I Honor

Chapter 507

Excalibur Puppet

With a flick of the long sword, the puppet flew up, revealing its back without words.

Whoosh, whoosh, Changsun Jing only saw the sword moving away from the dragon and the snake, and the dancing shadows. With his eyesight, he could barely catch the tip of the sword, but he couldn’t get a glimpse of the whole change.

In a short period of time, he felt that there are many charms such as priority, speed, speed and reality, which are laid out layer by layer without any confusion.

When the long sword was retracted, the puppet had just returned to the box, and it happened that its back was facing the sky, with black hair and sixteen characters engraved on it:

“The kindness of pointing, dare not or forget, start with the sword book, discuss the Tao together.”

Changsun Jing looked very intently, each of these strokes seemed to be done casually, unrestrained and elegant, heavy or light, rough or fine, primitive or dexterous, showing the charm of swordsmanship, but it seemed to be lost on deliberation, showing Too many, each stroke is different, does not follow the structure of the characters, and is chaotic.

But if you take your eyes back from the subtleties and look at the whole, you feel that they are integrated, as if they are made in nature, and you can’t find any inappropriate strokes and structures. The sword is round and inclusive.

If the sword emperor’s battle letter is that the hibiscus comes out of clear water, and the chess success is ordinary, then the shocking sword’s reply is a peerless beauty who is exquisitely dressed. The beauty is not lost due to heavy makeup, but it brings out the sense of surprise.

If you want to compare the West Lake to the West Lake, it is always appropriate to apply heavy makeup and light makeup

“Another peerless sword art,” Chang Sun Jing sighed again.

Monk Ruyi’s eyes were similar to his, focusing on the puppet: “If someone who is a beginner in swordsmanship gets this puppet and ponders it day and night, he will be able to comprehend the powerful swordsmanship, and it will be one of the rare books in martial arts.”

In the eyes of a knowledgeable person like him, these thirty characters contain the understanding of swordsmanship by Sword Emperor and Shocking Sword respectively, and deduce the most basic, fundamental and charming changes into strokes. With one move and one move that is as wonderful as the peak, the first fourteen and the last sixteen respectively form a set of seamless swordsmanship, just like the survival of a great dragon. Soaring into the sky, it looks like a different glow, a gorgeous starry night

As far as Sword Emperor and Shocking Sword are concerned. This may only be the result of their sword-testing in the air, but for people other than the Grand Master. These are two sets of peerless swordsmanship that can cause bloody storms in the rivers and lakes. How much you can realize from them all depends on your personal aptitude or understanding of swordsmanship

Changsun Jing is a true warrior, trying to memorize every stroke and charm, and it took a long time to look back with difficulty, feeling excited to witness the legend of the world: “Even if this sword puppet is not as good as a few great books in the future, I’m afraid Not to give up, getting it is equivalent to getting two Gai Dai swordsmanship. It is enough to create a sect that has been passed down for many generations.”

Shocked and admiring, he forgot that the person involved was right next to him. Too explicit admiration would make people feel ashamed and flattered, so he named the puppet “Excalibur Puppet” by himself. He is afraid that he will call this puppet together with several great books for practicing the key.

“Amitabha, goodness is goodness.” Ruyi Monk had no more words to say.

Meng Qi listened with a smile, without interrupting the conversation between Changsun Jing and Ruyi Monk at all. It wasn’t until they calmed down that they ordered the general of the Forbidden Army to give the puppet to the Sword Emperor.

After the general left the courtyard, he walked towards the imperial city. As he walked, he suddenly turned to a secluded place.

He is not deaf, how could he not have heard the conversation between Changsun Jing and Ruyi Monk just now?

Moreover, being able to become a general of the Forbidden Army, martial arts can be regarded as good, and he has a bit of vision

“Peerless swordsmanship, two sets of peerless swordsmanship” His breathing became short of breath, although he had already stagnated, his physical body was declining, and he was past the age to make a breakthrough. But if you have sons and daughters, how can you not care for your children and grandchildren?

Can have such two sets of swordsmanship. Even without the corresponding level of internal skills, it is enough to rule the roost in the arena. If you can still have adventures and make up for your shortcomings, you may be invincible under the great master, and you may even step into the realm of the queen and the others

At that time, or establish a sect, or becomeBeing a wealthy family is a matter of honoring the lintel

He rushed back home, took the corresponding things, and rubbed the thirty characters on the puppet on the white silk. Although this lost a lot of the original charm, he did not dare to directly corrupt the puppet or forge it himself. The emperor’s eyes are so vicious, he can only do so, anyway, if he can get 70% to 80% magic, it will be considered a treasure

After finishing rubbing, he thought about it, and approved next to the first fourteen characters: “Suppressing evil swordsmanship.”

Take the meaning of the Sword Emperor to frighten Xiao Xiaoxie.

Then the sixteen characters are better named, he directly wrote: “Shocking Sword Technique”.

When he named it, he had a feeling of participating in history. It seemed that his family would prosper from now on. When future generations study swordsmanship, they will all see the handwriting of this old ancestor, and they will be grateful to him.

What he didn’t expect was that the two sets of swordsmanship, “Excalibur Puppet” and “Suppressing Evil” and “Shocking God” would cause many turmoil in the Jianghu in the future, and created a famous person in the Jianghu.

After rubbing, he removed the traces of rubbing on the puppet, left home in a hurry, and returned to the palace to return to his command.

The old and dying Sword Emperor knelt on the ground, with a long sword in front of him. He took the puppet and watched Meng Qi’s response carefully. He could see sweat on the forehead of the general of the imperial army. stained

He originally thought that the Sword Emperor would put down the puppet just after looking at the response, just like the “Shocking Sword”, so he was bold enough to rub the puppet in advance, but he didn’t know that the Sword Emperor would watch it so carefully.

“In just five short years, he has come to such a point, no wonder he dreams of fighting with him.” The Sword Emperor glanced at the general of the imperial army, without saying anything, handed the puppet to the young apprentice, “Sword of Heaven” Song Ming.

Before Meng Qi killed the Living Buddha, he seemed to have made up his mind to fight Meng Qi

“Perhaps it’s the traction of the qi mechanism in the dark.” Song Ming laughed softly.

The Sword Emperor shook his head, as if there was something he hadn’t revealed.

Song Ming was about to ask again, when he suddenly let out a soft “Yi”, his eyes were focused on the puppet, and his instinct as a swordsman made him fascinated by it.

“This is the essence of being a teacher and the sword technique of Shocking God Sword. If you study it carefully, you will be able to gain something. If you don’t write words or secret books in your life as a teacher, just use this puppet to inherit it.” Sword Emperor old While speaking, there seemed to be the sound of sword energy surging in the air, swishing continuously, and there were tiny holes on the surface of the puppet, which were the acupuncture points of the human body, and there were sword marks guiding the direction of true energy flow. It is the flow of true energy corresponding to his swordsmanship.

At the end, he sighed and said: “Holding thousands, his ambition is not small. If you can deduce the true energy flow and internal strength of the Shocking God Sword from the sword technique, maybe the old man can get rid of the clouds and mists in front of you. It’s a pity, just looking at the sword technique. invisible”

Song Ming withdrew his mind and smiled wryly: “Master, this disciple always thought that swordsmanship was already a breakthrough and the pinnacle of the world, but now I know that it’s just a frog at the bottom of a well.”

The general of the Forbidden Army next to him almost fainted from fright when the Sword Emperor gave him a look. Fortunately, the sword emperor didn’t say anything.

At this time, he gradually regained his senses, and suddenly remembered something: According to rumors in the Jianghu, the Sword Emperor cherishes talents the most, and often gives opportunities to ordinary people in the Jianghu.

“Okay, you guys go out. Tomorrow may be the last battle of this old man. I want to stay quietly with my old buddy.” Sword Emperor’s voice was a little tired.

Sunset Peak is located on the west side of the capital. Whenever the sun sets, you can see it from afar. It seems to be covered with a layer of afterglow, and depending on the season, it is golden. There are crimson, gorgeous and wonderful.

Near the peak, the Demon Queen in white gauze stood beside the tree and did not go up, because if she got any closer, it would interfere with the two people on the peak.

For a great master like her, having the opportunity to watch the same-level fight is a harvest that cannot be replaced by foreign objects, so when she heard the news that the Sword Emperor and the Shocking Sword were about to fight. After arranging different countermeasures for various results of the battle, he immediately rushed over alone. Nothing sloppy.

She turned her beautiful eyes and looked at the nearby boulders. Although he couldn’t see it, he clearly sensed that the national teacher was on the other side of the boulder.

Five years ago, after he failed to help the crown prince in the fight for the throne, he took the emperor and grandson away to the world, and now he is also here to watch the battle.

Only great masters dare to approach the battle at the level of great masters. Changsun Jing, Ruyi monk and others chose a pavilion that is farther away, and they can barely see the peak clearly.

There was no publicity for this battle, and only a few well-informed people gathered, so it didn’t appear to be chaotic.

In the capital, the Prime Minister Wang Derang paced back and forth in the Political Affairs Hall, looking at the Sunset Peak from time to time, as if he wanted to go immediately.

But he shoulders the important task of guarding the imperial city, so he can’t leave easily.

“The emperor has a decree, please protect him to watch the battle at Sunset Peak.” At this time, an eunuch entered the political affairs hall.

Wang Derang was overjoyed at first, and then frowned: “How can the king of the Ninth Five-Year Plan stand under a dangerous wall?”

“The emperor said that there is no master who will do the last battle, and the disciple will not be there.” The eunuch had already received the order.

When it comes to the teacher’s way, Wang Derang finally loosened his tone: “Okay.”

At the top of Sunset Peak, after many years, Meng Qi saw the Sword Emperor again.

He was much older than before, and the wrinkles and age spots on his face became more and more serious, but his burly and majestic body did not bend at all, and he still stood upright, standing there, giving people an empty feeling, as if he was here , not here, exceptionally miraculous

Even if he doesn’t move, Meng Qi hasFacing the pressure from He Jiu and Wang Siyuan back then, it was a pity that the Sword Emperor didn’t have the location and Dharma body moves.

Thinking of this verse, Meng Qi sighed: “Senior, don’t come here unharmed.”

The Sword Emperor said indifferently: “I’m about to die, I can’t say I’m safe and sound, I can’t think of a whim many years ago, I can make this old man wait for an opponent like you, the world is really amazing.”

When the Sword Emperor was in front of him, Meng Qi clearly sensed that there was a foreign demon hiding in his body, but this foreign demon was not possessing him, but seemed to be captured by him.

He hesitated and asked: “In the body of the senior”

“It…” The Sword Emperor gave a rare smile, “Don’t worry, if you win, the old man will naturally sit down, and it will follow. If you lose, it won’t live long.”

He didn’t explain the cause and effect, and his face was serious: “Get ready to start.”

Meng Qi closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and got rid of all kinds of distracting thoughts. The inner world revolved naturally, and his spirit seemed to spread infinitely. After passing through the earth, mountains, rivers, and blue sky, the scorching hot sun and the dark and terrifying chaos holes, countless bright stars

With this feeling, Meng Qi seemed to be able to feel the existence of the vitality of the heavens and the earth like an ocean, and he could draw from it with every breath, and the power of the heavens and the earth was faintly revealed before his eyes.

The Sword Emperor only felt that the person in front of him became empty and empty, as if he had transformed into the deep night sky and contained everything.

So he raised his sword. to be continued

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