I Honor

Chapter 465

: The Ancient Path

“Let’s go, go to Longtai.”

As the words were still in his ears, Meng Qi felt that the hustle and bustle around him became far away. Pedestrians and vendors were like people in a painting, and he was quickly withdrawn from this world.

After a short period of gloom, the blue gradually rose, and Meng Qi saw a vast lake in front of him. In the distance, it was connected to the sky. Even in winter, it was still bottomless.

The water in this “Daze” lake is clear, it seems to have been filtered layer by layer, and you can see that it produces fluid, but if you look carefully, you will find that there are red and fiery liquids gushing out from the depths, and there are traces of black steam evaporating. The long ups and downs and inexplicable changes all vanished into nothingness.

“This is the real dragon platform, the dragon platform where the emperor casts swords.” Gao Lan’s rough and bold voice rang in Meng Qi’s ears.

Meng Qi once had a plan to visit Longtai, but it never came to fruition, so he didn’t know much about it. He asked in confusion, “Brother Gao, this is Longtai.”

The name doesn’t sound like a lake.

Gao Lan said with a chuckle: “People in the world are ignorant and always use Feng Jing as a horse. At the end of the middle ages and the beginning of modern times, the Demon Buddha’s Dragon Exploration Platform failed to be found, so it was destroyed in a rage, turning this place into a The lake that connects the underground lava and the Yin fire, and the survivors of the emperor who have guarded the dragon platform for generations are dead and wounded. Therefore, their servants and maids pretended to be the survivors, and cast another high platform ten miles away, slowly evolving into today’s Longtai City, Wu Commandery.”

“In the past, Emperor Ai of the Kang Dynasty rummaged through ancient books, and found something occasionally. Only then did he determine the location of the real Dragon Terrace. Regardless of destroying the luck of the human race, he sent people to dig it.”

“It’s no wonder that Emperor Ai’s excavation of Longtai City was just a rumor and there was no real evidence. Everyone suspected that he found another way and excavated Longtai from another place, but was later discovered by the survivors. It turns out that this Longtai is not the other Longtai.” Meng Qi Suddenly asked, but how did Gao Lan know? Could it be that an orphan of the Han family once bumped into his hand?

Gao Lan looked around, and suddenly laughed loudly: “I came secretly. I made a sudden move and caught everyone by surprise. It seems that I didn’t bother you.”

His expression was covered by a beard, but his tone was full of self-praise of “I’m really smart”.

Gao Lan intercepted halfway, and the “footsteps” were extremely fast. From moonset to sunrise, he arrived at Longtai from Yingcheng, and stayed in Anjunjuncheng for a long time in the middle, so unless someone expected it, otherwise, now at this time. Gu Xiaosang’s news probably only reached the first few people.

The real mad king who was known as the magician in Longtai in the past paid so much attention to Meng Qi. Suddenly he guessed, and asked in a low voice: “Brother Gao, your goal is the Human Emperor Sword, or other leftover magic weapons.”

When talking about the “Human Emperor Sword”, Meng Qi couldn’t help but pause for a moment with his composure. This is a symbol of the human race full of legends. No one can stop him.

In the exchange book of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, there are several pages of “Peerless Divine Weapon”, but the first page only contains ten pieces including the Human Emperor Sword.

Its preciousness and tyranny can be seen

“Yes, you have eyesight.” Gao Lan said with a smile, “If Emperor Ai hadn’t found the clue of the Human Emperor’s Sword in Longtai, how could the True Emperor’s Seal have a little breath of it?”

“But wasn’t it destroyed by the Demon Buddha?” Meng Qi took a light breath.

Gao Lan stood with his hands behind his back. Majestic and heroic, showing the posture of a master, he said leisurely: “No matter how strong the Demon Buddha is, it is at most similar to the Human Emperor. How can the real Dragon Platform and the Human Emperor Sword be destroyed so easily?”

“Let’s go, I’ll show you Longtai.”

While speaking, his aura slowly changed and extended infinitely, as if it was connected with the entire land and the sky as one.

Looking at him, Meng Qi seemed to see the farmers in the distance, they were working hard on the fields, the woodcutters were chopping firewood, the fishermen were casting nets, the paper was being made, the houses were being built, the smoke was curling up from the kitchen, the embroidered grosgrain, the When it comes to warrior training, I see the whole world of mortals

As Gao Lan took a step, the lake water parted naturally, and Meng Qi quickly followed.

The more you walk, the deeper you go, and the water walls on both sides emit sparkling light, showing a dreamlike scene.

Suddenly, Gao Lan moved his hand, and the “True Emperor’s Seal” flew out of Meng Qi’s arms, filled with the breath of all beings, and condensed the feeling of kingship, and then fell into Gao Lan’s hands.

Gao Lan lightly grasped it, and the world changed suddenly. Meng Qi became dizzy and couldn’t restrain himself. The surrounding lake turned into a simple and solemn hall.At the back of the main hall, there is a corridor that only allows two people to walk side by side. There are lampstands on both sides, burning a warm yellow-red flame that seems to never go out.

“Passing this ancient human emperor’s road, you will be the platform for casting swords.” Gao Lan held the “True Emperor’s Seal” in his hand and kept walking.

Then, he stopped in front of the ancient road and said with a smile: “Little brother, try how far you can go.”

“Ah…” Meng Qi didn’t know why, but was pushed by Gao Lan’s breath, and stepped into the corridor.

As soon as he entered the tunnel, he suddenly felt voices entering his ears, and pictures entering his heart.

In the time of barbarism, hunt and kill beasts; in turbulent times, linger on; wild beasts are bloodthirsty, monsters are brutal, demons are fierce, gods are indifferent, human races survive only on themselves; overcoming thorns and thorns, paving the way with blood, ending the turmoil, building cities and roads

These images were as real as they were, and they were extremely heavy, making Meng Qi tremble all over, making it difficult to move forward.

It turned out that how far this ancient human emperor road can go depends on strength. Meng Qi suddenly realized that he would not admit defeat, pale gold emerged, and he was running with all his strength, his body stabilized, his strength greatly increased, and he took a step forward.

It was even heavier, as if carrying a boulder on his back, Meng Qi couldn’t help bending his back a little bit. The front seemed to be a solid wall, impenetrable.

The zhenqi circulated at a high speed, his muscles swelled, his clothes stretched, Meng Qi gritted his teeth, and with a ferocious face, he took another step.

Creaking, he seemed to hear the sound of his own bones and muscles, as if there were heavy hills pressing down from all directions, and he couldn’t even sweat.

Meng Qi tried his best and moved half a step with difficulty, his knees could no longer bear it, and his legs slowly bent.

“Not bad, you can walk three and a half steps without opening the entrance.” Gao Lan’s slightly surprised voice sounded in Meng Qi’s ears, and the heavy pressure disappeared.

Meng Qi’s whole body was sweating just now, like being soaked in water. Looking sideways, he saw Gao Lan holding the “True Emperor’s Seal”, seemingly effortlessly.

Before he was really strong, he heard Gao Lan laughing and saying: “If you don’t practice humane skills, or you have something like a tyrannical treasure, you can only walk this ancient road of the emperor with strength, unless the devil and the Buddha come to the world , the Human Emperor is resurrected, the Heavenly Emperor emerges again, and the Holy Buddha returns, otherwise no one will be able to make it to the end.”

“Not even the Nine Masters of Taoism,” Meng Qi asked subconsciously.

“Yuanshi, Lingbao, and Daode Tianzun have no real deeds at present. They are mostly myths attached to by later generations. It is impossible to guess. After all, Dangmo, Guangcheng and other Tianzun are a little bit behind. It should be just at the end, but they can’t take the last step. “Gao Lan frowned slightly, and deduced from the classics, “But after all, I haven’t seen their strength in their heyday with my own eyes, so I can’t be sure.”

The flames from both sides shone on his body, and Meng Qi’s exhaustion from the forceful rush just now slowly disappeared. Gao Lan paused for a moment, and his momentum changed again.

Sensed by Qi, Meng Qi looked around, only to feel that Gao Lan had become dark and deep, full of solitude, just like the beginning of the universe, when the heaven and earth just opened, the sun, moon and stars existed, but there was no life, and everything was dead. .

Then, life suddenly arises, wisdom is born, and a little bit of human flame lights up in different stars and different worlds, connecting together, “illuminating” the dark universe, and contending with the dead silence.

A single spark can start a prairie fire

The power of humanity can overcome the sky

“This kind of momentum, this feeling” Meng Qi was inexplicably amazed.

Gao Lan held the seal in his palm and walked leisurely, Meng Qi was beside him, so there was no more pressure.

After walking for a while, I saw on the left side of the ancient road, the air of green wood growth and the meaning of the sun shining, they are connected as one and inseparable.

“Dongyang Shenjun, he can only go here.” Gao Lan smiled and pointed to the remaining traces, “This tunnel is very special, it can retain the last breath for millions of years.”

Dongyang Shenjun Meng Qi squinted his eyes, it was the Dongyang Shenjun who left behind the words “who am I, who is me” He came to visit the dragon platform At the level of Dharma Body, his strength does not seem to be outstanding

Meng Qi tried to find clues to the note, but there was only a little breath left by the ancient road here, and he couldn’t even comprehend it, so he had to follow Gao Lan to continue on.

“The Xuannv of the Five Dynasties, the overlord’s true love, brought the overlord’s sword back to the Dao, and then she destroyed her soul and died.” Gao Lan’s tone was full of sighs, as if he once had such a confidante, “I didn’t expect her The strength is also no small matter, to be able to come here.”

Along the way, a lot of aura remained, and Gao Lan casually introduced to Meng Qi the parts he could identify, all of which were well-known and important figures in the Middle Ages, and they are also commonly found in ancient records.

Meng Qi was shocked when he saw the refined and elegant aura that didn’t look like a man in the world. When he heard Gu Xiaosang talk about the overlord before, he thought that the fifth generation Xuannv was actually with the sect of the aristocratic family. Only in this way can the Overlord be harmed, but in the end she actually destroyed herself and died for love

Gao Lan’s expression became a little lonely, he walked forward in silence, and recovered after a few breaths, pointing to the left and right: “Two of the ancient saints.”

Not far ahead is the Shimen at the end, and those who can reach here are all supernatural, and it is difficult to guess.

Of these two auras, one is huge, upright and upright. Meng Qi is very familiar with it, and it is also awe-inspiring. The other one, if you don’t look at it, you won’t feel it. If you pay attention to it, it will bloom slowly, like a flower in your heart.

“This is the benevolent sage, the benevolent sage who left behind the noble spirit and the inheritance of the nine swords of the sage, hehe, Zhoujun Wang has his orthodoxy.” Gao Lan looked at ZhidaThe most upright breath said.

Meng Qi nodded lightly, and he recognized it himself.

“This is the sage of the heart, the sage of the heart who has nothing outside his heart, and the unity of knowledge and action. Changle Academy is his orthodoxy. It’s a pity that there are many people who talk empty-handed about their hearts and minds, not as many as Wang’s.” Gao Lan said slightly. sneered. to be continued

s: ask for a monthly ticket


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