I Honor

Chapter 566

Fifteen He’s Crazy

Kneeling, lying, and leaning corpses stood up one after another, waving their hands like a drowning person, and the confused voice of “who am I” wave after wave, noisy and noisy, and a group of demons danced wildly.

While Meng Qi’s scalp was slightly numb, the voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation sounded in his mind:

“Find Wuyou Valley, the third step of the mystery of the fall of Zhenwu is completed.”

“The fourth step of the mystery of the fall of Zhenwu, find the clues left by Emperor Zhenwu in Wuyou Valley.”

Ye Yuqi’s expression remained unchanged, and she whispered to Meng Qi: “Isolate the senses of the physical body, and use all spiritual senses.”

Hearing this, Meng Qi closed his eyes and ears, and the spirit of being one with heaven, earth and nature spread infinitely.

The wide and open valley, which is half the size of the country of Halle, the gray and dark rocks with no grass growing, the dead black mist emerging from a deep crack, tens of thousands or more mummies, and the confused and cold inside the mummies, one by one in Meng Odd mind emerges, especially in close quarters, revealing every detail.

In addition, a certain “thing” blinded by the senses of the physical body stands out. It is cold and damp, dead and gloomy, blending with the sea of ​​vitality, flooding the entire valley, penetrating into the ghosts, forming countless nodes, Like it’s hands, its eyes, swaying slightly, swaying slightly

“They are controlled by something cold and damp, but how can they murmur who am I?” Meng Qi’s astonishment returned to astonishment, his heart was as calm as a lake, and he remained calm, his hand holding the sword was neither loose nor tight.

Ye Yuqi shook her head, her thick black hair shook slightly: “It’s hard to say.”

As time went by, the ghost mummy gradually calmed down, returned to silence, and resumed their previous posture.

Meng Qi still closed his eyes and sensed his surroundings, trying to find clues from or near the mummies.

Their skin and muscles lost moisture, gray and dull, and the white robes and black armor on their bodies had long since rotted to rot. With just a light touch, Meng Qi has no doubt that these will be broken into mud.

The same is true for the rest of the accessories, weapons, books, etc., and they have even turned into rotten mud, as if the essence has been sucked out by something

Suddenly, Meng Qi let out a little surprise, and found a piece of processed parchment next to a mummy, with ancient Western Region characters on it.

He snapped his hand, and the parchment flew over and landed in his palm.

“Ice Fairy” Ye Yuqi took a look and said flatly:

“The national teacher is crazy.”

“Judging from the handwriting and the lack of beginning and end. If the incident happened hastily, stay in a hurry.”

This seems to be the only sentence above.

Meng Qi felt that the area that could be clearly detected was limited. Ye Yuqi closed his eyes and flicked his right hand lightly. A piece of parchment similar to that flew near the most gorgeously dressed mummy in the front.

“He’s crazy”

“National Division”

The content on the parchment is similar.

Suddenly, a book bound with parchment fell into Ye Yuqi’s hands.

She flipped through the book and read out in a low voice, the voice was clear and magnetic:

“Everyone in the Bomi Kingdom can see the Emperor of the Underworld in their dreams. They can solve problems, teach secret methods, or give them a pure land after death, so there is no need to doubt it. We are the people of the Emperor of the Underworld.”

At the beginning of the book, it is written on the front of the book the source of the worship of the Emperor of the Underworld in the Bomi Kingdom.

Meng Qi listened thoughtfully, suspecting that Emperor Zhenwu sealed the “Yellow Spring” here, after years of hard work. His power seeps out, affecting mortals through dreams.

No, Meng Qi frowned suddenly.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, how could “Yellow Spring” still be alive

If such power is still alive. In today’s world where martial arts are declining

Ye Yuqi recited emphatically: “After the guidance of the Emperor of the Underworld and the sacrifice of many experts, we finally found the way to the Kingdom of K. From now on, we must prepare for the arrival of the Emperor of the Underworld.”

“Nine years of preparation, today will usher in divine glory, the emperor of the underworld will surely become the ruler of the earthly world, and we can also return to his kingdom and live forever.”

“I feel the great aura of the Hades Emperor, and I record this glory with a trembling pen”

“Okay, I should enter the kingdom of the Emperor of the Underworld and pray for his coming”


“what is he going to do”

“He’s crazy”

“Is the national teacher crazy? When they tried to unseal Huangquan, something happened to the national teacher, which led to a tragedy and a secret change?” Meng Qi speculated based on the clues he had found so far.

Ye Yuqi glanced at him: “Unblock Huangquan”

I made a slip of the tongue and Meng Qi laughed dryly. At least so far, no one except himself would have thought that Emperor Zhenwu had been here: “The positive and negative Five Elements Trapped God Formation has changed from outward to inward, and Bomi Kingdom is trying to pray for peace. Regarding the coming of the emperor, this junior suspects that Huang Quan is sealed in the Valley of Worry-free.”

“The power of ancient times has all withered in the middle ages.” Ye Yuqi frowned slightly, and also felt that the sealed “Yellow Spring” could not be alive, and K was not a relaxed and mysterious guy like Qingdi.

She whispered in her mouth, as if thinking: “Worry-free flowers, smell it and get drunk, it can make you forget your worries.”The water, wash away the past, forget your worries, forget your worries, Huangquan water into Mengpo soup, drink it and forget your past.”

That’s right, Mengpo soup, yellow spring water

Meng Qi heard it as if he was struck by lightning. After what Doum said, it’s strange that Wuyou Valley has nothing to do with “Yellow Spring”

Ancient times are full of secrets

He believed more and more that Emperor Zhenwu’s visit to Wuyou Valley had something to do with the Underworld Emperor “Yellow Spring”.

“Let’s go deep.” There was no harvest nearby, and Ye Yuqi flew into the air, surrounded by cold mist, really like a fairy.

Meng Qi followed closely, feeling that the more he flew to the place filled with black mist, the heavier the feeling of cold, damp and dead.

He put the sword in his left hand and took out the “Heaven’s Wound”, not daring to be slighted, even if someone bumped into him, he had to do so

After a while, just as the two were about to fly into the black mist, Ye Yuqi let out a soft “Huh” and motioned for Meng Qi to land.

“What’s the matter?” Meng Qi was puzzled.

Ye Yuqi showed a pensive look: “Go in and try.”

Meng Qi stepped carefully, stepped into the black mist, just touched the black mist, and suddenly heard the sound of zizz, the protective energy was corroded and melted

The pale gold lighted up, and the protective qi stabilized. Meng Qi found it difficult to sense the surrounding world, unable to grasp the principles of the law.

The sea of ​​vitality between the heaven and the earth became pitch black. It was frozen like dead silence, filled with a strange feeling, Meng Qi felt a sign of danger, and he didn’t dare to breathe out his vitality at all, as if it was a poison

For a moment, the fusion of the inner world and the outer world was abruptly cut off. If it was flying, it would fall directly, like a stone thrown into the air

As far as the line of sight is concerned, there is a deep gap ahead. I can’t feel the bottom at all, I only feel the black mist rolling out.

The crack is not considered wide, about ten feet, it is definitely not possible to fly by with lightness kung fu alone, but with the assistance of flying claws, it is not difficult to get through.

“This is the feeling at the core of Jiuyou.” Ye Yuqi’s voice rang in Meng Qi’s ears.

“Nine Nether Cores” Meng Qi turned his head in doubt, while guarding against the black mist, for fear that a tyrannical mummy would come out, such as the Demon King of Poison Hands. Such as Suoming Yasha

Ye Yuqi’s face was clean and calm, “Yes, at the core of Jiuyou, according to some ancient records left over from ancient times. The normal Jiuyou is only filled with demonic or yin energy, but in several core areas, the heaven and earth are different from the human world. Dharma body. If you fall into it, you are all mortals.”

The laws of heaven and earth are completely different, and the intersection with it will naturally stop, so it cannot become a law body. It’s all because mortal Meng Qi understands the current situation.

Ye Yuqi glanced at the gap, as if she could see through the black mist. After a while, her tone fluctuated rarely: “This is a crack cut by a sword, directly cutting through the ground, cutting through the void, and cutting to the core of Jiuyou.”

Meng Qi came up with this idea subconsciously when Zhenwu wielded his sword. In order to conceal his surprise, he asked half-deliberately and half-worriedly, “Will there be Nine Nether Demons or Yin Gods coming out of here?”

“Now Jiuyou is separated from the mortal world, and only the breath communicates. Unless the secret entrance is opened, there will be no demons and ghosts.” Ye Yuqi seemed to know some secrets, and his tone was firm.

A powerful reincarnator who has gone through several death missions, he is not ignorant of Journey to the West, Fengshen and Jiuyou, etc. Meng Qi nodded slightly.

“Let’s make a flying claw and go through the Nine Nether Black Mist, and it should be normal.” Ye Yuqi suggested.

Meng Qi was waiting for a match, when suddenly his heart moved: “Fairy Ye, try first.”

If you become a ghost, can you adapt to this kind of law and fly in Jiuyou?

Ye Yuqi froze for a moment, then came to her senses and exited the black mist together with Meng Qi.

Meng Qi took out the Ghost Face Jade and sat down cross-legged. He had already practiced “Ghost Transformation”, and he was only going one step further so as not to make any mistakes.

He touched the ghost face jade with both hands, and his true energy circulated, sucking in traces of deathly yin energy, putting it into several acupoints, combining it with true energy, and began to condense it

After a cup of tea, these acupoints felt full, and ghost faces appeared in them, gloomy and dead.

Meng Qi’s body changed suddenly, his face was blue and gray, his skin was cold, his vitality was restrained, his death was prominent, his body was translucent, and he seemed no different from Yin Ling.

He stood up and stepped into the black mist, only to feel that the heaven and the earth were close, and the sea of ​​vitality infiltrated his body, and he could mobilize the mighty power of nature with every gesture

Sure enough, Meng Qi, who is worthy of being ranked in the top three in the exchange spectrum, was shocked in his heart and laughed secretly:

“Please call me an all-weather all-terrain combat machine”

Meng Qi grabbed Ye Yuqi’s shoulders, soared up, crossed the gap, and did not return to his original shape until he passed through the black mist.

There is a corridor in front of it, which is in the style of ancient times. On both sides are covered with seven petals of worry-free flowers, and the bright red stamens sway gently with the breeze.

Meng Qi picked a few worry-free flowers, and then walked into the corridor with Ye Yuqi.

The stone bricks of the corridor are gray and white, naturally luminous, gloomy, like the underworld.

After walking for a while, Meng Qi’s pupils suddenly contracted, and his sword was raised, because the Demon King of Poison Hands and Yasha Suoming stood on the left and right of an open stone door.

The location of the two vicious leftists has turned into mummies, and one still has deep scars and exposed intestines. They both looked confused and whispered to themselves, “Who am I?”

Meng Qi had already been shocked, so he didn’t feel any numbness in his scalp. He just looked at the items on Suoming Yasha’s body with a little heartache.They have lost their spirituality and are directly connected with the meaning of cold and damp

Arriving here, the cold and damp almost seems to be real, but I don’t know if it is because it came in through the life gate, it has no change.

At this moment, a figure flashed behind the opened stone gate. He was wearing a black imperial robe, his white hair was tied up in a high bun, and he was wearing a snake-shaped hairpin.

He looked equally confused, and quickly fled to another stone gate in the distance.

The moment he opened the door, he looked back strangely, the corners of his mouth curled up on his blank face, revealing an inexplicable smile that he didn’t even seem to notice.


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