I Honor

Chapter 852

: Evil Sky Demon

The tent painted in blue is farther away from the golden tent, and is closer to the Guna River. You can see the water surface with floating ice, and you can hear the sound of the rhythm of life.

Inside the tent, there is a banquet, accompanied by singing and dancing, the atmosphere is hot but not noisy.

Sitting cross-legged in the main seat is a man in a brocade robe, in his thirties, not in his forties, with ordinary facial features, his temples are frost-white, his hair is tied with a wooden hairpin, his temperament is mature, showing a bit of vicissitudes, his face is pale, and he has a kind The morbid madness is hidden, holding the wine glass in one hand, and keeping time with the other hand, casually and unrestrainedly.

Opposite him is a man in a green shirt, with the same temples as snow, the same maturity with vicissitudes, the same forty or so, but his facial features are profound,Even more refined, with a soft hat on his head, it looks like Meng Qi’s “Poisonous Hand Demon Lord” pretending to be.

The man in the brocade robe gave Meng Qi a half-smile and said, “When I was chasing you into the broadcast, I never thought I could see you on such an occasion.”

“I didn’t expect you to become a grand master.” Meng Qi played with the wine glass, rubbed his thumb over the moist jade face, the ancient well was calm, and his expression was indifferent.

The man in the brocade robe is one of the “Eight Great Heavenly Demons” of Mietianmen, the “Extremely Evil Heavenly Demon”, ranking forty-ninth on the black list. It was he who chased and killed the poisonous Demon Lord back then, forcing him to go to the sky and go to the earth without a way. In order to identify the identity of the Poison Hand Demon Lord, there is no one more suitable than Luo Jiao and Su Nv Dao.

And counting the time, combined with the information from the Six Gates, Chunyang Sect, etc., the “extremely evil demons” at that time were not called the eight great demons, they had just passed the first ladder, and it was not until ten years ago that they were regarded as the sixth heavenly demon. Consummated cultivation has accomplished a great event, replacing a fellow student of Zuohua, officially becoming the Eight Great Heavenly Demons, judging from his current demeanor, he should have passed the second ladder. Whether it is the Seventh Heaven or the Eighth Heaven, or even the peak location of the Nine Heavens, Meng Qi can’t tell for the time being.

Facing Meng Qi’s composure, the “Extremely Evil Heavenly Demon” suddenly felt unhappy, took a sip of his wine, smiled slightly and said, “You resolved the grievances of Luo Jiao, but it seems that you haven’t explained to our sect yet, why don’t you?” I am worried that I will turn my face and start disillusioning the Heavenly Demon, the Nine Heart Heavenly Demon and the Blood Killing Heavenly Demon are all in the Golden Tent, and you cannot escape with your wings.”

Above the external scene of Mietianmen can be called Heavenly Demon. The best among them are the Eight Great Heavenly Demons. There were six grand masters in their heyday, and now there are five. However, the head of the Eight Great Heavenly Demons, the “Faceless Heavenly Demon”, has not been seen all year round, and there has been no story for a long time. Whether he is transformed or not, he will be temporarily removed from the black list.

“The magician is a great talent, with lofty aspirations, contacting fellow Taoists from the left to help the sweat. How can you ruin your reputation because of a small matter? A thousand gold can sell bones, but many words can also make gold.” A little flustered.

The more he is. The more evil the devil is, the more unhappy he is. Although the failure to hunt down and kill him in the past didn’t make him worry about it, seeing the calm look of the Poison Hand Demon Lord, he, who is not a saint or a virtuous man, inevitably has some emotional changes.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing restless thoughts, the evil demon clapped his hands and motioned the dancer to go down, the corners of his mouth curled up. His eyes were indifferent, and there was a hint of madness under his pale and bloodless face:

“The suzerain is indeed magnificent, but this seat has always been narrow-minded. If you cut it first and play later, he will not punish this seat severely because of you. If you don’t believe me, we can make a bet”

The threat was palpable, but he restrained his breath and sat still. It seemed that it was just a few verbal knocks, but if anyone relaxed his vigilance because of this, it would be fine if he didn’t say it, and it would be fatal if he did it.

Meng Qi stroked his frosty temples. Without anger or surprise, he said: “Hey, the old man gave birth to Huafa early. It has passed the age of high spirits, and this time I went to Da Khan, and I also have the idea of ​​resolving the antecedents with the noble family, but if you have orders, just open your mouth.”

The Demon Lord of Poisonous Hands seems to be subdued and bows his head, trying to resolve it, but his neither humble nor overbearing attitude still dissatisfies the extremely evil Heavenly Demon, but he can’t find a reason to attack, so he chuckled and returned to his casualness: “There are indeed orders, The real Poisonous Hand Demon Lord also has to stand the test, so as not to secretly follow the righteous way, but I haven’t made up my mind yet, let’s talk about it after drinking.”

He drank it in one gulp.

Meng Qi smiled slightly and raised his glass together, as if he didn’t notice the killing intent that the extremely evil demon had just formed and then quickly disappeared.

“Poison Hand, I heard that you had an adventure in Bomi, and obtained the top inheritance of Buddhism. You realized that the great shattering is the great mercy, so you can get out of the shackles with a Buddha and a demon.” The extremely evil demon suddenly changed the subject.

Meng Qi calmed down and asked, “How did the extremely evil fellow Taoist know?”

“The story of you in Jiangdong has been spread all over the heresy, and you want to ask for Yuanyin furnace cauldron, but you were offered by the disciple of Huanxi Bodhisattva.” The extremely evil demon looked at Meng Qi jokingly, “However, at that time, your technique of integrating Buddha and demon made it difficult for you Hu Tao was full of admiration, although Zhui Hun hates you deeply, but he has to bow his head in admiration for your Buddha and demon skills.”

Meng Qi smiled and said, “Thanks to the flattery, it’s not bad.”

An understatement ignited greed in the heart of the extremely evil demon. He had inherited the top power, and had many adventures. It is also a big realm short of myself, but now it seems that it is not too far away from stepping the second ladder. The Buddhist inheritance that can be combined with the magic way must be outstanding

Taking another breath, the extremely evil demon vaguely felt that his emotional changes today were a bit too intense, which made him instinctively want to contain it.

He laughed, patted the table and said: “I have a disciple who is as beautiful as a celestial being, and has a proud figure. Although she is no longer a body of yin, she is full of yin. Using her as a furnace is still effective. You can use her as a poisonous hand!” If you are interested, you will not be able to pass the second ladder.”

Before Meng Qi could answer, he had sent a voice transmission to the disciple who came in. His facial features were indeed excellent, he was beautiful but not gaudy, his skin was blown to pieces, his dress was snow-green, his figure was thick and slender, and his temperament was somewhat refined, but his eyes were big. And Run, like a pool of autumn water, seems to have a hidden flame in the depths, as long as you tease it, you will be moved by emotion.

Ordered by “Master”, the girl in Xueqing dress, Ping Pingtingting, walked towards Meng Qi, and said softly, “This junior pours wine for senior.”Her eyes became more and more moist, glowing with waves, making people unable to look away.

“How can an old man steal someone’s favor?” Meng Qi refused with a smile, unmoved.

The extremely evil Heavenly Demon’s face suddenly turned serious: “The poisonous hands don’t give me face, but I just said back, but I have an order, just speak up.”

Being urged, the woman in Xueqing speeded up her pace, swaying like a flower, her eyes tearing up. At this moment, she saw the elegant man with frosty temples and white temples glance at her, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, a half-smile, and his eyes were deep and unspeakable.

There was a bang with the charm of a god and demon, and the hidden desire in her heart suddenly burst out, surging and flowing to all parts of her body, waves of bliss came, and her brain quickly went blank.

snap. She fell to the ground, her face was flushed, and she was weak.

“This kind of little girl is too young, and I don’t like it.” Meng Qi smiled and looked at the evil demon, still playing with the jade cup with his left hand.

The extremely evil Heavenly Demon was stunned, not understanding what method the Poison Hand Demon Lord used to make his disciple who had experienced many battles fail before he even approached.

really good means

Just as he was about to speak, he felt a sudden sensation and raised his head to look high up in the sky, so did Meng Qi.

The stratus clouds in the sky were originally dyed red by the setting sun, burning thousands of miles away. At this time, it suddenly became bright, as if it was noon, a sword light struck from afar. It is mighty and pure, covering the eyes with clouds, but if you observe carefully, you will find that the sword light is actually divided into strands, and each strand is composed of smaller and imperceptible sword lights.

These innumerable sword glows form a sword array, layer upon layer, and there are more than one hundred thousand sword arrays in one sword. Stirring each other and making up for each other, they spurred out this resplendent and mighty sword light, which is enough to overwhelm the sword light of the generalized golden tent.

As soon as he sensed the composition of the sword light, Meng Qi lost his energy, his soul became dizzy, nauseated, and then looked at the extremely evil demon. Already retching.

If you don’t have the utmost love for the sword, if you don’t have long-term dedication and devotion, you will never be able to control such a complex and subtle terrifying sword

“Mr. Lu Da Yixinjian” was in shock, lost his voice in shock, and temporarily lost control of his emotions.

Watch this power. Mr. Lu Da was more terrifying than Da Khan, so terrifying that it was a bit beyond imagination. He is not just an immortal

As soon as his shock surfaced, he found a Taoist with a high crown and ancient robes and a young face appeared in the sky. He had an unspeakable feeling throughout his body, as if he was the incarnation of the existence of heaven and earth.

The Taoist held the sword in his right hand, and pushed up the Taoist crown with his left hand, and the fresh air spewed out, forming three Taoists.

An old-fashioned, unsmiling man, holding a pure white long sword, went down a little, and rushed out with a sword aura that could destroy the world.

An old and kind man, holding a deep black sword, slashed down with a burst of sword energy.

A Qingchen came out of the dust and chopped out the blue sword, the sword was bright and clean.

The original Taoist held the scarlet long sword, took a step, and hit the golden tent.

Immediately, sword qi crisscrossed from all directions, and the void collapsed and twisted into a cage, sealing the golden tent. All matter disintegrated and turned into an energy storm.

Even time has slowed down, and the extremely evil demon’s thinking is a bit dull.

“One Qi transforms three Qing Chonghe Taoists” He suddenly recovered.

Before the words were finished, Meng Qi felt that the world was completely dark, the sword light and sword energy were gone, and a monster that devoured the sky and the earth seemed to rise from the position of the golden tent.


There was a loud noise, and Meng Qi could barely sense a bronze-colored giant tens of feet tall standing up from the golden tent. He was holding an ax as if he wanted to hold his head above the sky.

The sword energy was inhaled, so was the sword light, and the two offset each other. The bronze-colored giant raised his right hand again, and the ax showed its appearance. It was a long-handled ax that could grow bigger with people. Traces that are difficult to describe in words, it seems that they are the prototype of lightning, flame or chaotic hole.

The ax fell and became ethereal. Meng Qi’s heart moved, as if he “saw” the Banished Immortal Pond, the Banished Immortal Pond that can make people lose their immortal bodies.

If this ax hits, the earth immortal will retreat into a human immortal, and another ax will knock down the mortal world

This is Meng Qi, the peerless magic weapon “Heavenly Punishment Axe”, who is both fascinated and worried.

The sword light reappeared, and the four swords of Jujue Trapped and Slaughter once again crisscrossed, making him unable to sense the situation at the heart of the battle.

After a while, it seemed that other Dharma Bodies rushed over. Mr. Lu Da’s sword light picked up and released countless sword lights, which were so quiet and subtle that they seemed to be able to penetrate the tiniest gap of the flesh and soul, from all directions, from every corner , cutting towards Guldo at the same time, and the others couldn’t tell there was a sword light at all.

Coupled with the oppression of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Gurdo could only turn back to defend with his axe. Mr. Lu Da and Chong He Taoist left calmly.

It wasn’t until this time that Meng Qi was able to sense the surrounding scene. The golden tent formation was almost completely destroyed, but it protected the inside. Outside the formation, there was far more than a thousand miles of cloudless sky. His breath rolled outward, like a heavenly demon descending.

“The Tianzhu Ax really has the level of a celestial being.” Meng Qi sighed. Otherwise, Mr. Lu Da’s first sword, Guldo would be in a panic. Coupled with Chonghe Taoist’s Zhuxian Sword Formation, he would be able to survive three days. It is his fate not to die.

The extremely evil Heavenly Demon couldn’t calm down, and whispered to himself: “Lu Dahe and Chonghe were promoted to Earth Immortal at the same time.”

And surpassed the level of normal earth immortals,will things still go well

He glanced at the Demon Lord of Poisonous Hands, and found that he was standing with his hands behind his back, his blue robes were flowing, his expression was calm, and he didn’t lose his composure in the slightest. He felt angry for no reason, as if he was being compared.

“Poison Hand, I have already thought about your certificate.” The extremely evil demon’s pale face diluted the vicissitudes of life and maturity.

“What task?” Meng Qi remained calm and calm.

The extremely evil demon became more and more displeased: “Go back to the Northern Zhou Dynasty and kill Qianlong Feifeng and his wife.”

This is a very well-known pair of extreme couples. They have the method of joint cultivation and can compete against the master for a short time.

“Okay.” Meng Qi nodded slightly, still not embarrassed.

The extremely evil heavenly demon called out “Yes”: “I see you off for the poisonous hand”

His pupils returned to the deep, without joy or anger.

After the aftermath of Mr. Lu Da’s and Taoist Chong’s attacks passed, two escaping lights flew up and returned to the south.

After walking for a while, away from the golden tent, there was no one around, the extremely evil demon pressed the light, and said with a half-smile:

“Let’s go here.”

Kill people to vent their anger, take their adventures

“Thank you for sending me off.” Meng Qi’s green shirt fluttered, his hands were behind his back, and the corners of his mouth were smiling, showing endless vicissitudes of calm.

The extremely evil Heavenly Demon is about to laugh at the “Poisonous Hand Demon Lord” and his sense of danger has degenerated. He can’t detect the danger. Suddenly, his heart moves. His emotions today are too intense and extreme. Why did he get out of the golden account and come here to kill people?

As soon as he thought of it, he found that the surroundings became dark and gloomy, and he seemed to be floating, and in the chaos, shadows floated up and down, like thoughts that were constantly changing.

At this moment, one after another figure emerged from the chaos, all of them looked like the extremely evil Heavenly Demon himself, some were angry, some were greedy, some held grudges, some were stunned, some were shocked, and some were filled with anger. It is him who is lustful, and the differentiation of every figure makes the extremely evil demon feel that he is weaker

He looked forward sharply, surrounded by figures surrounded by the elegant and vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of the poisonous hand demon king with frosty temples.

He stood with his hands behind his back, his green robe was deep, and he was looking at himself with a smile that was not a smile.

This weird scene and change made the extremely evil demon blurt out:

“You are not the Demon King of Poisonous Hands, who are you?”

“Yes, I’m not the Devil Lord of Poisonous Hands.” Meng Qi replied with a smile, the frosty white of his temples became more and more conspicuous, his eyes seemed ruthless and indifferent, and he whispered to himself:

“I am Yuanshi Tianmo.” To be continued.

S: This

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