for the time being and has never been defeated.

You also came to He Jiukou to shoot the sword, unable to speak, but looked at Meng Qi.

His eyes were bright, and two dark sword qi shot out from his eyes, aiming directly at Meng Qi.

His eyes can also shoot swords

Focusing on using Meng Qi’s “bystander” to clear up, and focusing on the battle situation for a long time, he had already made a plan in his heart. Facing these two sword qis, he suddenly jumped out, like a light cloud, and the sword qi flashed by in a short time, and drew out his long sword. Knife.

The sound of zhang drawing the knife reverberated, shaking the clouds and mist.

Shining silver and white, Meng Qi slashed towards He Jiu.

This knife is ordinary, it is “Splitting Huashan Mountain Alone” in the five tigers breaking the door knife technique, but the timing is just right, like a paw Ding Jie Niu, easily split the follow-up sword energy, along the gap between the four of them fighting, with The imposing manner of a knife and two slashes down, almost unstoppable

“Okay” Several people who know the goods couldn’t help shouting “Hello”. Compared with exquisite moves, it is even more rare to be able to achieve such an effect with the simplest knife moves. “Crazy Sword” cannot be underestimated.

He Jiu raised his eyebrows, and there were two more sword qi

With Meng Qi’s long sword slash, it turned the circle into a void, containing everything, and the two sword qi fell into it, which could only arouse a little echo.

From emptiness to reality, from yin to yang, the long knife stretched out suddenly, and it was in front of He Jiu

The triad of yin and yang, what is the origin and what is the transformation

Meng Qi has initially been able to master the essence of his own moves and combine them at will.

At this point, He Jiu seemed to be on the verge of desperation. He either ignored Mr. Qinglian and others and avoided the knife, or he could only suffer it.

At this moment, He Jiu suddenly let out a long howl, which complemented the roar of thunder.

Whoosh whoosh, whoosh whoosh, except for the porch between the eyebrows, his clothes were in tatters, sword energy shot out from 364 large acupoints all over his body, covering the sky and covering the earth, piercing through stone and piercing through gold and iron.

“This…” Many aristocratic and sect disciples were stunned and subconsciously stood up.

Meng Qi only felt that the sword energy in front of him was like rain, and it was obvious that four people were besieging He Jiuyi, but in just a short moment, he had the feeling of being surrounded by strong bows and crossbows, and every sword energy was like an ordinary bow and crossbow But compared to changing someone else, you will die if you stick to it, and you will die if you touch it. Even if you have mystic skills and a golden bell cover, how many times can you block it?

However, how many times can He Jiu complete this kind of attack, to be continued


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