I Honor

Chapter 603

Finding a different path

Qu Jiuniang’s breath was indeed weak, but it was not caused by injury, it was obviously from the ban, that is to say, the person who captured her made her unable to do it even with all her might, and this was because she had several secret treasuresHer strength is weaker than that of “Underworld Emperor”, and the number of secret treasures and the degree of strangeness are both stronger. The strong person who catches her is at most slightly weaker than “Doumu Yuanjun”, at least it is the peak of the location, and may be a half-step dharma body. or higher

Meng Qi felt as though the air around him had become frozen, as if a pair of dangerous, powerful and malicious eyes were watching him.

But he clearly knew that this was an illusion caused by his change of mood, not real, but one thing is not wrong, where is the strong man who easily captured Qu Jiuniang?

He or they will definitely not be the red-faced and black-faced men who are currently guarding Qu Jiuniang. No matter how strong these two are, it is impossible for them to surpass the first ladder

I found that Qu Jiuniang was worthless, so I no longer paid attention to it.

Or am I lying in ambush in the dark, waiting for someone to come to my rescue?

Questions surfaced in Meng Qi’s mind. The chubby gerbil incarnated cautiously circled around the place where Qu Jiuniang was being held, from afar, looking for traces of traps and ambushes, but unfortunately they found nothing.

He didn’t dare to get close, didn’t dare to be careless, he returned along the same path, got out of the mouse hole, changed back to his original shape, and told “Flying Yasha” exactly what he discovered and deduced.

“Your conjectures are all possible. Since we want to save people, we should treat it as an ambush first.” Yan Wuwo’s ​​face faced the harsh sunlight of the vast sea, exuding a little metallic luster.

Practicing Zombie Boxing, his physical body, who can incarnate as a “Flying Yasha”, is also strong and hard, not much worse than the eminent monks of the same level who practice Golden Bell.

“How to deal with it?” Meng Qi asked.

He thought to himself that if he were himself, the first thing to do is to determine how many strong men are ambushing, their respective strengths, and whether there are formations nearby, so that he can act. Never act recklessly.

Yan Wuwo’s ​​expression was dull, like a real zombie: “First check whether there are strong people nearby and whether there is a formation.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a red pillar of fire shot up behind him, no, it was a tall blue-gray figure surrounded by flames, “it” had two fangs in its mouth, its eyes were hollow, and some water nearby disappeared.

Where the male version of Hanba passed, Meng Qi, who was a hundred miles away from the red land, subconsciously closed his eyes, and suddenly found that the blue-gray Hanba and the flames around him seemed to form a red dragon that breathed out flames. The true meaning of burning everything is hidden deep inside.

One of the “Kowloon god fire phase”

Meng Qi possessed the Tathagata Divine Palm, practiced profound arts, and had extremely keen senses. He had also seen Doumu Yuanjun’s Dharma appearance, and immediately guessed the true Dharma appearance of Yanwuwu from the clues. , that is to say, he majored in Nine Dragons Divine Fire. Combined with the inheritance of Zombie Boxing, what is currently revealed is only part of the law.

Surrounded by flames, “Hanba”‘s feet touch the ground, as if connected to the vast sea, and his standing posture without self is exactly the same as Hanba. It seems to have transformed into the vast land.

The genus of zombies is originally earth, and the dry man has two lines, and the earth is born from fire. It is for the ancestors.

With his eyes closed, Meng Qi seemed to sense that his surroundings were burning fiercely, and everything was burned to ashes, which fluttered down. turned into a part of the earth.

This is the interpretation of the mystery of fire and earth

Meng Qi opened his eyes abruptly. There was no prairie fire in his sight. He saw Yan Wuwo and the drought fire burning behind him.

If it is better than Tudun, there are probably not many people who can compare to it. Wuwu witnessed this scene, Meng Qi thought spontaneously.

As soon as the thought came up, the surface of the vast sandy sea suddenly shook violently, and the weathered rocks in the distance fell down one after another, breaking into several knots.


Meng Qi was startled, and immediately laughed at himself. With his current strength, he was not in a deep mountain, and was afraid of an earthquake in the endless sea.

He flew a little higher, sensed the source of the earthquake, and found that it was hundreds of miles away deep underground, affecting a radius of hundreds of miles.

The strong vibration caused the ground to crack a little, but it soon calmed down, and a pile of gravel rose up, congealed into a human shape, and turned into a selfless statement.

The red flame and drought figure behind him has been put away.

It was he who caused the earthquake Meng Qi suddenly realized why the source of the earthquake was hundreds of miles away

Location: If you do your best, the peak can spread hundreds of miles, and the earthquake itself can also be transmitted, so it is not surprising that it affects a place with a radius of hundreds of miles. The strange thing is that the source of the earthquake is not in the right place

This seems to be a special method of saying nothing, in order to interfere with the judgment of the ambush people and make them think it is a normal earthquake.

Yan Wuwo pondered for a while, and said via voice transmission: “Within a radius of one hundred and fifty miles, there are three masters who are at the peak of exterior scene, and five other masters. They can only roughly sense their identities, and their identities cannot be judged.”

“The quantity is abnormal,” Meng Qi blurted out.

Even because of the current world of the “Tathagata God’s Palm”, the number of locations in the Yuhaitanhan area is terrifying, and there are many masters, but it is unimaginable that eight people can gather within a radius of one hundred and fifty miles.

Judging from this, there is indeed an ambush

“Yes.” Yan Wuwo didn’t say much, and approved Meng Qi’s judgment.

Meng Qi thought about the sound transmission: “I don’t know which of these eight masters are ambush people, and which ones are the ones who came here to investigate normally. Regardless of whether they are or not, let’s take it as it is first, because the enemy has eight masters to plan rescue operations, so be prepared. .”

Yan Wuwo put his hands on his back, vacated his body, and said through voice transmission: “I can only ask Tianzun to make a move.”Although he is proud and conceited, he is as good as any other top performer, but there are three of them here, and the other masters of the seventh and eighth heavens are not easy.

Meng Qi also meant the same thing. Following Yanwuwo’s ​​return and flight, many outdoor scenes came and went nearby, all of which were disturbed by the earthquake, so that the whereabouts of the two seemed normal and would not be suspected.

After flying for a while, Meng Qi went through the matter several times in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

“Master Yan, do you think the person who arrested Jiuniang knows her identity as a member of the Fairy Trail?” Meng Qi suddenly sped up his speed and stood in front of Yan Wuwo.

Yanwu I looked at him without saying a word, waiting for him to continue.

Meng Qi pondered and said, “If you don’t know, it’s easy for Jiuniang to destroy herself when you use the soul-searching secret technique for interrogation. If you don’t know, then who are they targeting?”

“Although Jiu Niang is a strong outsider with a mysterious origin in the eyes of the world, and it is true that someone may rescue her if she is captured, but if you don’t know who is behind her, you will recklessly set up an ambush for an unwise person. Add a powerful enemy to yourself”

“I’m also inclined that they know Jiu Niang’s identity, and this ambush is aimed at our fairy trace.” Yan Wu I didn’t say a few words, as if I was confused about this matter, but in fact I had already made a judgment.

Meng Qi continued: “If it targets our immortal traces, it will not consider the existence of Tianzun and Dharmakaya.”

The general outline of the Tathagata God’s Palm is present in the world, and the possibility of Lingbao Tianzun is nearby is extremely high. What’s the matter with just a few masters in ambush?

“Those who know the identities of Xianji and Jiuniang may not know Tianzun.”

“Xianji” is a mysterious organization anyway, who are the official members? How strong it is has never been known to the world.

“If you know, this ambush may be aimed specifically at Tianzun,” Meng Qi said in a deep voice.

If this is the case, the so-called location peak and other masters are simply a cover to reassure the two of them: Oh, there is indeed an ambush, but the ambush ends there

Yan Wuwo’s ​​face remained unchanged: “I have considered this before, maybe I can let Tianzun pass by with his real identity, plus Cui Qinghe and He Qi, in this way. If there is another ambush, three dharma bodies can be ambushed again.”

This is the most appropriate but also the most helpless way, let alone whether Cui Qinghe and He Qi will cooperate, and whether they will get a glimpse of the secret. Just the exposure of the three Dharma Bodies secretly communicating the song in private will make it difficult to seize the master plan of God’s Palm in the future.

Meng Qi mused, “Perhaps there is no need to bother a few experts.”

“You have a way” Yanwuwu rarely experienced some mood swings.

Meng Qi laughed and said, “Although the Mythical Heavenly Emperor is the Dharma Body, which makes the world look up to the leader of the Immortal Trail, there are only a few Dharma Bodies in the world. When other forces make moves, they consider the possibility of the existence of Dharma Bodies is extremely low. Be prepared to escape. But you will not set up an ambush against the dharma body, after all, the chances of the immortal trace without the dharma body are much higher than those with the dharma body.”

“Except for one force, that is the myth that we often fight with. They know Tianzun, and they are sure that he is the Dharma body. If they are related to them this time, they can basically be sure that the trap is aimed at Tianzun. It may be that my spying has been noticed before, but they bear it. Not sending it out, or even doing it on purpose.”

“If we can find out whether Shinhwa is involved in this matter, and whether we have sold our secrets to other forces, the matter will be relatively simple.”

Yanwu I nodded lightly: “Where do I start?”

“Master Yan forgot to bless Heavenly Official Zhou Qiushan,” Meng Qi said with a smile.

As an official member, he appeared here again, so he should know some things, as long as he does not pry into the secrets of the “myth” and only arouses matters related to Bixia Yuanjun, it will not cause self-destruction

Yanwuwu has always been decisive, and immediately agreed to Meng Qi’s request, not considering keeping Zhou Qiushan and catching other people from Shinhwa.

After agreeing on this matter, he fled into the earth without saying anything, while Meng Qi turned into an unfamiliar location, looking around for the whereabouts of Zhou Qiushan and Qian Kai.

Half a day later, somewhere in a place where the Buddha’s light rose, Meng Qi saw Qian Kai, Zhou Qiushan and the “gatekeeper” Lu Jiang looking for something in the ravine from a distance.

“Let me do it” Yanwuwo popped up suddenly.

Meng Qi shook his head and said, “We have to be careful that there are high-ranking officials near Zhou Qiushan, and please ask the head of Yan to hide first, and if there is any discrepancy, he will pull me out of trouble.”

Without words, I glanced at Meng Qi: “You are sure to take down Zhou Qiushan quickly.”

“Of course there are.” Meng Qi’s tone was calm and full of confidence.

Yan Wuwo hid in the ground again, while Meng Qi waited patiently. After a while, Zhou Qiushan, Qian Kai and the gatekeeper searched separately, and the distance became wider and wider.

Meng Qi transformed himself into a “Da Ri San Ren” Shen Bao, with his left hand holding the center of the scabbard, he suddenly flashed not far from Zhou Qiushan.

Zhou Qiushan was startled at first, and immediately sensed Meng Qi’s aura, relaxed a little, and said in a deep voice, “Why did brother Shen appear here?”

His eyelids twitched slightly, and the mole became more conspicuous.

“After thinking about it, I still intend to cooperate with you, so I came all the way to find out your whereabouts.” Meng Qi walked towards Zhou Qiushan with a smile.

While talking, Meng Qi walked a safe distance.

Zhou Qiushan let out a sigh of relief: “It’s just right, with Brother Shen’s help, we should be able to go deep there.”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Meng Qi take a sudden step, shortening the distance by nearly ten feet, and suddenly appeared in front of him.Less than a foot in front of him, he clenched his right hand and swung it out.

The fist is pure white, surrounded by golden and black and white light spots, filled with solemn and sacred meaning, intertwined with the breath of Tao and morality, setting off the well-defined fist like a “jade ruyi”.

Zhou Qiushan didn’t have time to react, a layer of glazed light shield suddenly rose from his body, and the secret treasure burst out in response.

The “Yu Ruyi”-like fist knocked down, feeling sacred and inviolable, the ancestor of all laws.

Silently, the pure white fist pierced through the glazed light shield

Zhou Qiushan was inexplicably astonished, purple energy rose all over his body, full of a sense of blessing, as if he was always lucky to avoid disasters.

The golden light spots are brilliant, and the black and white colors are connected into one piece. “Yu Ruyi” seems to have a golden lotus growing on its head, blooming a black and white glow

Amidst the enveloping light, it was useless for Ziqi to flicker and move, this punch hit Zhou Qiushan’s forehead

Turning rigidity into softness, turning yin into yang, his fists opened suddenly, and he held Zhou Qiushan’s forehead, and a trace of true energy penetrated, sealing his soul and body.

At this time, a pillar of red fire rose up, encircling Meng Qi and Zhou Qiushan together, and they fled through the earth, disappearing without a trace.

The “gatekeepers” Lu Jiang and Qian Kai in the distance both sensed when they were fighting, and rushed to help, and they came close in a breath.

But in their eyes, gravel was everywhere, the ground was full of yellow sand, and there was no one there. Zhou Qiushan, who was still there just now, was gone.

A layer of cold sweat protruded from Qian Kai’s forehead. If he hadn’t just parted with Zhou Qiushan, he almost suspected that he had a dream, or that Zhou Qiushan hadn’t come here at all.

After two breaths, Zhou Qiushan was taken away

what a terrible enemy


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