I Honor

Chapter 576

Strange Door

It is really the hand bone of the powerful “Huangquan” of Jiuyou

Meng Qi had anticipated the fact that the hand bone swallowed the breath of “Hell Spring”, so after the appraisal result came out, he was not too shocked, nor did he have a storm in his heart. The shock was shock, but it was mainly doubt.

After “Yellow Spring” got out of trouble, he finally died somewhere due to the end of his lifespan or other reasons, and K’s bones were found by the Impermanence Sect of Life and Death

Could it be that the Impermanence of Life and Death sect inherits K’s orthodoxy

But how precious is this kind of powerful hand bone. In the past, the overlord used the body of the thunder god and the ancient thunder pool to refine a peerless sword. With the help of other things, using this hand bone as the main material can also refine a magic weapon. Why after Lao Zhong stole it, the people sent by the Impermanence of Life and Death Sect are only a combination of enlightened disciples and the living dead outside

This can also explain the reason for manpower allocation, but after Lao Zhongtou escaped, why did the disciples of the Impermanence Sect of Life and Death not report it, so that there was no strong man who could hold back the situation in Dongyang Beppu?

Could it be that the Impermanence of Life and Death sect didn’t know that this was the hand bone of “Huangquan”, and only thought it was valuable and secretive for other reasons, but it still couldn’t be considered too important.

All kinds of doubts are worse than the mystery of the “disappearance” of the strength of the hand bones. Meng Qi can’t figure it out, but Baqian Shangong is too much for him.

At this moment, several ideas turned in his mind, such as selling the “Xuan Shui Dang Demon Banner” to the Lingbao Tianzun or Xianji organization. They should make enough good deeds to restore it, and then each member should pay the price when needed Borrowing, in this way, I can reap a lot of good deeds. Immortal traces can avoid specific tasks, and then borrow them when you want to get rid of the evil thoughts of Zhenwu or perform death tasks.

Of course, this has a disadvantage, because it cannot be carried on your body at any time, in case of an emergency. Can’t help with it.

For example, the hand bones of “Huangquan” are shared with Xianji. Several members get together to solve the mystery, and the follow-up harvest is divided equally. If it is refined into a magic weapon, one person will be in charge for a period of time.

Thoughts abound. Meng Qi made a voice in his head and asked the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation to see if it was feasible.

After seeing K’s profiteering behavior so many times, Meng Qi is more inclined to regard K as a highly intelligent creature rather than a rigid “program” that follows the rules, and he will not think about taking advantage of loopholes. Always ask first.

The indifferent and loud voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation resounded in Meng Qi’s mind:

“The trading of legal body-level items between non-members of the own team also abides by the premise of specific tasks, and the same is true for borrowing.”

“When a reincarnated person and a non-reincarnated person involve Dharmakaya-level items, there is no restriction. However, after twists and turns, when this Dharmakaya-level item falls into another reincarnated person, a direct transaction can be made, whether it is intentional or not.”

“The current value of Huangquan’s hand bone is unknown. It can be shared with anyone, no more than five people. It is regarded as a temporary team.”

Fortunately, after asking Meng Qi, he wiped off his cold sweat. If he borrowed the “Xuan Shui Demon Banner” and had to do specific tasks, then he would be in trouble for his evil intentions.

However, such mandatory constraints also have advantages. At least when encountering resistance from “Mythology” members, they will not be killed without the power to resist because they borrowed the magic weapons and magic-level secret treasures of the Emperor of Heaven or a certain senior member.

There is no need to consider the matter of “Xuan Shui swinging the devil’s flag” for the time being. As one of the most powerful powers in ancient times, Zhen Wu’s evil thoughts can only be killed by specific things, even if he gets other magic weapons in the future. It may not be able to replace “Xuan Shui Dang the Devil’s Banner.” After thinking about it, Meng Qi willHis own spiritual imprint and aura are left on the flag. Income mustard ring.

And the “Huangquan” hand bones are shared with the members of Xianji. It’s better to take advantage of your own little friends. After the task of conferring gods, it’s not difficult for five people to make up eight thousand good deeds.

Including the hand bones and restraining his thoughts, Meng Qi quickly appraised the two secret treasures obtained from Ze Luoju to thoroughly understand their functions and whether to sell them or keep them:

“Ghost Suffering Stone, a mid-level location-level secret treasure, can release a life-seeking ghost. The normal location is at the fourth level. If the owner is not strong enough, and the ghost has not dissipated after killing the enemy, it will be counterattacked. It is worth three One thousand five hundred good deeds can be exchanged for two thousand good deeds.”

“Nine-heart Chan Beads, low-grade location-level secret treasures, are made from the fine locust tree in front of a thousand-year-old temple. Because it fell in the thunder calamity, it is only at the level of the third heaven of location. There are nine rosary beads and nine kinds of meditation, and currently only one can be used. Use it to protect the glass light, worth two thousand meritorious deeds, and can be exchanged for twelve hundred meritorious deeds.”

Meng Qi hesitated. The Evil Ghost Suffering Stone was the ultimate master-level secret treasure that he lacked, but it was too disgusting to eat it back. It felt like it was tasteless to eat and it was a pity to throw it away. But the Nine Heart Zen Orb can be kept. At the critical moment Take a block and eliminate part of the power, maybe your own will be able to resist killing and robbery.

“Look at what I’m doing” “Bixia Yuanjun” Qu Jiuniang was admiring the treasures of heaven and earth and the worry-free flower floating in front of Meng Qi, when she suddenly felt two eyes looking at her, as hot as her own eyes now .

Meng Qi was covered by the mask of “Yuanshi Tianzun”, unable to show a bright smile, he could only chuckle and say, “Yuanjun, I have something to give you a favor.”

In the palm of his hand lay a dark green and almost black stone, with a human face protruding from it, vicious, ferocious, and twisted.

“You also got a secret treasure.” Bixia Yuanjun was heartbroken, hating himself for not gathering Xie Jiugui and others to assassinate Ze Luoju earlier, afraid of the revenge of the crying old man

After the grief was over, she calmed down instantly, applied for the appraisal, and said in a very professional tone: “There is backlash, and the value is not too high. At most, I will give you two thousand and two hundred good deeds.”

You might as well grab Meng Qi and shook his head: “Yuan Jun, you have already passed the first ladder, and you are afraid that the evil spirit will give you 3,200 good deeds.”

“It’s because I have passed the first ladder, so this powerful secret treasure is not of much use to me. It’s better to save more good deeds and buy better ones. Two thousand four hundred good deeds can’t be more.” Qu Jiuniang waved waved.

Meng Qi snorted: “The evil spirits are sealed inside, and in a short period of time, it can be used as a helper of equal strength. It can fight, detect, possess and curse. Is it a general offensive or defensive secret treasure that can’t be less than three thousand good deeds?” .”

“But it can only be used once after all. I will show mercy to you and give you 2,600 good deeds.” Qu Jiuniang’s voice was full of disdain

“Forget it. I don’t have 2,800 good deeds, so I might as well take the risk and use it myself.” Meng Qi withdrew his hand.

Qu Jiuniang immediately took a step forward: “Okay, just 2,800 good deeds.”

Meng Qi chuckled and completed the deal with her.

then. He put Zeluoju’s saber, a few unused treasures of heaven and earth, a large pile of worry-free flowers, etc. into the central jade pillar:

“Soul-absorbing evil knife, low-grade treasure soldier, this is an evil knife that can bind wronged souls. It is made of wronged souls Yin iron and many materials. It was originally medium-grade, but it was struck by the real fire of the sun and the blue thunder of heaven’s punishment. All the bound souls have dissipated, and their quality has declined, and it can be restored by absorbing another hundred high-quality souls, or repaired with 1,200 good deeds, currently worth 2,300 good deeds. It can be exchanged for 1,500 good deeds.”

“The essence of yellow sand, the treasure of heaven and earth, can be used to practice yellow sand-like magic skills or refine similar precious weapons. It is worth 1,400 good deeds, and can be exchanged for 800 good deeds.”

“Semi-finished mustard bag, the ultimate sharp weapon. It only has the ability to shrink things. It is worth 800 good deeds. It can be exchanged for 80 good deeds.”

“Worry-free flowers, watered with thin yellow spring water, can be used to refine the water of forgetting worries. Taking it outside will also forget the past,

But suppressed by the red mist of Xuanshui, it will wither after a certain number of years, so the years are insufficient, and the effect of refining the Water of Wangyou is insufficient, and it is only a sharp weapon. One flower is worth nine hundred good deeds, which can be exchanged for ninety good deeds. A total of fifty-nine flowers. ”

Meng Qi was dumbfounded when he heard that, if he got the worry-free flower in front of the location. Would not it be

He looked at Qu Jiuniang suddenly: “Yuan Jun, can you sell the sharp weapon level to the Kaiqiao team?”

Bixia Yuanjun said in a tone that had been deeply hurt for a long time: “Even if you sell them five hundred good deeds, you will only get fifty good deeds in the end, all of which will be swallowed up by the Six Paths.”

Well, you can’t be too greedy. Meng Qi exchanged all these things. Including the life-slaying evil ghost stone just now, the remaining ones totaled 12,645 good deeds.

Seeing Meng Qi get such a large amount of good deeds in a hurry, Qu Jiuniang’s eyes were sad, and she wished to snatch so many good deeds together. With her current strength, she has never had the experience of obtaining thousands of good deeds

What should I exchange for? Meng Qi was thinking about it when he remembered something, and stretched out his hand to the mustard ring.

“Also, and” Qu Jiuniang was at a loss for words.

What Meng Qi took out were the brass keys of Ze Luoju and An Guoxie, and the strange token that was neither gold nor stone, nor wood nor silk.

“The key to a certain warehouse, if you need a specific address, two hundred good deeds.””The key to a certain courtyard, if you need the specific address, two hundred good deeds.”

Except for the key that was the same as Ze Luoju, An Guoxie’s other keys had such identification results. Meng Qi thought about it for a while, but did not choose to get the specific address, because An Guoxie’s collection may or may not contain useful weapons and other items. I am not a person with a deep gambling nature, so there is no need to spend this kind of good deeds. I have considered this way before, so I have never tried it.

“The key to a secret courtyard, if you need the specific address, five hundred good deeds.”

“Opening token, the opening token of a certain item, if you need detailed information, you will pay a thousand good deeds.”

Counting 1,500 good deeds, Meng Qi felt that the value of the item might be higher than this, so he thought about it, and smiled at Qu Jiuniang again: “Yuanjun, this bunch of keys is from An Guoxie. One of his treasures can be opened with one stroke. He is a famous lone thief in the vast sea. There will not be too many treasures.

Bixia Yuanjun pondered for a while: “Eight hundred good deeds, no more.”

“Okay.” Meng Qi firmly agreed.

This made Qu Jiuniang secretly regret that she would have known that she would repay the six hundred good deeds.

With Qu Jiuniang to undertake most of the good deeds, Meng Qi chose to exchange:

“Located in Yuhai Guangling Street”

“The opening token of the gate of everything”

Meng Qi was a little stunned by the name of the door of myriad phenomena. to be continued


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