I Honor

Chapter 647

Handi Bole

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After the darkness, pure and clear light shines through the eyes, and the simple and slightly old buildings around are reflected in the eyes.

In the distance, there are several towering rammed earth platforms, with pavilions and pavilions built on them, with complicated patterns and extravagant capabilities.

“It’s not a small city.” Meng Qi looked around, watching the people coming and going,

Some of them are dignified, with ancient crowns and robes, and weapons on their waists, but there are very few such people. Occasionally, one or two people can be spotted, or they are whizzing by in a carriage. Most of them are ordinary people in plain clothes and hurrying. Then there are the slaves with numb and sluggish expressions.

“Such a city must have high-ranking doctors or nobles, which will help us lobby.” Zhao Heng nodded slightly.

Meng Qi frowned: “How can you lobby for Mohism and the interests of princes and nobles?

Each of them holds a copy of the information given by the Six Paths, which is a general introduction to the theory of Mohism.

Jiang Zhiwei looked around: “Let’s find a hiding place first and then we can talk.”

The clothes of the five people are different from those of the people in the city, so they have to disguise themselves first, so as not to be interrogated as spies.

After a while, they found a half-mud and half-thatched house, in which there were only orphans and widows. The mother weaves and the children manage the kitchen. It is very difficult. In some places, white cloth is hung, as if the master has just died. Long.

The back of the house is a hidden and clean place. Meng Qi and others have changed a little, and they are no longer different from ordinary people.

“The world here is full of energy, but it also feels dilapidated.” Ruan Yushu closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Perhaps it was because the leader of the Tongtian sect wanted to re-establish the fire and feng shui of the earth and destroyed the heaven and the earth.” Taking this opportunity, Meng Qi briefly introduced the situation of the gods he obtained from the fairy trails combined with what he had learned in his previous life.

Jiang Zhiwei and the others listened attentively, but tacitly did not ask about Meng Qi’s source.

“In short. Try not to split things up. If you encounter supernatural powers and terrifying secret treasures, you can have someone to take care of them. Even if you want to divide them, you must have a defensive secret treasure for each side.” Meng Qi emphasized.

“It should be meant.” Zhao Heng agreed.

Jiang Zhiwei nodded lightly: “The Mohist theory sees strict ranks and sees the hardships of ordinary people. If you start from them, you will definitely not be welcomed by the princes and nobles, and you will inevitably be suppressed.”

A fight seemed inevitable.

“Not necessarily.” Zhao Heng shook his head solemnly, “From the description, the world of conferred gods only has the germination of Confucianism, Taoism, Fa and Mohism. It hasn’t officially appeared yet, and we can make slight changes to the Mohist theory without departing from the gist. Let it not be hated by the princes and nobles, there is a basis for acceptance, and, I looked at the Mohist theory in my hand, it is very brief, only the main idea. There are no details, that is to say, the Six Ways may just want us to develop it on our own. ”

Jiang Zhiwei and Qi Zhengyan looked at the paper and found that there were only ten words written on it: “Jianai. Feigong, Shangxian, Shangtong, Tianzhi. Minggui, not fate, not joy. Festival use, festival burial” ten words and the corresponding most Rough explanation, no specific elaboration, it seems that any explanation is fine, as long as it is self-contained, there is no contradiction in itself.

“From this point of view, the difficulty of the task is a little lower than expected.” Meng Qi agreed with Zhao Heng’s judgment after careful consideration.

Although the thoughts and concepts of the five of them are more or less influenced by certain Mohist theories, they have not actually delved into it deeply. After all, the age is too long, and it is too idealistic and unrealistic.

Under the circumstance that five people only half understand the Mohist theory, it is an unavoidable path to make their own origin according to the essentials.

“Jianai is not easy to change.” Ruan Yushu said suddenly.

The Ruan family in Langya often excavated ancient scores, and they can be said to have a family history in both qin art and ancient books. Ruan Yushu understands the Mohists better than others.

Qi Zhengyan looked at the paper and said: “Love each other, benefit each other, everyone in the world is equal, the rich do not despise the poor, the strong do not bully the weak, the many do not bully the weak, destiny is not predetermined, not born of womb, not determined by position.” , as long as you keep striving for self-improvement, you will surely come to the fore when you are worthy of being a medieval saint.”

He originally agreed that “Jian Ai” is not easy to change, but as he talked, when he thought of “Unfate”, he felt the same for a moment and sighed.

Zhao Heng frowned when he heard this: “The person who becomes a superior should have a benevolent heart and love the world at the same time.”

“This is Confucianism, no matter how it is developed, it shouldn’t be distorted to this extent.” Jiang Zhiwei shook his head in denial.

“Then let’s conceal our mutual love first, develop others, and use ourselves as an example to slowly guide the princes and nobles to agree.” Zhao Heng gave a helpless solution.

“Wait a minute.” Meng Qi frowned slightly, “Old Zhao, according to you, we must lobby the princes and nobles, from top to bottom.”

The theory of Mohism seems to be more suitable for starting from the bottom, a single spark can start a prairie fire

Zhao Heng said without hesitation: “Of course, the princes and nobles are descendants of immortals, descendants of gods and demons, powerful and tyrannical, ordinary hundredSurnames can’t compete in any way, if you want to preach, you can only lobby them.”

“Yes.” Meng Qi nodded slowly.

Indeed, this is a sacred world of gods, demons and immortals whose power belongs to itself. Ten thousand people may not be as good as a nobleman or a scholar-bureaucrat. Without their approval and help, it is almost impossible for a country to practice Mohism.

But the power of humanity lies in gathering the crowd. In the past, the emperor did not look down on the people. Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei, Ruan Yushu, and Qi Zhengyan looked at each other and saw the same meaning.

However, this will take a long time, and it will definitely not be done in a year or a half. For now, I will try according to Zhao Laowu’s suggestion.

After having a direction, the five of them reformed the Mohist theory with each other, trying to be as relaxed as possible, not so idealistic and unrealistic.

In the afternoon, Meng Qi, who is good at changing, went out to inquire, and found out that this world is Bole City in Han. There is Lord Bole among the four princes of various countries. Apart from the Marquis of Han, they should be the nobles who should lobby the most in Han.

“Since we have a wide range of customers, we are not afraid that we may not see Mr. Bole.” Meng Qi and the others decided to use this brother of the Marquis of Han as a test stone.

The tower of rammed earth was towering, and the pavilions stood tall. Meng Qi pretended to be the “leader” and led Jiang Zhiwei and others to the mansion of “Lord Bole”.

Seeing that the five people were all very imposing, the concierge did not dare to be negligent, and greeted them: “Your honored guest, what is the purpose of coming?”

Meng Qi was wearing a black robe. Let yourself appear mature, so that people can pay attention and are willing to listen to your own “theory”.

I just pretended to be Juzi, he thought silently, and said calmly: “I often heard that Mr. Bole has the ability to understand people, is approachable, and recruits a wide range of followers. He wants to get rid of the evils of the Han land, so I took the liberty to come here.”

When he spoke, his breath turned, deep and inexplicable. It’s hard to describe in words, there are big suns and other virtual phenomena flying around, and the doorman is stunned in horror, feeling stronger than most of the master’s doormen

If you don’t show your strength, I’m afraid you can only be received by housekeepers, but after showing enough value, Mr. Bole will definitely see you in person in the name of “approachable” and “informal”

really. After the guests reported, “Bole Lord” Ji Wu went directly to the gate, and was treated very politely.

He looks young, but his eyes are deep. There are hidden vicissitudes of life, the clothes are not simple but not gorgeous, and the crown is worn on the head, and the breath is slightly exposed. The wind and thunder condense and repel others.

“Grandmaster” Meng Qi and the others were slightly startled.

Although he could have imagined the power of the world of conferred gods long ago, he did not expect that he would meet a nobleman randomly as a master.

Bo Lejun is very enthusiastic. Walking arm in arm with Meng Qi, and laughing at Yan Yan to Ruan Yushu, Zhao Heng and others, it makes people feel like a spring breeze.

When passing through many palaces and pavilions, Meng Qi sensed a lot of exterior scenes, some of them were Bole Lord’s subordinates, or he was a retainer, more than 20 years old.

“With the strength of a country’s high-ranking nobles, the number of exterior scenes is only slightly smaller than that of the Martial Dao School.” Meng Qi only felt thrilling.

Worthy of the world of gods

After entering the room, a few people knelt and sat behind the table, exchanged some pleasantries, Mr. Bole cupped his hands and said: “You guys came from afar, why teach me?”

“I often heard that you want to get rid of the evils of the Han land, so you have overestimated your strength and come here to make a fool of yourself.” Meng Qi knelt and sat up straight.

Mr. Bo Le said seriously: “All ears.”

According to what had been discussed before, Meng Qi spoke slowly: “One principle is to honor the virtuous and to use talented people regardless of their status. Although noble officials are strong, their number is limited. Although common people’s slaves are weak, their number is large. Even if the former has ten talents , the latter is one in ten thousand, and it can also be ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times better than the former, so it must be observed.”

“As long as you are able to select talents, teach martial arts, and give help regardless of your dignity, in time, you will have no one to use, and you will never get rid of the accumulated evils.”

Mr. Bole pondered for a long time, and changed his address: “Sir, I see Wanli clearly, but this is one of the accumulated disadvantages. If I choose talents and teach martial arts widely, I may be falsely accused of treason. Moreover, there is one person in Wanzhong who is worthy, compared to others. Noble doctor, it takes a lot.”

Meng Qi didn’t hesitate to say, “So we need to spend less and bury less.”

“Building this high platform and building this pavilion, how many warriors can be raised after death? The way to live forever after death is illusory, why waste your fortune for nothing?”

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Bole’s face changed slightly: “I am a descendant of King Wen, a descendant of a god and a man. After death, I will be able to ascend to the heavens. Why is it so illusory? You don’t need to say too much, sir.”

Meng Qi was a little stunned. He didn’t even mention Jianai Feigong, which was the most likely to be opposed. Just a single funeral attracted fierce opposition from Mr. Bole. It was really difficult for Mohism to spread among the upper echelons.

Mr. Bole didn’t want to talk any more, so he called the butler and asked him to lead Meng Qi and the others down and become his guests.

Meng Qi exchanged glances with Jiang Zhiwei and the others, and suddenly got up to salute:

“Since you can’t accept the words of a certain person, I have no taste in waiting, so I will leave here.”

Mr. Bo Le stayed behind and said: “The five are profoundly knowledgeable and have extraordinary strength. They should leave room for their talents.”

“Can you take what someone said?” Meng Qi asked seriously.

Mr. Bo Le’s face was hesitant: “I can’t.”

Meng Qi laughed, and turned around with cupped hands:

“Differences in the way do not conspire with one another”

Mr. Bole’s face was gloomy, but thinking about his reputation did not stop the five of them from leaving.

Leaving the mansion, Meng Qi sighed to Jiang Zhiwei and the others: “It’s more difficult than I imagined.Difficult, Mohism is indeed the enemy of the upper class. ”

“It seems that they attach great importance to the affairs after death, and the theory of festival burial must be changed.” Zhao Heng frowned.

When the four of them sighed and moved forward, someone suddenly chased them from behind:

“The first few friends stay behind”

Meng Qi suddenly felt chills. Fortunately, it was not a good event for fellow Taoists to stay in the sky to drop pies. The cool mobile phone is waiting for you to follow. c Official account WeChat, add friends, add official account, enter ddxiaos to confuse, and participate immediately Everyone will get a prize , Now immediately pay attention to the WeChat public account of ddxiaos


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