I Honor

Chapter 806

Breaking into the altar

“Take a knife”

When Wen Jing just heard the word “knife”, he saw purple lightning in the sky, the light of the knife was criss-crossing, crackling and crackling, and the huge figure standing up to the sky was faster than the sound, with the knife, the light and the energy, it had already attacked in front of you.


A series of purple electric saber lights fell, and Meng Qi was unparalleled in power, directly crashing into Wen Jing’s saber circle.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang

A series of clear and crisp collision sounds joined together, and the two swords attacked and blocked at a speed almost invisible to those who were new to the location. The upright thunder dissipated, defeating the evaporated skull-shaped dark green demon soul.

It was as if Wen Jing had returned to his childhood, encountering tides at the seaside, wave after wave, wave after wave, continuous and never-ending, making him almost out of breath

Amidst the thunder and gunpowder, Meng Qi’s right hand raised up, and the “Heaven’s Wound” slowly fell, as if dragging the whole world, so heavy that Meng Qi’s body trembled a little.

The sky became dark, the river stopped shaking, and the strong wind and thunder condensed on the tip of the knife, turning into a pitch-black spot the size of a needle tip.

Meng Qi was full of fighting spirit, his primordial spirit shook the void, and made a thunderous sound:

“Take another knife”

As soon as the ending sound started, the long knife suddenly accelerated and slashed down. If the void was distorted, it seemed heavy like the sky was collapsing.

Suddenly, a huge dark green knife with condensed brilliance stood in front of Meng Qi’s wound from the sky. The two knives collided silently, and the heavy force disappeared instantly.Wen Jing’s body swelled to about ten feet, and he used the method of pressing the bottom of the box. Behind him stood out a substantial and ferocious demon figure with two horns on his head, and his evil aura was soaring to the sky. Power reappears. But it’s a reflex


Meng Qi was thrown away, his right hand was half paralyzed, and with a heartbeat, he recognized Wen Jing’s exercises:

Heavenly Demon Slayer

At this moment, the altar on the ninth floor was nearing completion, and Jiang Zhiwei was surrounded by several top officials from the court. Although they were bloodied and nearly defeated, they could not join forces with Meng Qi for the time being. The sound of Ruan Yushu’s zither offset the Taoist master hiding in the dark, and the exterior scenes of the altars on the upper floors flew down, intending to besiege the two of them

He couldn’t be given a chance to unfold the exercises, otherwise he would be easily dragged in mid-air. The situation came into his mind, and Meng Qi had already made a decision.

Turning in mid-air, with a chic posture, Meng Qi stabbed out the fire with the force of the shock just now. Still everything returns to the void, the tip of the sword breaks through the void

Such a reaction speed made it too late for Wen Jing to change his move, and the dark green knife blocked the long sword again, absorbing the heavy. He bounced back and bounced Meng Qi up again.

Qi and blood were churning, and his left hand was numb. Meng Qi didn’t waver at all. Turning around again, two arms grew out, and another slash “everything returns to the void”

“Take another knife”

ding ding ding ding ding

Although a certain style of the Heavenly Demon Slaughtering God Technique is good at absorbing the opponent’s strength. Reflecting the attack made the collision of the weapons almost silent, but again and again, with one knife after another, the void was still shaken, making a sound like cutting a big tree.

Constantly bouncing high and falling, Meng Qi was like a rolling eagle, but getting heavier and heavier.

“Take another knife”

Amidst the roar of shouting, Meng Qi turned around again, and the “Heavenly Injury” slashed down. The void seemed to be torn apart, and black gaps appeared at the tip of the knife.

Wen Jing lost the upper hand, so he could only passively parry, secretly annoyed, if he could use the secret treasure in this mission, he would have taken you down long ago

Of course, similar thoughts also surfaced in Meng Qi’s mind.


The sound of gold and iron clashing swayed far away, and many people who fought fiercely trembled and were stunned by the shock

Wen Jing only felt that the real mountain on the opposite side was pressing on him, and finally he couldn’t absorb all the weight, so he took a few steps back.

Meng Qi forced a continuous attack, spewed out a mouthful of blood, took advantage of the counter-shock and Wen Jing’s retreat, folded his body, and rushed to the altar on the upper floors, regardless of Wen Jing, because he saw Jiang Zhiwei killing and besieging In the exterior scene, a sword pierces over.

He didn’t have time to join forces with Jiang Zhiwei to quickly kill Wen Jing, and now he has to race against time, because the altar is almost finished

Wen Jingtian’s fake height is tall, and the monster’s aura rushes out, disordering the world, Jiang Zhiwei’s six senses are disturbed, and the long sword deviates. Although she quickly corrects it with the Tongtian Sword Heart, Wen Jing has already dodged, and with a wave of the long knife, the rolling demon The yin and qi turned into a whirlwind, rushing to Meng Qi’s back in a whistling manner, wrapping him around and trapping him, the effect was somewhat similar to the fairy rope

At this moment, Meng Qi changed against the wind, the cyclone lost its target, and disappeared slumped.

Without stopping, Meng Qi strode up to the top of the altar.

Jiang Zhiwei faced Wen Jing, who showed the appearance of a sky monster and swelled her body, and the gap in realm was widened again, and so was her strength, but she was fearless, her eyes showed the appearance of the Supreme Sword Lord, and she thoroughly practiced her sword skills. Fully displayed.

Meng Qi’s heart was moved while running wildly, as if he sensed the changes below.

The sword energy rose there, and there seemed to be a bright Jiang Zhiwei, a generous Jiang Zhiwei, a cheerful Jiang Zhiwei, a smiling Jiang Zhiwei, a sad Jiang Zhiwei, a lost Jiang Zhiwei, and a depressed Jiang Zhiwei. They seemed to be performing the sword of affection. At the same time, There is also Jiang Zhiwei who cuts off all kinds of feelings, Jiang Zhiwei who is devoted to the sword, Jiang Zhiwei who studies diligently, Jiang Zhiwei who has a heart like a mirror and a sword, Jiang Zhiwei who has a firm goal, Jiang Zhiwei who doesn’t attach to anyone or anything, just be himself, this is Ruthless sword.

However, all of these Jiang Zhiwei are unified in a pair of deep eyes, the Dao is ruthless, all things are dogs, the heaven and the earth are sentient, and all living beings are one. high and low

It seemed that Jiang Zhiwei was wielding her sword one by one, and it seemed that the sword moves she had mastered were being swayed one by one with some indescribable mystery. With his back to her, Meng Qi could appreciate the true artistic conception without looking closely and sensing it. .

This is her way, her way

This is Jiang Zhiwei, who does not live for love, does not fear death, does not exist because she is someone else’s friend, student, senior sister, or someone else’s favorite, she is her, she is Jiang Zhiwei, the unique Jiang Zhiwei

At this moment, Wen Jing felt that his changes to the legal principles of this world were cut off with a single sword, the evil energy and ghosts were constantly shattered, and the suppression of the enemy’s realm fell to the bottom. Jianguang came from all directions, mixed with emotion and ruthlessness, and connected with many changes. He could only cheer up and use the nine methods of killing the gods one by one, and slowly regain the situation.

Although he is confident of winning in the end, under such a tense and urgent situation, being briefly suppressed means that he has lost control of the battle situation

He furiously cursed at the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation in his heart, the enemy was unexpectedly tyrannical, and he couldn’t use the secret treasure yet. This is not an ordinary faction confrontation mission, it is clearly a death-level mission

this oneIf I go back, I’m afraid I’ll have to sell everything to make sure I won’t be wiped out

Thoughts floated up, he activated the secret technique, his breath rose again, the demonic aura filled the air, covering the sky, and the images of demons shot at Jiang Zhiwei like sharp arrows.

However, Jiang Zhiwei did not retreat a single step, and also resorted to the desperate method of Xijiange and the Nine Turns Mysterious Kung Fu. Against him, he still has the upper hand for the time being.

Stamping and staring, Meng Qi strode forward, and the two outsiders killed his clone. Rushing over to intercept.

Suddenly, Meng Qi’s body became heavy, as if he was bound by the earth. The sound of the piano swayed far away, lightening the body.

As soon as the footsteps were stepped on, the light of the knife flashed. Meng Qi rushed straight past, and an exterior scene was knocked into the air by him who was in awe of heaven and earth, and passed out.

As for the other one, his right shoulder was broken off, and Baobing fell to the ground, with a feeling of retreating in his heart.

Without looking back, Meng Qi continued to charge forward, the sound of the piano and Taoism were fighting and offsetting each other.

A Jue Ding appeared in front of him, armed with a strange weapon, attacking from afar.

Meng Qi dodged the attack on one side of his body, and at the same time kept walking. After two steps forward, the knife flashed.

Plop, this Jue Ding’s body was cut off at the waist, and he fell to the ground in pain, screaming continuously, but his strong vitality kept him from dying for a while.

A few strong men blocked the way again, Meng Qi lowered his head, charged forward, and the sword flashed again.

Limbs fell to the ground, blood gushed out, and these few outsiders seemed to be stunned.

On the Nu River, Ruan Yushu’s forehead was sweating, he kept touching various qin music with the skill of thousands of miles of murder, and competed with the master of Taoism.

Sometimes a phoenix coils around her, sometimes a hundred birds sing together, sometimes a fairy soars, and sometimes an ancient clock vibrates, creating a dreamlike scene.

The remnant warships of the imperial court, which were disrupted by the blow of the divine soldiers, discovered the anomaly here, and they drove their ships to attack instead of defending.

Zhao Heng took a step forward, his body seemed to turn into a strong wind, and he came out with the sword. Suddenly, a hurricane formed on the river, setting off a wave of water, which overturned a dilapidated warship. Ships join the fray to prevent enemy interference.

Du Huaishang was more than self-preserving, not enough to attack, so he simply threw the driftwood, retreated to a safer place, and concentrated on communicating with “Chengtian Sword”

One knife, another knife. At this time, Meng Qi especially thanked Jiang Zhiwei for suggesting that he exchanged for the “Jade Slaying Sword”. It is really effective to cooperate with the “opening up the world”.

The ninth floor was far away, Meng Qi’s Fatianxiangdi was coming to an end, and the figure began to move forward in a large and irregular “zigzag” pattern, so as not to be locked by the magic weapon or drowned by the range attack.

The resulting waste of time can only be tolerated

Suddenly, he heard a crisp sound in his ears, and his pupils shrank violently:

The altar is finished

Several Blood Sea Sect members left the ninth floor, and Prince Shen Yunqing began to offer sacrifices to treasures and powerful players who had died before.

“There’s still a chance. There’s still a chance to destroy it before it’s fully triggered.” Meng Qi never shed tears when he saw the coffin. He gritted his teeth, narrowed the zigzag, and quickly approached the ninth floor.

Once you enter the attack range that has been reduced by the interference of the gods and demons, immediately use the “Drop Karma”

I didn’t use this last “cause and effect” on Wen Jing before, just to use it on Shen Yunqing who is in charge of the magic weapon

Suddenly, Meng Qi felt extremely dangerous. Subconsciously, he swung the long knife in his right hand sideways heavily, while the sword light in his left hand burst out, splitting into two, splitting into four, layer upon layer, trying to eliminate the attack.

It wasn’t until this moment that he caught the shadow, a golden long spear came backwards with the tail of the spear, almost breaking the void

The weapon in Dugushi’s hands has been replaced with a saber, and he opened and closed, but instead suppressed the real Man Shi and Qi Zhengyan.

Worthy of the name of swords, guns, fists and feet

Qi Zhengyan’s experience, knowledge and skills are far superior to him, but he was still suppressed for a while.

The golden spear came crashing in with terror, so fast that Meng Qi could only deal with it hastily, while the sound of Wenjing’s turbulent air flow sounded in his ears:

“The altar is complete, you are dead”

“Save the piano girl, delay time, can’t stop it”

“If you don’t save the Qin girl, Taoism will interfere, and you still can’t stop it”

“Anyway, you’re dead”

In the confrontation with Jiang Zhiwei, he slowly regained the situation, shouting like a curse like a sentence


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