I Honor

Chapter 696

Ginger is old and spicy

In the Immortal Realm, the void in the sky seemed to be solidified, and the fairy Bodhisattva would fly into the sky from time to time, and the terrifying thoughts swept across the place, and the disciples dared not breathe a breath. There was not much confusion, and the depression was extremely heavy.

Seeing Liu Shuyu’s back appearing in front of the hall, Gu Xiaosang’s smile faded, and she turned around quickly, releasing Fairy Shangshui directly.

At this time, the male disciples were still dizzy due to the coercion of the half-step Dharma body, and their thinking was slow, and no one noticed that something was wrong.

He tilted his head and looked at the slightly dull-eyed Shang NarcissusWith a glance, Gu Xiaosang grasped the dark pouch tightly with a half-smile, and stepped forward, his figure became transparent, and he felt like he was merging with the void, as if he wanted to return to his hometown in a vacuum.

Her figure became fainter and fainter, gradually becoming invisible, and “melted” into the void, leaving only the real Fairy Shangshui and the real Guo Xi in the hall.

And at Guo Xi’s feet, a dark black hair lay quietly in the cracks of the blue bricks.

In front of the hall, Liu Shuyu looked up at the three ancient seal characters on the plaque, took a light breath, calmed down, stepped hard, and rushed in quickly.

When passing through the gate of the hall, Meng Qi, who had turned into a dark stone, only felt that he had passed through a layer of light veil, and also felt like he had passed through a thick fog. After breathing, everything returned to normal, and he was already in the hall.

In the cave of Longtan and Tiger, facing extremely terrifying enemies, Meng Qi was not careless in the slightest, and did not spread his spirit and spiritual sense to sense the situation in the hall.

Everything is relative, if you can sense the outside world, you will naturally leave corresponding traces, just like when you stare at someone, even if he has not noticed, you can still feel it, and Xuannv’s heart reflects the void, and the senses spirit The sensitivity is more than a hundred times and a thousand times better than that of ordinary people. Only by being careful can you make the ten thousand year boat

However, Meng Qi was not ignorant of the situation in the hall. Because Liu Shuyu took the initiative to share her sight, hearing and touch

For Liu Shuyu, it is her greatest wish that things end smoothly. After passing this hurdle, she can become the “true” descendant of Xuannv, and will no longer be restrained by the witch.

Therefore, she actively cooperates and strives to be foolproof.

This hall is huge, covered with plain stone bricks. There are only four beams and columns, but they support the towering and wide dome, as if supporting the four pillars of the sky.

The dome is dark and dark, with a little bit of bright light shining, forming a sea of ​​light, just like a galaxy, dreamy and charming.

Directly in front of Liu Shuyu, there was a male disciple kneeling, who was the one who came to understand the Overlord’s Sword earlier. His face was full of frustration, loss and unwillingness, obviously he didn’t understand Thunder God’s inheritance.

It is because it is rare that it is called an adventure

The male disciple gritted his teeth, taking advantage of the chaos outside. When no one invited him out, he stepped forward again, stretched out his hands, and touched the long knife placed on the altar.

This knife is jet black in color. The shape is simple and the “body” is huge, longer, wider and thicker than Meng Qi’s Heavenly Wound. It has an unusually heavy feeling. Just placing it there seems to shrink the void and bend the light, making the surrounding environment dark.

Overlord’s sword

The first time he saw this sword, Meng Qi knew it was the Overlord’s Ultimate Sword, and it could also be ranked in the top ten existences in the Peerless Swordsmanship of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. For the rest of my life, I will look down on the world and be invincible

This knife represents a legend of a heroic overlord, the culprit of the withering of the strong in the Middle Ages. It has killed more dharmakayas than the masters Meng Qi has ever seen

But Meng Qi was not shocked and excited by the various prestigious titles attached to it, but inexplicably felt a sense of familiarity in his heart, as if this knife was his old friend, something connected by his blood, and even his own body. a part of.

“The feeling from the thunder mark” Meng Qi had a clear understanding.

No wonder they want to find the descendants of Thunder God, no wonder they want to catch themselves, once the knife is awakened, they are under control again, the world is so big, even Guldo and Chonghe have to avoid its edge, even if it is illegal to hold it, as long as it is ruthless Make up your mind, use it to sleep for hundreds of years again, and it is possible to directly kill the dharma body, just like the authentic map of mountains and rivers, trapping the dharma behind it, it can endure hundreds of years of use, and it can also trap the enemy to death.

Of course, all the premise is that one can hit the target and get trapped, just like a genuine Yin-Yang mirror, there is a chance to avoid it with the method of vertical golden light.

The male disciple tried his best to comprehend, but Bawang Jue Dao didn’t respond. Liu Shuyu took a step forward and bowed to salute:

“Master, Mad Saber is infiltrating, in order to prevent fraud, it is better to suspend comprehension of Overlord’s Sword, I don’t know where to arrange Shang Shui Fairy and the others to live temporarily”

The fairyland is closed and chaos is everywhere. It is obvious that the thing about the overlord’s sword cannot continue. Liu Shuyu pretends to be ignorant, and uses it as an excuse to ask for instructions. Taking advantage of the opportunity to search everywhere, but the palace guards are weak, step in for the first time.

Behind the hall, there is an equally old pavilion.

It doesn’t have the slightest human breath, it seems to have been silent and empty for tens of thousands of years, and with the passage of time, it has been forgotten by the world.

Creeping in the void, the figure stands out. Gu Xiaosang’s white clothes are fluttering, ethereal and extraordinary, landing like a fairy Bodhisattva, with a faint smile on her exquisite and incomparable pretty face.

She followed Xuannv’s search footsteps, passed the place confirmed by the other party to be normal, made a big circle, and finally arrived here. Then, she looked around, looked up at the sea of ​​clouds, and silently calculated something.

With one step, Gu Xiaosang walked under the tall green tree in front of the pavilion. This is the only “living creature” in this place with a breath of life.

She tipped the pitch-black pouch, and a figure flew out of it again, besides Shangshui Fairy, there were actually people hiding in it

This is a little girl of six or seven years old. She has a round face and is carved with jade, which makes people want to pinch her. Her head is braided into the sky, which is extremely cute.

The little girl was sleepy, shook her head, and stretched out her hands: “Mom, how long have I been asleep?”

Gu Xiaosang hugged the little girl, smiled and said: “I have slept for a long time, what a little girlLazy, come on, mother will braid your hair again. ”

She turned the little girl upside down, untied her braids, and at some point in her hand, she had a comb made of sapphire.

The little girl showed an innocent smile, while enjoying her mother’s combing, while looking around, suddenly, she let out a light snort: “Mother, why do I feel that this place is so familiar, it seems to have been here before, it seems to be home”

“Silly boy, this was our home in the first place, but you were young at that time, so you don’t remember clearly.” Gu Xiaosang gently smoothed the little girl’s black hair, answering with a half-smile.

“So that’s how it is,” the little girl cheered, pointing to the sky, “I remember those clouds and this tree”

In the hall, Liu Shuyu asked the contemporary Xuannv for instructions.

“Okay, it would be too abnormal to let them understand the Overlord’s Sword again. Arrange Shang Shui and the others to live temporarily in Biluo Palace.” Xuannv’s voice was elegant and soft, ethereal like a song, and people couldn’t help but listen attentively.

Meng Qi didn’t feel anything, but Liu Shuyu’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he couldn’t help it, and stammered, “Master, you, aren’t you outside?”

what do you mean outside

Meng Qi was puzzled at first, then suddenly shocked. What Liu Shuyu meant was that the Qingya Fairy sitting next to Bawang Jue Dao is the true deity of the contemporary Xuannv

Who was the “Xuannv” just now? Where did the tyrannical idea come from?

Through Liu Shuyu’s eyes, Meng Qi could clearly see the Xuannv in the hall. Her appearance was fresh and refined, and her facial features were unspeakably exquisite. Seems to meet everyone’s highest expectations of goodness.

Her demeanor is elegant, not vulgar, like a real fairy, when facing her. It’s hard to have a fighting spirit in my heart, I don’t want to desecrate this beauty, I can’t pull out the knife

The surroundings contaminated by her breath are refined. It’s more like fairyland than fairyland.

Seems to be the true deity of the contemporary Xuannv

At this moment, Meng Qi felt his soul stiffen.

how is she still here

Sensing Liu Shuyu’s astonishment, Xuannv chuckled lightly: “Outside is a divine soldier who should be sent for the master, and it is enough to confuse the fake with the real. For this kind of person, you need to be calm, as stable as a mountain, anyway, he will definitely come because of karma, so as a teacher, you should be patient and wait here, and leave Jingyan to Huanxi.”

“Let him be treacherous like a ghost, and he will not escape this disaster.”

This patience, this composure, Meng Qi and Liu Shuyu shook at the same time, feeling that dark clouds were covering the top, and danger was approaching steadily.

I really can’t underestimate these strong men who have been through the years. They have experienced more things than they have eaten

Ginger is old and spicy

While speaking, Xuannv’s tyrannical thoughts were placed on Liu Shuyu, not because she didn’t trust her successor, but because Liu Shuyu’s reckless entry was a bit suspicious, and Xuannv set a rule for herself that must be followed, that is, anyone who enters the palace People, except themselves, must be checked, and the same goes for Huanxi Bodhisattva

Meng Qi felt that the fairy-like thoughts were so frightening, and Liu Shuyu also felt the same, her legs felt like they were going weak.

At this moment, she had the idea of ​​confessing everything and making meritorious deeds

I just don’t know if Master can prevent the backlash of the contract

Dangerous, the death knell rang once, Meng Qi’s spirit tensed up, as if he had no other choice, he would die if he moved, and he would die if he didn’t move, as if he had no choice but to surrender and become a Taoist puppet.

At this moment, in the main hall where all the male disciples were, the hair in the cracks in the blue bricks flew towards the hall in an instant without any wind, and changed into Meng Qi’s appearance in the secret place. The side blends into the hall.

Flesh and soul, the art of avatar

Meng Qi didn’t pin all his hopes on Yaoyao Gu, and didn’t look forward to her successor. Instead, he secretly left a strand of hair as a last resort to attract Xuannv’s attention.

The strong must rely firmly on themselves

The figure quietly mixed in, as if it regarded the person inside as the body of the Xuannv.

Xuannv suddenly had a feeling, and her thoughts swept over. Meng Qi’s fossilized stone was about to be inserted into the cracks.

“Mother, Sister Liu always secretly said that I was a descendant of a mysterious girl, is it true?” The little girl looked curious and expectant.

Gu Xiaosang held her black hair with his left hand, combed her hair with his right hand, and said with a smile:

“Of course you are not the descendant of Xuannv.”

She restrained her smile, leaving a trace of sarcasm:

“You are the Nine Heavens Xuannv.”

The little girl’s smile suddenly froze, and the innocence in her eyes quickly faded away


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