I Honor

Chapter 504

: Old Man

The Buddha statue is golden in color, and he always smiles, as if seeing all the grievances and enmities in the world, struggling in the sea of ​​suffering, it is better to smile.

Opposite it, the woman in a white gauze dress is the queen, sitting cross-legged neither respectfully nor profanely.

Seeing the end of the Sword Emperor, Meng Qi was slightly taken aback. Could it be that he came back to this world, in addition to the intrusion of foreign demons, there are also reasons of cause and effect?

In the past, the sword emperor cherished talents and gave them advice, which was regarded as providing him with a high-level view on the road of swordsmanship. Now that he is very old and dying, it is a coincidence that I can do something for him

There were many thoughts in his heart, but Meng Qi remained calm on the surface, still looking at the smiling Buddha statue with his hands behind his back: “A certain person is so quiet that he wants to move. When he comes out to meet his old friends, he will never forget Senior Sword Emperor. He is kind enough to give advice.”

He and the queen looked at the golden Buddha in front of them, their eyes did not meet at all, and they seemed to be talking to themselves.

“Suddenly appearing, after the fact, the reputation and wealth are nothing but dung, and there is no trace. Could it be that there is a real hermit sect in the world?” The queen slowly stood up and looked at Meng Qi, with a hoarse voice that is unique to women when they are the most charming.

Regarding this question, she didn’t seem to expect an answer, so she paused and said, “Where’s your sword?”

“Shocking Sword” How could Xiao Meng not have a sword

Meng Qi was dressed in green clothes, his hands were empty, and his sword and sword were all inside the ring of mustard seeds. Hearing this, he smiled and said, “I forgot.”

He also turned his head to look at the Demon Queen, and saw that the white veil was close to her body, undulating up and down, not revealing a little skin, but it made her mouth dry, and her face was still wearing a veil, revealing her peerless appearance, which was even more beautiful. Charm, the imagination is always the best.

But such a stunner who charms all living beings stands there quietly, but it complements the pure things such as the meditation hall, futon, Buddha statue, incense table, wooden fish, etc., harmoniously, not appearing in the world, not extraordinary, it seems that she should have stood here , should stand here.

Meng Qi secretly sighed. At that time, I didn’t have enough vision, and I only took the great master as normal. If it wasn’t for the help of Ruan Yushu’s piano sound, the queen was just testing her strength and seeking help, and she didn’t take it seriously at all. strands of hair shed her veil

There is a vision of lightning and thunder with the great master of the same level, except that the realm is not enough. In addition to the traction of qi, there are also explanations that are so different from each other that they cannot be controlled.

Of course, the Demon Queen today must be stronger than before. At that time, she still had many flaws in the unity of nature and man, and the sword emperor was even more halfway, the harmony of nature and man was perfect, and she was looking for her own path. I don’t know if he has found it now. No

I could feel Meng Qi’s pure appreciation and scrutiny without burning eyes. The queen said calmly: “Did you forget the sword?”

“Where is the realm of forgetting the sword, it’s just forgotten in the inn.” Meng Qi laughed teasingly.

The Demon Empress was slightly startled, suddenly she couldn’t grasp the “Shocking Sword” Xiaomeng.

Meng Qi turned around and looked at this peerless beauty like a futon incense candle. With his hands behind his back, he walked slowly towards the door, like a stroll in a garden, and he came as he said. You can leave if you want.

The Queen of Demons did not stop her, and looked at the Buddha statue again, her voice was a bit ethereal: “The living Buddha is also coming to the capital. He once said that he will save you.”

“This shore and the other shore, there is no need to transcend.” Meng Qi smiled, stepped out of the threshold, and walked towards the main hall.

There are trees in front of the side hall, the pavilions are like covers, the stone bricks are dark gray, there are weeds in between, and the green clothes are slowly hidden in the doorway.

“Sovereign, who is he?” Several white-clothed women standing beside the queen asked in a low voice.

Why did he come inexplicably and leave inexplicably?

And the suzerain let him do this

Several powerful demon sect guards were also puzzled by this, and listened attentively, waiting for an answer.

The Queen’s tone was indifferent: “The living Buddha said that there are not many people who have been saved, and even fewer people are still alive.”

Several women in white thought hard, and suddenly, one of them said in astonishment: “Shocking Sword!”

In the past, Xiaomeng, the “Shocking Sword”, entered the Yunyan Hall to kidnap the real envoys and killed them outside. Later, he disturbed the changes in the capital and broke the wishful thinking of Xilu. It is difficult to find traces of the living Buddha, and the matter gradually subsides.

“Shocking God Sword Xiaomeng” also blurted out from the Demon Sect powerhouse outside the door.

The name they looked at each other, as if smelling the dampness before the storm.

He even came

Seriously, masters from all directions Hui Jingshi

Could it be that the matter of the Sword EmperorWill cause a big change similar to the past

The door of the most expensive private room in Xiaoxiang Building is ajar for waiters to deliver food and wine.

People who come and go always look at this private room involuntarily, because there are big figures in today’s world, famous masters, unless they are great masters in the world, I am afraid they will be counted

This is a world where martial arts can compete with the imperial power. Martial arts masters will naturally be wooed, attracted attention, and even enjoy admiration from time to time.

“I see that Miss Ruzhen was winking at me just now, could it be that I will have a good fortune tonight?” Chang Sun Jing drank a glass and laughed.

He had already grown into a thick-backed and burly figure, his whole body was majestic and heroic, the childishness on his face faded, he became a little more mature, and his manner was bold and heroic.

Ruzhen is the most famous oiran in Xiaoxiang Tower.

“Maybe it’s not necessarily thrown to the poor monk.” Changsun Jing sat opposite a monk, with white monk robes and clean shoes and socks, giving people a sense of spotlessness, just like a Ruyi monk who has been famous for many years.

Changsun Jing said with a smile: “The master wants to remind me that one word is monk, two is monk, three is official of bliss, and four is evil ghost.”

“The poor monk is not Monk Hua, but Miss Ruzhen often thinks about Buddhism.” Monk Ruyi replied with a smile, and instead of continuing the topic, he said, “I haven’t seen you for three years, but you have grown to such a height. You are really a fearsome young generation. old man.”

“This young master is a rare talent in martial arts practice.” Zhang Sun Jing joked, and then said seriously, “Martial arts practice requires tempering and fighting, and the army is the best choice. A strong man who has fought against the masters of the Demon Sect under the command of the Seventh Prince, and has the guidance of the great Xia Meng from the past, naturally makes a rapid progress, and it is not comparable to you, a wine-hungry monk.”

Ruyi monk sighed and said: “You are indeed a martial arts prodigy. When we fought against the Western captives, the poor monk just gave you a few casual words and fought side by side with you. You even let you see the mystery of my fist and palm and turned it into a knife. Law.”

Their friendship was forged on the battlefield, and it is very deep.

“Unfortunately, there has never been any news about Meng Daxia. I can’t show him that I am successful in swordsmanship.” Meng Qi was the first grandson Jing to teach him the way of moves after his adventures. He naturally has a deep memory and deep impression. within five.

Ruyi Monk was stunned when he heard the words, as if recalling his fight with Shocking Sword Xiaomeng, he actually killed the crown prince while he and other masters were looking around

“He is indifferent to fame and wealth at such a young age, he is idle in the clouds and wild cranes, and the dragon sees his head but does not see his tail. It is really embarrassing.” Monk Ruyi sighed.

at this time. They heard a knock on the door.

Who and the others constricted their pupils at the same time and turned their heads to look away.

To be able to hide the senses of the two of them, approaching quietly

“An old friend is visiting.” The voice with a faint smile reached their ears first.

They saw a young man in green shirt standing leisurely by the door, with his right knuckles bent, still in the gesture of knocking on the door.

Changsun Jing blinked his eyes, unable to overlap this person with the original figure. His facial features were extended and he became more handsome, but his temperament was no longer stern. Gentle and unrestrained, like a lake wrinkled by the wind, rather than a sea of ​​ice frozen to the bottom.

“Meng, Hero Meng.” After a while. Changsun Jing stood up to greet him in surprise and joy.

With his confirmation, Ruyi monk dared to believe that this was Xiaomeng, the shocking sword back then.

Although the “Shocking God Sword” of the past was superb in swordsmanship, in the eyes of himself and others, he could still see the small pool at the bottom. But now, he seems to be unable to see the sea at the bottom or the deep and distant starry sky, and only four words emerge to himself: unfathomable

Meng Qi smiled and nodded: “It hasn’t been long. You have become a master.”

Seeing such a great change in the old man, he felt a little bit of vicissitudes.

Changsun Jing is not too old at the moment, twenty-three or four, and said with a smile: “It’s only five years. Hero Meng seems to have achieved success in cultivation, but he looks younger than me.”

Speaking of this, he saluted solemnly: “Thank you for your guidance back then, without Hero Meng, there would be no Changsun Jing today.”

“You don’t need to be called a hero, you can just call him Xiaomeng or Mr. Meng.” Meng Qi sat down without showing any surprise, and poured himself a cup, “A certain Jing is very eager to move. He just entered the capital and still can’t figure out the situation. Who will talk about the past five years?”

Changsun Jing hurriedly said: “Five years ago, when the current Holy Majesty ascended the throne, Marshal Lu worshiped the general and led his army to the north to fight against the Western Captives. In the first two years, the Western Captives were strong, and the Seventh Prince raised troops in the southeast. It was very difficult, but the Holy Majesty was more determined , Master Ruyi and other martial arts righteous people helped, while Jianhuang went into the grassland and defeated the living Buddha with a half-stroke. Finally, he survived and ushered in a chance of victory. , Now it is in the winning position, we just need to fight steadily and win the victory.”

“Unexpectedly, one and a half months ago, the Holy Master hurriedly ordered the former right minister of the army to return to the capital to suppress it. Everyone judged that the sword emperor’s time was short, so Lu Shuai sent me back to Beijing to find out the news.”

“There are conclusive signs that this generation of living Buddhas secretly went to Beijing with the Xilu envoys and hid in the Yunyan Pavilion. If they want to be defeated that day, I am afraid that the queen who supports the Seventh Prince and the national teacher who lives in seclusion and idleness will not be willing to be lonely.”

Meng Qi nodded slowly: “I see.”

As far as he is concerned, it is enough to know these things, and he does not have the time to intervene in other matters.

Ruyi monk thought about it, smiled and said: “Benefactor Meng, you have to be more careful with the Living Buddha. What happened back then let him speak out to save you. If you meet him today, I’m afraid he will do what he says.”

Changsun Jing also knew about this case, and reminded with a frown: “The living Buddha family has the secret method of empowerment, which can obtain the essence of the ancestors and pass on memory and knowledge. , It is rumored that it can draw people to reincarnation in previous lives, just like gods and Buddhas, compared with other great masters, it is unique, and the Da Ri Li Huo Lun magic is also famous for many generations.”

Meng Qi listened quietly, and suddenly smiled: “Are you interested in going somewhere with XX?”

“Where?” Changsun Jing and Ruyi monk asked at the same time.

Meng Qi patted his blue shirt, stood up with a smile:

“Yunyan Pavilion.” To be continued

s: There is another change before twelve o’clock, and I sincerely ask for a monthly ticket


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