I Honor

Chapter 074

: Illusion Dafa (please click to recommend)

“North-North Link” is the courtyard of the residence behind the shop in front. Meng Qi sat in the shadow of the cornice, looking at Wu Cheng’s bedroom opposite.

After leaving the “letter” in You Tongguang’s study, Meng Qi rushed to the “Nanbeitong” shop in Shuimen in the north of the city overnight to monitor Wu Cheng’s every move.

Since the Snow God Palace has been destroyed for decades, and the remaining disciples are all secretly inherited and rich in experience, Meng Qi believes that if he sneaks in and arrests Wu Cheng for interrogation like he did with Jin Ancheng, it is very likely that he will scare the snake, such as near Wu Cheng. There are other people from the Snow God Palace who observe his movements, and if they find anything wrong, they immediately notify the relevant people, etc., and completely cut off contact. It is also possible that he has hidden dentures in his mouth, and he is willing to commit suicide at critical moments to keep it secret.

All these things made Meng Qi decide to try other methods first, and if it really didn’t work, he would consider using force.

Therefore, Meng Qi’s use of “dark clouds covering the top” and “there must be a disaster” in the afternoon to scare Wu Cheng was not aimless. Since Snow God Palace claims to be a descendant of gods and wants to break the boundaries between humans and gods, it must believe in immortals, gods, and fate. He is more “superstitious” than normal people, and when he encounters his “strange monk” and “curse”,Believe it or not, his heart is probably a little uneasy and anxious.

In such a state, Wu Chengcheng would likely look for psychological comfort, such as offering sacrifices to the Snow God, or seeking the high-level officials of the Snow God Palace in Tianding City to “eliminate disasters and solve difficulties” to stabilize his emotions.

Of course, Meng Qi is only based on the ideas promoted by the Snow God Palace and the information provided by Duan Xiangfei on the clues to the development of the cult after so many years of secret inheritance. He is not absolutely sure. If Wu Cheng does not respond, then another Change his method.

The moon was covered by dark clouds, only a faint light shone down, and it was pitch black all around. Meng Qi could barely see Wu Cheng’s bedroom clearly by relying on the six acupoints related to the eye orifice that had been condensed.

After a long time, there was a slight creaking sound suddenly. Meng Qi looked intently and saw Wu Cheng pushed open the window, carefully looked around, and then nodded slightly to the front.

Meng Qi’s heart skipped a beat, and he followed his line of sight, only to see the door to the side room slowly open.

It turned out that there was another guy from the Snow God Palace who was watching Wu Cheng on the opposite side. I don’t know how many people like this are hiding nearby.

Wu Cheng jumped out of the window, the sound of the landing was light, and his martial arts were quite good, then he flashed into the side room and closed the door.

There was no candle light in the wing room, and there was no sound of speaking, as if there was no one in it.

Meng Qi was waiting to go down to check, when he suddenly remembered Fei Zhengqing’s excavation of the tunnel, so he realized something, and instead of jumping into the courtyard, he looked around and observed the nearby courtyards.

If it is an authentic tunnel, you must be afraid of being discovered when digging, and the route you choose must be short and “not disturbing the people”. If this is the case with the east and north courtyards, it is better to choose the east or north wing as the tunnel entrance from the beginning.

Therefore, Meng Qi believed that the tunnel’s exit was in one of the two courtyards on the west side. Even if the Snow God Palace was really cautious, it would at most count one more courtyard to the west, so that he would have time to investigate one by one.

He didn’t think about going directly from the entrance of the tunnel here, because he suspected that people from the Snow God Palace were watching this wing, and entering rashly would only scare the snake away.

Standing up, Meng Qi took advantage of the darkness and sneaked into one of the courtyards on the west side.

After a while, Meng Qi judged from the condition of the owner that this courtyard belonged to an ordinary family, so he sneaked into another one, and kept pressing his ear to the roof tiles, listening to the movement inside.

After hearing the deliberately low breathing sound from time to time, he gradually had a bottom line in his heart.

According to the principle of which wing room is closest to Wu Cheng’s courtyard, Meng Qi heard Wu Cheng’s voice without much effort:

“Thank you Han for the explanation. This subordinate was overwhelmed by the tension during this period, so he was worried about a young monk’s random nonsense.”

A slightly old voice sounded: “Respecting the heavens and fearing the gods is the foundation of our Snow God Palace’s sect. There is nothing wrong with it. It is just that we have to distinguish those who are bluffing and deceitful. Alas, this is also a heavy loss. There are so many rumors that even the venerable disappeared. panic.”

His Holiness is missing

Meng Qi didn’t know what the titles in the secret inheritance of the Snow God Palace represented, but he could hear that the Venerable’s status was higher than that of the Han Envoy.

“Hanshi, the lord has not disappeared yet.” Wu Cheng suddenly stopped talking in the middle.

Then Han Shi said solemnly: “Friends on the roof, come down.”

Meng Qi was startled when he found me, but he didn’t act immediately to prevent fraud.

Han Shi said again: “Friends on the roof, since you heard that we came from the Snow God Palace, you should not be ignorant of the phantom. The old man is not talented, and he has not yet completed his cultivation, but his induction is different from ordinary people.”

Hearing such a statement, Meng Qi knew that he had been exposed, but the Yigao was bold, he let out a long laugh, flew down from the roof, and knocked openly on the door to enter.

There were four people in the room, one was Wu Cheng, the other was an old man with a hunched back, and the remaining two sat on the left and right of the old man, seeming to be his followers.

“So it’s Mr. Shenhou.” The old man was startled when he saw the monkey face mask laughing on Meng Qi’s face, as if he hadn’t expected it.

He was dressed in short brown, like a poor and busy man on the docks.

“The phantom is really extraordinary.” Meng Qi casually closed the door as if visiting a friend, and placed Han Shi’s two attendants in the sleeping holes.

The envoy Han didn’t fight back, he smiled and said: “The phantom is indeed magical, but it’s not as close to ghosts and gods as rumored. I don’t know why Mr. Shenhou came here.”

Last night, Shenhou made a move and easily killed Jin Ancheng. He thought he was not strong enough, so he decided to tell a non-important secret frankly and look for a chance to escape.

“Two purposes, the first is to find out the mystery of phantoms.” This is the purpose Meng Qi just came up with.

The envoy Han was puzzled and said: “Could it be that Mr. Shenhou wanted to force the phantom to ask the wrong person? It is not the rank of the venerable, so he cannot be granted the phantom.

“You should be more aware of the effect of the illusion, right?” Meng Qiyu asked with a smile, seemingly relaxed.

The envoy Han nodded: “Anyone who has had a deep understanding of the Snow God Palace is no stranger to phantoms. It specializes in training the eyebrows and ancestral orifices, and it is the magical skill to open the secrets of the human body. Even if the cultivator has not opened the secret in the end, Tibetans, mentally stronger than ordinary people, can sense most of the objects within a certain distance without seeing or hearing.Divide things. ”

This is not a secret, but not everyone can know it, so it is normal for Shenhou not to know it.

The mysterious Zang Mengqi, the ancestor of the eyebrows, became more and more interested in the “illusion”, and said with a smile, “So that’s how Han Shi discovered me just now.”

After a pause, he asked cautiously: “If the phantom is practiced to the extreme, will it be possible to create a phantom through a powerful spirit, like a ghost, like a god, and it is impossible to guard against?”

“How do you know?” Han Shi asked back in amazement, how could Shenhou, who knew nothing about phantom just now, know the horror after the consummation of phantom

“Because I fought against such a person last night, I could only cut the phantom with every knife, and I finally forced him back. I suspect that he is your venerable.” Meng Qi deliberately revealed something. What judgment can be given.

“Impossible, how could you push back the person with the consummation of the phantom?” Hanshi obviously didn’t believe in Meng Qi’s strength, but he quickly calmed down from the shock, and said thoughtfully: “This palace has the full power to dispose of Tianding City and its location.” The Venerable of Provincial Affairs has been missing for many days without any contact, and he is probably dead. The person Mr. Shenhou is facing should not be the Venerable. Moreover, even the Venerable, his phantom attainment is not so terrifying. point.”

“Will your palace lord come to visit?” Meng Qi also believed that a venerable’s phantom could not be so powerful, otherwise the Snow God Palace would not have passed it on secretly.

The envoy Han obviously felt amused and shook his head, pondered for a moment and said, “It’s not necessarily an illusion.”

“Hmm.” Meng Qi expressed his doubts in a nasal voice.

Han Shi said solemnly: “Illusion is the magical skill to open the secret treasure of human spirit, but it is not the only one. If there are other methods to cultivate the ancestral orifice between the eyebrows and open the secret treasure of spirit, then with or without illusion, it will be able to interfere with the enemy in the fight. The facial features, let the other party have a bias in judgment, and create a phantom by yourself.”

“Opened the Spiritual Secret Treasure” Meng Qi murmured thoughtfully, then changed the subject, “I came here this time for another purpose, to ask about the treasures of the Snow God Palace, and now There is one more question, that is why your venerable disappeared and when did you disappear?”

He didn’t ask Duan Mingcheng directly, but asked in a roundabout way.

Han Shi smiled wryly again: “These two are the same thing. I am not afraid of Mr. Shenhou laughing. When our Snow God Palace split up, the four guardians each took away a treasure map. If you combine the four, you can find the treasure. Unpredictable, in the end there is only one guardian who is willing to continue the inheritance of the Snow God Palace, so we only have a treasure map in our hands.”

“The other three, one is missing, one is in the hands of the Living God of Wealth, and one was obtained by Duan Mingcheng, the son of Mr. Xianyin. He also covets the treasure and has many contacts with us. Just when everyone was planning to join forces, the respected person who went to discuss disappeared with him.”

The whereabouts are unknown. The picture is in my hand. Meng Qi thought silently, and at the same time, there was some turmoil in his heart. It seems that Duan Mingcheng did go to meet the mysterious man at that time, but he was not taken away by the mysterious man, but disappeared together with the mysterious man

Of course, the description of Snow God Palace may not be true.

Regarding the disappearance of the Venerable, the Han envoy mobilized a large number of people to search for it, but before the news came back, he was hunted down by Fei Zhengqing and had to go underground. Since then, it has become difficult to find out, and there is no clue.

Meng Qi woke up the entourage of the envoy Han and asked them again, but what he said was highly consistent.

Seeing that there was no more information, Meng Qi smiled slightly: “Nagging late at night, please forgive me, I will leave now. By the way, I don’t know if you can silently write a phantom to me, as long as you know what you know.”

He didn’t plan to practice phantom, after all, Han Shi might tamper with the sentence, but he just wanted to take a look at the training ideas of the eyebrows and ancestral apertures in it, and figure out the reason behind them.

The envoy Han let out a long sigh, took out a pen and paper, and silently wrote the first part. Anyway, this is not the core

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