I Honor

Chapter 804

: Tongtian Road

Imperial court camp, inside a gorgeous tent.

Prince Shen Yunqing sat cross-legged on the couch, with the Emperor’s Saber horizontally placed on his knees, his eyes half-opened and half-closed, deep in meditation to restore his spirit.

Suddenly, he felt a light flashing in front of him, opened his eyes suddenly, and found a golden armored god standing in the middle of the tent.

Although she did not register with a surname, Shen Yunqing felt that the other party was a god at first sight

This man of God is one foot tall, covered in golden armor, with vertical eyes between his brows, vast, majestic, and sacred aura condensed like substance, wide like the sea, making people unconsciously want to worship.

“I am the Rensheng Emperor, the ancestor of your family.” The voice of the golden-armored god and man was like thunder, and there was a faint sense of deafening.

The Shen family was inherited from this god, and Shen Yunqing’s blood sensed it, and without any doubts, she stood up and bowed respectfully to the old ancestor.

Renshengdijun’s face is a little blurred, and the divine power cannot be directly looked at: “The way of heaven is running, it will not survive because of me, and it will not die because of you. Originally, the power of the court is exhausted, and I can’t interfere. If there is a ray of life today, I want to cooperate with the gods of the nine heavens to help For you, another thousand years of luck will continue.”

Shen Yunqing was overjoyed, bowed down in a hurry, and asked the unworthy descendants what to do to welcome the coming of the Nine Heavens God.

“The passage between heaven and earth was cut off by the predecessors, and it is difficult for us to enter the world, but the Nujiang River is special, and can build a temporary road to the sky. With our power, even if it only descends for a few breaths, it is enough to destroy the rebels.” Rensheng The emperor said slowly, he already had a plan in mind.

Shen Yunqing repeatedly said: “How should Tongtian Road be built? Du Huaishang has the help of the gods, will K hinder the ancestors from coming?”

“It’s okay, this matter is confidential. By the time you realize it, we have completed a major event.” Emperor Rensheng was as calm as a mountain, “As for the road to the sky, you should concentrate on writing it down.”

K told Shen Yunqing in detail the method of setting up the special altar, and finally said:

“You can ask some priests of the Blood Sea Sect to help you.”

Shen Yunqing was stunned, the ancestor of the Blood Sea Sect was reallyThe real gods even have to ask K for help

When his thoughts were tumbling. Emperor Rensheng’s whole body lit up with a sacred golden light, and the light spots of strong vows flew straight into the sky, indescribably extraordinary and refined.

Shen Yunqing’s head shook, her senses suddenly blurred, and everything in front of her eyes shattered like a dream.

He opened his eyes again, and found that the tent was richly decorated and empty, without any sign of the descending of the gods. It seemed that he had just had a dream

He looked down at the Divine Weapon Emperor Sword. I found it trembling slightly, throwing out a little light, no longer calm, as if it was welcoming its former owner.

“Isn’t it a dream?” Shen Yunqing was in doubt, and hurriedly asked the eunuchs beside him to invite “Martial Emperor” Dugushi and “foreigner” Wenjing to discuss it.

Dugushi sat calmly, his tall body seemed to fill the tent, Wen Jing’s eyes were laziness, and he listened to Shen Yunqing’s detailed account of the incident.

After listening to the method of building the structure of “Tongtian Road”, Wen Jing stood up suddenly. Clasping fists with both hands: “Congratulations, Your Highness, congratulations to Your Highness, there are nine days of gods descending, and the destruction of the rebels is just around the corner”

“It’s true.” Shen Yunqing was still a little uncertain.

Wen Jing laughed and said: “The emperor’s sword is on the side. It is difficult for external evils to invade. If it is not the benevolent emperor, who can entrust the dream to His Highness and have the emperor, and he is not afraid that the gods coming from Tongtian Road will stand by Du Huaishang’s side.”

“As for the road to the sky. From the perspective of the old man’s shallow knowledge, it is indeed extremely mysterious and connects nine heavens.”

At this time. Dugushi said slowly: “Since it is the benevolent emperor Jun Tuomeng, you can try.”

Whether there is a problem with “Tongtian Road”, he can’t guarantee it, he can only choose to trust the emperor Rensheng.

Shen Yunqing thought of how her ancestors would never harm her, so she felt a sense of pride in her heart. She stood up abruptly, wielding the Emperor Knife in one hand, and violently swung it with the other: “Call the priests of the Blood Sea Sect and build a road to the sky.”

Continuing the luck of the millennium of the dynasty

Rebel Army, the big account of the Chinese Army.

“Dugu Shi is stubborn, he only accepts the principles of death, and is not good at flexibility. To put it mildly, it is called persistence, but at the worst, it is stubborn. His blood is low. If he was not respected by a royal relative who loved martial arts at that time, it would be difficult to achieve what he is today. So again Dissatisfied with the incompetent king, but still loyal, there is absolutely no possibility of instigating rebellion.” Du Huaishang introduced Meng Qi and the others to the top three powerhouses in the court camp.

Meng Qi said thoughtfully: “Those who can become martial arts masters more or less have their own persistence. What about the others?”

The Immortal Stone around Du Huaishang said: “Marquis of Wu Tong, Wu Che, General Kou Jin, is from a noble family. He has always put the interests of the family first. If they can understand the benefits and disadvantages, let them understand the current situation and the need to protect the family. There is a certain possibility to win over, even if you don’t directly rebel, you will lose your dedication.”

“General Dou Qing who conquered the South, and Liu Tuizhi, Minister of the Ministry of War, are the children of ordinary people. One is a rebel who was subdued by Dugushi, and the other is a rebel from the imperial court. There is a possibility of wooing, and I have always been at odds with Wu Che and Kou Jin, and have mutual suspicions.”

The reason why the rebel army is so powerful is because the emperor has no way, which made many aristocratic families dissatisfied. They can be seen behind many rebels. For example, Feng Jingtang is a member of the aristocratic family. In an environment where resources and blood training methods are concentrated in the imperial court and aristocratic families, relying solely on Du Huaishang and others, it will be a hundred times more difficult to achieve the current momentum, and it will take about ten years

Meng Qi, Qi Zhengyan, Jiang Zhiwei and the others listened intently, asking questions from time to time, pointing out the specific personalities of these four upper-third-rank powerhouses, so as to find a way to win them over. For these challenges, for example, Liu Tuizhi is more calm and conservative, so when facing him, he can be more active and ignore some flaws, because he doesn’t have the determination and hard work to grasp.

After explaining in detail the information about several top-ranking powerhouses, Du Huaishang stroked the hilt of Chengtian Sword with his right hand, and said with some doubts: “It’s been two days since Du’s recovery, and I thought the imperial court would at least attack once more. Who knows but there is no movement, could it be that the mysterious ancestors have manifested themselves, and they are secretly planning something?”

He invited Meng Qi and the others here today to discuss this abnormal matter.

Meng Qi had also been suspicious for a long time, and got up without hesitation when he heard the words: “I also ask Du Tianwang to lend a ray of magic weapon to help.”

The natural moat of the Nujiang River separates the north from the south, and the aura of gods and demons is pervasive. If you don’t wander to a place close to the opposite bank, you can only see the vast mist of water with your sharp eyes, and when you kill the Shadow King, the other party has been guarding against the technique of change. Meng Qi He felt that crossing the river again was very dangerous, so he had been discussing alternatives with Qi Zhengyan for the past two days, until Jiang Zhiwei made a suggestion.

Du Huaishang had a heart for Gu Renzhu, and without hesitation, he lowered his head and communicated with “Chengtian Sword” for a while, and then the sword light lit up, and a ray of sword energy filled with sacred meaning flew out.

Jiang Zhiwei slapped his hands, and a white rainbow flew out, entangled in the sword energy, and then they both landed on the figure of the Supreme Sword Lord protruding behind her, and the remote sensing of his mind, regardless of strength, strength or distance, was reflected in it all.

Tongtian Jianxin, Taishang Daren, everything is indistinguishable

Countless sword qi lingered in her eyes, slowly manifesting the view of the river on the opposite bank, and saw the court camp moving forward a lot, approaching the river against common sense.

And in front of the camp, where the river was turbulent, the security was heavy, the ships protected the outside, and the strong guarded the inside.

The scene is refined, an altar appears there, and the bottom sinks intoThe river water is carved with many strange patterns, some of which look like human flames, some of which are shaped like water waves, and the core is densely arranged.

Qi Zhengyan said suddenly: “They are connecting nine heavens and nine places, setting up passages so that gods and demons can descend temporarily.”

With just one glance, he could tell the function of the “Tongtian Road” altar, and he understood it in more detail than Shen Yunqing and the others.

“Please God to attract demons” Du Huaishang stood up, the right hand of Immortal Man Shi trembled, and almost knocked over the tea in front of him.

Meng Qi’s mind was buzzing, and a bad thought subconsciously surfaced. Could it be the change brought about by the cause and effect of “the anger of gods and demons”?

The matter of cause and effect is tantamount to spending in advance, turning difficulties into ease, killing people invisible, stepping up like drinking water, but there will be a day of repayment in the end, what Meng Qi is most worried about is that the anger of gods and demons will be reflected in this death mission

Qi Zhengyan nodded solemnly: “The source of the imperial court is also the gods. Once cultivated into an altar and sacrificed with flesh and blood, gods and demons will come for a short time. When the time comes”

Before he finished speaking, Du Huaishang had already made a decision:

“Call together the volunteers from all walks of life, attack the other side with all their strength, and pull down the altar”

He has almost complete confidence in several masters

After a while, Zhu Shou, King of Pinghai, Miaohu, Marquis of Jiushan and others arrived, and Du Huai said succinctly:

“The imperial court builds an altar and invites the gods to attract demons. Once we succeed, we will be powerless to resist. At that time, the imperial court will be powerful and the gods and demons will be terrifying. Even if you want to surrender, they will not accept it. to no avail”

What he said caused the rebels to look at each other in blank dismay. If Du Huaishang hadn’t been upright and wouldn’t lie, they would all suspect fraud.

“We will know about this matter when we cross the river. If Du is cheating at that time, you can disperse on your own. Now life and death are at stake. Please help me out and destroy the altar.”

Zhu Shou, Miao Hu and others could become the leaders of the rebel army, and they all had a strong and unruly spirit in their hearts. Seeing that there was no way out, they all gritted their teeth and said:

“Damn, fight to the death with them”

“Everything is at the command of Du Tianwang”

Du Huaishang’s face straightened, and he said majesticly: “Wu Che and Kou Jin are guarding the left side of the altar, please attack King Pinghai and Marquis of Jiushan, Dou Qing and Liu Tui are on the right, please restrain the Great Heavenly King and Duke Fudi, and force the front The emperor, the crown prince, and the other people will be borne by Du Mou, Immortal Man Shi, and several masters, and the altar must be destroyed.”

“According to orders,” the leaders of the rebel army bowed their hands.

Meng Qi, Qi Zhengyan and the others had serious expressions on their faces, ready to explode.

The ship sails out and rushes to the opposite shore

The clouds of battle are thick and the waves are raging

s: If you don’t ask for a ticket for a day, there will only be a few dozen shorts later, tears, please ask for a monthly ticket


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