I Honor

Chapter 544

: The Wordless Monument

Wearing a belt and ring, swinging and caressing, there is a crisp sound, ethereal to the ears, Ruan Yushu is wearing a white dress, holding a guqin, slowly walks down the tower, and steps into the field, with a cold expression, not showing arrogance. some novels,

After saluting, she knelt down on the ground and put the right tail of “Qifengqin” on the left.On the knees, compared with Meng Qi’s leisurely, free and easy freehand brushwork just now, it was a little more quiet, as if the place where he was kneeling was not the ground covered with dust, but the fairy palace illuminated by the moonlight, clean and pure.

Her every move is calm and composed, making everyone slowly restrain their senses just now, calm their minds, and wait for the piano music quietly.

“Professionals are different,” Meng Qi secretly sighed.

Pressing the strings with the left hand and lightly tapping the right hand, a sound like geese singing in the sky unfurls the picturesque scroll.

As Ruan Yushu played, Meng Qi’s mind slowly seemed to have a scene of crisp autumn and thousands of miles of clouds, which complemented the blue sky before him. .

In the smooth and soothing melody, there are birdsong, as if there are birds hovering in the air, or flying obliquely, or circling, lingering back and forth, setting off the beautiful scenery, just like reality.

When Meng Qi felt the truth, suddenly a flower appeared in front of his eyes, and strange birds flew out from the forest, circling around the top of Ruan Yushu, and he could hear the chirping sound, which was no different from the description of the sound of the zither

The sound of the piano is getting quieter, the water is exhausted and the cold pool is clear, the smoke is condensed and the mountains are purple, and a beautiful autumn scenery comes into my mind.

The gurgling river becomes more and more soothing, and the mirror-like Pinghu Lake becomes clearer, finally reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, the morning sun and flying birds, the sky in the water, the water hidden in the sky, it is so beautiful, just the ordinary music score and its own artistic conception, there is a harmony between heaven and man change

The meaning of the song gradually weakened, and the birds returned home, one by one falling. Perched next to the phoenix.

The lingering sound curled up, lingering endlessly, and a hundred birds sang together, lingering and forgetting to return.

The way of nature, the expression of the state of mind, the remoteness and tranquility, the transformation of heaven and man.

After a long time, the old emperor sighed: “This song should only exist in the sky. It is rare to hear it in the world. It is worthy of being born with a piano heart.”

Wang Zai narrowed his eyes slightly. It seems that he is still intoxicated by the beautiful scenery of the high autumn air and the birds and geese, immersed in the open-minded, peaceful and self-generated feeling, and said in a low voice: “It is cold and distant, and the autumn is high and comfortable. It attracts birds to fly and the lake reflects the sky. Its right is really a flat sand geese. There is no bosom friend anywhere in the world.”

“For her, the unity of man and nature is already within reach, and she is born with a piano heart.” Meng Qi’s focus is different,

After this song. No one dared to leave.

“The way of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting is headed by Ruan’s family’s jade books. Do you have any objections?” The old emperor looked around at the crowd.

Undoubtedly, no one objected. Ruan Yushu, who won the first question logically, will be given a cup of imperial wine.

The old emperor stroked the armrest and said with a slight smile: “The second topic is the article of principles, and one’s own path. Since you are talents, you always think about the principles of heaven and man and your own path, and you are all people with extraordinary understanding. I have a rare treasure called the wordless stele, let everyone feel it, and see who gets more.”

The children of the aristocratic families around the “Monument without Words” were all shocked and whispered. Even the people in the political affairs hall around the emperor and big figures such as Cui Qingyu were slightly moved.

Meng Qiye was born in Luzi, and he had many shortcomings in his knowledge, so he could only look at Wang Zai with doubts.

“The stele without words is a rare treasure. It is rumored that it is a thing from the ancient heavens, and it is close to a magic weapon to some extent.” Wang Zaixian summed it up.

“Shen Bing” Meng Qi was quite tongue-tied upon hearing this.

Wang Zai said: “Only in terms of value, there is no corresponding power, it cannot be used for attack, and it may be damaged by ordinary people, but if you have first glimpsed the way of self-cultivation and combined the gains, you will see this wordless stele when you look at it. If you have a feeling, you can master all martial arts, or you can realize the truth and complete your state of mind. If you have enough realm and accumulation, you can even directly create magical skills.”

“In the past, the dynasty conquered Kang, broke through the city of Ying, and got the sword of the emperor. Taizu combined the humane skills contained in the sword and the contents of his own shocking book, and watched the wordless stele for seven days and nights, and finally merged the two into one. Since then, there has been a distinction between a normal shocking book and a humane shocking book. The Eight Shocking Swords also evolved into a royal swordsmanship. Little by little, it has gradually become the mainstream of the royal family.”

“And the royal family has no shortage of strong men with a half-step body.”

It’s no wonder that Zhao Jingshi was defeated by the magician, his heart was traumatized, but he still recovered slowly and became half a step.

Uh, after Xuanzhen opened the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows, he might not be able to take a look at it, but it’s not that he realizes these things every day and it doesn’t affect Meng Qi’s mood. be beneficial, and even receive a great deal of good deeds

After being shocked, the eyes of everyone around were burning, and they were eager to try it. The “Wordless Stele” is a royal secret treasure.

They are no longer afraid of losing, it doesn’t matter if they lose, they can only realize something, maybe it will last a lifetime

Seeing Meng Qi’s joyful face, Wang Zai laughed and said, “Xiao Meng, I’m sure I’m ready to end.”

It was always called Su Xiandi, Su Xiandi, which seemed unfamiliar. After entering Beijing, Wang Zai changed his address.

Meng Qi straightened his back and coughed: “Everyone wants to try, so I’d better be humble and wait until the end.”

The “big guy” is usually the last to appear

In the middle of the range,He changed the name of his younger brother to XX.

“That makes sense.” Wang Zai nodded lightly, and was prepared to wait a while.

A stone tablet flew out from the hands of the old emperor and landed below the high platform. The stone was gray and white, simple and old, with many thin cracks. There was no word on it, not even a pattern, but it felt as deep as the sea, and it was difficult to see the bottom. It is indeed a treasure

“One cup of tea per person.” As soon as the old emperor finished speaking, the talents who had dared not leave the stage left their seats one after another, almost queuing up.

The members of the top families were half delighted to hear and half frowned, not understanding why the emperor was so generous all of a sudden.

Outside the imperial city, “Doumu Yuanjun” changed his appearance and dressed in green clothes and plain skirts.

Beside her is a withered and yellow-skinned man with a vicious appearance, like a street gangster, who is just the change of Qingyuan Miaodao True Monarch.

“Guangcheng confirms that Gu Xiaosang is in the palace, and everyone in Luojiao should do the same.” Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun said with a secret method.

Doumu Yuanjun looked deeply at the palace. He asked in a low voice: “Everyone who should attend the Qionghua Banquet should go.”

“Yes, are we going to break in directly? This matter is getting weirder and weirder. Maybe we will meet the Dharma King, so it’s better to be cautious.” Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun frowned.

The Dharma King who has passed the world, the leader of Luojiao who has proved the vacuum body.

Doumu Yuanjun rarely sneered: “Let’s wait and see what happens. If we hadn’t encountered similar things before, I really don’t understand what kind of mystery they are playing.”

She seemed to have remembered something and gained some confidence.

“Similar things” Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun asked doubtfully.

Doumu Yuanjun nodded slightly: “A few years ago”

The sun was high, it was almost noon. Many talented people returned without success in front of the “Monument without Words”, but they failed to realize anything, and they did not induce visions, making people suspect that it was an ordinary stone tablet. The so-called perception is purely deceiving. .

There are not many important officials in the court, and they can only bring one person to the banquet. At this time, there are only a dozen or so people who have not comprehended the wordless stele.

Wang Zai sat in front of the wordless stele. Close your eyes and sip a cup of tea, your breath fluctuates several times, but it remains unchanged after all.

He got up to salute, and returned with a long sigh. He said to Meng Qi: “Although Brother Yu has read a lot of classics and history collections, he feels that he has accumulated a lot, and the aura of grandeur is always in his body, but after all, he is a little short. Without his own gains, it is really difficult to understand.”

That is to say, at least those who have initially found their own way can understand what Meng Qipin meant in Wang Zai’s words.

Ruan Yushu sits in front of the stele with his qin in his arms. Nothing.

Cui Zhe sat in front of the stele with Hengjian, feeling nothing.

The monk beside the prince, who is one of nature and man, sat in front of the stone tablet, and he didn’t feel anything.

At this time, Yan Chong rushed out of the high platform, as if he was stepping on waves, and walked up to the wordless stele, and sat upright with his eyes closed, with his knife on his knees.

Meng Qi restrained his thoughts and watched carefully. Yan Chong had been consummating the unity of heaven and man for a long time, and the years of suffering far exceeded his own. I don’t know where he is now, and whether he has initially found his own path

Time flies, time passes, and it is getting closer to a cup of tea, but there is still no movement between the stone tablet and its surroundings.

Suddenly, the sound of the tide rang out in midair, surging, dark blue gradually revealed, deep and introverted, brewing a storm, and everyone was surprised to see it.


The tide broke out, the light of the knife broke through the waves, Yan Chong soared into the sky, and fell slowly, with half emotion and half joy on his face: “Thank you, Your Majesty”

“It seems that he was only a layer of paper away from finding the way. This realization will save him at least a year of effort. Even if he can’t reach the sky in one step in the future, it will not be too far behind,” Meng Qi said with emotion.

He has a lot of respect for people like Yan Chong, who came from a small sect and can get to where he is today, because it takes more effort and effort than others.

As for climbing to the sky in one step, it is rare. Even if you find the way initially, you may not be able to do it. If you don’t see He Jiu, you will have to rely on the traction of Qi to climb, and the stimulation of life and death to break through

“Brother Yan worked hard and went all the way to seek the Tao. It’s really normal to have this enlightenment.” Wang Zai was full of admiration.

Seeing that Yan Chong had some insights, Jin Wang Zhao Yi, who had not reached the level before and failed to see the wordless stele, went off in person. He had already relied on the power of all beings to “unify man and nature”, and then opened the entrance between eyebrows.

Unfortunately, he still didn’t realize it.

After Zhao Yi, the crown prince left. He had opened the entrance for more than a year, and he was about to communicate with the inside and outside.

Sitting in front of the wordless stele, the prince had a peaceful face and a smile on his face. After a while, golden lotus flowers emerged from the ground and bloomed slowly. The brilliance spread on the stele, which seemed to have Sanskrit characters.

“Huh, within half a year, the crown prince will be promoted to exterior location.” Wang Zai sighed.

After opening the Profound Gate between the Eyebrows, one can also adjust the inner world and initially determine the path, but the paths that can be chosen are very limited, and it is basically impossible to completely reconcile with oneself, after all, the Profound Gate has no regrets.

Meng Qi looked around and found himself, Zhao Heng, Qi Zhengyan, Fan Changmiao, Xuanzhen and Bai Qigu who hadn’t finished yet.


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