I Honor

Chapter 734

: South Heaven Gate

Thousands of miles away, Tianlan clarified, Meng Qi and others looked at Wuzhi Mountain, sensed the surrounding situation, then did not say much, proceeded cautiously, flew up and down along the mountain peak, avoiding possible big monsters.

After searching several places, they finally found the fragment of the Heavenly Court mentioned by Liu Dao in a valley on the side peak.

It is about two feet in size, irregular in shape, and hazy inside, even Meng Qi’s “wisdom eye” can’t see clearly, it seems to hide a vast world.

The spirit spread and covered the left and right, Meng Qi frowned slightly: “There have been monsters, but not many.”

There is a demonic aura remaining in the valley, because it is mixed together, it is difficult to judge the specific strength.

“Either it’s a nearby monster, or the vanguard of some mountain king.” Zhao Heng guessed, “No matter what, we seem to have the upper hand.”

Enter the Sky Shard ahead of most of the monsters

No matter how the task develops, it is necessary to get the core first.

If you can catch up with the monsters, it will be relatively smooth

Jiang Zhiwei said seriously: “It’s not too late, let’s enter right away.”

After inspection, there are no traps or ambushes around the debris.

Some fragmented thoughts floated in Meng Qi’s mind, but they hadn’t formed yet. While thinking, he was slightly behind half a step, and followed Jiang Zhiwei into the swollen and shrunken fragments.

If you can’t focus, it’s best not to be a pioneer.

A layer of icy cold and biting refreshment covered the skin, and Meng Qi’s head was slightly dizzy, as if he flew from the ground to the sky in an instant.

The sea of ​​vitality between the heaven and the earth merges with the dense, almost substantively highlighted, and wandering in it makes the body and soul feel washed over and over again, which is a burst of relaxation.

After a brief loss of sight, Meng Qi and the others saw a collapsed gate.

It seems to be made of white jade condensed with immortal energy. Just looking at it gives people a heavy and hard feeling, but one side of the two pillars was interrupted by life, tilted to the left and collapsed, and it was covered with scorched marks . There are still some orange flames burning slowly, as if they have experienced the turmoil of war.

The plaque in the middle leaned against the wreckage of the gate. It was colored like glazed glass, and the ancient seal characters were written in gold. Meng Qi recognized it at a glance:

“South Gate of Heaven”

It’s true that in the ancient heavens, even though the Six Paths had given a reminder, Meng Qi and the others still held their breaths. How many immortals, gods and Buddhas have passed through this gate. How many legendary figures came to pay homage to the Emperor of Heaven

Overwhelming the world, the prestige of the Three Realms. Tens of thousands of immortals come to court, gods and Buddhas bow their heads, what a heroic and great cause, but once they fall, the immortals and demons disappear together, and the emperor’s career turns into nothing, what kind of good luck and tricks people

Up to this time, the ages have passed, and the heaven that was above the gods, demons, and Buddhas in the past is only a ruined wall. To make future generations sigh and sigh, we can only admire the power and ruthlessness of time.

“Go in.” Jiang Zhiwei raised her eyes to look behind the Nantian Gate, only to see that there was a dense turbulence, but there was a deathly silence, without the agility and dust that the heaven and fairy world should have.

At this moment, several people had a creepy feeling, what happened to the ancient heaven?

what will be weird inside

Will it be like Lingshan today?

suddenly. With a flash of inspiration, Meng Qi linked up his previous thoughts, and his sound transmission companion said: “Since we arrived earlier than most of the monsters, we can definitely set up a suspicious formation to frighten the monsters that will come later, and make them suspicious. We are afraid and move slowly. , so as to gain more time.”

“You mean to scare?” Jiang Zhiwei knew Meng Qi quite well, so she immediately thought about it.

“Yes, there must be dangers in the fragments of the ancient heavenly court, and the fall was a mystery, who knows what will be encountered inside. Whoever comes here is not creepy or cautious. What we need to do is to amplify this feeling.” Meng Qi gave the general idea Tell Ruan Yushu and others.

There is no time for arguments and discussions. Seeing that Meng Qi’s plan was not bad, Zhao Heng and others agreed, and the group flew to Nantianmen.

When he was about to pass through the Nantian Gate, Qi Zhengyan suddenly turned his head and glanced to the west, his eyes were deep and deep, and he could not see any emotion.

“Senior Brother Qi also remembered the past.” Meng Qi’s heart skipped a beat.

Back to the world of Journey to the West, how could I not think of Zhang Yuanshan and others who died in the west, and the horror of Lingshan

Sighing, Meng Qi flew over the collapsed Nantian Gate first.

As soon as he crossed the boundary line, Meng Qi’s body became heavy and he fell down involuntarily. His feet touched the ground, stepping on the ground formed by solid white clouds.

“This…” Meng Qi only felt that there was no abnormality in the operation of the inner scene, and he could still attract the power of heaven and earth, but he just couldn’t fly.

“To meet the Emperor of Heaven, not to soar” similar legends and records appeared in the hearts of several people at the same time, butMeng Qi thought of more.

Immortal world is probably adjusted by Nine Heavens Profound Girl

While thinking, he turned around, put his hands on the wreckage of the Nantianmen, and lifted it up vigorously.

Gu Xiaosang went to the Tianting Boundary Monument, “From now on, call the wind and rain”, which made Meng Qi quite envious. Now that there is the whole Nantian Gate, why not give it a try and move it away?

Meng Qi’s muscles bulged, and the Nantian Gate moved slightly.

Seeing this, Meng Qi tried again, as if he had used all his strength, but the Nantian Gate was still motionless.

After weighing it up, he felt that it would be useless to resort to the laws of heaven and earth, so Meng Qi didn’t delay any longer. He smiled at Jiang Zhiwei and the others, and took big strides towards the place shrouded in mist.

A group of palaces stands above the continuous white clouds, just like the fairy house, but they are all dilapidated, some are completely destroyed, some are turned into dust, some are half collapsed, and some are cracked everywhere, but they are not decayed. The breath, without the feeling of being washed away by the years, seems to be frozen in the way it was when the heaven was broken.

Stumbling and staring, dozens of monsters with different shapes ran here under the leadership of a monster with a snake head and a human body.

The little demons looked around and felt dilapidated everywhere, quiet and quiet, not a single sound came out, even the wind disappeared, their hearts couldn’t help beating drums, and various images of their own sudden death emerged.

This is an inexplicably fallen heaven, even if they have no experience, they still know how powerful it is

The most timid green snake demon and black snake demon are already trembling, their unformed lower bodies tremble slightly, they follow closely behind the python pioneer, not daring to leave too far.

Pioneer Boa was also a little hairy, but thinking of his mission, he said boldly: “Little ones, spread out, two monsters and one team. Search for treasures, find out the terrain, and the king will come when he receives the reward. You don’t want to ruin the big thing.”

A month ago, there were often strange lights rising around, and many monsters who occupied the mountain as king paid attention, after their own searches failed. They sent out their subordinates one after another to “spread the net widely”.

Yes, I was shocked to separate the green snake demon and black snake demon. But dare not object.

The two demons were separated together and turned into a garden that was almost completely destroyed. As soon as they entered, they squatted down together with a tacit understanding, hiding in a hidden place, and dared not move forward.

“I didn’t find out what I said,” the green snake demon warned.

The black snake demon smiled guiltily: “I’m not stupid, I’ll talk nonsense and wait to be seen through.”

Who knows what monsters will appear in the palace of the shards of heaven

The two demons stopped talking and waited for their companions to return.

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed green snake demon whispered: “It’s back.”

From the other direction came two monsters. It seems that after a perfunctory search, he hurried back.

“Let’s go out to meet up later.” The black snake demon was relatively steady.

They took a sneak peek and saw two monsters, a snake and an eel, approaching quickly, without any panic in their expressions or behavior.

“It seems that there is no danger.” The green snake demon said to himself.

As soon as the words fell, the world seemed to be dull, and the snake demon and the eel demon fell directly, and their breath disappeared instantly.

“Dead, dead!” Green Snake and Black Snake were dumbfounded. I was so frightened that I would have been sweating profusely if it wasn’t for my physical condition.

The two companions who were fine just now died inexplicably.

And there is no external injury, no enemy is seen, it seems that the soul has been taken away by evil spirits

In a nightmarish feeling. They saw several teams of companions returning one after another.

plop plop

One by one, the monsters fell down with ease, losing their lives, and some even had a smile on their faces

This made the green snake demon and the black snake demon almost faint, what a scary place

“You two…” the python pioneer’s voice suddenly sounded above their heads, full of anger, obviously they just came back, and they haven’t noticed the surrounding situation yet. Only caught two lazy minions

Hearing this angry voice, not only were the two little demons not afraid, but they were extremely excited, as if after a long drought they had waited for the rain, and they had met a savior in a desperate situation.

Python Pioneer is a strong man who has condensed the demon pill and cultivated the original blood

They stood up abruptly, happily running towards the python vanguard.

At this moment, there seemed to be a dark wind blowing through their necks, and then they saw lightning flashes coming out of the eyes and mouth of the python pioneer in front of them, and they fell limply to the ground, with their skin sunken, completely empty of flesh and blood.


The two little demons screamed, lost their wits, and ran away.

Outside Wuzhi Mountain, hundreds of monsters flew over in a dark cloud, heading straight for the fragments of the Heavenly Court.

The white raccoon is a member of the little demons, full of admiration and awe for his king.

“The king is deep and terrifying. He used to dominate Xi Niu Hezhou, but he is a great man who has survived the catastrophe of Lingshan. In the world today, there are few demon kings who can compare with it.” It subconsciously turned its head and looked at its own king.

There is a black throne in the center of the little demon, from which the dark clouds condense, and sitting on it is a man in a black robe, with blue skin and a hooked nose, the rest is no different from humans.

Its expression is calm, its temperament is calm, its eyes are deep, and it looks like a big monster with extraordinary strength

Dark clouds fell, facing the fragments of the heaven.

The demon king said calmly: “They have almost got the news, let’s go in first.”

“Your Majesty, don’t wait for the Seven Cave Demon Kings to gather together,” said the leader of the little demon.

“The seven-hole demon king is worthy of the title of demon king because of them.” The black-robed demon king sneered.

“Yes, Your Majesty” the leader of the little demon hastily confessed.

Then, it waved its hand, and all the little demons sang in unison:

“The king asked me to patrol the mountain”

In the singing, they carried the black throne and entered the fragments of the heavenly court.

Just as they regained their sight, they saw the collapsed Nantianmen, and saw two little demons who were desperately escaping from it, and murmured to themselves:

“All dead, all dead”

The expression of the demon king in black robe suddenly became solemn. 73019dsuaahhh29751789gt


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