I Honor

Chapter 658

Three Strategies to Eliminate Danger

Chen Wang’s face was serious: “I often hear that lobbyists love to bluff people with big words. Could it be that Mr. Su wants to imitate them?”

He doesn’t call himself lonely like other monarchs, but calls himself me, which seems to pay little attention to etiquette. The implication is, Mr. Su, you are talented people, don’t lower your status and join lobbyists.

Meng Qi looked solemn, just looked at Wang Chen, without saying a word.

For this meeting, they had already rehearsed and deliberated many times. Jiang Zhiwei and the others also looked serious, without showing any smiles. The hall was silent for a while, and the atmosphere was solemn.

King Chen took a deep breath and said solemnly: “Although Chu and Tang are like tigers and wolves, our country has already attached itself to Chu. Not only will we not have to worry about the future, but we will also have to contend with the aid of the strong Tang. Why is there any danger?”

Even though he was kneeling, Meng Qi’s back was straight. He shook his head when he heard the words: “If Chu and Tang restrained themselves and lessened their swordsmanship, then the situation would last for a long time. However, nowadays the two countries often have conflicts. There is no benefit.”

“As long as there is no benefit for both sides, there will be changes.”

Chen Wang changed his sitting posture slightly, from reclining to sitting upright, as if he had concentrated a lot.

Meng Qi didn’t see it, and asked instead: “If Tang abandons Chu to attack Chen, how will the king deal with himself?”

King Chen didn’t see any fear, but calmed down:”According to the city and defending ourselves, waiting for Chu’s reinforcements, the two sides are allies, and Chu will definitely not sit idly by.”

If Chu State abandons its allies, other small countries may turn to Tang State, 6, its situation will become more and more difficult, so Chen Wang has no doubts about the possibility of Chu State sending strong men to rescue.

Meng Qi didn’t refute this point, but showed a slight smile: “If Chu and Tang fought in Chendi, the devastated creatures would not belong to me, and they could also plunder the fertile mines, natural treasures, and talented people. Wouldn’t it be more advantageous than in the past?”

“In the King’s opinion, whether to give up the benefit and lose the benefit, or to seek the benefit and pursue it”

“If you do this again and again, with Chen Guo’s strength, you can defend it several times.”

“Destruction is only in the blink of an eye. The king still turns a blind eye”

His voice gradually raised, sonorous and powerful

King Chen took a deep breath, as if suppressing his anger: “Chu can attack Tang and save Chen, so there is no need to fight here.”

Meng Qi said calmly, “The two countries have been fighting for a long time, the border cities are heavily guarded, the land is broken, and it is difficult to see harvests, but the Tang State can drive straight in, plunder the Chen land, and then rush in. Retreat forward and pinch.”

“If you do it again and again. Take the wealth of Chen Guo, it will be a matter of Tang several times.”

King Chen said loudly, and his tone became fierce: “There are more than a dozen small countries between Chu and Tang, and they are much weaker than our country. With the wisdom of Tang, how can we choose difficult things instead of easy things?”

“Such a small country can be destroyed overnight. At this time next year, will the king still be lucky?” Meng Qi sat upright. Put your hands on your knees, and the words get hotter too

King Chen glared and pressed his hand on the hilt of his sword, but after a long time. With a long sigh, he stood up and cupped his hands:

“Sir, you really have a clear understanding of the situation of the world, and a big country is like a huge rock. I have never heard of two stones colliding frequently and the egg in the middle can survive. Sir, can you teach me?”

His attitude is sincere, obviously he has already understood the situation in Chen country.

Meng Qi was not surprised by this, because since King Chen invited several of himself into the palace. It means that he understands the situation, just now he was just testing his grasp of the situation

He picked up the bronze wine cup in front of him and took a sip of the wine, in order to organize the next key speech.

Putting down the wine cup, Meng Qi said slowly: “Attachment of the Chu and Tang Dynasties in the country is a strategy to avoid future troubles. However, the nobles of the Chen Kingdom can do it, but the King can’t do it. The nobles can still preserve the fiefs and fiefs, and the King can keep the Chen Kingdom. almost”

Chen Wang nodded slightly, waiting for the topic.

“There are three root causes of Chen’s danger. One is his own weakness. In this world of tigers and wolves, where there is no righteousness, being weak is a crime. Second, he is self-restrained and often wages unrighteous wars. The three are not mutually beneficial, only beneficial to Chu, not to Tang.” Meng Qi talked eloquently, which was the brainchild of the five of them discussing for more than a month

Chen Wang was surprised when he heard the words: “It’s not good for Tang to be the grass on the wall, blowing with the wind.”

“No.” Meng Qi smiled, without explaining, and started from the beginning, “If you are weak, you need tomorrow’s ambition, respect ghosts and gods, and have the same desires, the subordinates respect the orders of the superiors, the superiors respect the orders of the king, and the king guards the will of heaven, just like one body.”

“And if you want to have the same desire, you must love each other, open a public school, select talents, and don’t belittle because of differences in status.”

“This is a long-term foundation, and it won’t be seen in a short period of time. However, after this story is spread to the world, wouldn’t the powerful people from all over the world flock to it?”

“This is a waste of money, so at the beginning, it needs to be buried on the King’s Day.”

Chen Wang quite agreed, but he frowned at the last sentence; “At the beginning”

He understands very well that it is impossible to support the consumption of opening public schools and recruiting powerful people by relying on frugal burials alone, but according to Mr. Su, this is only an initial expedient measure

Meng Qi smiled slightly, but still did not explain, and continued: “Overestimation of one’s strength is a heart of lack of both love and greed for self-interest. Please tell all the kingdoms that you will never engage in unprofitable wars. If you violate it, heaven and man will abandon it.” , the ancestors are ashamed, so that the fear of the nations can be dispelled.”

Abandoning heaven and man, dishonoring ancestors, is a relatively serious oath. Although it has no substantial binding force, it is still quite credible in the eyes of others. In addition, the Mohist who believes in “non-attack” seems to be a serious oath. As it should be.

King Chen’s expression was slightly gloomy. If he could not benefit from other countries, what would be the use of strengthening Chen himself?

If it weren’t for the life and death of the country, he would definitely not listen to the suggestion of “Fei Gong”.

Meng Qi didn’t seem to notice the slight change in his expression, and turned back to King Chen’s initial surprise: “It is beneficial to Tang, not to be a grass on the wall, but to be useful to Tang.”

“Why do you say that?” Chen Wang still couldn’t figure it out.

Meng Qi said with a smile: “Chu and Tang have been fighting for a long time, and the hatred is getting deeper and deeper. Has the business relationship been cut off?”

“Yes.” Chen Wang was able to become a master step by step, and he was not a stupid person, so he vaguely understood.

“Although the Chu and Tang Dynasties can trade with other countries, some natural materials, earth treasures and elixir and rare flowers are only produced in each other, such as the medicines in Yunze in Chu, and the secret treasures in Guanshan in Tang Dynasty. These are indispensable for them. Even if you can travel through other countries, or conduct private transactions, the number will be insufficient to satisfy your cultivation.” Meng Qiyang said eloquently.

Since he hadn’t gotten to the point, Chen Wang was a little anxious: “Could it be that you want to help Tang buy Yunze medicines? If they are discovered, Chu will send troops to attack.”

This kind of thing can’t be put on the surface. Maybe Chu and Tang would turn a blind eye and close one eye at ordinary times, but as long as they are discovered, they will not be able to develop due to court discussions and wars.Chu Guo will never let Chen Guo go.

Meng Qi shook his head: “Why bother to bear this infamy?”

After finishing speaking, he suddenly stood up, cupped his hands and said, “Please also ask your majesty to abolish all the customs taxes in Chendi.”

Various countries have checkpoints at their borders and within their own countries, one for checking and the other for collecting taxes.

“Abolish all the taxes on Guanjin, Mr. Su, and don’t open public schools. Talented people.” Although Chen Wang didn’t understand why the topic was shifted to this, he couldn’t help but panic, so there was a sudden wind in the hall

It is difficult to support the cost of honoring the virtuous for a long time by relying on festivals and burials alone. Now that the customs tax is abolished, how can we live on it?

Meng Qi stood upright, like a pine tree, with his toga swaying in the wind: “Most of the taxes on Guanjin are privately set up by fiefdoms, and fall into the hands of the nobles, and have nothing to do with the king. If all the taxes on Guanjin can be abolished, Chu Merchants in the Tang Dynasty will not come here for profit.”

“At that time, Shangying will become a place where merchants gather. The city tax is more than doubled, and the merchants need food, clothing, housing and transportation. If they need to sing, dance and have fun, there is no need to worry about business in the inns and restaurants. The only worry is that there are not enough rooms, and the need for expansion is only to worry about the lack of food and drink. , need extensive preparations”

“So what the people pay is not cheap. So the income of the shop is rich, so there are all kinds of treasures in the camp, so why worry about not having enough tax. The treasury is not rich, and there is no money to support scholars.”

Chen Wang stood up abruptly, his hands trembling slightly, his expression was faintly excited, as if a new door had opened before his eyes

that’s fine

but it sounds like it might work

Meng Qi’s voice became louder: “In such a place where merchants gather, there will be no medicines from Yunze and treasures from Guanshan sent by thoughtful people from Chu and Tang Dynasties. This is what they did in private. What has it to do with the king? At most, it’s a fault of lax investigation.”

“There is this section, the king is beneficial to both Chu and Tang, it is the mutual benefit”

Chen Wang nodded frequently, and he was able to figure out the pass.

At this time, Meng Qi said loudly:

“Therefore, Chen Guo is not weak, if he wants to take it by force, he must hurt himself”

“Therefore, Chen Guo abides by righteousness, does not attack other countries, and does no harm to himself”

“Therefore, Chen Guo is useful, beneficial to himself, more convenient”

“When a country that is beneficial, righteous, and not weak, why bother to destroy it?”

“Therefore, if the outcome of the Chu and Tang Dynasties is not clear, then the country of Chen will have no worries, but when the outcome is already clear, the king still doesn’t know what to do.”

The sonorous and forceful words made Wang Chen’s eyes brighten and his breathing become heavy. Finally, he walked out of the case and supported Meng Qi himself:

“Mr. Chen is truly a great talent. Chen Guo is fortunate to be taught by him. I don’t know if Mr. Chen is willing to be the master of Chen Guoda.”

Meng Qi and the others looked at each other. There was less than a month left, and there was finally a breakthrough.

“Stay true to my wish, I dare not ask you.” Meng Qi cupped his hands and saluted.


A bronze wine cup was thrown to the ground, and a deep hole was smashed, making the sound of gold and iron.

Si Kou Tian Heng’s face was ashen, looking at his eldest son Tian Guang in front of him, he said sadly: “It’s absurd and absurd that the king actually accepted the order of Su Mo of the Mohist family to be the great Situ to do a change.”

“Abolishing the customs tax and promoting the talents to use the energy, this is to break our foundation.”

Tian Guang nodded solemnly, “My child also feels heavy.”

“I heard that the southeast Wu Guoxin appointed Wu Hao, an idler from the mountains. He said that he wanted to abolish the fiefdom, use food towns, and build counties. For this reason, Wu Guo fell into civil war. My child fears that Su Mo will follow his example in the end.”

“Abolish fiefdoms, use food towns, build prefectures and counties” Tian Heng’s eyes darkened, and he felt that he no longer knew this world.

the sky is falling

Tian Guang’s expression was indifferent and determined: “My child thinks that the disaster must be eliminated as soon as possible.”

“With the support of the king.” Tian Heng frowned. The king is the master, the strongest in the Chen country, who can get rid of the disaster under his nose, is it possible to contact the nobles of the Chu country?

Tian Guangdao: “If you don’t want your life, you should have a chance to strike.”

“Guang’er, you,” Tian Heng said in surprise.

Tian Guang gritted his teeth, his expression still indifferent: “In today’s world, either you die or I die. As long as this trend can be killed, the world will be stable, and we will be safe.”

“Hey, Su Meng himself said that righteousness lies in the presence of tens of thousands of people.”

s: double the last day to ask for a monthly ticket


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