I Honor

Chapter 856

Two Hundred and Sixty Seven

On the way back to the Golden Tent, before entering the range of the Earth Immortal’s natural induction, Meng Qi had initially used the “Yuan Xin Seal” to confuse the “Extremely Evil Heavenly Demon”‘s soul, disturbed his mind, and awakened his memory fragments. Without touching the core secret of Mietianmen to avoid backlash, he knew exactly which tent he lived in. After giving instructions to the female disciples, Shi Shiran patted the brocade robe and walked back.As soon as he entered the tent, the lake in Meng Qi’s heart suddenly became turbid, and the tide surged. Cold sweat broke out on his back, and he subconsciously looked towards the edge.

Standing there was a man in a toga with long sleeves. His hair was black, without a single silver thread, and he was randomly inserted with a wooden hairpin. He looked sideways at Meng Qi, with half of his face so profoundly handsome that it was strangely strange. It was as if a god had descended into the world, with his hands behind his back, and he was looking at the sky through the ventilated place of the tent, his eyes were full of thoughts, as if he was thinking about the ultimate meaning of life, how to live forever, and how to die

“Magician” Han Guang

This man seems to be the “magician” Han Guang

Meng Qi never thought of sneaking into the core level of Fa Gaoren to inquire about news, but only wanted to deduce the truth from various orders and news at the next-level master level. After his Eighty-Nine Mysterious Skills entered the Seventh Heaven, the changes could be hidden All the exterior scenes and the half-step Dharma body that have not restrained the practice, but it is still not enough to see in front of the Dharma masters at the human immortal level, unless they can pass the third ladder.

Although before he left, he had to present the “Inverted Dayan Talisman” to Taoist priests, but this could only be a slight cover-up, lest Blood Sea Raksha had a whim, guessed his whereabouts, and found out that he was in the golden tent.

If Fagao is face to face with others, unless he has no doubts and no desire to explore, it is absolutely impossible to hide

Who knows, just now when he was replaced by an extremely evil demon, he ran into the “magician”

Boom, boom, boom After the battle with Taoist Chixia, Meng Qi has meticulously controlled his physical body and spirit. No matter how frightened, fearful, and frightened, he firmly bound these thoughts to the spiritual platform without affecting his heartbeat. It does not affect the speed of blood flow, it is exactly the same as when he first stepped into the tent. While recalling the gesture and language of the extremely evil demon when he met Han Guang, he cupped his hands and said, “Meet the suzerain.”

Han Guang didn’t turn his head, but still looked up, as if nothing in the world could compare to the vast starry sky above, and said indifferently: “I heard that the poisonous hand devil had an adventure in Bomi, and he has the top inheritance of Buddhism, so he became enlightened, and the Buddha and the devil are one.” , I have also served as the abbot of Shaolin, so I am very curious about it.”

There was a slight smile on his face, his strange charm faded away, his handsome face seemed to be compassionate and compassionate, exuding a serene and indifferent Zen, as if he had transformed into a great virtuous monk in an instant, judging by his looks, no one would believe him It’s a generation of demons

Han Guang is very interested in the integration of Buddha and demon. Is it not enough to combine the Heavenly Emperor’s skills? There are still problems that need to be made up by Buddhism. Although Han Guang never exudes aura to intimidate himself, Meng Qi’s spirit is also highly tense, and a similar thought flashes However, he didn’t dare to think about it, lest Han Guang find out that he was in an abnormal mood, so he said with a little panic, “Sovereign, the poisonous hand has escaped.”

“Hmm…” Han Guang turned his head slowly, his facial features were strangely handsome, and his gaze fell on Meng Qi, neither angry nor indifferent, as if he couldn’t see the lake at the bottom, and he didn’t show any emotion.

Meng Qi didn’t dare to let him look at him, “hastily” said: “This subordinate has a grudge against the murderer, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, but he was vigilant, and only escaped with a serious injury.”

Han Guang is not very old, so he can be regarded as young among the masters. Among the five masters of Mietianmen, only “Extremely Evil Heavenly Demon” was promoted after him and was truly cultivated by him. Han Guang will not be punished or suspected because the “extremely evil demon” acted without authorization.

After the “Evil Heavenly Demon” lost his mind, he planned to do it without considering Han Guang’s factors.

“Unfortunately, I still plan to discuss the Buddhist scriptures with him.” Han Guang sighed, looked away, and walked slowly outside the tent.

Just when Meng Qi wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, Han Guang suddenly stopped and said in a deep voice, “Extremely evil.”

“Sovereign” Meng Qi almost lost his composure in fright, but fortunately the extremely evil Heavenly Demon would react in the same way. In his heart, Han Guang had a lot of prestige.

“There will be important things for you in a few days. These days, reconcile your mind and don’t be affected by emotions.” Han Guang’s tone was not happy.

Demonic warriors practice quickly and pass the barriers easily, but at any time and anywhere, there is a danger of a loophole in the mind, loss of emotional control, or madness. Nearly 30% of leftist powerhouses did not die at the hands of the right way, nor did they kill each other. After getting out of the basket, the inner demons turned back, emotions rushed to the brain, and finally died.

“Yes, suzerain.” Meng Qi calmed down and sent Han Guang away respectfully.

The chic back disappeared into the sensor, and Meng Qi waited for a long time before he breathed out. Fortunately, Han Guang didn’t suspect this matter, otherwise he would have found the clue if he looked at himself intently. The feeling of stepping on the void

The status of the master is not bad. If the high-end power of one side pretends to be a leftist giant, even if he can’t enter the inner circle, he will face the Fagao people sooner or later. Meng Qi has long been prepared for this. Injecting his own spiritual blood, coupled with the breath of his banned primordial spirit, in a short period of time, as long as the Fa Gaoren has no real doubts, careful examination is enough to deceive the world once.

Unexpectedly, Han Guang came to the door directly, caught himself off guard, failed to use it, and almost showed his feet

Huh, Meng Qi recalled Han Guang’s words just now, and speculated about the so-called important things.

There is not much information about the internal response in the memory fragments of the extremely evil demon. They seem to be in charge of Han Guang and the “faceless demon”. What was exposed has been targeted.

“The matter of internal response has to be inquired slowly, and perhaps we can learn from important matters.Get a glimpse or two. “Meng Qi walked to the edge of the cloud bed, sat down cross-legged, held a strange seal with his right hand, placed it on his left knee, clenched his left hand and let go, let go and clenched, and the cycle continued.

Boom, boom, there was an invisible heartbeat in the void, and Meng Qi’s heart rose and fell with the “Yuan Xinyin”.

Gradually, he only felt that the world became dark, the tent “faded”, the body “faded”, and only the beating hearts remained distantly connected with himself.

Grandmasters and above could not sense that Meng Qi’s eyes were half-opened and half-closed, and his heart beat more and more strangely.

Boom, boom, boom, the hearts felt more and more clearly, and thoughts emerged from them, like water droplets converging into a tide, rushing towards Meng Qi’s heart.

“Lang Mu’s woman is really nice, curvaceous and beautiful, with that waist and chest”

“Damn it, what the hell, it’s a brother, I really want to stab him twice in the back”

“The people in Shura Temple are really difficult to serve, they are fierce and evil”

“Why hasn’t he come yet, is there an accident?”

“Damn old man, if you want to die, die quickly, don’t delay”

“Lu Dahe and Chonghe have also become Earth Immortals, but they are not like ordinary Earth Immortals.”

People’s hearts and ghosts, thoughts turned into sounds, like in Meng Qi’s heart, noisy and chaotic, if Meng Qi had not been suppressed by the Immortal Prime Minister and the golden giant Buddha, he might have been washed away from his own thoughts and become an idiot.

I don’t know how many people have the darkest thoughts in their hearts. This is the usage of “Yuan Xin Yin” similar to his Xintong, connecting his heart with “primary heart”.

The people of Shura Temple lived in the yellow tent, headed by “Asura King” Luo T

The Blood Clothes Sect also sent Venerable Wan Chong, who was near the green tent

Su Nv Dao Xuannv lineage has never been mixed, just promised to be neutral, Huanxi lineage came contemporary Huanxi Bodhisattva and Evil Desire Bodhisattva and others, directly lived in the golden tent

The Temple of Huanxi is hidden in the dark, and only the “Six Desires True Buddha”, the peak of the location, came forward to discuss it. He made a list of many strong women in the righteous way, and asked to deal with it first. The specific list is unknown

The longevity sect lives in the black tent near the golden tent, and many shaman gods appear

Burenlou didn’t get involved, but accepted the entrusted task

The Impermanence of Life and Death sect is mysterious and lived in the black tent of the Longevity Church

Luojiao came to the Vacuum Dharma King, Daluo Saintess, Fengdian God Envoy, Lantern God Envoy and others, and it feels like they are doing their best

As for Mietianmen, Meng Qi already knew from the extremely evil Heavenly Demon that the four Heavenly Demons had three masters and the “magician” Han Guang. The main thing is that several heavenly demons are doing it, and Han Guang’s whereabouts are a mystery, appearing from time to time.

Opening his eyes, his thoughts dissipated one after another. An unknown fire was burning violently in Meng Qi’s heart. The Temple of Huanxi is really hateful. Although I don’t know the specific list, I can think of it with my toes

Where is the breakthrough? Meng Qi restrained his emotions and began to meditate.

Shura Temple and the Blood Clothes Sect are both overlords of a domain. Even if they can reap great benefits from plundering the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Southern Jin Dynasty, what will they use to resist the “Earth Immortal” Guerdo and “Heavenly Immortal” Tianzhu after the decline of the righteous way? ax

At that time, the only choice is to bow down

In the past, because of Guldo’s tyranny, they were afraid that if they stayed out of the matter, the righteous way would be destroyed, so they had to bow their heads. Now that Mr. Lu Da and Taoist Chonghe have shown that they can join forces to rival Guldo, will they change their minds and try to maintain the current situation? balance of power in order to maintain one’s own aloof position

Thinking of this, Meng Qi got up suddenly, and walked to the yellow tent where the Shura Temple was located, using the excuse of worrying about their repentance as an excuse to find out.

At this moment, I represent the “magician” Han Guang


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