I Honor

Chapter 743

: Mission Change

Pulled by the air force and inspired by the murderous intent, Meng Qi took a step subconsciously, with the sword slanted to block General Yin’s front, while Ruan Yushu took out the simple and clear mirror.

Jiang Zhiwei, Qi Zhengyan, and Zhao Heng each gathered their momentum and were ready for the encounter in just a few seconds.

As for General Yin, Meng Qi felt that if he faced him alone, he would not be too sure that he would be able to win the battle, even if he urged the main material of the magic weapon. After all, no matter how powerful it is, it must be defeated. Evil thoughts and divine envoys have something to fight for, otherwise, with the strength and realm of the master, it is possible to pay a certain price to dodge and evade, or have to fight in martial arts to create a chance for lore, or use the force of the gods to evade it. The main material of the soldiers is used to create a good opportunity to escape.

But now, the team is gathered together, with the Demon Mirror, Jiang Zhiwei’s assistance, and Qi Zhengyan’s involvement, as long as General Yin doesn’t have the special magic weapon of Journey to the West, it’s not a big problem

The only thing to worry about is the mysterious “person” wrapped in the black robe. His aura is cold and terrifying, and it is by no means comparable to General Yin. Even if the five of them only deal with him, Meng Qi still feels extremely dangerous

Dangshan Jun looked over coldly, and there were two red glows bursting out in the darkness shrouded by the black robe.

Seeing him like this, Meng Qidun felt cold from his feet, cold from the bottom of his heart, his blood was about to freeze, his muscles and bones became stiff, and his soul faintly trembled.

Terrible strength

Dangshanjun suddenly raised his head and screamed, his voice shook the sky, and the hidden breath gushed out. Even in the fragments of the heaven, he disturbed the situation and changed the color, making the clouds solidify, giving people the feeling that he is such a master of heaven and earth, the core of this world

“Peak location, close to half-step Dharma body” Qi machine could not be pulled, as if elusive, Meng Qi didn’t dare to make rash moves, and was on guard on the spot.

It turned out to be an enemy of this level, the difficulty of the task is too exaggerated, right?

Meng Qi still remembers the fact that Doumu Yuanjun slapped the top expert “Underworld” to death with a slap

Today’s death mission is nothing more than that

General Yin was also frightened and stood still. I feel quite fortunate, fortunately, I didn’t contradict Dang Tiger before.

But such a strong Dangshan Lord failed to protect the Silver Python King

After the sound of long whistles, Dangshan Jun turned his head, ignored Meng Qi and the others, and walked towards the palace in front of him, the palace with only one entrance.

“Uh…” Meng Qi was obviously stunned.

After showing off his strength, the monster in black robe didn’t choose to hunt for treasure calmly after clearing out the foreign enemies

What it did just now was just a warning to itself and others, not to try to snatch it, otherwise there will be hostility if there is no hostility

And such kind-hearted monsters

Jiang Zhiwei and the others did not expect this to happen. They looked at General Yin in blank dismay, and the open space in front of the palace was quiet.

General Yin was full of thoughts. I don’t know what to do.

Kill the human race in front of you first

No, Mr. Xiongshan, they screamed and disappeared, and the few human races are safe and sound, there must be something to rely on

Thinking about the miserable Dapeng before, General Yin suddenly felt timid.

When he met alone, he thought to himself that even if the other party had a powerful magic weapon, as long as it wasn’t the one used by the demon kings when Tang Seng was learning scriptures, he would be sure to avoid it. But now, the five members of the team gathered together, the girl in the light yellow dress can fight with him a few times, and the young man with the sword seems to be stronger. After being involved by them, Dapeng is an example

Do as soon as you think of it, General Yin turned around and followed Dang Shanjun.

Dangshan Jun eats meat. we can have some soup at least

Because I couldn’t figure out what the black-robed monster was thinking,Meng Qi looked at General Yin’s back, but did not swing his sword. Watching them push open the main entrance of the palace and disappear into the darkness.

“Inexplicable mission.” Meng Qi sighed.

Jiang Zhi frowned slightly: “The breath of the black-robed monster feels a little familiar.”

After being reminded by her, Meng Qi also came back to his senses: “It is indeed familiar, where did I meet?”

Zhao Heng shook his head: “I don’t feel that way.”

Several people tried hard to think back, thinking about every living monster they had encountered, but there was no clue.

“It’s fine if you can’t remember it.” Meng Qi restrained his thoughts and looked at the open palace gate. “We have good deeds in hand, so we are not afraid of deducting them. We don’t have to fight with monsters who are close to the half-step body. Why don’t we search around and get some bits and pieces to make up for it?” Good deeds lost.”

Once there is a retreat, few people will engage in a life and death struggle.

“Okay.” No matter how much Jiang Zhiwei likes to fight and sharpen his sword, he is not a brainless person. A grand master can’t stand it, let alone a monster who is close to half a step.

Meng Qi looked around. There was the Tianhe River in the back, and the palace in front. The palace was cut off by the chaotic void, and there was a garden on each side, with big trees growing and lush.

“The meaning of the black-robed monster is very clear. Let us not rob it. In other words, we’d better not enter the palace.” Qi Zhengyan reminded.

Judging from the layout, the core of this fragment of heaven is mostly in the palace.

Meng Qi thought so too, and said puzzledly: “Judging from the reaction of the tiger demon, the black-robed monster seems to have come uninvited, and it can’t figure out the details. Could it be that it got the news and came here to find the core of the fragment?”

“It should be, but the black robe monster hesitated to choose the left side after entering the gate of the palace. It seems that he doesn’t know where the core thing is placed.” Zhao Heng observed carefully.

But it was useless. Meng Qi took a deep breath and pointed his hand: “Let’s not enter the palace, but go to the garden to find the fairy grass roots. If we can harvest a flat peach, it will be more cost-effective than completing ten missions.”

“Peach” Ruan Yushu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Even knowing that these were just Meng Qi’s words of consolation, and that as one of the most important treasures in the Heavenly Court, flat peaches should obviously be in the core area of ​​Jiuchongtian, not the fringe area near Nantianmen, Ruan Yushu still perked up and fantasized about the taste of flat peaches

“Where are you going?” Jiang Zhi calmed down and asked with a smile.

She has accepted the fact that the mission failed.

Meng Qi pondered for a while and said, “A few monsters died for no apparent reason. I’m worried that there are still strange things in the fragments of the Heavenly Court, so we can’t separate. As for which side to choose, I’m used to choosing the left.”

“Then go left.” Jiang Zhiwei and the others had no relevant information, so they naturally let Meng Qi choose.

Meng Qi took the lead, and the others were cautiously guarding against accidents, and quickly approached the garden on the left.

When it was time to enter, Meng Qi, who was secretly turning to Yuxu, suddenly had a whim, and looked back at the palace entrance, only to see a strange blood shadow flash past and disappear into the darkness behind the door

“What’s the matter?” Qi Zhengyan asked in a deep voice.

Meng Qi frowned slightly: “I saw a blood shadow, but it wasn’t coming for us, don’t worry about it.”

If the weirdness in the fragments of the Heavenly Court can kill General Yin and the black-robed monster, wouldn’t the task of oneself and others be easily completed?

This is a pleasant surprise

Withdrawing his mind, Meng Qi first checked the restraints. As before, he used all methods including avatars, but found no abnormalities, and neither Yuxu Divine Algorithm nor Jiang Zhiwei’s “Cicadas sensed before the autumn wind moved” did not “perceive” the danger.

When stepping into the garden, the vicissitudes of time and vicissitudes of life rushed to his face. Meng Qi looked around and let out a soft sigh.

The avatar’s observation range is limited, and the deity can sense Fangyuan. Now that he observes it himself, Meng Qi feels weird.

There is no grass growing in the whole garden, only a big tree grows in the center. It is green and slender, with luxuriant branches and leaves. The crown of the tree is like an umbrella covering the sky. If you observe it from the outside, you will think that there are many trees here.

The leaves sway gently, but it can’t hide the silence, vicissitudes, solemnity and lifelessness of this place

“This tree is a bit weird.” Meng Qi approached slowly, thinking of dismantling the “opponent” into pieces for easy transportation.

Qi Zhengyan frowned, as if thinking about something, followed closely behind, and Jiang Zhiwei followed Ruan Yushu and Zhao Heng.

Moving forward while inspecting, Meng Qi didn’t find any curses or traps.

Suddenly, there was a vibration in his mustard ring, and something seemed to wake up inside, heaving up and down, waiting to be fed.

“What’s the situation?” Meng Qi’s heart froze, and he opened the mustard ring on guard.

is it

The “Tree of the Great Dao”, which had no response to any stimulation before, sent out a chorus of ups and downs.

Because of this slender green tree

Meng Qi pondered for a while, put away the running fire, took out the tree of the avenue, and stretched it towards the only tree in the garden that was straight and slender.


The tree of the avenue first touches a palm, then touches the big tree

Meng Qi turned his head in astonishment. At some point, Qi Zhengyan was already beside him, trying to touch the big tree.

“This…” Qi Zhengyan slowed down by half a beat, and then moved his eyes down, looking at the tree of the avenue, his eyes were blank at first, and then a little astonished.


Amidst the weird sounds, wisps of chaotic aura between the qualitative and the intangible came from the big tree.It gushed out and flowed towards the small green tree in Meng Qi’s hand.

In a short moment, the big tree shrunk and withered, its branches rotted, and the small green tree shone brightly, and immediately condensed. There was a small brown bump on the main trunk, which seemed to be about to grow new branches

The voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation suddenly sounded in Meng Qi’s mind:

“The task has changed, the core has been absorbed, please avoid the pursuit of Dangshan Jun and General Yin, and prevent them from taking the tree of the avenue”

When I went to Mengqi, I never thought that this big tree, or its “vitality” is the core thing

At this moment, a terrifying aura rushed from the palace, and a giant python as thick as a pond protruded out, with wings on its back, rotten muscles, and pus.

“I have always let you go, why did you take my chance?” The giant python’s eyes were scarlet, and it let out a monstrous roar. There was a white-haired zombie in one eye, and the familiar figure of Meng Qi and others was hiding in the other.

Old Luo Mengqi was stunned.

It turned out to be Dangshan Jun, the zombie snake demon who chased Luo Shengyi back then

How did it become like this? How did it come out of Lingshan?

The giant python lowered its head, and Meng Qi and the others froze. They made a quick decision and chose to interrupt the mission and return.

“Leave the battle before you can return.”

The indifferent voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation sounded.

s: the third twelve o’clock


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