I Honor

Chapter 785

: Ancient Mirror

The lights and shadows fluctuate and change again and again. Meng Qi seems to have stepped into a dreamy and blurred place, or deep into the seabed with its own light.

And on the wall, rays of light reflected from each other, each of which illuminated a spot of light, each showing a different scene. Meng Qi saw the deep sea, the grassland, the lofty mountains, the vast starry sky, the galaxy, The nebula, the galaxy, the golden crow and the jade rabbit, the round sky, the barren end of the world, the underwater world, the earth and the moon, and flying saucers and spaceships. Door after door, door the size of a fingernail

The scene inside the door is constantly changing, seemingly endless.

Meng Qi was dazzled by the sight, and vaguely understood their “origin”. The inner world he constructed and his own world view seemed to be able to explain such a scene well. , every realm can be “shared”, and everything you see now is the projection of the myriad realms

I am afraid that this magical place is inseparable from the fairy world

Looking back along the bright light, Meng Qi saw a mirror, simple and vicissitudes, unique patterns, dark mirror surface, unable to reflect anything.

There is light from nothingness, shining on the mirror, reflecting strangely up, down, left, right, front and back, as if the mirror itself is an illusory thing that can penetrate, and the reflected rays of light fall on the solid void, and then manifest Open a “door”

The ancient mirror appears distorted and changes, floating in the center of the “dream palace”, there is a feeling of being here but not here

“This is where the magic lies. It seems to be the complete manifestation of the pond we have seen. If you concentrate on sensing, a different version of yourself will appear in each door.” Intoxicated, the Immortals have gone through tens of thousands of years of research and exploration day and night, but they have not been able to figure out what deeper truths and principles are hidden in the “magic place”.

“Seeing a different self.” Meng Qi’s heart moved, and combined with his judgment just now, could the fish caught by the Immortal Clan be the “self” among the “Zhou Guang Fragments”

As soon as he had an idea, he concentrated on sensing, and the countless doors around him changed accordingly, and faces formed one by one.

After breathing, they become clear, they all look the same, Meng Qi in the Earth Age

Being watched by “self” one by one, Meng Qi suddenly felt horrified, ended the induction, and returned the doors to their “original state”.

Sure enough, only the “self” before time travel

What is the difference between fish and anglers? If they can be anglers, why can’t they be themselves?

Confused, Meng Qi took a few steps forward and walked to the vicinity of the magical ancient mirror. He stretched out his hand, and his avatar manifested into a skin. He approached it cautiously, trying to sense it by touch.

“Useless” Xiaoru’s voice sounded faintly.

Meng Qi was stunned, but he didn’t stop moving. His right hand slowly approached the ancient mirror.

Feeling nothingness to the touch, passing through directly, Meng Qi frowned slightly, it is not real

However, the slight reaction of the tree of the avenue made him sure that it had something to do with the fairy world

Xiaoru smiled bitterly: “If you can touch it and collect it, why should we immortals keep it here for thousands of years? After trying various methods, we couldn’t see its real body after all.”

Meng Qi nodded. What Xiaoru said should be the truth. The Immortals had discovered this place for many years. If there was no other way, they should have taken the ancient mirror away and pondered deeper to find out the secret of “reincarnation”.

“Do you know what it is?” Meng Qi asked after some consideration.

The pattern on the ancient mirror is too peculiar, completely different from the ancient seal characters, I can’t tell it apart, I just feel that it has a heavy feeling brought by endless years.

Xiaoru shook her head helplessly: “I don’t know.”

“The old man knows.” Suddenly, a cold voice sounded out of thin air, and a familiar figure stood out from the edge of the “Dream Palace”.

“Master” Xiaoru was taken aback. The person who came was Song Bingde, the master who was “subdued” by him before.

Meng Qi stretched out his hand and stood in front of her, his eyes were full of alertness, not to mention that Song Bingde’s strange appearance here would make people vigilant, just because of his current appearance, he has no choice.

Song Bingde’s body is still medium, his facial features are ordinary, but his obscenity has turned into deep, his eyes are blood red, and there is cruelty and ferocity in his ruthlessness, which makes people feel palpitating without speaking.

“You’re not Song Bingde, you’re someone from the Bloody Clothes Sect,” Meng Qi judged from the subtle characteristics of the skills.

Song Bingde laughed, and the place was suddenly overcast, and the color turned red: “You disturbed the old man’s reincarnation, don’t you know who the old man is?”

“Blood Sea Rakshasa” Meng Qi blurted out, feeling as if his hair was blown up, and his alertness climbed to the extreme.

Song Bingde is actually the incarnation of the blood sea Raksha, a man of great height

Feeling like a master now

The sense of danger in his heart didn’t surge until this time, the actual realm gap between the two sides was too big, under the intention of the blood sea Raksha, his own whim and arrogance to avoid disasters were suppressed

Although it is not the first time that I am hostile to the Dharma Body, it is the first time to face a hostile Dharma Body without external help.

Even though Song Bingde is only a clone, but at the level of a master, his experience and realm are still much better than his own, and it is not true martial arts that want to feign death to escape, I am afraid it will be more difficult than Xi who is not shaken by the five virtues.

And this is Nanhuang, his real body may arrive at any time

Meng Qi’s thoughts raced, thoughts emerged, and he quietly took another step closer to the ancient mirror.

Xiao Ru was at a loss at first, and then looked at him with hatred, gnashing his teeth and said: “No wonder I have been adopted by you since I can remember.”

“Song Bingde” sneered: “This old man never leaves troubles behind. If he didn’t know such a place until the end, he would have followed the contact and got rid of you. Why pretend to be your master and find a way to wake up your memory.”

He didn’t care about Xiaoru any more, his eyes passed her directly, looked at Gu Jing, and said slowly:

“This is the Haotian Mirror.”

“Haotian Mirror” Meng Qi slightly lost his voice.

Legend has it that this side of the world is the belongings of Emperor Qing

He vaguely noticed lines of blood flying out of Rakshasa’s body in the sea of ​​blood, turning into spider webs and wrapping the entire “dream palace”.

Xuehai Luocha narrowed his eyes, with a smile on his lips: “The Haotian Mirror was conceived in the ancient fairy world, and it was the treasure of the Haotian God at that time. Unfortunately, he fell at the end of the era, and the Haotian Mirror was broken. Remnant soul, later captured by Emperor QingYes, the mirror body was recast, but before the mysterious disappearance of the Qing Emperor, the Haotian Mirror was broken again, and this was the evolution of a trace of its remaining essence. ”

“Its original ability is no longer known, and now it can communicate with the heavens and worlds, and see other selves.”

“The other self in the Zhouguang Fragment” Meng Qi actually asked cooperatively.

Blood Sea Rakshasa was a little surprised: “You know a lot, and you are worthy of being a person who has been blessed with four calamities. That’s what it means.”

He seemed to be very willing to share, and continued: “There are endless other similar selves. Normally, only when you have cultivated the Dharma Body to a certain level, can you sense the myriad worlds in the dark, sense them, and then step out. My only legendary path, and with the Haotian mirror, I can try a little in advance, which has great hidden dangers but infinite magical effects.”

It turns out that the real function of the secret method is not to reincarnate, but to sense “other me” Meng Qilue.

Blood Sea Rakshasa didn’t want to discuss this matter any further, and instead said: “It only retains its essence, and it is definitely impossible to touch it if it is not in the realm. No matter how close you stand, what’s the use of it?”

Faced with the avatar of the master, Meng Qi’s face was heavy, and he said in a low voice: “You have said so much, are you just waiting for help?”

“Yeah…” Xuehai Luosha’s lips were red, as if he had just tasted a meal of blood, the corner of his mouth was smiling, and his posture was relaxed.

“Your avatar is only at the level of the Seventh Heavenly Layer. I was worried that I had magic weapons and other treasures. I was worried that I would not be able to get them easily, so I talked about my secrets, stalled for time, and waited for help. Is it the Lord of Ten Thousand Insects or the main body?” Meng Qi’s eyes were serious.

Xiao Ru broke out in a cold sweat.

Blood Sea Raksha chuckled, “It’s a pity that you came to your senses too late, and the current blood demon is in a big formation. I may not be able to take you down, but it will definitely make it impossible for you to escape.”

He is cruel and cruel, and seems to be thinking about how to torture Meng Qi

This is the confidence of Fagao people

Boom, boom, as small as a fast heartbeat, like beating a drum

“Not necessarily.” A smile was drawn on the corner of Meng Qi’s mouth, and his tone suddenly became light.

There is a small green tree in his left hand, which is touching the Haotian Mirror

At the same time, he grew two arms, one holding Xiaoru, the other tightly holding the ancient talisman

If I can’t get it, I will feed it to “little tree”

The blood sea Rakshasa changed his face for the first time, the surrounding blood sea was highlighted and surging r1152


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