I Honor

Chapter 512

: Information about the Wolf Killing Society

The totem of the Hailasu tribe is a golden eagle with sharp eyes and extraordinary heroism. With the shaman’s urging, a brilliant light bursts out, as if it is reflecting the sun.

Meng Qi felt a faint majesty coming from above, and the strange power seemed vague and clear.

Facing things like totem ancestor spirits, he dared not be careless. The whole person seemed to be floating in the dark universe, surrounded by illusory and untouchable bright lines, and the only one he could grasp was the one that was slowly approaching.

“I am willing to accept this oath,” he said suddenly, asking in short grassland language.

This shaman was only of ordinary rank. Although he felt a little weird, he thought the other party was being cautious, so he said in a low voice: “There is no falsehood under the gaze of Changshengtian and Golden Eagle.”

The Longevity Sect brought most of the totem gods of the grassland into the control of the Longevity Heaven.

Hearing these words, Meng Qi lowered his head, looking extremely pious, the primordial spirit was running the secret technique, and with a flick of the illusion, the line of cause and effect changed direction, floated to the side of the shaman, and attached to him.

Naturally, Changshengtian and Golden Eagle would not really “watch” such trivial matters, but just borrowed the power of K to witness the oath, so they did not respond to the changes of the oath parties.

The shaman unknowingly became heavier, but immediately returned to normal. He thought it was due to a little exhaustion just now, and once again raised his eyes to the top. He was sent by Agula, took gems and gold, and left the tent proudly.

“If you make an oath, you are a good brother.” Agula reversed his calm attitude just now, and Meng Qi was secretly suspicious of his kindness. It is understandable for a master of the wolf king to rejoice in the hope of revenge, such enthusiasm is beyond the normal limit, unless killing the wolf means more to him than revenge.

Meng Qi nodded indifferently, still putting on the coldness of a wandering swordsman.

Agula seemed to have noticed his own attitude problem, and he restrained his smile and said: “With more strength, there is more hope for revenge. Thinking of the eyes that Arslen refused to close before he died, I often can’t control my emotions.” mood.”

“The timing for you to join is just right. The liaison envoy from the south will come over in two days, recruit the nearby members, and pass on the news of the wolf king in other places. It can also be regarded as a witness to your membership.”

Southern Liaison Envoy MengQi nodded calmly, and suddenly felt that Killing Wolf was a rather tight organization, which had surpassed the level of a loose revenge alliance that spontaneously exchanged information.

After getting out of the tent, Old Wu En sneered, “Agula has four sons and three daughters, but none of them are as outstanding as Arslen. No wonder he is so worried, and he wants to join in the wolf killing at the risk of being retaliated by the wolf king.” meeting.”

“If I were him, I would make the same choice. Although it is often said that it is time for retribution, I hope it is the enemy who is persuaded like this.” Seeing that there was no one around, Meng Qi switched to Mandarin, and then spoke fluently for a long time.

Two days later, Meng Qi and Batu followed Agula to an inconspicuous tent.

“He is” a grassland warrior with nine apertures guarding the door. He looked at Meng Qi and refused to get out of the way into the tent.

He knows both Agula and Batu, who is this wandering swordsman with a mustache?

“This is Jebe, who has just joined the club.” Agula lowered his voice, “He has sworn an oath under the witness of the shaman.”

“Join the club.” The prairie warrior looked at Meng Qi sharply. It seems that he doubts his qualifications to join the club, not just anyone who is willing to take an oath can join the club

Then he saw Meng Qi’s indifferent eyes, and a cold and sharp feeling came from his throat, as if there was an invisible long knife stuck there. As long as I act rashly, the head will be separated from the body immediately.

There was cold sweat on his forehead, and he subconsciously took a few steps back to the side. Get out of the way.

Seeing this scene, Agula nodded slightly, deeply satisfied with his choice.

The tent is as warm as spring, with several copper stoves, blankets on the floor, felts hanging on the inner walls, and gold ornaments are arranged in an orderly manner. The arrangement is luxurious and not rustic, which is completely opposite to the humble appearance.

There was an old man sitting cross-legged inside, his eyes narrowed slightly, inhaling the smoke of burning grass leaves, a specialty of the grassland, with a relaxed expression.

His fur, black and silky, lay on one side.

“Temur, the grassland has been covered by heavy snow, and you came so early,” Agula greeted casually and familiarly.

Temur put down the things made of grass leaves, and spit out white mist: “It was because the grassland was blocked by heavy snow that we left early, he is”

“Zhebie, let me introduce the members who joined the association, the strong ones who can save their lives at the hands of the wolf king.” Agula turned his head and introduced to Meng Qi, “Temuer, a famous warrior of Zhelimu, the most proud disciple died in the hands of the wolf king.” In the hands of the king.”

Needless to say, Agula, Meng Qi could sense Temur’s strength by himself. Although he couldn’t judge it accurately, he at least knew that he surpassed the ordinary nine orifices.

“I’m old, if I meet the wolf king alone, I’m afraid I won’t survive.” Temur took a deep look at Meng Qi.

Agula sat down cross-legged and asked casually, “What about them?”

“I really can’t get away. I will run hard and tell them the situation.” Temur said in a slow and old tone, “Recently, Zhe Limu’s tiger is very interested in Nanhuo, you have to pay attention.”

Agula nodded, and communicated with Temur, the wolf king was not involved, it was all the secret affairs of Gegengaole and Zhelimu, and the distribution channels for sharing southern goods and stolen goods.

Meng Qi sat next to him and didn’t say a word. He was a little shocked when he heard the news. News often means opportunities. Such sharing between Agula and Temur is extremely beneficial to both parties. Your strength is not simply one plus one.

I am afraid that the members of the Wolf Killing Society do not lack such high-level and low-level people. They are not worthy of attention when they are alone, but if they unite and spread all over the grassland north and south, exchange news and support each other, it will be a group that cannot be underestimated. Strength Meng Qiruo thought about it, even if they killed the wolf king, they probably wouldn’t disband the wolf killing club after they tasted the sweetness.

At this time, hearty laughter came from the entrance of the tent: “I heard that a hero joined the club.”

There was no need to look back, the image of the visitor had already appeared in Meng Qi’s mind, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, wearing a fur hat, gorgeous clothes, and a golden short knife for decoration on the waist. He looked not too old. Estimated thirty or so.

“Dari Achi, our liaison envoy to the south of the Wolf Killing Society, a famous wandering warrior in the grassland, his brother was killed by the wolf king,” Agula introduced to both parties.

Dari’achi was accompanied by a little power of heaven and earth in every move, and Meng Qi fully affirmed that he had opened his brows and ancestral openings, coupled with his youth and strength, his strength should be above Temur’s.

Dari’achi took off his fur, sat down without seeing anyone, took a deep breath and said, “I don’t doubt Agula’s vision, Brother Jebe’s strength is definitely not much worse than the Wolf King. We are the ones who kill the wolf.” To add forcefully, when the matter here is over and the snow thaws, I will take you to meet the president.”

When it comes to the president, both Temur and Agula showed a little awe, but neither of them said a word, and it seemed that the president was quite mysterious.

Dari Achi was the same, and turned to say: “My brother doesn’t speak foreign language, so he doesn’t have so much hypocrisy. Brother Zhebie, let me tell you directly about Tie Sheng, a wolf cub.”

“Okay.” That’s what Meng Qi wanted.

“Don’t talk about other things, I believe you know, brother Jebe, I’ll just talk about what we will find when we kill wolves.” Dari’achi said with a serious face. “Although this wolf cub Tie Sheng seems to be looking for a good opponent to kill casually, we found that,Except for a very small number of weak ones, the strength of the targets he kills is improved every once in a while.”

Dari Achi made it very clear. They analyzed the law of the wolf king’s killing and found that every once in a while, the strength of the wolf king’s choice of targets would suddenly skyrocket. Then it stabilized at this level, repeating this over and over again. Of course, there were many examples in which the target exceeded or was lower than the wolf king’s strength, but they were all just sporadic embellishments.

“We suspect that the stage of skyrocketing is the period when Tie Sheng, a wolf cub, is about to break through, and break through the barrier by taking risks and killing targets that are much stronger than himself.” Agula added.

Meng Qi recalled the materials he had read and nodded slightly in agreement.

Counting the time, the wolf king will almost recover from the injury he caused to him. With his previous state, he should have reached the stage of seeking a breakthrough. If this is the case, there may be no chance. There are quite a few corresponding targets, and it is difficult to determine the target of the wolf king.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the wolf king has no other adventures and has not recovered early, but judging from the number of shots he made on the grassland in the past six months, this may be very low.

Dari’achi’s words confirmed Meng Qi’s thoughts: “Although Tie Sheng, a wolf cub, seldom made a move after returning from the Central Plains, and it seemed that he was about to break through, but apart from the direct descendants of the Golden Account and the Longevity Sect, it can satisfy him. There are not many grassland powerhouses needed for a breakthrough, we can only choose the key points.”

“But” he changed the subject, “I don’t think Tie Sheng can be a real lone wolf if he can choose the breakthrough target so accurately. Moreover, before he went south, he once killed five people, two of whom were from our Wolf Killing Society. secret member, how can things be such a coincidence”

“So, you investigated from this aspect.” Meng Qi was struggling to speak the grassland language. Just now, Dari’achi’s a lot of words made his head go numb, and he almost didn’t understand what it meant.

Dari Achi nodded: “We deliberately leaked some information, tracked and traced, and found three suspicious people, one of whom is in Gegengaole, this is one of the purposes of my coming.”

“Who?” The eyes of Agula and Temur became hot, even a little bloodshot.

Meng Qi didn’t move his face, and still maintained a stern posture, which made Dari’achi secretly praise him for his demeanor of a master.

“Na Risu.” Dari Achi spat out his name.

“He” Agula and Temur both showed serious expressions.

“Na Ri Su” Meng Qi didn’t know this person at all.

Dari Achi explained: “He used to be a famous horse bandit. After half a step on location, he gave the horse team to his deputy. He went to Gegengaol to sell goods for many horse bandit teams. Received the favor of Changshengtian, exchanged internally and externally.”

Once it becomes a scene, you can become a guardian warrior of a medium-sized tribe or join a large tribe, which is a hundred times stronger than a horse bandit. After all, under the rule of the Golden Horde Khan, it is no problem for the horse bandit to make small troubles. If it becomes a climate, it will definitely be wiped out.

“We will release news that is not good for the wolf king again. I hope that Brother Temur and Brother Jebe will monitor Narisu and his men and follow them to find the wolf king.” Dari Achi raised his head slightly, his tone serious.

Meng Qi shook the handle of the knife and said calmly:

“Hope your message is correct.”

After speaking, he got up and turned around, pressed the knife and left the tent.

Seeing Jebe’s gesture, Dari’achi narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice:

“And I hope you don’t let us down.”

Clouds cover the moon, and the snowflakes are still falling.

Meng Qi and Temur lay on the top of different tents, letting the snow cover them, motionless.

Someone sneaked into Na Risu’s tent and told him the news he had received earlier.

After this person left, Na Risu did not move throughout the night, making people suspect that Dari Achi’s judgment was wrong.

But Meng Qi and Temur were very patient, and even waited all night under the snow-covered and bone-chilling cold.

At dawn, many subordinates entered Narisu’s tent and left one after another, making it impossible to judge who would bring the news, or not. to be continued


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