I Honor

Chapter 664


“He said that I was rejected by the family and could not participate in secrets. I was puzzled, so I went home and inquired secretly, and I found out.” After this incident, Tian Kuo felt that the old Taoist priest lived up to his reputation, and his fortune-telling was indeed accurate.

Zhao Heng vaguely felt that it was a bit of a coincidence, but he was in the midst of being chased and killed, so he didn’t have time to walk around, and he didn’t dare to go to the cell to meet the old Taoist priest, so he said instead: “It’s true that there are so many strange people in the dust, I don’t know what else he has to say.”

The seemingly inadvertent words of this kind of person with excellent divination may hide some profound meaning.

Tian Kuo thought about it carefully, and shook his head: “There is no special words, but I often cry alone, lamenting that there are laws and skills in the world today, but there is no way.”

“There are laws and skills, but there is no way,” Zhao Heng asked back with a frown.

Tian Kuo nodded and said: “It should mean that there are methods of cultivation, moves, supernatural powers, and Taoist techniques, but without a heart of kindness and love, the world loses its way. This nagging Taoist is also a person with a heart for the common people. ”

Zhao Heng doesn’t agree with Tian Kuo’s last half of the sentence. In his opinion, the old Taoist means that today’s cultivators don’t know the way, and they have nothing to do with the way of cultivation, but they don’t have the world and the thinking on the road. , Fly camp dog dog.

The Mohist School of Chen State and the Legalist School of Wu State, if the sages emerge gradually, each expounding their own ways and contending with each other, how dazzling it would be, just like when the scholars in the Middle Ages were discussing Taoism, Zhao Heng thought about it. Come on, it was a bit hot for a while. 7,

But after all, he is not a person who likes this aspect, so he quickly shifted his attention: “Now I don’t know how many Mohists have been arrested and locked up in prisons. I ask the little Si Kou to worry about it.”

Judging from this mission, the Conferred God World may be involved in the future, so it cannot just walk away.

“As a Mohist, I will do my best.” Tian Kuo replied solemnly.

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Heng didn’t suppress his inner curiosity for a while, and said carefully, “Little Sikou. Your biological brother died at our hands. It is reasonable to have an utter hatred with us. Why do you still respect the Mohism?” in every possible way”

Tian Kuo was stunned, and sighed: “My brother and I are not close, but they are not bad, but one thing is another, Mr. Su often said, you can’t waste things because of people, and waste people because of things. Is one thing justified? Whether a person’s current behavior is correct or not should not be determined by other irrelevant things. Just because a person has all kinds of bad behavior in the past, it is not certain that he is still a bad person at present, nor is it because of a bad impression on this person, he should not be judged. Investigate the specifics, and roughly believe that what he is doing at the moment is absolutely wrong.”

“Whether you killed my brother or not has nothing to do with whether the theory of Jianai Feigong is correct or not. I can tell the difference myself.”

“Besides, it was my elder brother who was the first to assassinate him. It’s unreasonable. He can’t rape and plunder one day and be killed by the sufferer. I have to resent the sufferer.”

“I didn’t expect you to be so sensible at such a young age.” Zhao Heng was moved and sighed.

Tian Kuo is much younger than him.

Tian Kuo smiled a little embarrassedly: “Mr. Su’s words are reasonable and easy to understand. I have learned a lot of useful things. I have formed my own point of view on things. In Mr. Su’s words, With a preliminary and self-consistent three views”

Speaking of which. He looked in a trance:

“I was the governor of Yangcheng for a period of time before, and I saw many shocking things. The nobles were not only contemptible, but also insulted and humiliated Shuli, which was completely against the good intentions of the people. In addition, I heard from time to time that a certain small country was destroyed. The Gong clan was killed, and the whole person fell into a very confused state, not knowing the day and night, not knowing why this world is like this, and how to get rid of it, until I heard Mr. Su’s lecture, I didn’t understand why it was so.”

“It turns out that they have lost the heart of universal love, they don’t follow the way of heaven, they only value self-interest, and they don’t know how to benefit the world. They only act on their talents, and they can’t stop it by relying on their status, place, and so-called blood.”

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and finally sighed: “Mr. Su understands the situation, understands the way of heaven, and has profound knowledge. A casual sentence contains profound truths. In time, the world will respect Mohist together, and Mr. Su will also be the one that future generations look up to.” The sage, worthy of the name and son.”

“Mr. Zhao, I’ve been wanting to ask what Mr. Su’s “Three Views” refers to, but I never had a chance.”

While speaking, he glanced at Zhao Heng, and vaguely felt that his face was a little gloomy.

Zhao Heng said with a smile: “The views on value and interests, on one’s own life and futureThe point of view of future development, the point of view of the general trend of the world and the nature of the world. ”

“That’s it.” Tian Kuo nodded thoughtfully, quickly restrained his expressive feelings, and said seriously: “Sooner or later, my father will find out that I secretly participated in the previous incident, Mr. Zhao, you can’t stay here forever, and wait for the nearby searchers to pass , I will take you to hide in the place that has been searched.”

“Okay.” Zhao Heng didn’t hesitate.

In Shangying market area, there are many streets and houses row upon row.

Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu hid in a Mohist’s house, waiting for him to come back after inquiring about the news.

Not long after, a white-haired old man returned. He was an ordinary Li Shu, who had tasted the sweetness of the changes in Shangying, and believed in the Mohists. He was also a benevolent person, and he especially agreed with the theory of universal love, so After the assessment, Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu recommended him to become a Mohist, because he had not joined for a long time, and he didn’t know other Mohist, so he didn’t worry about being followed, so Ruan Yushu suggested to hide in his house.

The old man sealed off the streets with his army, and went door-to-door with the household registration yellow pages to search the truth. At the end, his face showed firmness: “Gentlemen, the old man has a cellar. If they search for it, you can hide in it. They’re perfunctory.”

He doesn’t know so many reasons, but he understands that the Mo family has made life better for him and many acquaintances, and he will repay any kindness without ambiguity.

“It’s okay, we have our own way.” Jiang Zhiwei calmly comforted him, and when the old man went out to inquire again, he looked at Ruan Yushu and said, “They searched meticulously, if they continue like this, they will be discovered sooner or later.”

“There are still two days before we can return by force.” Ruan Yushu said calmly, “The Shangying camp is large and has a small number of people. In a few days, they can’t finish the search.”

Jiang Zhiwei nodded and said: “According to the current situation, even if there is no accident, it will take some time to find our side, and there are mixed fish and dragons here, and there are no longer a few robbers and robbers hiding. There will be conflicts and chaos at any time. Time It will be extended and it will be convenient for us to transfer.”

This area has a lot of people coming and going, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, mixed with many bandits and strong men who came to trade, so it became the first choice for the two of them to hide.

“But” Jiang Zhiwei changed the subject, “We’d better not just sit around and pin our hopes on the other party, so as not to implicate this Mohist.”

This is her consistent character, not to mention that the enemy may search here tomorrow, and the time of return has not yet come. It might be frightening just for the other party to change the search route, etc., and something must be done before that to ensure safety.

Ruan Yushu hugged the guqin and nodded: “Taking advantage of the fact that there are still many unsearched streets here, move slowly, go around behind them, and hide in the place that has been searched.”

“But there are external surveillance in mid-air, once you try to bypass the blockade, it will be easy to be exposed.” Jiang Zhi slightly frowned.

She did not pin her hopes on Meng Qi and the others.

The two women’s thoughts turned. Thinking of various ways, but was denied by oneself or the other party.

In the midst of distress, there was noise in the distance, which seemed to be chaos.

Not long. The old man came back and told them that a bandit was forced out during the search by the army soldiers, and they are currently rounding up with the formation of formations, and the mid-air location seems to be helpful.

“There are many people here who dare not be searched”

“Once caught. They will be thrown into jail”

“In the current situation, I am afraid that there is no extra manpower to interrogate them, so it is better to concentrate on interrogating the Mohists.”

Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu talked with each other via voice transmission. Suddenly, their eyes lit up, and they thought of an idea at the same time

A quarter of an hour later, they dressed up in disguise, covered their faces, concealed their aura, turned into ordinary men, pretended to be inquisitors, mingled with merchants, and approached the search area.

The big formation has been opened, as long as it does not encounter a strong location, it is not afraid of being affected.

The mid-air exterior scene was still floating, and the search continued. From time to time, one or two fugitives were caught, and there was a little confusion, but these were not strong enough or not enough in number, so they were not favored by Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu, so they waited patiently.

In the afternoon, when the army searched for an inn, there was a loud bang inside, and a small building collapsed.

Finally someone with a guilty conscience took the initiative to attack

General Zuo throws out a map, and it grows against the wind. Most of the soldiers are scattered and stand everywhere in the map, and the others are guarding all around.

The power of the big formation hangs down to suppress the overflowing power, and the formation creates a huge wave, suppressing the leader who rushes out.

“It’s Jiang Xing who looted Yangcheng in the past.” Someone recognized the identity of the leader. The famous bandit who roamed across the small countries on the border between Chu and Tang has many subordinates and a great momentum.

When Jiang Xing was trapped by the formation, his men scattered like birds and beasts, rushed into the crowd in the distance, trying to escape.

But the guarded soldiers had been on guard for a long time, forming a team in twos and threes to intercept and arrest them.

Focus on the mid-air exterior scene to prevent someone from taking advantage of the chaos to pass through the blockade and enter the already searched area. In that case, all previous efforts will be wasted and you will have to start all over again

Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu looked at each other, and while a bandit was passing by, they suddenly jumped out and joined forces to attack the soldiers, acting like a bandit’s companion

Their strength was suppressed at six or seven orifices, and within a few moves, they were caught by soldiers and locked their hands.

The chaos quickly subsided, and the exterior scene gave an order:

“Send them to prison and wait for interrogation.”

Jiang ZhiWei and Ruan Yushu didn’t raise their heads, they staggered and were in a happy mood. Aren’t you going to arrest us? We took the initiative to enter the prison

But only as a humble pawn

At that time, the place of detention and the location will definitely be different, and the guards will also be different. Not only can they wait for their return, but they can also escape quietly and help Meng Qi and the others.

In the undercurrent of the upper camp, Meng Qi turned into a swimming fish, looking at the fluorescent layer in front of him, he was in a peaceful mood, and waited patiently.

He didn’t worry about Jiang Zhiwei and the others, he fully believed in their strength and wisdom, anyway, he just needed to go out by himself, make some noise, and search for solutions.

Unknowingly at night, the exterior scenes of chasing around returned, some held tokens and passed directly, some chased in a hurry, never thought about the problem of the big formation, and could only let the people inside open it, such as the master of the Golden Light Cave

He didn’t have a token himself, and he was eager to catch Meng Qi and the others, so naturally he didn’t have time to ask for it.

And even if it wasn’t turned on, when the token disrupted the formation and passed through the defense, Meng Qi seized the opportunity to drive another fish first, and he followed closely behind.

The underground water was cool, and Meng Qi passed through the thin layer of light without causing any abnormalities.

Going out along the water, Meng Qi turned into a gopher and went up the hole.

Not long after, the night was charming and the breeze was refreshing. Meng Qi changed back into a human form. Looking at Shangying City from a distance, he seemed to see the golden-faced Grandmaster of the Golden Light Cave.

He took a deep breath and took a step forward with the long knife in hand.

Next, it’s time to kill

Go to the Ram’s fief to kill


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