I Honor

Chapter 081

of the phantom, Meng Qi had already copied a copy, and had also pondered over the contents.

“Within three days, You Hongbo will be delivered to the mage. Please deliver the remaining chapters then.” The old shopkeeper got up to see the guests off, without asking Meng Qi why he entrusted the Twelve-Aspect Gods when he had enough strength to do it himself.

Meng Qi left immediately, and had no intention of arresting him and interrogating him. This kind of outside contact person must not know the core secrets, and it is easy to startle the enemy when dealing with him.

Moreover, the Twelve Gods act secretly, most of them are contacted through secret notes, and it is not easy to follow them. Even if they monitor the shopkeeper’s every move, it will not be very fruitful. If the Twelve Gods could be locked down so easily, this organization would have been destroyed long ago.

After leaving Huaishu Street, Meng Qi saw crowds of people on the avenue, wearing swords everywhere. Looking at the sky, he saw dark clouds hanging down, the atmosphere was oppressive, and heavy rain was coming.

I don’t know how many major events will happen in these few days. Meng Qi sighed inwardly. :

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