I Honor

Chapter 650

: The Scared Mr. Bole

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As the setting sun slanted, gold flowed like blood, and the hustle and bustle of Bole City gradually subsided into tranquility.

“Corporal” Cao He sat quietly for a while after dinner, and when it was getting dark, he got up and went out, walking in a hurry.

When he got to the outside room, he looked left and right sharply until he confirmed that there was nothing abnormal, then he suddenly quickened his pace and turned into a nearby alley, lowering his head from time to time, for fear of being noticed.

After making a full circle around the area and changing directions continuously, he pushed open the door of a large house and stepped into the hall, with his back arched and his steps light, for fear of disturbing others and breaking the atmosphere here.

This kind of behavior is not only because of fear of becoming the target of public criticism, but also a subconscious behavior in the heart. The lectures of Mr. Su and others make people admire involuntarily.

The hall is covered with straw mats, kneeling and full of people of all kinds, some are dressed as scholars, some are dressed as guests, there are wandering warriors, and there are ordinary people, with different identities but the same focus, showing a little piety.

And in the first part, it was Meng Qi’s turn to give a lecture today, and he talked about “love each other and benefit each other”.

“The world is not benevolent, treats all things as dogs, is not tyrannical, and treats all people equally.” Meng Qi tried his best to improve the concept of “universal love”, so that 8 used the content of Tao Te Ching that has not yet appeared in this world .

“The world is not benevolent, and there is no love for all things as dogs.” As a scholar, Cao He savored this sentence carefully, and the more he tasted, the more mysterious he became.

Mr. Su is really a great talent. Not only does he have insight into the world’s affairs, and he hides the evils of the world, but he can also study the way of heaven. Cao He sat down quietly, not daring to make a sound.

He noticed that there were Zhao Bai, Wang Qi and other strong men in the innermost circle, as well as a dozen warriors and scholars with solemn expressions. Nodding secretly, this is the “Mo” who follows the gentlemen.By”

“In today’s world, the noble and the humble, the rich and the poor, and the strong bully the weak, is there no way to be merciless? If you violate the will of heaven, you will be punished by ghosts and gods. It is difficult to ascend to heaven after death. Therefore, everyone must have a heart of compassion. , not only self-love, but also love for others.” Forced to get here, Meng Qi couldn’t help but say, “Besides, among the nobles, there are many whose ancestors became gods and immortals during the war against Zhou. Before that, they were all commoners. Or get a chance, be passed on, and take elixir. Or make great achievements, be rewarded by ghosts and gods, gods, Buddhas, sages, princes and generals will be kind to each other.”

Gods, Buddhas, sages, princes and generals, Xiang Ning, Cao He and others felt their scalps go numb, and their bodies felt as if they had been struck by lightning. Feel the fear, but also feel comfortable.

Meng Qi stopped short, and then said: “As long as you study hard and practice hard, do it for the benefit of the world. Sooner or later you will be rewarded by ghosts and gods, become immortals and gods, and become kings and lords. The destiny is in people, it is not predestined. Fate.”

This excited everyone here. Among Mr. Su’s “Ten Ci Zhen Jue”, what they like and are most willing to listen to is “Fate”, which is also connected with Tianzhi, Minggui, etc. to form a whole , as the basis for appreciating the virtuous and the same, it is the premise of both love and non-aggression.

Meng Qi seemed to be sitting upright, talking eloquently and confidently, but in reality he was trembling. The aristocrats in this world are too powerful, and even gods, gods and Buddhas are temporarily incapable of fighting, so they have to be reformed, and they must not be pointed directly at them, but they must be consistent. , Self-contained system, really difficult.

Just like just now, although Meng Qi demonstrated that gods, Buddhas, sages, and princes and generals have kindness, on the one hand, he used it as the basis of universal love, but on the other hand, he affirmed the efforts of the ancestors of the princes and nobles, and admitted that they were the descendants of immortals. , is the descendant of God and man, has the legitimacy of ruling and temporarily superior status, and only expresses the “ascending channel”.

His face straightened: “Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Everyone has the instinct of self-preservation. There is nothing wrong with it. When communicating with each other, we must uphold the heart of mutual love and proceed in a way that is beneficial to both. to last long”

Meng Qi’s words were not fast, but Cao He and the others felt that their “ears” were too busy to listen, because every sentence was profound and thought-provoking, but if you savored it carefully, you would miss the words that followed, and you could only wish to grow ten heads

It was almost midnight, Meng Qi tapped the chime bell next to him:

“That’s it for today.”

Cao He and others hurriedly got up, thanked and sent off Mr. Su respectfully. They only felt that their hearts were satisfied, their spirits were enriched, they had gained a lot, and they had an unprecedented joy.

Just when Cao He was about to leave, he suddenly saw a person standing in the corner next to him, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his body subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

But the man had already seen him, and greeted him with a smile: “Brother Cao Xian also came to listen to Mr. Su’s lecture.”

Cao Heqiang smiled and said, “I never thought of meeting Mr. Zhou.”

This is Zhou Xin, Mr. Bole’s adviser, he actually appeared here

Zhou Xin laughed and said: “Mr. Su has the world in his chest. He doesn’t know how many carriages he has learned, and he often speaks small things, so how could he not listen?”

“Besides, I am also a commoner, and I agree with Mr. Su’s words from the bottom of my heart.

Cao He exchanged pleasantries with him, and said his goodbyes cautiously, while Zhou Xin went straight to Mr. Bole’s mansion after leaving Zhao Mansion.

Agree to agree, does not mean to support

Mr. Bole walked slowly with his hands behind his back, while Zhou Xin next to him was talking about the Mohism that he had heard in the past few days.

When it comes to the unity of action viewpoints in superiors and the leader’s adhering to the will of heaven, Mr. Bole couldn’t help but say:

“Okay, well, if they have great talents, Tianzhi, Minggui, Shangxian, Shangtong, they all hit the disadvantages of the times, so I have the idea of ​​not building a tomb and hoping to reach the sky after death. Great merit, the flesh body enshrines the gods, with this financial resources, why not seek great things”

But when Zhou Xin recounted both love and death, Mr. Bole’s face was slightly gloomy, and he thought to himself: “They are still too unrealistic, their hearts are complicated, their greed is endless, and their selfish thoughts are the most serious. To be able to love at the same time must be restrained by ghosts, but ghosts and gods also have selfish intentions and no gods and gods have descended to earth for many years.”

“However, in order to win over talents, recruit people, and fill the fief, it is not impossible to adopt an attitude of universal love, just like the courtesy and virtuous corporal I am showing now.”

He nodded slightly, signaling Zhou Xin to continue talking.

“Love others at the same time, and don’t use your own selfish interests to start a war that can’t be fought, and the people will lose their lives.” Zhou Xin said while peeking at Mr. Bole.

Sure enough, Mr. Bole’s face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: “Absurd, arrogant. It’s unrealistic. If you don’t attack other countries and plunder people, land and treasures, how can you grow yourself? If you don’t grow yourself, you will be in other countries. When the situation is strong, defense alone can defend the superficial and ignorant. You can ask him tomorrow if he can make all the princes love non-offensive.”

This is simply an impossible ideal

“Yes.” Zhou Xin was well prepared and calm.

The next day, at Zhao Bai’s residence, Zhao Heng gave a lecture.

Wait until the questioning stage. Zhou Xin stood up immediately, repeated Mr. Bole’s question, and finally said:

“I also ask Mr. Zhao to answer the next question.”

This problem also made Zhao Bai, Bai Song and others dignified. Indeed, if you can only rely on universal love and non-aggression, unless you can influence everyone, you will be in danger when others are attacking and plundering rapidly.

Zhao Heng frowned, this is the key to his lack of confidence in Mohism. For other content, as long as you get tangled up to the helper, to form a force, for the sake of courtesy and corporals. In order to attract sages, ambitious and rational princes or nobles will at least pretend to act and do promotional actions, anyway, it lasts for three months. Even if the task is successful.

It seems that only those small countries can do it, he thought to himself.

Seeing his silence, Zhou Xin said again:

“I also ask Mr. Zhao to answer the next question.”

Zhao Heng racked his brains and thought hard. Just when he wanted to transmit Meng Qi’s voice, the four people who had been listening behind the screen already had the answer.

Meng Qi stood up, took a step forward, and said in a loud voice: “If it’s not an attack, it’s not a fight, but it’s just that you don’t engage in unjust wars, and don’t use your own interests to ruin the common people.

“Prospering the benefits of the world and eliminating the harm of the world is to punish and punish. Therefore, in the past, King Zhou had no way, and King Wu punished the people for crimes, and it was not offensive.”

“In today’s world, disputes between princes are the source of turmoil. If there is a virtuous king who takes the unification of the world as his own responsibility, destroys the nations, writes the same text, and the cars are on the same track, so as to end the chaotic world and restore peace to the world, wouldn’t it be unjust?”

Since then, the theory of Mohism has finally adapted to the current world of Conferred Gods

Wouldn’t it be “righteous” to destroy all nations and unify the world? Zhou Xin only felt his head buzzing, and could no longer hear other words.

In today’s world, no one has ever had the ambition to rule the world

No, it should be said that since the establishment of the country, enfeoffing the princes is a “law of heaven”

Mr. Bole held the bronze wine cup in his hand. After hearing Zhou Xin’s words, his eyes widened, his breathing became thicker, his hands loosened, and the wine cup fell to the ground with a bang.

Eliminate all nations and rule the world

He suddenly became a little passionate. Even though he had lofty aspirations, in the past he only thought about attracting followers, waiting for an opportunity, and becoming the overlord of the world, just like the “Six Overlords” before, or even replacing the Zhou royal family and becoming the emperor, but he never I thought about destroying the nations and becoming the real unifier of the world.

because there was never

Taking a deep breath, he suddenly felt inexplicable panic, and his face became solemn: “Please leave Bole tomorrow and don’t stay.”

I am only Lord Bole, not the lord of Han, even if I am the lord of Han, such remarks are the enemy of the world

Zhou Xin was stunned, seeing that the master’s attitude was firm, he didn’t dare to ask any more questions, and hurriedly withdrew.

In the quiet room, Mr. Bole pondered for a long time, then stood up suddenly, and said to the air: “They have been asking about Huanguo a lot these days, and I’m afraid they have the intention to go there, so they dare to speak out.”

“It’s inconvenient for me to use such talents, and I can’t let others use them”

His tone became serious, with a hint of murderous intent: “I am Mr. Bole, a corporal of Li Xian, and it is inconvenient to do anything about this matter. You can go to Xiaogan Cave in Yuxu Mountain and ask them to come forward.”

“Yes, my lord.” A hoarse voice sounded inexplicably in the room where no one else was. It’s a good event for falling pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you to follow it. Follow the c public account on WeChat, add friends, add the public account and enter ddxiaos, and you can participate immediately.


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