I Honor

Chapter 472

: Easier Knowing, Difficult Doing

The black-faced shopkeeper and the pink-skirted woman have never seen such invulnerable people. No matter how tyrannical the hard work of body protection in the world is, a dagger and a long sword will leave white marks on the body, not to mention the obvious weak spots such as eyes and mouth. at.

He’s not human, he’s not human, they looked at Meng Qi as if they were looking at immortal Buddhas or demons from hell, full of fear and collapse.

Subconsciously, they turned around and tried to escape, but a smiling voice came from their ears: “Did I let you go?”

No magic, no experience, but fear made the black-faced shopkeeper and the pink-skirted woman freeze in place, not daring to take another step.

Meng Qi looked funny. If they escaped, he really couldn’t stop them. After all, he couldn’t take the initiative to hurt others. But after their hearts collapsed and their courage was taken away, they could no longer think of resisting and running away. Sometimes, Killing a hundred pigs is more difficult than killing a hundred people who have no will to resist.

“Go and find the antidote.” Meng Qi suddenly said to the newcomers.

Min Renlong, Wu Xiuxian and the others slumped on the chairs, their eyes met, and they didn’t understand why the young master ordered him to do so.

At this time, Yuan Yang, a girl with a yin and yang face, said in surprise: “You can see it!”

She consciously disguised herself very well.

Your qi flow, muscle response, your heartbeat and blood flow all betray you deeply. Meng Qi smiled and said nothing, pointing to the black-faced shopkeeper and the woman in the pink skirt, motioning Yuan Yang to search for the antidote.

Yuan Yang stood up, and at some point there was an insect on the back of his hand. It was dark blue, like a ladybug, but there were rainbow-like traces on it.

She looked at Min Renlong and Weng Lingyu a little embarrassedly, and said in a low voice: “I didn’t notice that there was a drug in the food, but Lan Xing would take the poison actively. When I realized it, you had already eaten a lot. So pretend to be weak , intending to wait for the poisoned villains to approach, and show them how powerful they are.”

“The coping was good.” Meng Qi said a rare compliment, without him, Yuan Yang would be their only chance of survival.

Weng Lingyu and the others only felt lucky, without any intention of blaming them, and asked Yuan Yang to get the antidote quickly.

Yuan Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and was a little excited because of the praise. She was always discriminated against in the clan.

She walked quickly to the side of the woman in the pink skirt and the shopkeeper with the black face, and was about to do a body search. The two have collapsed and handed over the antidote.

After Lanxing “identified”, Yuan Yang took it back with a smile, and fed Wu Xiuxian and others. At the same time, the black-faced shopkeeper and the pink-skirted woman’s face turned black, and they covered their throats with their hands. Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Plop, they fell dead.

I felt the eyes of Meng Qi and the others. Yuan Yang said frankly: “I asked Lan Xing to bite them quietly, and I can’t let the bad guys get away, otherwise it will attract more bad guys.”

“Well, if they escape and report to the Devil Sword of Parting, our assassination operation may not be successful.” Wu Xiuxian was the first to agree.

Weng Lingyu looked at the corpse on the ground, shuddered, and gritted his teeth again. Finally nodding his head vigorously, Min Renlong regained his ability to move, and angrily went up to make up the sword one by one.

“Okay. Get out of here, then hide, disguise, and plan again.” Meng Qi saw that the four fledglings in the rivers and lakes had undergone a bloody lesson and finally realized the danger of reincarnation, and stood up with a sword in his hand with a smile.

After the nine orifices are fully opened, many drugs and poisons have no effect on him, and they enter the body and are discharged to the outside along with the inner world circulation.

In the courtyard behind a downtown.

The green tree was growing hair, and Meng Qi sat cross-legged below, with a long sword across his knees, and closed his eyes to cultivate the ancestral orifice between the eyebrows.

Suddenly, hurried and frantic footsteps approached the courtyard, and when she pushed the door open, it was Weng Lingyu, covered in sugar water, in an extremely embarrassing state.

“What’s the matter?” Meng Qi opened his eyes, stroked the long sword lightly, and there was a smile on the corners of his eyes and brows.

He had already anticipated what happened to Weng Lingyu.

Weng Lingyu was annoyed and angry: “Young master, you are just selling sugar water near her, why is it like facing the murder of your father and enemy, always targeting me?”

This is the fourth day of the mission. After the previous three days of inquiring and buying the lower level of Tie Xintang, they finally figured out the daily habit of the “Farewell Demon Sword” character error, and found that every other day, he would go to the largest hall in the city The brothel spends a good night with the oiran.

Considering that Fu Cuo has been in this habit for a long time, it is impossible for him to always neglect his own safety, and it is easy to fall into a trap if he goes directly to the brothel to assassinate, so Min Renlong and others arranged the assassination on the way Fu Cuo must go to the brothel. On the road, and it would be convenient for them to quickly leave the battle after they succeeded and return to the Samsara Square.

With a plan in place, they became familiar with the “role” they were going to play. For example, Weng Lingyu was a girl selling sugar water on the roadside. But when she tried it for the first time today, she was confused by the woman next to her who was doing the same job.

“Destroying someone’s fortune is like killing one’s parents.” Meng Qi briefly commented.

Weng Lingyu has relatively little experience and is not a fool, so she immediately understood the meaning of it. The places that are easy to assassinate must be prosperous places, and the street vendors must make a living here. If she inserts herself rashly, in the eyes of others, she is just here to grab a job, so she will naturally be excluded. , naturally byCursed and splashed.

“My lord, what should I do?” She opened her eyes and asked.

“If a new vendor suddenly appears, Fu Cuo will not be vigilant.” Meng Qi asked rhetorically, “It’s better to just faint the woman who poured sugar water on you today, and then you disguise yourself as her, talk less, bow your head more, for a short time Not afraid of being found out.”

Weng Lingyu nodded lightly: “Well, I have been practicing selling sugar water elsewhere these few days.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Xiuxian pushed open the courtyard door. He was wearing tattered clothes and his face was covered with bruises.

“Brother Wu, you were beaten by another beggar.” Weng Lingyu covered her mouth and smiled.

After a few days of getting along, they became familiar with each other.

Wu Xiuxian was angry and annoyed: “I don’t understand, isn’t it just begging for a meal, as for beating to death”

Weng Lingyu took a look at Meng Qi, followed his example, and said with a faint smile: “Cutting off a person’s fortune is like killing one’s parents.”

On this day, Si Xiao’s assassination plan was hit hard. When I read novels and listened to anecdotes, the killers always appeared suddenly, or they were flower sellers, street beggars, or fortune tellers. Killing people quickly, and then moving far away, looks extremely easy, and it should be easy to follow suit, but how do you know, there is a lot of knowledge behind it, and I and others are still far behind

In the next two days, under Meng Qi’s guidance and his own exploration, Min Renlong, Yuan Yang and the others gradually faded away from their youthfulness and got on the right track.

The evening of the sixth day. The streets are crowded with people, and it is very lively.

A crying child wanted to drink sugar water, and was led by his mother to the former stall. Due to the large number of customers, the woman who usually greeted with a smile lowered her head, but she was busy, and the color of the sugar water boiling in the big pot turned golden. It is bubbling, sweet and tangy.

I drank sugar water. The child left satisfied. Suddenly, there was an extra hand at his feet, a dirty hand full of mud.

“All right, all right. All right, all right,” the beggar begged hoarsely.

The child’s mother couldn’t see it, threw a copper coin into his broken bowl, and then dragged the child away quickly.

In front of the vendor selling head flowers opposite, a girl with a bit of an exotic style is concentrating on choosing. In the private room downstairs sat a man in black and well-dressed, drinking tea and eating meat. By his hand lay a long sword.

In the private room on the upper level, Meng Qi was playing with the teacup, looking down with a smile, waiting for the assassination with an admiring gesture.

Da da da, the sound of horseshoes, several riders appeared in the distance, surrounded by the “Farewell Demon Sword” Fu Cuo, surrounded by a full nine guards, the strongest has already enlightened, no worse than Wu Xiuxian.

Ten riders stepped into this street. Because it was too busy, the horses slowed down. Fu Cuo looked left and right, admiring the city he ruled.

Suddenly, the brown horse under him neighed, and he stood up. There was a dark blue insect on the horse’s leg, with a colorful halo shining on its back.

When it was too late and then it was fast, a moment slower than the neighing of a horse, the woman who had been lowering her head picked up the iron pot, and poured the boiling sugar water on Fu Cuo and others.

Several guards were caught off guard and screamed out from being scalded. Some waved their weapons to block the water droplets outside, and some jumped off their horses to avoid them. The scene was extremely chaotic.

At this moment, the beggar next to him suddenly jumped out and jumped on him. The judge’s pen in his hand missed his throat and eyebrows.

When the horse stood up, Fu Cuo controlled it subconsciously and did not abandon the horse. When he realized that he was assassinated, Tangshui and the judge’s pen were already in front of him.

He has already opened his ears, he actually heard the sound of Gu insects flying just now, but he thought it was an ordinary insect, he didn’t pay attention to it, anyway, it didn’t come to him, who knows, it circled around, came over and bit the horse .

In a critical moment, he drew out his long sword, swiftly like a frightened bird, from bottom to top, took away the judge’s pen with two bangs, and rolled his body sideways to avoid the sugar water.

Suddenly, a bright sword light fell from mid-air, like a steep mountain, extremely dangerous.

At the juncture of life and death, Fu Cuo hadn’t left the horse’s legs and exerted force. He stopped for a moment, slowed down a beat, staggered the sword light, and then drew the long sword away from the man in black.

Min Renlong and Wu Xiuxian didn’t stop, they turned around and fled, as if they didn’t care if Fu Cuo was hurt or not.

Fu Cuo stood up, suddenly shook, his face turned black quickly, and blue blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that the real killer was that Gu worm, no matter Wu Xiuxian or Min Renlong, they all wanted to make Fu Cuo distracted and forget about the Gu worm that killed the horse.

At this moment, Weng Lingyu, who sells sugar water, and Yuan Yang, who picks flowers, have already left according to the opportunity.

The guards separated and chased Wu Xiuxian and others, but there were so many people on the street that it was difficult to catch up.

Meng Qi nodded. The four newcomers have grown rapidly and can be attached to the team.

He was waiting to return from the mission, but there was still no movement, and he nodded slightly, afraid that there would be some small twists and turns.

Stumbling and staring, Weng Lingyu circled around, went up to the restaurant as planned, and rushed into the private room.

As far as she was concerned, the mission was over.

But before she could say hello to Meng Qi, she saw a man with a knife stepping in, his manner restrained and as deep as the sea.

“He, he followed me” Weng Lingyu thought blankly.

The man with the knife looked at Meng Qi who was lazily drinking tea, and said in a deep voice, “When I witnessed the assassination just now, I was thinkingThere should be a mastermind behind the scenes, as expected.”

He approached Meng Qi slowly, looking confident.

Meng Qi sighed, picked up the sheath and sword, and stabbed the man with the knife at the knee in a nonchalant way.

The man raised his eyebrows and unfolded his sword, but suddenly saw the opponent’s long sword raised, and he jumped through the heavy nets in one go.

He took a step back and slashed horizontally with his long knife, intending to use his strength to break through the trick.

But the opponent’s long sword has changed, and it still points to the knee.

Three strikes in a row, each of which made the man with the knife take a step back.

The long sword was retracted, and the man with the knife had returned to the position where he had just entered.

“Go out.” Meng Qi said lightly.

The man with the knife was breathing heavily, as if he had been hit hard: “You, you don’t want to know who I am, why did you follow me?”

“Not interested.” Meng Qi smiled and poured himself a cup of tea.

“Okay, okay, okay.” The man with the knife turned pale, and said yes three times in a row, “You defeated me so easily, you can be regarded as unparalleled in the world.”

Meng Qi smiled, looked at the bustling street outside the window, and said with a lack of interest: “I have studied martial arts for many years, if the opponent is still at your level, it will be really boring.”

There is no contempt, it is better than contempt, the kind of contempt from the heart made the man with the knife pale, no more words, staggered, turned and left.

Weng Lingyu looked at Meng Qi and felt that the young master’s swordsmanship was “familiar”. Suddenly, she remembered a famous swordsmanship. There are many rumored swordsmanships in Jiangdong, and stammered: “Keep, Kanxu swordsmanship, sir. , son, you are the royal family”

Meng Qi put his finger up to cover his lips, and hissed: “Don’t tell others, cough cough cough.”

He coughed heartily, then his vision dimmed, mission accomplished.

In the ancestral house of Wang’s family in Guangling, Wang Siyuan sneezed suddenly, then frowned, and took out a counting chip, but he had no clue. to be continued


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