I Honor

Chapter 815

: The Golden Account Spy

Shijiabao is not a famous family that has been passed down for many generations. To be precise, it is precisely because of Shi Tianqi, a martial arts tycoon, that the current situation has gradually come into being. Things were going up and down, panic and helplessness, noisy and chaotic, and Ling Yue, who appeared at this time, was naturally regarded as a life-saving straw by them.

“Does anyone in the castle know why your father went out?” Ling Yue has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, struggling countless times. After the initial shock and grief, he sorted out the clues and asked Shi Xiaodang and Shi Xiaoxiu the most critical questions.

Meng Qi’s sword was put in the mustard ring, his hands were hanging down naturally, and he stood beside him like a pine tree, listening quietly without interrupting.

The Shi family is not related to me, so there is no need to spend too much energy on them, but if I can find out the problem, I don’t mind helping out, after all, everyone in the world knows that “Mad Sword” Su Meng has always been heroic and courageous

Shi Xiaodang and Shi Xiaoxiu looked at each other, and shook their heads sadly: “After nightfall, we asked housekeeper Zhou and the servant girl serving my father, they only knew that at dusk, my father left the study in a hurry, with a serious face, and left the castle in the blink of an eye. ”

Steward Zhou and the others behind nodded their heads to testify for the two young masters.

Ling Yue sighed and said: “In fact, the old beggar and your father had a life-and-death fight tonight to hit the second ladder. Su Shaoxia was the witness, but after waiting for a long time and still not seeing your father, that’s why he came to the door.”

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Shi Xiaoxiu and Shi Xiaodang’s faces turned pale. Could it be that their father died under Uncle Ling’s stick? They had a life-and-death discussion, and there were witnesses, so they must have signed a corresponding contract. .

After listening, they quietly breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the heroic and steady Meng Qi, and said in a hurry, “Could it be that my father hurried out to attend uncle’s appointment, but was murdered on the way?”

They had seen Meng Qi’s image in Changle. I can preliminarily confirm that the person in front of me is real, and “Mad Saber” Su Meng’s chivalrous reputation is all over the world. Even if he is splashed with dirty water by evil spirits, “True Immortal Chuyang” will try to clarify it. With his testimony, there is no doubt about the matter. Father did not come to the appointment.

Ling Yue shook his head and said: “The old beggar and Su Shaoxia met by chance, and then asked him to be a witness. It is impossible for the person who assassinated your father to know this in advance, why didn’t you wait for your father and the old beggar to lose both sides before Shi Shiran took action. Reduce risk, increase chance of success”

The role of witnesses is firstly to be highly respected, and what they say has weight, which makes people believe, secondly, to prevent someone from using three indiscriminate methods in the struggle of life and death, such as ambushing helpers, and thirdly, to prevent someone from taking advantage of the situation to rob and profit.

“Besides, your father is a person who does not explain what he does. It is a life-and-death agreement. He will definitely leave a few words for you before departure. He left in such a hurry, it should be something else important.” Ling Yue judged.

Speaking of this, he said seriously: “The old beggar made an agreement with your father. If I die in the battle of life and death, he will treat my disciple as his own. If he dies, the matter of Shijiabao will be the matter of the old beggar. Go through fire and water, escape death, and do whatever it takes. Although the battle of life and death cannot be won now, the old beggar will also bear it with all his strength.”

These words greatly stabilized the hearts of the people in Shijiabao, and Shi Xiaoxiu, who supported herself strongly, burst into tears immediately, crying miserably.

Meng Qi was wearing a green shirt, and with the calmness of teaching the Tao Te Ching for many days, he suddenly said: “From the current situation, the owner of the stone castle is not on a life-and-death agreement, and if it has been arranged, he will not Set the date for the duel today, because after busying with other things, can you keep your body and mind in peak condition? Obviously not.”

“That is to say, there was an unexpected event that made him leave the castle. Since it was an unexpected event, how did it pass to him? Following this line of thought, we should be able to find some clues.”

Concern makes chaos. Ling Yue, Zhou Steward and others are not young birds who have just entered the rivers and lakes. They should have thought of this earlier, but they have been entangled in whether Shi Tianqi left words or notes. Now Meng Qi has explained it clearly. One time, wake up immediately.

Butler Zhou yelled: “After dinner, I seem to have heard the sound of birdsong coming from the study. I didn’t care about it at the time. Now that I think about it, I’m afraid it’s a secret message.”

Shi Xiaodang’s brother and sister were very excited, they turned around and ran towards Shi Tianqi’s study. Ling Yue followed closely with a solemn expression, and Meng Qi followed slowly.

Shi Tianqi’s study was neatly tidied up. Pens, inks, papers and inkstones, literature and play books were neatly arranged in different categories, showing the master’s meticulous and distasteful character.

This kind of person would not put things in disorder, he would be sure where they should be. Meng Qi just glanced at them and made this judgment.

Because of this, Shi Xiaoxiu only searched in the place where Shi Tianqi usually presses the message note, and did not look at other places too much. Now, he walked to a bookshelf, opened the secret door, and took out the secret report placed in chronological order from it. , draw the lastseal up.

That letter cannot be called a letter, but a small note with the width of the index finger, on which is drawn an eagle, a golden tent, and a broken-tailed wolf. The three figures overlap each other in a strange way, which is extremely difficult to imitate, like a child In addition to graffiti, there are only three words on the note: “Luohunjian”.

“Luohunjian” Shi Xiaodang turned around suddenly, his eyes were red.

The terrain of Luohunjian is steep and the scenery is beautiful. It is only two or three hundred miles away from Shijiabao. He is quite familiar with it.

“Wait.” Ling Yue stretched out his hand to stop it, then pointed to the strange picture and asked, “This is a secret mark”

Shi Xiaodang and Shi Xiaoxiu shook their heads blankly, but Butler Zhou gasped and said, “Lone Wolf”

“Lone Wolf” Meng Qi thought of the grassland when he heard the name, not to mention the eagle and the golden tent on it.

Steward Zhou gritted his teeth and said, “Only the owner of the castle and the old man know about this matter, and it is one of the secrets in the castle.”

“The owner of the castle is inextricably linked with the Changle Gao family, the Thrushcross Villa, and other aristocratic sects. He always helped them find out the secrets of the grassland during the exchange. Later, he secretly raised a grassland orphan, who was sent to the Jin Dynasty through the hands of others. account, because we have provided information, he has made great achievements and won the trust of Guldo, and the superimposed pattern of the bob-tailed wolf, the golden account and the eagle is his secret mark.”

The trusted agent of the Golden Account suddenly left the grassland and returned to Northern Zhou. The information he brought must be very important and urgent. He couldn’t wait for the normal process. No wonder Shi Tianqi’s face was solemn and he walked in a hurry without leaving a word. Meng Qiruo thought.

Ling Yue was known for fighting the grasslands, so he didn’t dare to delay any longer, rolled up Steward Zhou, and flew towards Luohunjian.

Meng Qi has been favored by Thrushcross Villa and Chunyang Sect many times, and Doubi’s eldest brother is also the Northern Zhou royal family. Hearing that the matter is related to the grassland, he is obliged to follow him to Luohunjian.

The brothers and sisters of the Shi family were only enlightened, they had no choice but to ask an elder from the outside scene to take them with them.

The Falling Soul Stream was not far away. It didn’t take long for Meng Qi and the others to fly into the sky. They saw a stream of water splitting the mountain range and rushing like a waterfall.

As soon as his eyes were opened, Meng Qi found the trace with a casual glance, and fell down immediately.

This is a forest next to the water stream. Now centered around a certain point, there are signs of a large area of ​​dead trees, and at that point, there are two corpses lying there.

“Castle Master” Steward Zhou stared at it and shouted sadly.

Ling Yue’s eyes were slightly red, and his eyes were sad. He walked to a corpse. He fell to the ground, wearing a black robe of special texture, obviously a treasure-level protective gear, and a thin wound on the back of his head.

The corpse turned around, and the brothers and sisters of the Shi family who had just arrived burst into tears. It was Shi Tianqi.

While Ling Yue was meditating, he saw Meng Qi approaching, knelt down to take a closer look, and asked expectantly, “Is there any gain?”

“Killed with one sword, the burst of sword energy is very well controlled. Just after killing the primordial spirit and smashing the brain, it didn’t spread out. For the murderer, this consumes the least amount of money, leaving room for guarding against sudden changes.” Meng Qi While watching, he said, “With the strength of the murderer, if the sword energy erupted completely, it would be enough to destroy the Fangyuan mountain, not to mention the corpse, but he did not do so, and the castle master’s battle robe, treasure soldiers, and mustard ring are all there, which means that the murderer After one blow, the attacker fled away immediately, without doing anything superfluous.”

“This is the purest assassin, an assassin who can overcome greed.”

Ling Yue’s face suddenly changed: “The green or blue assassins of the Burenlou came here just to silence them.”

Shi Xiaoxiu, the Qing or Blue Assassin of Burenlou, swayed and almost passed out.

It seems that no one has ever succeeded in seeking revenge from Burenlou

The corpse next to him has an obvious prairie face, and it should be the spy of the golden tent. However, his corpse has been completely crushed by the sword energy, and it turned into fly ash with a light touch, leaving no trace, if it was not here just now With no wind blowing, Meng Qi and the others might not be able to see the corpse

This is not an assassin, it is not pure and unprofessional, it must be the destruction of corpses requested by the employer

“You can imagine how important that information is if you can hire the assassins of the Qing and Blue ranks of the Buren Building.” Meng Qi frowned slightly. Now it seems that the clues have been broken.

Shi Xiaodang and Shi Xiaoxiu opened the mustard ring, but found nothing relevant, so they had to put away their father’s precious soldiers, hugged his body, and said sadly, “I don’t know who found the Buren Building.”

Eighty to ninety percent of it is a golden tent, which is more dangerous than the Buren Building. Meng Qi sighed, not knowing what was brewing in the grassland.

It’s a pity that the clues have been cut off

At this moment, Meng Qi had a premonition, and suddenly closed his eyes, only to feel that there seemed to be a dark shadow hidden in the depths of the water mist, and it was difficult to accurately detect the shadow. He was quietly watching himself and the others, patiently, focused, scary

Meng Qi, the blue-ranked assassin of Burenlou, immediately had this thought in his mind, and he didn’t even have time to take out his sword, and used his palm instead of soldiers, fully on guard.

The shadow seemed to be aware of Meng Qi’s perception, and retreated slightly, disappearing into the mountain stream.

“Su Shaoxia” Ling Yue, Shi Xiaoxiu and others were stunned by Meng Qi’s reaction.

Meng Qi breathed out, and said in a deep voice, “The Qing and blue assassins of Buren House are still nearby.”

He paused, and said solemnly:

“It shows that there are still clues that have not been erased” To be continued

s: The third update will be delivered, please recommend tickets on Monday:

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