I Honor

Chapter 058

Triple Torment

Meng Qi gritted his teeth and looked at the little bird. Hearing its unpleasant voice, he turned around slowly and walked back to the “door” of Han Gui, Practice cross-legged again.

However, this time, Meng Qi tore off two skirts and stuffed them into his ears.

“Do you really think that you can’t hear me like this?”

“Where did I talk about just now? Grandpa’s grandpa’s grandpa. When it comes to my grandpa’s grandpa’s grandpa, I have to start with my grandpa’s grandpa’s grandpa’s grandpa.”

Meng Qi took a deep breath and whispered in his heart, when it was dumb, when it was dumb

Under the double invasion of cold air and noise, Meng Qi barely managed to hold on for five hours, and managed to get through with great difficulty. His whole face turned blue and his whole body trembled.

“Hey, the cold is coming into your body. If you don’t warm up as soon as possible, you will end up lingering on the sick bed in the future.” “Chui Yizi” has never stopped talking since the beginning.

Meng Qi moved out with difficulty, and said in a hoarse voice, “You don’t look like a monster with your words.”

He planned to lure this guy to the side of the cell, tie it up, gag its mouth, and do it once and for all. Meng Qi saw that this little bird was not very strong, and he didn’t even touch the swastika.

“Of course, as a Kunpeng, we have to learn a lot to be able to penetrate the world.” The little bird said shamelessly, “How can you, a stupid human being, understand our great ambitions?”

“I’m the Hu” Huo Hu interjected, and moved inside disdainfully.

“Do you have any great ambitions?” Meng Qi asked softly.

Chui Yizi suddenly laughed loudly: “Don’t you just want to get close and gag our mouths? We are Kunpeng, can we be so easily deceived? You bald donkeys, we only killed a few people before we were arrested Come on, the tiger on the mountain has eaten so many people and so many creatures, and you didn’t say to suppress it. It’s normal for wild beasts to eat people, but it’s not for monsters to eat people.”

Once it opened its mouth, it couldn’t stop at all.

Meng Qi was deeply annoyed, he shouldn’t have talked to this nonsense

In this way, under the double torment, Meng Qi’s life became more and more difficult, but the progress of the golden bell mask was extremely fast. After one and a half months, the third level was successfully practiced, and the golden bell mask reached the stage of accumulating energy. Comparable to Iron Shirt and promising

“Half a month earlier than expected.” Outside the “Cold Turtle” cell, Meng Qi looked at his upper body, and felt a faint sense of texture. He was surprised and happy in his heart. At the same time, he secretly prayed that the next reincarnation mission would be the best. Fortunately, after I completed the fourth level of the golden bell cover.

In the process of putting on the monk’s robe, Meng Qi frowned, looked at Balabala’s flapping wings, and muttered to himself: “Could it be that the noise of this ugly bird is a kind of tempering that can sharpen one’s mind?”

Alas, I still can’t help but want to stuff a rag into its mouth

“My grandpa’s grandfather once found a relic in the sea, but unfortunately, it has been emptied long ago, and the ground is full of bird droppings. It’s strange, there are bird droppings in the underwater ruins, hey, little monk, don’t go, Okay, okay, let’s talk tomorrow.”

Meng Qi stopped and clenched his teeth.

Due to the early breakthrough, he returned to Xuan Bei’s small courtyard an hour earlier than usual, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Xuan Bei holding the Jie Dao and practicing the saber skills freely.

He was not at all surprised by the apprentice’s intrusion, because he sensed Meng Qi from a long distance away.

Meng Qi glanced at it casually, planning to go back to the meditation room first, and then report that he had broken through the third level of the golden bell cover.

It’s not that he’s not curious and doesn’t want to secretly imitate Master’s saber skills, but that he clearly knows that the master’s level of saber skills and moves are extremely mysterious. Only then did the master boldly practice the sword in the courtyard, and others could not help but watch.

But just at this glance, Meng Qi’s feet were stuck to the ground, and he couldn’t move, because this was the first form of “Ananda’s Breaking the Precepts Saber Technique”, “Break the Purity”

Because he was worried that his master would find out, Meng Qi had never had the opportunity to practice this sword technique, so he could only continue to perform it in his mind. When he was ready for the reincarnation space and the task, he took the time to practice again. Who knows, today he saw an outside scene The master practiced this trick, and it was still very unskilled, and the changes were slow at the beginning.

It turned out that seeing Master’s performance in this way, most of the difficulties in Meng Qi’s mind when pondering the sword technique were eliminated, and he felt a sense of enlightenment.

“Really, you have passed the third level.” Seeing that Meng Qi hadn’t left, Xuan Bei asked in a harmonious voice as soon as he withdrew his sword skills.

Meng Qi collected himself, and said, “Go back to Master, this disciple is lucky enough to break through early.”

“You seem to be frivolous in appearance and behavior, but your perseverance is deep inside, calm and deep, and it is normal to have today’s results.” Xuan Bei nodded approvingly, “Starting tomorrow, you will be in the gap between Huohu and Hangui. Practice the fourth level, well, I will go to the stupa with you as a teacher, after all, it is difficult for you to grasp the balance of cold and heat, yin and yang.”

“Yes, Master.” Meng Qi asked “excitedly”, “Master, the saber technique you practiced just now looks very mysterious, and it is many times stronger than the ones practiced by your disciples.”

Xuan Bei patted the Jie Dao: “Ananda broke the precepts of the saber, it was because of your mention that I became interested in it as a teacher. In the future, if you still want to learn this saber, I can teach you directly. ”

“Thank you, Master.” After Meng Qi saluted, he returned to the meditation room full of doubts, and saw Zhenhui gnawing on his face happily.dessert.

“Hey, junior brother, I didn’t practice today.” Meng Qi felt very strange.

Zhenhui said happily: “Brother, I opened up the dantian at noon, and Master rewarded me.”

He presented the snacks in front of Meng Qi’s eyes as if offering a treasure, and it was covered with saliva.

“You have already opened up the dantian.” Meng Qi secretly raised his tongue. Although normally, it only takes two to six months to open up the dantian, it is not a big deal for Zhenhui to open up the dantian in three and a half months. Some people can complete this step in more than a month. But you must know that Zhenhui has already transferred to “Nianhuazhi”, which is the most difficult skill in Shaolin to learn. It is also due to not being able to open up the dantian in three years. Who knows that Zhenhui is so fast.

Zhenhui nodded honestly, and then asked: “Brother, you seem to have something to ask me just now”

Meng Qi decided not to care whether this guy had a relationship with Nianhuazhi, nodded and said, “I ask you, when did Master start practicing Ananda’s saber technique, why did he practice it?”

“A month and a half ago.” Zhenhui had a good memory, and then looked at Meng Qi suspiciously: “Senior brother, isn’t the purpose of master’s practice of swordsmanship to teach you?”

“What?” Meng Qi was quite stunned.

Zhenhui didn’t understand why senior brother would ask such a question, and said in a serious manner: “Because senior brother wants to practice swordsmanship.”

“Well, maybe Master is too kind to us?” Meng Qi admitted that what Zhenhui said was reasonable, but he was quite uneasy, “It’s not because of relatives, why Master is so kind to us?”

Zhenhui took it for granted: “It’s not because he is a relative, but because he is the master.”

“But Master won’t be nice to us for no reason.” Meng Qi frowned.

Zhenhui glanced at Meng Qi inexplicably: “Senior brother, you are kind to me too, what’s the problem?”

Meng Qi pouted, unable to explain clearly to this guy, so he took out the Ganoderma Lucidum Buqi Pills and continued with his “homework”.

“Here.” After entering the stupa, Xuan Bei stood on the outer edge of the junction between Huohu and Hangui’s cells, pointing to the empty tunnel in front of him.

Meng Qi responded, walked over and sat down cross-legged. Suddenly, he felt as if his left side was on fire, and his right side’s veins were stiff. One heat and one cold collided with each other, unprecedented torture and suffering.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Meng Qi didn’t let out a groan, and started to run the mental method of the fourth level of the golden bell cover.

As for the matter of hanging the wings, he didn’t tell the master, because the master let him practice here, and he intended to temper himself. If he couldn’t bear the noise and nonsense, he should give up the matter as soon as possible.

Han Gui and Huo Hu slowly leaned against the iron railing, wanting to torture Meng Qi to the utmost extent.

Hot and cold came together, Meng Qi’s dantian seemed to be pierced with thousands of steel needles, it was extremely painful.

His inner qi was circulating, slowly tempering with the help of changes in cold and heat.

With the change inch by inch, the dantian expanded step by step, and the meridians gradually widened. Meng Qi could clearly feel his own progress while enduring great suffering.

Xuan Bei who was standing next to him nodded lightly, and said with a smile: “True Wisdom’s practice of twisting the flower finger is more suitable than what I expected as a teacher. I have opened up my dantian yesterday, and I will soon be able to accumulate energy and achieve a small success. Maybe it won’t be long. Catch up with you.”

After opening up the dantian, small achievements in accumulating qi are just a matter of accumulating true energy, so Xuan Bei thinks that true wisdom can be achieved soon, and by then the strength will be comparable to that of Meng Qi who also has a small achievement in accumulating qi.

The reason why he said this was to give Meng Qi a sense of urgency, but the sense of urgency did not help Meng Qi’s current cultivation, it only added a mental barrier, so as to better sharpen Meng Qi’s temper.

“However, Zhende, you have also exceeded my expectations as a teacher. The perseverance hidden in your bones is amazing. If you go on like this step by step, even if you start slowly, there will be a time when you soar to the sky. Others can only practice fourth in a year. Guan, you may only need half a year, and by then, you will definitely be ahead of Zhenhui again.”

After giving him a sense of urgency, he began to encourage Meng Qi so that he would not be overwhelmed by mental obstacles.

When the fourth pass of the golden bell cover is completed, it means that the energy storage is complete, the acupoints can be condensed, and the acupoints are ready to be opened. For the Nianhua finger, it may be a year, two years, or even eight or ten years.

After finishing speaking, Xuan Bei turned and left, leaving Meng Qi here alone to endure the two worlds of ice and fire.

“You think we’ll be scared if we find a powerful monk here?” As soon as Xuan Bei left, Drooping Wings started making noises again.

“What is Shaolin martial arts? Do we know where the Demon Emperor’s collection is kept? It is the world-class treasure left by the unique Demon Emperor in heaven and earth.”

“How about letting us out, we’ll take you to the Demon Emperor’s Palace”

For some reason, the sound of Hanging Wings always rang in Meng Qi’s heart. It could be called the most terrifying noise in the world. It belonged to mental torture. It overlapped with the cold and heat of the human body, and its power was multiplied.

Meng Qi’s spirit gradually became a little slack, and he unconsciously recalled the “Ananda Breaking the Precepts Saber Technique” practiced by his master yesterday, which confirmed the sword intent he had comprehended.

Meng Qi, who was tortured by the cold, heat and noise, suddenly had a clear understanding, and his sword intent suddenly became clear, as if he saw the monk with a bitter face walking forward with difficulty but resolutely.

“Breaking the precepts and leaving, the world of mortals is like a furnace, forging my Buddha heart”

Breaking the precepts and going away, the world of mortals is like a furnace, forging my Buddha’s heart At this moment, the various tortures I and my spirit are suffering are not like an oven, forging my inner and outer bodyboom

Meng Qi’s sword was inward, his consciousness was raised, and he clearly felt a little bit of mental torture, feeling that they were “tempering” his “self”, compacting inch by inch, and changing inch by inch.

The external demons are like a furnace, and the inner demons are like carbon, Meng Qi sticks to the center, letting the “clean” sword intent fill his body

In the midst of internal and external competition, Meng Qi, who was furious with swords, did not notice that a layer of dark yellow gradually appeared on his body.

The sword plundered wantonly, and under the pressure of both cold and heat, it broke through many barriers like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, and transformed itself very quickly to resist external demons.

Papapapa, the sound of frying beans resounded all over Meng Qi’s body, and the dark yellow became brighter and brighter, making him look like a brass arhat

This is the image of the fourth stage of the golden bell cover:

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