I Honor

Chapter 492

: Chicken Butcher Sword God’s Day Events

Bodhi, a symbol of the wisdom and enlightenment of Buddhism, the Buddha was under the Bodhi tree in the past.

“Well, wearing bodhi seeds can also help you understand the world, so that you can understand yourself and find the way initially, but this kind of thing is dependable and unreliable, and it depends on yourself in the end.” Jiang Zhiwei nodded lightly, as usual Remind Meng Qi.

Meng Qi smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t put the cart before the horse.”

He mainly relies on Bodhi to “enlighten” the palm of the Tathagata, and gain from it. In other respects, it is natural to be able to have it.

Qi Zhengyan and Ruan Yushu understood his choice very well. They knew that like Zhao Heng, his physical training had almost reached the limit during the enlightenment period, and at present it was more about the improvement of the soul and the soul.

Although he didn’t say it clearly, everyone can see that his goal is to unite man and nature before the next mission and initially walk out of his own path.

Meng Qi turned around and took out the bodhi seed that he had been looking at for a long time but had no money to exchange.

It is green in color, full of spirituality, and it feels refreshing all over the body when held in the hand:

“Five-hundred-year-old bodhisattvas, earth treasures, worn close to the body can assist people in enlightenment, especially Buddhism, which loses spirituality in nine months and is worth a thousand good deeds.”

This bodhi seed is not expensive, but its effect is too weak. If it is not a Buddhist eminent monk or Meng Qi who has the true meaning of Buddhism and needs to be enlightened, few people can use it. After all, the ability to understand the world is not outstanding.

After stringing it together as a pendant and hanging it on his chest, Meng Qi only felt refreshed. After deliberation, he planned to choose a combination of sword and sword strikes, because if he didn’t have the ability in this area, he might have to happen by chance to learn from the “God of Tathagata.” In the “palm”, the corresponding exercises were realized.

Think of the “swords and swords combined attack” move. Meng Qi’s first thoughts were undoubtedly the “Three Divine Skills” in “Three Swords, Three Swords and Three Divine Skills”. Unfortunately, they are Dharma Body moves. It is still far away from me, and the three swords and three swords are not urgently needed.

He will give an idea. Jiang Zhiwei and the others looked through their exchange charts one after another, looking for similar methods, and kept providing advice.

In the end, Meng Qi chose the iconic move of a casual cultivator on location in the main world three hundred years ago: “Reversing Chaos Yin and Yang”, worth 1,050 good deeds.

It’s just the beginning of the location, but it contains the skills and methods of combining swords and swords and yin and yang mutual transformation. For Meng Qi, who is just a beginner in this area, it is a strategic choice. As far as the past is simple and basic, with Meng Qi’s current level of saber and sword skills, he can quickly find out by himself.”Okay, see you in two years.” Jiang Zhi took a light breath and said with a smile, not only to encourage herself, but also to wish Meng Qi and others good wishes, and wish them all the best in their next mission.

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and stepped firmly into the leaving beam of light. The mist rises, leaving behind a cold blue shadow.

Meng Qi showed a little sadness, and remained silent in a rare way. Then he bid farewell to Ruan Yushu, Qi Zhengyan, and Zhao Heng, and said that he was going north to the grassland.

Light and shadow drifted away, and Meng Qi appeared in his own room. The sunlight leaked through the window, sprinkled a piece of golden yellow, and illuminated the flying dust.

That generous and cheerful girl, the girl who stretched out her hand when I was most helpless, was about to die, and maybe we would never see each other again. Meng Qi felt an inextricable sense of loss, and he was in a daze for a while.

This is birth and separation. is also farewell

“Hey, third brother. You have all your senses open, why don’t you come out to drink and celebrate?” A furry head suddenly appeared by the window. It was Gao Lan who hadn’t cut his hair or shaved for some time.

Meng Qi looked up, but found that Gao Lan’s eyes were full of playfulness, and his heart skipped a beat. He entered reincarnation beside Gao Lan. Did he find anything?

It’s not that Meng Qi has never seen Fagao people before, both Abbot Kongwen and Mr. Lu Da, but when he entered reincarnation, he was far away from them and in a crowded place, but now, Gao Lan is not far away from him. More than three feet away, there is no one around, not even snakes, insects, rats and ants.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, everyone has secrets, do I look like someone who is looking for the bottom line?” Gao Lan looked like I had seen through your secrets.

Uh, Liu Dao didn’t respond, maybe he could just see that it didn’t involve the key. Meng Qi felt relieved, stood up and said, “Brother, is there still a drunken fairy?”

He is in a complicated mood now, and he feels drunk and relieves his worries.

Gao Lan casually inserted the iron bar into his belt, and with his hands behind his back, he paced back and forth, constantly looking at Meng Qi, and seeing Meng Qi feeling uneasy, he didn’t know what he meant.

“Brother, didn’t you drink to celebrate?” Meng Qi raised his eyebrows and asked, not showing any anxiety.

Gao Lan clicked his tongue twice: “You are not happy at all, what is drinking to celebrate? Look at your appearance, maybe you are suffering from lovesickness?”

“How could it be?” Meng Qi immediately denied it.

“Third brother, you can hide it from others, but you can’t hide it from my eyes. If you are in a bad mood because of the girl, I will cut off your head and use it as a stool for you to sit on,” Gao Lan said proudly.

“Why did Meng Qi subconsciously want to deny it, but as soon as he uttered the word, he let out a long sigh, “It’s about the girl, not lovesickness. ”

Gao Lan nodded, very satisfied with his wit and vision, his eyes were wide open, full of interest: “Let’s talk and listen, talk and listen.”

Looking at his appearance, Meng Qi somehow thought of his three aunts and six wives, but he had complicated emotions and really had the urge to talk, so he sighed and said, “Brother, didn’t I mention a life-and-death friend before? Shooting, with sword intent in mind, cheerful and generous”

“Hmm, what’s wrong with her?” Gao Lan asked enthusiastically.

“She intends to sit on the death sentence.” Meng Qi said dully.

Gao Lan let out a long “Yo”: “It turns out that you are the direct descendant of Xijiange, you boy is quite capable.”

“What is not capable?” Meng Qi said angrily.

Gao Lan smiled and said: “The death test of Xijiange, no matter how talented the sky is, there is a lot of possibility of dying in it, are you reluctant or want to keep it?”

“It’s reluctance, but I can’t keep it,” Meng Qi said in a daze.

Gao Lan clapped his palms together: “That’s right, I dare say that I don’t have any lovesickness at all.”

Meng Qi blushed slightly: “It’s the reluctance between friends. If we go to death, we may never see each other again.”

“In short, it’s reluctance. There are countless emotions in my heart that are difficult to resolve, right?” Gao Lan raised his eyebrows.

Meng Qi nodded. Did not speak.

“Then talk to her face to face, it’s up to you whether you want to keep her or not, and it’s up to her whether you accept it or not.” Gao Lan grabbed Meng Qi by the collar.

“It will break her mood,” Meng Qi continued. It felt like there was no sound all around, and there was darkness in front of my eyes. Only the collar has the touch of Gao Lan’s hand.

After an unknown amount of time, a light finally appeared before Meng Qi’s eyes, and in front of him was a mountain as straight as a sword.

“Where is this?” Meng Qi asked in amazement.

Gao Lan’s hearty laughter rang in his ears: “Of course it is the gate of Xijiange Mountain.”

“Ah.” Meng Qi was a little dazed.

Gao Lan put away his smile, and his expression became serious: “Even if you are a friend, you have to be divorced before parting. In short, don’t let yourself regret it. I don’t want my sworn brother to be the same as me.”

Dai eyebrows and big eyes, black hair simply rolled up. Supplely draped, the bright girl Jiang Zhiwei in light yellow clothes

Calling “little monk”, Jiang Zhiwei extended a friendly hand

Jiang Zhiwei, who was on her own back and cooperated tacitly

Jiang Zhiwei, who has repeatedly instructed herself and traveled thousands of miles to Jiangdong to help

Jiang Zhiwei never flinches in the face of a strong enemy

Burning herself, Jiang Zhiwei cut out Sword Twenty-Three

And “Chicken Butcher Sword God” Jiang Zhiwei

All kinds of memories flashed in front of his eyes, Meng Qi took a deep breath, his eyes became firm, Brother Gao was right, he had to say goodbyeAffection.

He takes a step. Walking towards the mountain gate, a disciple faced him and said:

“This friend, I don’t know what happened to me to wash the Jiange”

“I’m down to Su Meng. Please see Jiang Zhiwei, Senior Sister Jiang.” Meng Qi cupped his hands and said.

In one room, Jiang Zhiwei sat on a wooden bench and looked around. Unlike other women’s boudoirs, there was only one mirror, no dressing table, and few boxes for clothes. The windows were bright and clean, fresh and simple. There are swordsmanship cheats everywhere.

This is where she lived for ten years.

Jiang Zhiwei closed her eyes and bid farewell to the past. Holding the long sword and waiting to get up, he suddenly heard a voice transmission from his junior brother outside:

“Senior Sister Jiang. Su Meng is here to visit, do you want to see him?”

Meng Qi was well-known, and he was no stranger to Xijiange disciples.

Jiang Zhiwei’s expression froze, the hand holding the sword slipped a little bit, biting her lower lip with her white teeth, and didn’t answer for a while.

“Senior Sister Jiang” the juniors outside raised their volume.

Master’s admonition echoed in Jiang Zhiwei’s mind. She took a long breath, then let it out slowly, and finally said, “Let him wait for me at Banshan Pavilion.”

In a stone room, a man in Tsing Yi was sitting upright with his eyes closed, with a long sword across his knees. His whole body seemed empty, as if he was in the distance, and he did not obstruct Jiang Zhiwei’s actions in any way.

At the foot of the mountain, Gao Lan looked at Xijian Pavilion with his hands behind his back, passed through many obstacles, and seemed to see a certain figure. Suddenly, he frowned slightly and whispered:

“This lunatic actually chose the most difficult path”

In the mid-mountain pavilion, Meng Qi had a long knife across his waist, looking at the clouds and mist in the mountains, he suddenly felt a little nervous.

At this time, a light yellow figure came from the corner of the mountain road.

It was midsummer, the mountain flowers were in full bloom, and the trees were green. Jiang Zhiwei walked slowly, like a fairy among flowers.

She no longer wore the blue dress, but changed back to the light yellow dress. She had dark eyebrows and big eyes, and her black hair was simply rolled up and draped down softly.

“I didn’t expect you to come back.” Jiang Zhi smiled and stepped into the Banshan Pavilion and sat on a stone bench.

Meng Qi sat down opposite her, smiled wryly and said, “There’s always a parting feeling, thinking about seeing you again, there are actually many ways to break through besides sitting on the dead end.”

After saying this sentence that he had been wanting to say for a long time, Meng Qidun felt a lot lighter, but also more uneasy.

There was no sullenness on Jiang Zhiwei’s face, and he smiled as before, “Of course I made the decision after thinking about it for a long time.”

Her gaze became very gentle, she looked at Meng Qi with a smile, and her voice was like spring water:

“My master has a special status in the sect, and I am also expected or respected by everyone. Brothers and sisters, sisters and sisters, they are always polite when they see me. No one has ever joked with me.”

“And you, for the first time, um, probably the second time we met, you dared to call me a nickname. What kind of chicken slaughtering sword god is it, which makes people angry and funny.”

“He is obviously a young monk with little martial arts, but he can fight bravely and fearlessly.”

Meng Qi didn’t speak, and quietly listened to Jiang Zhiwei’s memories.

“You always say that you love to be brain-twitching, that you are a sage in front of your lover, and that you always want to be the kind of knight in storytelling novels. You always have funny words and actions that make people laugh, but at critical moments, you are absolutely at the forefront. Standing in front without flinching makes people trustworthy.”

“At that time, you were so cute and cute. I regarded you as my younger brother, but gradually, you grew taller than me and became more and more mature. You were funny and humorous in your words, but your actions were ineffective. Calm and reliable.”

“It’s always a pleasure to get along with you. There is also senior brother Qi who is taciturn but tolerant of his companions, younger sister Yushu who is as lonely as me, senior brother Zhang, and Miss Fu. You value righteousness over wealth and happiness Enmity, life and death go hand in hand, satisfying all my expectations of Jianghu”

There was a little joy in Jiang Zhiwei’s voice, and there was a sincere smile on the corner of her mouth.

After a pause, she looked into Meng Qi’s eyes with dark eyes, and said clearly:

“But these are not what I want most.”

Meng Qi was silent for a while, showing a smile:

“I see.”

Jiang Zhiwei nodded without saying goodbye, raised her long sword, turned around slowly, and walked towards the peak without haste.

When she was approaching the corner, she flicked the scabbard, and the sword inside whispered like a dragon chant.

Amidst the sound of the sword, she said in a manly voice:

“The only thing I love in my life is the seven-foot sword. Cut me off and see that I am not me.”

Meng Qi listened intently, and saw that the mountain flowers were gorgeous and varied, gradually covering up the pale yellow figure. to be continued

S: Hey, there is no interruption of updates, no need to ask for leave, um, I’m back in Chengdu, and I will start adding updates after two days of adjustment


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