I Honor

Chapter 654

: Raising Prestige

Chen Guo, Shangying City.

It was just dawn, and a middle-aged man who was described as ordinary hurried to the west gate. His original temperament was so humble and flattering, but he walked with his head held high and his eyes straight, as if he was superior to others.

He is Si Kou Tian Heng’s servant Tian Jian, and now he has received orders from the Lord to go to the bamboo forest in the west of the city to investigate something.

Although Shangying is not a famous city, it has tens of thousands of households. The city is divided into palaces, nobles, markets and commoners. Without hearing it, it is enough to see the state of the big city, and even though Tian Heng is a bandit in charge of punishment and catching robbers, it is difficult for him to know ordinary trivial matters. As long as there is no big disturbance or someone reports, he is happy to be at ease.

More than a month ago, a few people came from Chu State to give lectures in the bamboo forest in the west of the city. Tian Heng had never heard of it until recently.Mentioned, only to realize that the momentum seems to have become a little bigger.

Originally, he did not support lectures, but he would not suppress them either. After all, this has been a popular fashion in various countries in the past ten years. Shocked by the events finally reaching his ears, he sent his trusty servant to investigate.

Tian Jian walked briskly, and everyone who knew him on the street would stop and salute, which gave him great satisfaction, but after approaching the bamboo forest in the west of the city, this situation gradually disappeared. Yes, something important.

“They’re all going to listen to the bamboo forest’s lecture.” Tian Jian was slightly startled, calmed down, and followed quickly.

The bamboo forest in the west of the city is said to be a bamboo forest, but in fact there is only a piece of sparse bamboo, which has nothing to do with the forest. At this time, there is a half-person-high rammed earth towering in the center, on which a woman sits. Dressed in white, with a cold expression, noble temperament, and exquisite and gorgeous appearance, it looks like a fairy from the moon palace descending on the mortal world.

Her demeanor was a little youthful, she seemed to be only around twenty, but seeing Tian Jian’s heart swaying, she almost couldn’t help herself, so she couldn’t help but sighed: “In the past, Bao Si was only afraid of this.”

He is Si Kou’s servant, and he can read and judge sentences. A lot of reading.

Looking around, he found that most of the people sitting around had admiration and reverence, but none of them were frivolous.

There was a lyre placed in front of the woman who was sitting upright, and when she stroked it lightly suddenly, the music came to her ears, which was exceptionally clear and refreshing, which shocked people’s spirits, and then Tian Jian found that all the people around her straightened their bodies and corrected their attitudes. No more whispering.

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