I Honor

Chapter 610

: The Beginning of Heaven, No Yin and Yang

There is no perfect person in the world regardless of deeds. Although this sentence is biased, it has a certain truth. There are always dark places in the human mind. There are both instinctive selfishness and all kinds of ugliness caused by external influences. Thoughts, but most people think about them at most, and forget them in a blink of an eye, and if these thoughts are presented naked in front of others, the sense of shame is self-evident, just like running naked in a bustling city, and there is even a sense of shame. over

Meng Qi looked at the sometimes distorted and sometimes normal face in the gentle stream, looked at his evil self, and listened to him expressing his dark thoughts. His shame and anger were beyond words, and he subconsciously resisted, denied and rejected.

But after hearing the words “Loyalty is gone, benevolence is gone”, he suddenly laughed and said in a low voice:

“Yes, I’m not a purely good person.”

The originally normal face became distorted, slightly dazed, as if he didn’t expect “I” to admit it so quickly and so easily

Twisted and relaxed, Meng Qi’s eyes were no longer showing resistance, he looked at the stream and said slowly:

“I’m not a nice guy.”

“I like to be in the limelight, I like to show my holiness in front of others, and I am easy to get proud.”

“I am narrow-minded, and I will take revenge if I have a grudge. If I am overwhelmed by others, I will think about repressing it in the future, and I will not suffer.”

“I am greedy for perfection, and I often have a sense of luck. Occasionally, my mind will be deceived. I know that some things are dangerous, but I always rely on the help of good hands and expert people to step in and muddy the water.”

The face in the stream twisted again, showing a cruel smile: “It’s good that you know.”

The smile faded, Meng Qi looked calm, and continued:

“I haven’t cut off my six faculties yet, and there are always various kinds.”

“As for Gu Xiaosang, she has many schemes and unpredictable thoughts, and she is in a hostile position. Dealing with her and defeating her is the right thing to do. But wanting to ravage her and train her is my own dark thoughts, because she is Stunning beauty, because she is eccentric, elusive, and has a strong temptation, if she has pockmarked face and vulgar behavior, obviously she will not.”

“Yu Zhiwei. It’s normal for Mu Shaoai to be lustful. After she chooses the path of swordsmanship, any resentment or loathing is out of selfishness in my heart, and has nothing to do with her.”

“Yu Yushu, Senior Brother Qi, and Zhao Laowu feel that they are slow to improve, unable to keep up with me, and become a drag. It is also selfish and has nothing to do with them.”

He analyzed the darkness in his heart sentence by sentence. Tell the root of your thoughts, face yourself directly, and the more you speak, the more peaceful you will be.

The distorted face became less ferocious, but the eyes were still dark. A low voice came out of the mouth: “What do you want to say?”

Meng Qi straightened his back, put his hands behind his back, and walked towards the stream:

“I want to say that everyone has a heart of selfishness and greed.”

“right, so entered this door. Seeing the ghosts inside, no one, no matter how affectionate and righteous, can face himself. “The demon Meng Qi said.

Meng Qi no longer had the previous shame and anger in his eyes:

“I have many faults, I have all kinds of dark thoughts. But I am not their slave”

“It is easy to win others, but difficult to win yourself. This is a long-term and repeated process. It is not something that can be done once and for all after a certain awakening. You must always be vigilant, review everything, and reflect on yourself three times a day.”

“As for dark thoughts, as long as I can control them, make them fleeting, and not disturb my heart, why worry Zhiwei chose her own path, I am happy for her, I feel gratified, and hate that resentment is just Embellishment, if you know it’s not good, it will be scattered with the wind.”

“Senior brother Qi, Yushu and Zhao Laowu have not improved so fast. I will help them, because they have helped me in the same way. I have also dragged others down. I have selfishness, feelings, and the heart to distinguish right from wrong. ”

“Gu Xiaosang is beautiful, eccentric, and infinitely charming, but I know life is precious, I know the vicious methods behind her stunning appearance, I know that I have no feelings for her, and I don’t expect to be treated specially by her, so I can control it.” Concentrate on obscenity, regard pink powder as bones, and act when it is time to act”

“Evil” Meng Qi’s face sank like water, and he didn’t say a word.

Meng Qi stepped across the stream without looking back:

“There is love, righteousness, kindness and benevolence in the back mountain of Shaolin. Don’t enter this school. Practicing the Yi Jin Jing will make people degenerate and grow up in the dark side. I have always doubted about this.”

“Before I came in, I asked myself what would happen if I practiced Yi Jin Jing against myself.”

“What will happen?” the demon Meng Qi subconsciously asked.

“I once told Duan Rui that there is darkness in the human heart, good and evil coexist, just like the world is divided into yin and yang, transforming each other, just like walking in the sun, there will always be shadows.”

“Resisting it, repelling it, trying to get rid of it is the next strategy, because it is one body, the shadow is formed by the body, there is no way to get rid of it, maybe it can be successful today, and the sun will come back tomorrow, and it will appear again, which will affect My own mind feels that I am evil, and the two become more and more opposed.”

With a gentle voice, Meng Qi gently brushed away the branches and leaves in front of his eyes, “In the face of darkness, as long as you can control them, not be affected by them, and get rid of obsessions and stereotypes, you are a good person.”

His expression was suddenly solemn, with a hidden meaning of being out of the dust, and he said in a low voice:

“At the beginning of the sky, there is no yin and yang.”

“At the beginning of man, there is no good or evil”

During the chanting, the acupoints all over his body were opened, and the complete “immortal primordial phase” appeared inside, and everything became gloomy and dark, with no distinction between yin and yang.

“Evil” Meng Qi uttered an unwilling scream, his distorted face returned to normal, his pupils were dark, the whites of his eyes were clear, good and evil were unified, and his heart controlled him

Without looking back, Meng Qi started to walk towards the mountain peak at the core of the dilapidated ancient temple.

If he hadn’t cultivated the “Indestructible Yuanshi Phase” that tolerates change, and had been in contact with Duan Rui before, and had thought about similar things, he might not be so easy to control the demon.

If there is a little carelessness, the darkness will expand, and the evil will really be born, and he will be honored to join the ranks of Gu Xiaosang, Gao Dage and Duan Rui, and become another psychopath with split personality.

The floating top of the tortoise script illuminates the four of them, but apart from Duan Rui, Wang Siyuan and others have their own abnormalities.

Wang Siyuan was no longer as elegant and weak as usual, he spoke politely, curled his lips, and squinted at the white-haired old man with no pupils: “I am a member of the Wang family with extraordinary talents, but I don’t practice arithmetic.”

The white-haired old man snorted: “I have a high self-esteem, a sick mind, a madness and restraint. It’s simply disgusting.”

The middle-aged man somewhat similar to Wang Siyuan glared at Wang Siyuan: “In your heart, I’m afraid you look down on my uncle, a short-lived ghost who practiced almanac.”

Wang Siyuan chuckled lightly, with a slightly crazy expression: “Take the world as a game, and all living beings as a chess game, to play against ancient powers, and to live with future immortals and Buddhas, is it an ambition you can understand?”

“The changes in the world, I don’t know if it can be counted.” He looked up at the sky full of blood and black air, his eyes were deep. Full of inquiry.

Duan Rui was dumbfounded as he listened, not understanding why the three members of the Wang family suddenly quarreled, each exposing their shortcomings and showing their ugly faces.

Suddenly, Wang Siyuan’s demented expression became peaceful, and he said with a half-smile, “Don’t worry, just get used to it. There is darkness in people’s hearts, and it is inevitable to have ugly thoughts.”

During the conversation. His face was a little twisted again, and he was arguing with the other two again.

Duan Rui suddenly came to his senses, looking at the collapsed Buddhist temple and the rotten Qibao. The withered Bodhi blurted out: “There is something weird here”

“This demonized pure land can magnify the dark part of everyone’s heart. If you repel, resist and try to get rid of it, you will be dark and self-protected. It will become stronger and stronger, and you will gradually be able to resist yourself, so let it do its job. Take a little control, just go out It’s gone.” Wang Siyuan looked at Duan Rui with an intermittent smile as he returned to normal, “Because of this, I only let the two elders with the worst relationship in the family follow, and it won’t be worse anyway.”

“If it wasn’t for the Patriarch’s order, who would care about you short-lived ghost?” the white-haired old man without pupils said angrily.

Duan Rui was stunned for a moment, isn’t this a reflection of himself?

He looked at the stream next to him, and saw himself with dark eyes and distorted face.

Wang Siyuan next to him sometimes taunted wildly, and sometimes looked leisurely, and whispered softly:

“no goodThere is no disgusting body, there are good and malicious actions, knowing good and evil is conscience, doing good and eliminating evil is investigating things. ”

After controlling the demons in his heart, Meng Qi walked to the foot of the mountain without encountering any demons or zombies.

The mountain in front of him is so tall that it is obviously divided into seven layers, and it becomes smaller as it goes up. The rocks are ancient and full of dead trees. Meng Qi took a deep breath, ready to interrupt his return at any time, took a step forward, and walked into the mountain path.

The field of vision changed, the surroundings became blurry, and suddenly there were terrifying and abnormal auras, all of which were existences that could move the heavens, making Meng Qi tremble.

A person sat cross-legged beside the road, his face was blurred and bitter, and he said with emotion:

“I see.”

Meng Qi was so tense that he almost blurted out the word “Ananda”

Fortunately, he stabilized in time, and realized that it was just an illusion, somewhat similar to the aura of the Human Emperor’s Ancient Path.

Looking into the distance, there is a bronze-colored giant standing upright, with thunder patterns all over his body, entangled with lightning, and the birth and death are all in one world.

“Thunder God.” Meng Qi walked forward cautiously, not understanding why he saw them.

In the distance, there is the Zhenwu Dangmo Tianzun with a clear face and Taoist robes, and the mysterious Buddha with blossoming golden lotuses,

In the deepest place, if there seems to be nothing, there is a Taoist hidden, but there is no up, down, left, and right, no front and rear yin and yang, so it is difficult to spy.

Next to this Taoist, there is a faint golden Buddha, pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other.

It’s all related to me, the ancient great power Meng Qi suddenly realized,

This is what I am most worried about, and it is the obsession that destroys my purity the most. The ancient power is mysterious and unpredictable, and its purpose is unknown. How can people not be wary or afraid?

Because of this, Meng Qicai insisted on cultivating “Karma and Karma”. Apart from auxiliary secret arts, it is the only Karma Martial Art that can be practiced directly in the external scene

Both “Xuan Gong” and “Yuan Shi Jin Zhang” exterior chapters only have related cause and effect explanations, and there is no direct cultivation method.

Meng Qi suspects that all kinds of entanglements in his body will explode when he achieves the dharma body, and no matter how powerful people stay behind, they will eventually fall on the cause and effect. Only by understanding cause and effect and initially practicing their own cause and effect can they response

Maybe it was because he was scaring himself, they were already dead, but Meng Qi didn’t dare to be careless after all, he was prepared

Meng Qi walked forward cautiously, and found that none of the powerful phantoms had moved, until he climbed over this floor and saw a string of broken Buddhist beads.

This is the treasure of suppressing the eye

It turned out to be broken, no wonder there were only phantoms and no changes.

Wang Siyuan and others also arrived at the front of the mountain. Looking at the white mist above and the looming figure inside, they smiled and reminded Duan Rui: “This is an enchantment arranged with Ananda’s broken saber technique. It seems that the eyes of the formation It has not been damaged, so be careful not to be affected.”


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